Mick Foley Vs The Miz?

The Future Rises

Thinking Of A New Name..
During a recent interview, Mick Foley talked about returning to the WWE in a tour in Dublin, Ireland. In the interview Foley said he probably has one more big match left in him and named The Miz as the person he'd like to wrestle against.

I find it interesting that Foley named The Miz as the person he'd like to wrestle. I seem to remember back in 2008 where Foley was doing commentary on Smackdown he absolutely hated The Miz and always would say that he can't stand him. Maybe Miz can start a feud with Foley over what was going on back then. I would definitely want to see a feud between Miz and Foley where Foley can put Miz over just like he did Orton back in 2004.

What do you think about a potential Miz/Foley feud? Would you like to see them face off? Do you see a Wrestlemania match between the two?
It could potentially be interesting. The match would have to be a hardcore type of match in order to really be able to get the most out of Foley at this stage of his life and career. It could potentially be entertaining but, truth be told, it's not really a feud that will be of huge benefit to either one of them. The Miz has already been WWE Champion and the longest reigning WWE Champion in about 3.5 years now. He holds wins over Randy Orton & John Cena so beating Foley in a match won't do all that much for Miz.

If WWE were to do such a program, I'd rather see Foley go up against someone that would get a real rub from working with him. I could see having a feud and coming out on top against a legend like Foley being a boon to guys like Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett. Ziggler & Rhodes are definitely a couple of rising stars that seem bound to be in the main event picture at some point. Barrett could have already been a long term main event player if WWE hadn't taken focus off of him.

At any rate, Foley & Miz could have a solid feud if done right. Like I said though, I don't think Miz would get all that much out of it at this point in time.
It could potentially be interesting. The match would have to be a hardcore type of match in order to really be able to get the most out of Foley at this stage of his life and career. It could potentially be entertaining but, truth be told, it's not really a feud that will be of huge benefit to either one of them. The Miz has already been WWE Champion and the longest reigning WWE Champion in about 3.5 years now. He holds wins over Randy Orton & John Cena so beating Foley in a match won't do all that much for Miz.

If WWE were to do such a program, I'd rather see Foley go up against someone that would get a real rub from working with him. I could see having a feud and coming out on top against a legend like Foley being a boon to guys like Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett. Ziggler & Rhodes are definitely a couple of rising stars that seem bound to be in the main event picture at some point. Barrett could have already been a long term main event player if WWE hadn't taken focus off of him.

At any rate, Foley & Miz could have a solid feud if done right. Like I said though, I don't think Miz would get all that much out of it at this point in time.

Although I do agree that someone like Ziggler, Rhodes, or Barrett would benefit more out of a Foley feud, I still think The Miz would have a lot to gain from it. Miz is very, very over. But he's not a full main eventer yet. After he lost the WWE title he started putting over A-Ry and teaming with R-Truth. If they're looking to really bring Miz back to the main event picture with a bang(no put intended) then Foley is the right man for the job. He can have a 2 - 3 month program with The Miz where he can put him over in more than one occasion. Not only that, but I think we can really see a different side of The Miz with a Foley feud. Back in 2004 before the Foley feud everyone thought Orton was just a young, cocky guy that's so full of himself. But we saw Orton go through hell and take Foley with him in their feud. I can really see the same happening with The Miz if this feud is done right.
What do you think about a potential Miz/Foley feud? Would you like to see them face off?
I do think that these two facing off has some potential, if there's anyone who could put Miz over in a big way it's Foley. I was wondering who Foley would be facing off against when he returned, and I do recall Foley saying he didn't care for Miz in the past but I assume his respect for Miz's work since is what has changed his opinion of him. Even though Miz has done alot being a former long reigning WWE Champion and holding wins over the like of Cena and Orton but he has lost a bit of steam since(I do love Awesome Truth though) and I think that a win over Foley would be excellent.

Do you see a Wrestlemania match between the two?
I do think that this is a splendid idea, however I don't know how it would work considering the whole angle that the Awesome Truth is working right now. It might be over by then but it is a big thing and it's highly possible that it could still be going on, or that they could work it in but either way I don't see who else Foley would face at Wrestlemania and a Hardcore match between Foley and Miz at mania would definitely sell.
If booked right, Foley/Miz has the makings to be a great feud especially since the both of them can really work the mic. However, I'm not so sure about them actually competing against each other. I've followed Foley through his TNA run and to be honest, he didn't really have any matches that really stuck out to me. If Foley and Miz were to compete against each other, it could have the potential to be a trainwreck in my opinion. A no disqualification stipulation should definitely be implemented in order to get the best out of Foley. As for it happening at Wrestlemania, well it's not a possibility I'll rule out. I don't really have an interest in seeing Miz headline the show in a world title match but he should be in a high profile match nonetheless and a match with Foley could be that high profile match. But I don't really see it happening unless Awesome Truth breaks up and I'm really enjoying them together right now. If Awesome Truth does end up splitting by Wrestlemania season, then I say go for it.
Not every feud has to be about getting one guy over or more over. Miz is at a point where he can leave and enter the main event whenever WWE needs him. He is a heel that is hated as much as anyone (maybe not as much as Vicki or Cole) that has accomplished huge things in the WWE and has no difficulty cheating or using vicious brutality to get what he wants.

