MexAmerican Championship Title

King Patrick Star

K. O. T. R. 2007 -€“ Team Undisputed
Alberto Del Rio just won the United States Championship Title Belt at Hell In A Cell from John Cena. Tonight (Tuesday) he rechristens the Old Glory Belt, the MexAmerican Championship Title.

15 years ago, Lance Storm renamed the WCW United States Championship Title Belt to the Canadian Championship, the WCW Hardcore Championship Title Belt, the Saskatchewan Hardcore International Title, and the WCW Cruiserweight Championship Title Belt, the 100 Kilos and Under Championship. At the time I didn't mind it. I found it interesting actually and was hoping he won capture the WCW World Championship Title as well.

Now, I'm willing to let this play out and see where this is headed. I hope they extend this partnership between Zeb Colter and Alberto Del Rio into an International Stable, a "World Elite" if you will. This seems like a good first step towards the right direction. Just think about all of the International Stars on the roster right now.

What do you think!?
Like the idea of changing it to the MexAmerican championship, makes great business sense if they want to crack the Mexican market too. You have to think that Vince has seen the success of Lucha Underground and is kicking himself that he didn't come up with that idea, particularly given that the show was the first wrestling orientated show to be nominated for an Emmy (the kind of respect he craves and has been denied for so long).

Changing it from the US title to something more American themed opens up avenues through Canada and Central & Southern America too. If I were Vince I'd be thinking about running near permanent house shows throughout Mexico, Argentina, Brazil etc. with a roster headed up by the MexAmerican champ, local Lucha stars and a smattering of rotating main roster WWE guys like Cesaro, Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho, Lucha Dragons etc. Bring in the big guns of John Cena, Daniel Bryan (if fit) and Randy Orton for monster house shows and run them live on the Network.
I am totally in for this MexAmerica Championship Title..... And who better for this role than Alberto Del Rio.....
So they should change the design of the belt to the same as the flag Zeb Colter brings with him....
As US Champion; Coverage was only US
As MexAmerica Champion; Coverage is increased a lot with Latin America...
I hope they extend this partnership between Zeb Colter and Alberto Del Rio into an International Stable, a "World Elite" if you will.

I like the idea. With John Cena's US title reign, some luster has been brought back to a belt that previously had little prestige. Now, the stage is set for Alberto Del Rio and Zeb Colter to change the name of the title......while maintaining its newly-found status. It's a storyline worth pursuing.

Since Zeb's appearance with ADR signifies his apparent belief that non-Americans are now OK(!), why not continue his initially rocky relationship with Del Rio and eventually expand it to include other wrestlers, both American and not. Del Rio would be the star of the group and at first would lead a band of contented people.....which of course wouldn't last because with Zeb and ADR leading, this kingdom would never be one of peace.

These two guys are together for some reason; hopefully, the writers will make good use of it.
First they change the United States Championship Title to the MexAmerican Championship Title, representing the United States and Mexico. Next I’d like to see them change it to the North American Championship Title, representing the United States, Mexico and Canada. Then I’d like to see them change it to the American Championship Title, representing North and South America. Finally I’d like to see them unify it with the Intercontinental Championship Title.

I love the idea of MexAmerica adding other Stars, but first I’d like to see them add a Canadian, just to cover North America first. I nominate the greatest Canadian Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainer, soon to be Hall Of Famer, the Living Legend, the first Undisputed WWE WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho!!
So you think the WWE should rehash a stable that was done in TNA about 7-8 years ago with the Global Elite? Not good. For 1. it would be seen as a complete rip off. For 2. I don't know how the members would draw or push more merch as a faction than what they already do now.
The intercontinental championship was originally meant to represent North and South America and served as the second tier championship belt in WWF whereas the US title was originally introduced in Mid Atlantic as the top singles title although there were several US championships in various NWA territories so they could each have a champion, due to there being only one recognised NWA World Champion who obviously couldn't work everywhere at once. It became a secondary belt after Jim Crockett acquired the World Heavyweight Championship and continued to be so when NWA became WCW.

That logic has long since passed due to the belts changing brands for several years and being made irrelevant at times but in the historical sense the IC title really is the title that is supposed to represent Latin America in WWE as well. I would find it strange to change the US title to a Mexican Championship but wouldn't be surprised if WWE want to push a top Mexican star in Del Rio.

I'm not from the US so whilst I'm aware of the Latin american audience for WWE and pro wrestling in general, I didn't realise how important it was for them to have an actual Mexican star in their company or how big of a demographic the audience was as I assumed most Mexican fans would generally watch AAA or CMLL
I'm all on board for Alberto Del Rio's return, but this MexAmerica storyline is just lazy and dumb. Seriously, they just went for the "shock value" and shat all over logic and reason. I mean, why would Zeb and Alberto be aligned? To create a new country? That's fucking dumb, even for WWE's standards. I can't even see a reason for why mexicans would be drawn into watching it play out.

Would it really be that hard to just let Alberto return, and be recruited for a few weeks by Zeb Colter? Just plant some seeds before you do crap like that. Or hell, what is the problem of Alberto just being the Mexican Champion? "MexAmerica", seriously. A wrestler and a manager creating a new "country". So fucking dumb.

