Michael Cole bringing up Kings Mother

It is pretty offensive. I agree but then again, Orton telling Rey Mysterio that Eddie is in hell was also offensive. WWE does tend to take some things too far. This tonight with Cole was one of those things.
WWE went way to overboard with this. Did anyone notice how Cole stopped for like 4-5 seconds before making the comment about Kings mom, you could tell he didnt want to say it. The writers with overboard as they tend to do once or twice around Wrestlemania every year.
WWE went way to overboard with this. Did anyone notice how Cole stopped for like 4-5 seconds before making the comment about Kings mom, you could tell he didnt want to say it. The writers with overboard as they tend to do once or twice around Wrestlemania every year.

Yes i did actually. I actually wanted to post about that and forgot. You can even see the look on his face. He was hesitant to start it up
Lawler obviously agreed to it or else there is no way Cole would have even mentioned it. Lawlers old school so he has dealt with bringing personal issues into the ring. His whole "feud" with Kaufman in the 1980s seemed so personal between the 2, yet very few people knew the 2 were actually bringing their feud outside the ring.
You also notice the heat cole got from the fan's when he said it? that's all this was, an attempt to get the fan's to care about the rivalry. Now people really want the King to get his hand's on Cole....

It worked.
I thought it was really unnecessary. The more mature viewers are going to recognise that King will have given the writers his approval to say such personal stuff, but I imagine the more impressionable viewer will have been a bit shocked by it. I don't know who would have asked King his blessing for the idea, he/she must've been pretty brave or stupid though.
Obviously Lawler had to ok it beforehand otherwise they wouldn't have done it. Even though he would have said yes, the WWE writers should've never brought the idea up in the first place. I know the whole idea was for Michael Cole to get some serious heat but still that's taking it too far. I wasn't offended by Cole, but by WWE. WWE has made a habit for exploiting deaths I.E. Eddie Guerrero. The only reason they do it is just to make the heels get heat but still, it shouldn't be done at all. WWE writers really should know that exploiting deaths is wrong and nobody likes when they do it.
im a veteran of watching wwe but still, last week the weakest bone of my body expected cole to make a slight insult about it but prayed he wouldnt. doesnt matter what company your in, who gives you permission it just doesnt feel right. Lawler didnt deserve it. wrestlemania feud or not. wwe did not need this to get heat on cole. R.I.P. lawlers mother. anyone who passes away deserves respect and this is no different.
Sadly some of the best angles in wrestling have at least some element of real life.That has always been in wrestling and i dont ever see it leaving.Look at the angle in TNA with the Jarretts and Kurt Angle.In the past we had the whole Matt/Edge/Lita story line which stemmed from a real life situation and is probably what led to Lita leaving the business.Punk did it with Jeff Hardy and his drug issues.

Does that make any of it right for them to include real life issues with fictional story lines/entertainment? No it doesn't but as long as the fans buy into the personal story lines like the one involving Matt and Edge then i dont see them ending.
I do think it was wrong to take advantage of someone's death like that. However, it really did add to Cole's heat even more. And I'm sure they got the OK from King before the promo started, so it's not something that actually offends me. The only people that really have a right to be offended are the members of Jerry's family and their friends. No one else.
I think WWE would be foolish not to capitalize on it. Look at the MASSIVE heat that Cole got tonight. Even if it was go away heat, people fucking hate that guy right now. Gotta have that emotional investment. The show is scripted down to every last syllable. Lawler knows how to bring that realism. Look at the stuff he did with Andy Kaufman. The timing is almost too perfect. I wouldn't put it passed the WWE for the whole thing to be kayfabe.
You know what i have noticed about WWE and Vince they have dont care what they say about religion or death as a matter of fact I think Vince may be an atheist because if u will lets look back.

1999: Undertaker crucifies people on his symbol (yes i know it's not a cross) mocking the crucifixtion of Jesus. The Undertaker and his Ministry could have gotten heat without doing this.

2006: WWE expoits the death of Eddie Guerrero on numerous occasions.

2006: The whole Shawn Michaels & "GOD" vs The McMahons story. This made me sick to my stomach and I turned it whenever this segment came on tv.

2010: CM Punk as a savior and acting like Jesus.