Beating Foley is not much of an accomplishment in 2011. He is old, broken and has not looked good for years. A feud with Foley would not have much more purpose but for entertaining television. It might give Miz an opportunity to establish himself as more of a veteran or more sadistic/hardcore but really it would just be entertaining. When it is over Miz can go back to any part of the card that is appropriate at the time.

With all that said, I really would like to see this play out on Raw and at any PPV other than WM. With Rock already participating at WM that is enough Attitude Era taking a spot away from the current roster.
i think these two could definitely have a nice feud, culminating in a great hardcore match. while the miz has been put over, i think having a true hardcore match (as much as PG allows at least) would do wonders for him. we've seen him get brutal before, but in a match with foley, i think we could see that go to a whole new level.
I have been steadfast in my opinion about the Miz over the years. I think hes overrated and not to be taken seriously as a pro wrestler. However if he were to face off against Mick Foley in a successful hardcore type match, it would be the ONLY way i would ever take the Miz seriously as a main eventer. Mick Foley has propelled the likes of The Rock, HHH, Edge and Randy Orton to the next level with more than memorable matches. If he can pull out wun more good hardcore match with the Miz i feel like it would propel him in the same fashion. Another candidate for Foley i think would be Cody Rhodes. At this point, Cody just needs that wun major feud/match that takes him to the next level.
wouldve liked foley to shock the iwc and say he wants to fight someone who he thinks needs it more like tyler reks who should adopt a hardcore character to stand out or someone up and coming like dolph ziggler
Miz vs Foley could be great because of their different styles on the Mic and the personalities they portray. Foley is such an original authentic guy while the Miz is clearly hollywood and that gives them a lot of material.

I would love to see a build to a Mania match - with Foley returning at the Rumble. A great return could be 4 entrances into the rumble - now with so many spots added - a return as Cactus Jack, Dude Love, Mankind and Mick Foley could be a great little skit to pull. It would generate great pops at the event to keep the crowds hot throughout, and each time he can square off with Miz with Miz eliminating him and eventually he eliminates him as Mick Foley. This makes Miz look strong because think of how long Miz would be in the rumble, especially if Mick has to enter 4 times spaced out an Miz can launch a huge feud with Foley based off this culminating at Mania.

Make this a h-core match and let Miz take an absolute beating with huge spots. This would show Miz as a show stealer and Foley could put him over as the total package and not just a pretty face.
I think that a feud between Miz and Foley would be great. The promos alone would make it worth waching. Foley could make Miz look better, especially if they go the hardcore route it would give Miz some experience from a legend in that tyle of match. I want to see it happen for two reasons. The first is because it gives Miz a great opportunity. The second is that Foley would be in a high profile feud again and when is that ever a bad thing? Do it at Wrestlemania and have Miz go over.
I agree with Jack Hammer that if Foley were to feud with Miz than the aftermath wouldn't be Miz getting even more over. It's not really going to do the same as it did for someone like Edge however it would be interesting.

Like the Rock earlier this year Foley and Miz could have some great interaction with each other. Plus every time Mick returns to feud with a young heel it always turns out great. The similarities between Miz, Edge, and Randy Orton at the stage that Foley put them over should help the chances of this happening. If he were to face someone like Wade Barrett or Dolph Ziggler it just wouldn't be as interesting if he was in a rivalry with the Miz. I know the rub would be bigger but less people would care about since it is not on Raw. The hardcore matches that Miz and Mick would have could be brutal, and hard hitting as opposed to other options. Not all feuds have to be to put someone over, they should be just to entertain.
foley vs miz..... hmmm, such a match has lots of potential, in fact that would be a great feud. it depends on the wwe (if they can make a agreement with Mick Foley) and of course how Mick Foley's body is doing. if Mick Foley's body can do it then i would say sure, lets have a feud between them. would make for some great promos, a good hardcore match (as long as Foley can do it), and an overall great program.

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