*MERGED* Undertaker's POTENTIAL Wrestlemania Opponents Thread

Wow, I was kinda surprised u rank his second match with Shawn Michaels above his first and his match with Orton above his match with Masked Kane & Diesel. While ranking his 2 matches with Shawn Michaels may very well be a never ending debate (just like ranking the three Austin vs Rock matches), I'd love to hear more about your decision Orton. For me personally, his match with Orton is more known as its impact (bringing The Streak as a focal point) than his quality. Can't wait to hear your response on this matter, mate.

Well in my view Taker guided Nash to a decent match, but to me Taker at that point was just starting to really expand as a worker, he would become truly great when he feuded with Mankind as he was allowed to really open up from the stalking around the ring stuff. I've personally never rated Kane in any of his forms, the angle was a hot one that got kinda silly and the match was solid and got Kane over in defeat, but I preferred their rematch at Backlash personally.

Orton had built his legend killer gimmick well, his mission to end the streak fit perfectly with it and I think they had great chemistry in the ring, the salty veteran vs the magnificent young 3rd generation athlete with the deadly finisher he could hit out of nowhere, I just feel they gelled together better.
Yeah, it's hard to decide for me as well whether to put Jake or Sid for number 10. In the end, I believe his match with Sid is kind of underrated. Mostly because of Sid's bad rep and the very very lack of build up thanks to stupid writing. Regardless of what people believed, Sid was a four time world champion and the most dominant monster heel in the company ever since Diesel. And hell was he over as a monster heel with the crowds! A match against Undertaker at that time was coming, IMO.

And the match was far better than most of Taker's matches with big guys like Gonzales, Bundy, Henry, A-Train, Khali, Boss Man, Kozlov, Mabel, or Heidenrich. While of course it's not the best Wrestlemania main event in history, we've seen far worse main event than that like Hogan vs Sid himself at WM 8, Hogan vs Yokozuna at WM 9, Taylor vs Bigelow at WM 11, the crappy Battle Royal at WM 16, or Triple H vs Randy Orton at WM 25.

Not quite the main event that fans had been clamoring for, it was more representative of an end of an era, probably the final WWF main event that featured the old formula of Monster vs. Monster. Viewing this match kind of (barely) makes one nostalgic, remembering the old days of Hogan-Andre, Hogan-Bundy, Hogan-any big, bad, scary monster. Could have been much worse, but at least the heat from the turn of events in the Bret-Austin battle carried over, somewhat, into this match. But in fairness, almost nothing could have succesfully followed the act that was the Hart-Austin match.

Truly, this is a rare occasion where u see lots back and forth action from start to finish, filled with two big men flying all over the ring. While it's true the match can't be considered a Wrestlemania classic between two big guys like Taker's match with Diesel, Masked Kane, and Batista, it was an entertaining big man match, better than what we have nowadays. And Taker did a good job giving perhaps Sid's only great Wrestlemania match.

Back to the topic, to be fair, I don't think Wade can top this one either. Sid had something Wade doesn't: experience.

I chose the Sid match over the Jake match because I hated the way they destroyed the DDT in that match.

I think when comparing Barrett and Sid it's a case of stature. Sid was the biggest monster heel draw of the 90 despite Vader being much better, but that's another discussiuon. So in the end Taker/Sid had a sense of spectacle that Taker/Barrett simply wouldn't have.
Back to the biz, one classic can still be better than the other. If Taker vs Wade can be as good as Taker vs Diesel or Taker vs Flair, I'll settle with it and I'll admit that I've been wrong all this time. That's enough classic for me. But seeing how I arrange my list, it does have to be better than Taker vs Orton and Taker vs Sid to be a classic. After all, I personally admit only the top 8 matches of Taker can be considered a classic in Taker's case.

That's pretty much all I'm saying. I would love to see something as good as Taker vs. HBK every year but I know better than that. Those kind of matches don't happen all the time. That's why they stand out. If Barrett can give us something as good as Taker vs. Diesel I think that would be acceptable.

You're right, And I apologize for it. I should have waited for the actual match to take place before I either praise it to the sky or bash it till the end of days. I'm sorry for sounding like a jerk. Thank you for reminding me :)

Well, since I already blabbed here and there, I'll make this short.

My personal wish from this match is to find out that adding Wade Barrett to The Streak over Chris Jericho and John Cena is worth it.

I wouldn't say you've sounded like a jerk. You're just stating your opinion. You could be right. Barrett vs. Taker could turn out to be a total flop. I just think Barrett deserves the opportunity. What he does with the opportunity is up to him.

Because by now, I think we can all agree that adding Giant Gonzales, King Kong Bundy, Big Boss Man, A-Train, and Mark Henry over Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, The Rock, Stone Cold, Mankind, Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Benoit wasn't worth it. And what a shame it is if another two legends aren't added for the sake of someone who doesn't deserve it.

Of course, to find out whether Wade is worth it or not I'd probably have to check again in 10 years. It's not like he's a multi-time world champion with legendary status ATM.