2011: The Jerry Lawler's mother comment

I think Vince and the writers should keep religion and death out of storylines I mean you dont see them making racist comments.
I think WWE would be foolish not to capitalize on it. Look at the MASSIVE heat that Cole got tonight. Even if it was go away heat, people fucking hate that guy right now. Gotta have that emotional investment. The show is scripted down to every last syllable. Lawler knows how to bring that realism. Look at the stuff he did with Andy Kaufman. The timing is almost too perfect. I wouldn't put it passed the WWE for the whole thing to be kayfabe.

I'm sure it was kayfabe - the segment, not his mom dying. But as someone who also lost his Mother a little over a year ago, I find that really - more than offensive - uncomfortable. It made my stomach churn to hear Cole mention King's Mom. Not in a wrestling-promo-kind-of way either... That was totally unnecessary.

I could care less about using something like that to further a heel's heat. But c'mon, Cole?! Really?? First of all, he's an announcer, and his match with King will NOT be the main event for WM27. On top of that, Cole is probably the most successful heel in the WWE right now, along with Vickie Guerrero. There was absolutely no need to mention King's mother. None whatsoever. All it did was, no matter what anyone says, bother Lawler. If he's half a human being, it would've hit him. And for what? To further a storyline between two announcers. Get the f@ck out of here....

I've seen WWE do some stupid shit. I won't say this is the worst. It isn't. Not by a longshot. But still...
I agree that talking about Jerry's Mom in the segment at all is "not cool," but it wasn't done in a distasteful way. King's mother wasn't insulted, wasn't spoken about negatively, wasn't made fun of... She was just mentioned. Only to get Cole under King's skin.

It was of course meant to get the fans on Jerry's side, and to fuel the hatred for Cole's character. Job well done, I say.

Actually, after watching the clip again, I think it can be seen as somewhat complimentary. Cole said Jerry's deceased mother had the best seat in the house. Kinda like saying "King, your mother is proudly watching over you, even though you lost the match." Cole said "no disrespect" a few times, and I think he handled the mention of King's Mom very respectfully. The interview over all had disrespectful intentions, but the specific mention of King's mother was done as professionally as possible if it was going to be done.
I think the writers are either really amped up for Wrestlemania or they're just trying to hard to get ahead after the recent departures of other backstage people. I know I'd be wanting to get into Vince's good books.
But even in storyline, this was taken to far. Perhaps I'd feel different if it was a more reputable person than Michael Cole.
If King was OK with it then it's alright....it adds real emotion, it gets fans emotionally invested, WM27 needs a STRONG undercard because the world title matches are VERY QUESTIONABLE! They are building a strong show with The Rock, Undertaker vs HHH, Orton vs Punk, King vs Cole. Anything that gets fans emotionally involved makes things better....
Its does add a lot of emotion to this feud and the feud will be something that the fans actually care about. Before this, its mainly just Cole pissing Lawler off by supporting Miz and interfering in their TLC match back the fall of 2010. but now its personal, beyond personal.

However, overall it was still uncalled for. Cole have way enough heat and the WWE do not need to stoop so low in a storyline even if King Ok'ed it. The whole 'best seat in the house' thing was completely unnecessary. Though the segment worked, it was still disgusting and distasteful especially for PG programming.
I gt so sick of ppl who are overly sensitive and think anything small is too much or too major, they want to restrict every little thing

it doesnt matter what it is

And it's funny how first we are getting babied with too much kiddie stuff then when we finally are getting an Attitude Resurrection Era igniting, we have ppl who want to pop up early and start to complain in threads that Rock went out of PG, Cena responded with comments too inappropiate and now Lawler's mom shouldnt have been mentioned

Well, fuck that shit, WWE has pushed the envelope, should and will push the envelope, it makes for good TV. No one's death being used if offensive at all. Get over it, ppl die, it happens, so why not use it, just like everything WWE does, shit happens

they mirror society

nothing is truly offensive, and someone actually stated leave religion out of it? and death? and they dont make racist comments?

they have had racist segments, I enjoyed them, I'm black, I've said this before in a thread that was themed around going too far then when I post something ppl wanna bad rep me, but I dont care

I dont get offended over the word ******, I really dont give a damn what anyone says, I can find humor in anything, be entertained by anything and some of the greatest comedians of all time have said the same

