This is a woeful choice on a number of levels, firstly Nexus being involved in burying Taker was barely mentioned, the focus remained on Kane.
Secondly Barrett is not a big star and is zero threat to the streak, basically making the match of little to no interest.
Thirdly even taking the other two factors out, the likelihood of it being a good match is slim, Barrett hasn't really looked like much of a worker and is still learning, and Taker is broken down and can't carry a virtual rookie to anything resembling a great match.
I hope this rumour is just that and maybe leaked by WWE to distract from the actual plans they have. The steak is one of the few attractions Vince has going into this Mania with the intention of getting a million buys, if he uses Barret as the opponent he can forget about that buyrate.
As usual, I agree with u.
And u know what makes me hate this match more, mate? The fact that some people believe Undertaker should job his streak to Barrett so it can establish Barret, simply because he is a young star and will be with WWE for too long. Wow, those people are psychics. It's almost like they can see to the future and be sure Wade won't die young in an accident or he won't leave the company after being handed this world on a silver plate like Ultimate Warrior and Brock Lesnar!!!
Good God almighty, Barrett hasn't even put a decent match yet! Whoever believes he can actually pull a legendary match with The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 27?! That's just weird and disturbing! This is almost as worse as the rumor of Undertaker vs Kozlov at Wrestlemania 25 in Undefeated vs Undefeated!!
Oh, while we're at it, why don't u give me some thoughts? Let's entertain ourselves with a good discussion, just like the one in the last thread (^^).
Do u think Wade vs Taker can make it to Undertaker's top 10 Wrestlemania match?
I don't think Taker vs Wade has what it takes to enter Undertaker's top 10 Wrestlemania match. This here below is my own personal list of Top 10 Undertaker's Wrestlemania match. I'll also give my POV, of course.
Usually, most people agree with my list (although some don't, but it's rare). Either way let's use this as the model and here goes:
1. Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania XXV)
2. Undertaker vs Edge (Wrestlemania XXIV)
3. Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania XXVI)
4. Undertaker vs Batista (Wrestlemania 23)
5. Undertaker vs Triple H (Wrestlemania X-7)
6. Undertaker vs Kane (Wrestlemania XIV)
7. Undertaker vs Diesel (Wrestlemania 12)
8. Undertaker vs Ric Flair (Wrestlemania X-8)
9. Undertaker vs Randy Orton (Wrestlemania 21)
10. Undertaker vs Sycho Sid (Wrestlemania 13)
What do u think? Where will it rank and why?
For a start, I think we can agree there's no way in effing hell Taker vs Wade would even begin to touch the top 5, seeing how Taker won't be totally fit for the match and Wade has zero ability to carry someone to a legendary match. And yes, I'm saying Taker's match with Wade won't be as good as his match with Batista. Because before Batista had a WM match with Taker he had a series of great matches with legit main eventers in the form of HHH, JBL, great tag matches with Rey against Kane and Big Show, and Booker T. And he was damn over the crowd, and he wasn't as talentless as IWC"s made him up to be. He was at his PEAK of his main event run and he was more experienced (no matter how much IWC would hate this fact) than Barrett, seeing how Wade basically stuck with dull matches against either Orton or Cena. So no, I believe Taker vs Wade won't even lick the top 5.
On to bottom 5, a legendary match with Kane at WM 14. This has one of the, if not, finest storyline and most memorable build up of all time. Combine that with Kane's and Taker's astronomical chemistry at their first outings, and there u go. Not taking anything away from Wade, but I don't think he can top this one either.
The next is two overlooked gems with Diesel and Ric Flair. His match with Diesel is one of the finest example how The Undertaker carried someone with so-so wrestling talent to an underrated classic. Watch the match if u don't believe me. Too bad he couldn't have done the same with Giant Gonzales, King Kong Bundy, Big Boss Man, A-Train, and Mark Henry. But maybe that's also due the fact Nash was over as Diesel after a year long world title reign and no one could deny at the time he faced Taker, he was perhaps the finest monster heel in WWE.
And Taker had a wild under-appreciated brawl with Flair...a bloody one, too. Add the fact that Flair could actually move and wrestle around 2002, and he was over with the fans, and he had this legendary in-ring psychology Wade definitely lacks, not to mention his ability to sell any kind of move. So basically, the match was of guaranteed quality.
Sorry, but me thinks Taker vs Wade won't touch any of these two either.
That leaves us with Randy Orton and Sid. Taker's match with Sid was kinda his match with Diesel, but to a very lesser extent. And his match with Orton is on the list not only because it was Orton's best Wrestlemania match to date, but also the match which rocketed the credibility of The Streak to the seventh lovely heaven. Regardless, I can tell Taker vs Wade won't touch any of the top 8, but has the possibility to either best Taker vs Orton or Taker vs Sid. Dunno which, tho. Of course the match can also be worse than either of those two. But anyone here can't deny the fact that Sid was over on the crowd and he was decent enough to be somewhat deserving to go up against Undertaker. No offense to Barrett, but the inexperience level would not really put his match ahead of Sid vs. Taker.
I think there's no doubt since Taker vs Wade is penciled we're going to see Undertaker's worst Wrestlemania match ever since his encounter with Mark Henry at Wrestlemania 22. And yes, Vince can forget about the buyrate & sold out crowd.