Michael Cole bringing up Kings Mother

The thing is it just wasn't needed, Cole is already the second most hated person in the company and People have been dying to see King kick his obnoxious ass for months, they didn't need to go the cheap heat route.
What i dont understand about WWE and their PG rating is how things such as this are okay, and how CM Punk threatning to jump off a titantron comitting suicide a while back on RAW are okay

Yet blood, chair shots, cursing are not okay? I was outright disturbed when CM Punk was talking about jumping off that thing, and seeing WWE have Cole get heat by mentioning Kings dead mother is in piss poor taste. I truly believe the crowd was booing at the writers and not so much at Cole as he was just doing what he was told.

I simply do not understand where they are coming from

You can be edgy without doing things that are going to influence kids. I think that might be where WWE is going with it's current "quasi-PG" themes. I think Cena saying "blow me" and "polishing my balls" is less PG than this. Kids could potentially run around saying that now. Same with cursing, blood, and chair shots. You don't want kids mimicking those things as they will end up getting hurt (referring to blading and chair shots/crazy high spots).

But, with Cole bringing up Lawler's mother (obviously with Lawler's OK) it works because it is a sleazy thing to say. That is what a weasle like Cole would say to get under Lawler's skin. He asked a simple question..."Do you think you let your mother down?" Sure he asked it like the dick he is, but it wasn't really that bad...maybe just a little suprising.
Wrestling is a work, and you people need to distinguish between real life, and pro wrestling. I'm sure King was fine with it, and I wouldn't be surprised if he suggested it. It makes the angle that much more interesting, and personal. It really makes you hate Cole, and all that more vindicating whens Lawler gets his revenge.
I dont know what anyone thought about it , but even if King agreed to it, i found it highly offensive and i dont think it should have been brought up that way. Why even bother including that? What is everyones thought on this segment?

If you missed it, heres the link


If King agreed to it... which he obviously did...then why are YOU offended? It was a great way to bring heat into this angle. If they were going to have a match at Mania without any emotion...why have it in the first place? King is 20 years past his prime and Cole was never a wrestler...so without the major heat what's the point? It'll be just like McMahon/Hart was last year...so don't expect anything great. Although if their careers are on the line...I would love the WWE to throw us a major swerve and have JR come back and cost Cole his job. King and JR back in the announce position...would be sweet.
If King agreed to it... which he obviously did...then why are YOU offended? It was a great way to bring heat into this angle. If they were going to have a match at Mania without any emotion...why have it in the first place? King is 20 years past his prime and Cole was never a wrestler...so without the major heat what's the point? It'll be just like McMahon/Hart was last year...so don't expect anything great. Although if their careers are on the line...I would love the WWE to throw us a major swerve and have JR come back and cost Cole his job. King and JR back in the announce position...would be sweet.

Because it was unneeded. Cole has SO MUCH HEAT as it is. That wasnt heat, that was more of like " wow i cant believe he went that low ". His mom died a week ago, its not like its been a little while. It didnt need to be included. Cole has been hating on King , costing him matches , there was no need for anymore heat. You can tell the crowd was like wow. Twitter blew up at that point with people not liking it. I mean hey, Raven crucifying the sandman was meant to bring major heat also, but look what happened. Maybe im reading to much into it. Just didnt like it
Honestly, I LOL'd when he made the remark about King's mother having the best seat in the house. I thought it was hilarious. Cole's a heel, and heels aren't supposed to hold back anything. I thought it generated great heat, and showed how sleazy and low Michael Cole is willing to go. The remarks about King's mother make their feud seem even more personal.
Yeah Lawler approved this and was ok with it at and all that but I still don't think it was really necessary. WWE writers seem to have an issue with this as a few of you have already said. The Orton Guerrero thing was probably a bigger deal than this though, I still get a little pissed off seeing Vickie out there making an ass of herself every week, sure Vince is taking care of her financially with this but does she have to play such an annoying bitch role?
I see no problem with it. King and Cole must have agreed to it before he said it, it got Cole a massive amount of heat from the crowd that wasn't too hot until he said it, and honestly it's not like he said anything too bad. He said that King's mother was in Heaven watching from the best seat in the house (A good thing), and then said that he let her down. Is it really THAT offensive? It's not like he implied that she's rolling in her grave, or in Hell, or anything like that. If he had said something to that effect then yeah I would have had a problem.

As it is, it just made Cole look to be a scumbag and now everyone wants to see Lawler get his hands on Cole and shut him up once and for all. Cole and King obviously had the line run by them and it was made sure that both would be fine using it, so I don't see the problem with this one-time line. Now, if Lawler's mother is constantly brought up every week, then I'll have a problem with it since this should be about Cole and King and not about Lawler's dead mother, which was just a tragedy that happened at an unfortunate time.
Im glad you made this thread. I was doing something else while Monday Night RAW was on my TV, and when I heard Cole mention Kings mom, I just turned around in disbelief. I said to myself "That was so fucked up." Really, Cole? Really? How can the creative team let something like that go live? I mean did u notice the crowds reaction? It was like in Scary Movie 3 when George wins the rap battle and puts his hood on at the end. The crowd just dies out in a disgusted kind of way.