One thing I have to add to this. There was nothing wrong with Taker being matched up against Gonzalez and Bundy. Think of where Taker was at that point in his career compared to how those guys were being used compared to the rest of the roster. Those were acceptable matches. Looking back they don't look so good but hindsight is 20/20. At the time those were the matches to go with. I won't make the same argument for manias 15, 19, and 22. Those were poor choices at the time.

If anything I said offended u in any way, I'm truly sorry

No need to apologize. We are just having a converstation. I have not been offended in any way.
That's pretty much all I'm saying. I would love to see something as good as Taker vs. HBK every year but I know better than that. Those kind of matches don't happen all the time. That's why they stand out. If Barrett can give us something as good as Taker vs. Diesel I think that would be acceptable.

Agreed, the only problem I have with Undertaker vs Diesel was it was soooo overlooked it wasn't even funny. IMO, that match was 100% Wrestlemania classic.

If Taker vs Wade can make it to be as good as Taker vs Diesel, I hope no one underrates it this time.

I wouldn't say you've sounded like a jerk. You're just stating your opinion. You could be right. Barrett vs. Taker could turn out to be a total flop. I just think Barrett deserves the opportunity. What he does with the opportunity is up to him.

Well, this may very well be The Undertaker's last Wrestlemania. I'd never stop bashing Wade if he doesn't make a good use of the push he got from my all time favorite wrestler's last Wrestlemania match. After all, he is chosen instead of John Cena or Chris Jericho.

I will stop watching wrestling altogether, but I'm going to check whether Wade use his The Streak's push to be a legend in the company like Masked Kane and Randy Orton did or whether he lost his balls and chickened out like a loser, pretty much like Giant Gonzales, King Kong Bundy, Big Boss Man, A-Train, and Mark Henry did. Let's hope he doesn't become the latter.

One thing I have to add to this. There was nothing wrong with Taker being matched up against Gonzalez and Bundy. Think of where Taker was at that point in his career compared to how those guys were being used compared to the rest of the roster. Those were acceptable matches. Looking back they don't look so good but hindsight is 20/20. At the time those were the matches to go with. I won't make the same argument for manias 15, 19, and 22. Those were poor choices at the time.

I beg to differ with your opinion about Gonzales and Bundy. His match was Giant Gonzales, as u knew it, is generally regarded as The Undertaker's worst match in his long and illustrious career. And to think there were better choices like Hulk Hogan or Mr. Perfect at that time. Not to mention Gonzales chickened out and went out from the company before the year even ended.

Same old story with Bundy. King Kong Bundy was in the WWF in the mid 90s simply because Vince McMahon at that time was having financial trouble with his company, and he was desperately attempting to keep some of the attention from the 80s that WWF had gotten. King Kong Bundy was a main character in the 80s, and Vince had him around...but it was obvious Bundy wasn't going to do a thing in WWF in the 90s. It was obvious Vince McMahon just wanted Taker to have a match at Wrestlemania 11, so he threw in another monster at him hoping the fans would buy into the fact that Undertaker would have some trouble against Bundy..but the fans weren't buying it, it was obvious Taker was going to win that match.

Vince should have stopped the feud with The Million Dollar Co at Survivor Series 1994 after Taker defeated Yokozuna. Imagine if he booked Taker vs Bret for WM 11 instead of Taker vs an aging mid-carder and Bret vs Backlund for the billionth time.

At that time, Taker was fairly young but instead of pushing him by booking him to win against top tiers, Vince used him to push talentless giants into oblivion.

But I agree with you for WM 15, 19, and 22. Sometimes, I really wonder what was Vince thinking.

No need to apologize. We are just having a converstation. I have not been offended in any way.

Thank you for your understanding. This has been a good conversation. Let's do it again some other time:lol:.
A quick question or two..

How exactly is Cena vs Taker a "money match?" If non-wrestling fans do buy Wrestlemania, it is more than likely because of name value (Wrestlemania, NOT wrestler x) and/or celebrity stuff. Are wrestling fans really going to buy WM just because its the two biggest names facing each other? Name value doesn't mean anything if the booking isn't worth a damn. Heck, last year Fatal Four Way and Night of Champions drew some very low numbers and they were main evented by matches with lot of big stars in the match.

As for Wade Barrett vs The Undertaker, the match itself makes an incredible amount of sense. Historically, Taker's WM match has always been about guys who try to prove themselves because of something they did (losing the title and is now in limbo seems to be a big scenaro) by acting like they are not scared of him. Some of said guys seemed to have always had a very, very good year the year before. Wade didn't win the title in 2010, but I'd be damn if he didn't have the best year a rookie could have since since Brock Lesnar.