George Carlin Rape Can Be Funny, google that

Ricky Gervais said in a recent show he'd never apologize for anything he says which is good and he explained why

if you only go "this far" it's not any fun at all, you want to push ppl's limits because thats what gets the better responses and it's kind of insulting not to push things as far as they can go

they did a good job using King's mother in Cole's promo and I expected it and wouldnt be surprised if King suggested it

Katie Vick was a beautiful storyline, HHH/Casket segment was hilarious, there is no such thing as distasteful when it comes to comedy/entertainment really

ppl are just too fucking stuck up and it's a major problem society has and it's gone on long enough

God's match was funny, they searched him!

Eddie is in Hell, it's heat, it doesnt mean it's true, and what do words do anyway especially when scripted? do they break your bones? awww

I absolutely enjoyed Eddie as a wrestler and I'm sure he wouldnt mind his name being used, I've even seen ppl comment that they are offended at how Vickie is being used and it's offensive and Eddie must be rolling in his grave, get real ppl. Vickie is one of the best heels today

I wish WWE would push it a little farther as I've said before we havent had a KKK stable yet and I'm fucking waiting for white sheets, we were so close with Kerwin White

I've got to admit though on some level you muthafuckas tickle the shit out of me because you get so worked up over things not worth getting worked up for
I think Vince would share that laugh with me

People jump all over what's "too far" and it's laughable to hear what too far is to them

and now we suddenly cant offend anyone's religion or bring death into storylines

not to mention religion is a joke to begin with, all of "them"

Here's to WWE pushing it in the future *toast*
He promised he would be a reporter and ask the hard hitting questions and he delivered. I don't think he went to far, King would of had to of ok'ed it. and it's not the worse thing the WWE has ever done, He did it to get cheap heat and it worked.
The only thing that really matters in this matter is if Lawler found it offensive. He said OK to going through with the promo and therefore I would imagine that he didn't find it offensive. End of story.
I think people need to look at the basics here. Wrestling is "make believe" and "scripted".
What Michael Cole said wasn't personal at all, it was his "character" reading from a script. I bet Jerry Lawler suggested the idea anyway, in order for Cole to gain more heat. WWE Writers would not be so incensitive as to suggest this while Jerrys mother was still warm.

This is the WWE folks, it's a circus and almost anything goes. Boss Man did it to Big Show about his Dad, Orton did it to Rey about Eddie...WWE needs shock value and it delievered, but as long as all parties are ok with this then who are we to judge.

I'm pretty sure Lawlers Mum was watching from up above laughing at the segment. She "gets it". Its just a shame some of the fans don't.

Jerry now fights for his Mums honor, wins and dedicates the match to her good name. Happy ending. I am so sorry to patronise but these are the facts.
You know what i have noticed about WWE and Vince they have dont care what they say about religion or death as a matter of fact I think Vince may be an atheist because if u will lets look back.

1999: Undertaker crucifies people on his symbol (yes i know it's not a cross) mocking the crucifixtion of Jesus. The Undertaker and his Ministry could have gotten heat without doing this.

2006: WWE expoits the death of Eddie Guerrero on numerous occasions.

2006: The whole Shawn Michaels & "GOD" vs The McMahons story. This made me sick to my stomach and I turned it whenever this segment came on tv.

2010: CM Punk as a savior and acting like Jesus.

2011: The Jerry Lawler's mother comment

I think Vince and the writers should keep religion and death out of storylines I mean you dont see them making racist comments.

I couldn't disagree more.

1999: Undertaker crucifies his enemies. In no way was this done mockingly or intending to mock religion. It was an effort to install belief that The Undertaker was a powerful being who required sacrifice, as many other gods have throughout fable and myth and is mentioned many times in history. It was also typical of a Satanic cult that they would do things like this and blood rituals. Do a Google search on Crucifiction. It has nothing to do with Christianity or any other religion. Just because the cross is the symbol of the faith does not make it the most important part.