Cole went to far.
I think that comment by Cole was highly offensive.

On a serious note, I'm sure Kind agreed to it (and probably even suggested it), which makes me respect him even more.
I think that was a pretty low blow to have the deceased mother brought up. Granted, it seems a little too soon. However, that being said, I have a feeling King would not have let it get brought up if he wasn’t comfortable with it and would further the story even more. Plus they say emotions can be a great fuel for the fight. I know it does seem tacky, but sometimes that is what some people thrive off of. I do agree the throwback to Randy and Rey’s feud when he made the comment about Eddie soon after his death. I know if I was in the same boat as King I’d be a raving lunatic and ready to knock someone’s block off. But we know that this also is something that is worked into the storyline.

I’m sure this would have been run by King before being used for promo spot. This is to help build Cole as a mega-heel, and sure enough, the crowd booing is what the creative WANTED, they want people to get behind King and make sure he gets enough people to back him for WM 27, and to make sure Cole looks like the cowardly heel he’s really looking to be. I just hope that since sometimes the in-ring personas don’t affect him out of the ring, because sometimes there are fans that don’t seem to know where the ring personas end and the real person begin. I just hope that this works in favor for both of them and lets them both come away from this angle having gained some experience.
This was nothing more than quick cheap heat. They didn't need to go there, but they did. This leaves absolutely no reason for King to worry about losing his job now, he's going to whip MC's ass the first chance he gets.

I don't agree with it, don't get me wrong. They could've done cheap heat 100 different ways and still got the same reaction. This was simply lazy to be honest.
To go back a few pages in this. Randy's comment about Eddie I don't believe should really count as being offensive. It was just him being a Heel... Eddie Guerrero was WWE Family..he was everyones Brother and had he had a vote he'd probably would suggest to Randy to say that just because he knew it would draw major heat.

Besides if you need a sliding scale when it refers to Guerrero, Vickie's On Air Romances with Edge and Dolph should be far more offensive and disrespectful to Eddie's memory than anything one of the boys would have said about him in an angle.

With King and Cole there has been this Nebulous situation you have them co-existing while their animosity began growing, centering around the Miz and Cole's Bromance with him. There had to be something too get these two to get their conflict in the ring, and all the snyde remarks his assists for the Miz against King all was leading there but that comment about his mother was the tip of the iceberg. Don't know what we are expected to see when it comes to a match Perhaps Alex Riley will come down and second for Cole, but bottomline every conflict needs a resolution to move on (With exception apparently with the Returning Undertaker) and King vs Cole needs to be finalized.
Vince exploits anything and anyone he can for his advantage. Shame on him and shame on King for allowing his recently dead mother to be used in an angle. He is a dedicated company man looking out for his job so no doubt people like him are easy for vince to exploit. It crossed the line anyway you look at it.
I haven't read through 6 pages of posts on this so perhaps this has already been said. Obviously they wouldn't have done it without the king's ok, but it seemed completely unnecessary. Sure, cheap heel heat was generated but I don't think at this point cole needed an assist. It would not surprise me at all if including it was Vince's idea. He seems to think going too far is funny and it's no secret in the past he has pushed for unnecessary stories, jokes, and humiliation because he finds it amusing.
The WWE have not avoided bringing up personal issue's in the past I.E what orton said about eddie,

however i wouldn't see them doing it without the king saying o.k to do so , however i feel for the person who had to ask him if it's ok if cole can say it. its an akward posistion you do not want to be in. and although it worked and got cole even more heat. i think the first person who came up with the idea should be ashamed.
Thinking about this reminds me of Orton and Rey in 06, when Orton told Rey that Eddie was in hell. Its sad how sometimes WWE have to use realife incidents to get heat for the heel and intensify a feud: Edge vs Matt Hardy in 2005 for example. Jerry obviusly had to OK it with the creative team but I cant believe they thought is was alright to even ask Jerry.
I realize that it was used only for major heat purposes, BUT anybody with a human heart of compassion (clearly not a couple on here) would find it somewhat offensive.
Why are people that offended by it? Cole is trying to get over as a heel in this situation. The whole purpose of this storyline is that we WANT Jerry Lawler to kick the crap out of Michael Cole. Ofcourse, it's very unfortunate that Lawler lost his mom, but Cole bringing that up brings more cheap heel heat for him so that when the time comes for these 2 to face, we will want Lawler to come out on top. That's all it was for. People need to stop getting their panties in a wad.
I don't think Cole stepped over the line. He didn't actually disrespect King's mother. He disrespected Jerry by saying he was a disappointment to her or whatever his exact words were.

I was waiting for more at that moment, actually. It seemed like Cole was well on his way to stepping way over the line. I wouldn't say it was tasteful in any way shape or form. But I do not think it was overboard at all.

In a sense it is bringing some awareness to the lady, as she just passed away. That gives King an even more relevant excuse to beat Michael Cole's ass, and tribute the whole thing to his beloved mother.

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