Granted, it's only been a week since he returned and I can still eat my words, but seriously... What wrestler will get to feud with Alberto, because the man wants to unite Mexico and the US, without sounding like a complete jackass (or Donald Trump)? Just get away from this while you still can.
So you think the WWE should rehash a stable that was done in TNA about 7-8 years ago with the Global Elite? Not good. For 1. it would be seen as a complete rip off. For 2. I don't know how the members would draw or push more merch as a faction than what they already do now.

I don't think most WWE fans would even make the link to the "Global Elite" in TNA, it wasn't exactly a booming success!

I think that type of stable would be something a little different that we haven't seen in WWE for a while (if ever, has there been one like that before?), plus the temporary renaming of the US Title to the MexAmerican Championship would be fine with me too.

Look, they've brought Del Rio back on this supposed mega bucks deal as they are desperate for a top level Mexican superstar, so what better way to get Del Rio even more publicity south of the border than by giving him the US title and then renaming it to the MexAmerican Championship will create a bit of interest with the intended target audience.

Go ahead with it WWE.
Alberto Del Rio just won the United States Championship Title Belt at Hell In A Cell from John Cena. Tonight (Tuesday) he rechristens the Old Glory Belt, the MexAmerican Championship Title.

15 years ago, Lance Storm renamed the WCW United States Championship Title Belt to the Canadian Championship, the WCW Hardcore Championship Title Belt, the Saskatchewan Hardcore International Title, and the WCW Cruiserweight Championship Title Belt, the 100 Kilos and Under Championship. At the time I didn't mind it. I found it interesting actually and was hoping he won capture the WCW World Championship Title as well.

Now, I'm willing to let this play out and see where this is headed. I hope they extend this partnership between Zeb Colter and Alberto Del Rio into an International Stable, a "World Elite" if you will. This seems like a good first step towards the right direction. Just think about all of the International Stars on the roster right now.

What do you think!?

I like the idea of the title being renamed. I just don't think Del Rio needs a stable.
Was anyone else expecting a new Championship Title Belt when it was renamed the Mex-American Championship Title!?
I wouldn't mind seeing Del Rio do something different with the US Title. Renaming him would give him some nice heat.

I would have no issue if he took Rusev and someone like Adam Rose under his wing. Sheamus and Barrett make a decent tag team so keep them away. Cesaro is doing well as a face.

Also, I am not sure if 'MexAmerica' was done deliberately (it is a terrible name) but surely 'Amexica' rolls of the tongue and sounds better.
Why not just have it as a stable of Mexicans and some Americans who are sympathetic to their cause? They could even play off of liberals by having them talk up how they are the ideal group for society, free from cultural differences and racial prejudices, whilst they jump and beat up everyone who doesn't agree with them.

You could have Del Rio, Lucha Dragons, Eva Marie, Zeb Coulter, Jack Swagger, Fandango (repackaged) and maybe an NXT call up like Baron Corbin as the muscle.

Genuinely think it would work, although to really push it over the top I'd have a special ring announcer in......South Park's PC Principal! Nah not really, but imagine how cool it would be if he appeared on the Titantron to announce the group each week :)
This angle has the potential to be great, but chances are it won't be.

They still haven't explained why Colter would align himself with Del Rio, a mexican. Their partnership completely goes against Colter's former character.

Also, the "I'm a foreigner and hate America" gimmick has never worked for anyone except maybe Rusev, but what has he done since he lost to Cena?

Another problem is that Del Rio can get fairly boring after a while.

Besides, what has WWE done with Del Rio since he returned and beat Cena for the US Title - book him to squash R-Truth on consecutive shows. Don't get me wrong - beating Cena for the US Title clean in your first night back is HUGE, but it's concerning that WWE followed that up with two squash matches.

Clearly, I'm not very optimistic about this angle. It has potential to be great but probably won't be.
All I know is we went from weekly Cena matches vs. a mystery opponent which were often one of the best parts of RAW...

to Del Rio vs. R-Truth last week and apparently an upcoming feud with Jack Swagger... talk about a massive decline in entertainment value... from a must-watch match each week to fast forward action instantly...

horrific writing/planning
Not bad, but it could be better. Someone do a better job please!!

I don't think it's a good idea for them to get a whole different belt, because from the looks of things, Del Rio probably won't be holding the title for very much longer. John Cena's return is right around the corner, and after winning against Kalisto just so he can do the job to Reigns on Sunday, things are just gonna get rough for him, and things can only get worse from there. I'm pretty sure that Cena's return will be at TLC and that he will win the title back that night, and I wouldn't be surprised if they then throw Del Rio in the ring with Brock Lesnar at one of the upcoming house shows he's scheduled to work
I'm fine with the idea, but feel that it's been executed rather poorly. For one, most of Zeb's and ADR's promos haven't been that...heel-ish? Hate doesn't belong in Mexicamerica? Why am I supposed to boo that? Furthermore, the character change in Zeb seems way too abrupt. It just doesn't make a lot of sense.

I'm also wary of ADR as champion, simply because they're trying to use the belt to get him over. His booking since returning has been solid, but I wonder if WWE has any real plans with this angle.

Nevertheless, I'm willing to see how it plays out.

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