2006: Exploits is a funny word. Remembered is much better and when I remember Eddie I remember the heel Eddie or the Face Eddie that still Lied, Cheated and Stole his way to victory. Ask any religious authority where a man on the kayfabe path of Eddie Guerrero was headed and the answer will always be hell. The man loved playing the heel so why should he be remembered as anything other than a heel? The fact that they even brought him up in a high profile feud a year after his death is a mark of respect and in the end, Randy Orton who said those words was beaten by Mysterio. Mysterio throughout used the memory of Eddie as divine inspiration to lead him to the World Title. Sure, they could have done it without it all but it actually made for a great story.

2006: Shawn Michaels Vs God. Yes, I agree it was an awful thing to behold but is it really that offensive? No, not when you consider that this is happening every day all across the world.
In the Middle East, wars break out simply because one country worships a different deity. In the western world. Jewish kids are bullied in schools because they dress differently and christian kids are labeled bible bashers. Religion is now becoming the butt of the joke. How dare anybody have faith anymore?
Vince, as he always does, plays the ultimate bad guy representing what most people are like when it comes to religion. A true man of faith will look at the evidence against religion like the dinosaurs and the theory of evolution and the constant questioning "Why is there a God? Against all of that, a true man of faith will simply ask "Why isn't there a God?" It's called faith for that very reason. Shawn Michaels played that role. He took the mocks and jeers and stood tall for what he believed in and for every kids that has ever been bullied for his beliefs, he was a hero.

2010: CM Punk acting like Jesus... except he wasn't acting like Jesus. He was acting like a Prophet. There is a difference. There are many Prophets. They teach the way of either the cause or the religion... often times they are the same thing. When cause is seperated from religion then it becomes a cult. CM Punk's cause was the Straight Edge lifestyle and the reason his gimmick works so well is because everything he says is right... he just says it obnoxiously. Don't do drugs. Don't drink. Don't have promiscuous sex. Everything we are taught is the right way when we are children. It is life without rebellion. It is a purer lifestyle. And it makes him better than you. Now you boo. Not because he's Jesus but because he's insulting you.

2011: Jerry The King Lawler's Mother. Sadly, she passed away and I would like to take this moment to wish her a peaceful eternal rest. Has it crossed anyone's mind that the comment was handed to Cole by Lawler himself. Jerry's mother died. He's aware of it. He's coming to terms with it and by all accounts I'm pretty sure it wasn't a huge shock for his family with her suffering from a long time illness and of an age of over 90 years old. People have lost parents in much more harrowing ways and Jerry would be the first to admit that I'm sure. Lawler is an old school guy and of the belief that you shouldn't fake it when you can make it real. Something that makes the best feuds better. Cena/Rock is heading down that road. Nobody came up to The King and said, "Can we insult your dead mother, Jerry?" Jerry, in all likelihood, suggested it himself. Sure, it's cheap heat but it felt real. If King has resisted all of Cole's taunts so far along the way why would he snap to one of them now? (Kayfabe) He's heard it all before but until now it's been about him professionally. (Kayfabe) This was unforgivable and down right low. (Kayfabe) It shows perfectly the kind of man Cole has become (kayfabe)

I took nothing from the comment made by Cole other than renewed interest in something I haven't been interested in seeing. I like Cole's character but I'm not really keen to see him in a match. It made it seem personal. That comment will become a big part of that bit of Wrestlemania. It makes the thing bigger and better. People die. That isn't an insensitive observation to make. Cole didn't say anything truly hurtful. He didn't express his glee at her passing. He simply used King's emotion that he has let his mother down against him. You'd see that in any film or TV show. No different here.

When my Mother dies. I will remember everything about her. Her emotions especially. She's a tough woman. She wouldn't get worked up over small things. She certainly won't get worked up over facts. If I bring up my Grandmother who died a few years ago, she may cry a little as she remembers her and misses her but she will make sure that I've not ruined her day by mentioning her. I'm pretty sure my Gran hasn't been hurt by my acknowledgement of her death here either... I'm pretty sure that if she is looking down on us, she's well aware that she's dead.

When I die, I hope to God that my sense of humour doesn't go. Or my sense of rationality.
the worst part about it is the feud it's being used in. no offence to jerry, but it's hardly the biggest feud at the moment. i can't imagine anyone saying "i've got a ticket to wrestlemania, i can't wait to see michael cole"
whilst the orton/mysterio feud was more important the comment was far worse.
but the fans will go crazy when jerry gets his hands on cole anyway, so this cheap heat wasn't necessary

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