On paper, the two guys look like they go together like chocolate and peanut butter. Taker's whole thing in big time feuds is about playing mind-games and having a "No one fucks with him because he is The Under-Fucking-Taker" aura. In the ring, he just throws huge punches, chucks you around, and stares at people like the old man he is. Wade's whole thing as a heel is that he is psychologically forceful, but can get very physical if the situation calls for it. He is also a guy trying to make a statement. (Come on, Wade. Attacking the Big Show? REALLY?!) In the ring, he just throws huge punches, chucks people around, and makes funny faces as gets his ass kicked. Lots and lots of funny faces.

If the match happens, I expect plenty of 'Damn.' punches thrown. haha
So i Was just watch a video that was posted up by Chair Shot Reality and they were debating about who should end the streak. Well it got me thinking Wade Barrett what is he to me nothing but a guy that has pummled John Cena down for more than half a year. He hasnt done anything to prove he deserves to stand toe to toe in the ring at the grandest stage of em all with the Deadman. For Barrett to end the Streak would be a disgrace/Spit to the face of all of the undertakers former opponents from Diesel to Kane to HHH to Batista to Orton the list goes on. But what makes Barrett so special from all the other guys that had done something before they even got to facing the Undertaker. Is WWE just trying to build Barrett up, do they want to shock people, I dont know all i know is it would piss lots of people (Not Me though I'm fine with any of WWE's decision except the boring PG). All I'm saying is dont put Barrett up against Taker as Wrestlemania wont bring in lots of viewers because im sure not that much people even know who Barrett is for example even HBK said in an interview he didnt even know what was going on and who the new young guys were in WWE today. So even though its not official and might not even happen Im going to take a page out of Josh Isenberg's page who is a co-host of Chair Shot Reality. Ok... Here we go. PLEASE VINCE PLEASE! Please dont put Wade Barrett in the ring against one the greatest superstars you have ever created . I mean you had this great character face the best of the best and it would be pointless to have him lose the streak to an up and coming NOOOOOObodYYYYYY. Do the right thing Vince, for your long time and loyal fans, for your new up an coming fans and for WRESTLEMANIA make Undertaker face someone who by fans is believed he can end the streak. MAybe John Cena or give HHH a second chance. Undertaker vs HHH or John Cena would be a sell out and would bring in so much cash for ur product, and would have media buzzing like crazy. For me personally though i do not want to see HHH vs Sheamus or even another John Cena run at Wrestlemania for the WWE title. SO PLEASE VINCE DO THE RIGHT THING, Your a Smart man and you can make the best out of the Best.
A quick question or two..

How exactly is Cena vs Taker a "money match?" If non-wrestling fans do buy Wrestlemania, it is more than likely because of name value (Wrestlemania, NOT wrestler x) and/or celebrity stuff. Are wrestling fans really going to buy WM just because its the two biggest names facing each other? Name value doesn't mean anything if the booking isn't worth a damn. Heck, last year Fatal Four Way and Night of Champions drew some very low numbers and they were main evented by matches with lot of big stars in the match.

You don't think Cena vs. Taker is a money match? It may not be to non fans. Lawrence Taylor and Donald Trump bring those people in. I absolutely think more wrestling fans would buy mania is Cena vs. Taker was on the card. It's a money match because it's fresh. Aside from a largely forgotten match in 2003, before Cena was a face or a main event talent, these two have never had a one on one match. That's pretty amazing considering how long they've been at the top of the card. Also there isn't anyone who poses a greater threat to the streak than Cena. Let's face it, for as good as HBK vs. Taker was there was no chance HBK was going to end the streak. With the way Cena has been booked over the years and considering he is the current face of the company still in his prime, it is reasonable to think Cena could beat Taker at mania. Given the mixed reactions he's received over the years the crowd reaction could make this an epic match. The Cena haters would be out in full force terrified that Super Cena and his five moves of doom would end the streak. Meanwhile the Cena supporters would be trying to shout them down. I really hope we get to see this some day but I'm afraid time is running out.
Why not do a triple threat match?

Taker VS Kane VS Barrett

I couldn't think of a time a triple threat match would be so interesting. Since Taker is injured the other two can work the majority of the match, and in the end he can sneak out a win.
On the front page of WrestleZone there it says that Taker was backstage at SD to watch Barrett. And it is being reported that Taker has hand picked Barrett to face him at WrestleMania.

In my opinion this is a great idea. This can explain why Barrett had Nexus bury Undertaker and provide a fresh match for Taker. Barrett matches up well in size and should be a good opponent for Taker. It also makes sense for Taker because Barrett was the top heel in WWE for a while, so it will be a match fans want Taker to win.

I feel like Barrett has done nothing but impress since his debut and will be a strong opponent for Taker. Barrett can hold his own on the mic and will be able to have a good believable match with Undertaker. I hope this takes form and is the match at Mania. Barrett is ready, but I do not think he will break the streak unless Taker campaigns for him to do it.

Thoughts on Taker hand picking Barrett?
Will Taker allow Barrett to break his streak?
Is Barrett ready for a match-up of this magnitude on the grandest stage of them all?
Makes sense for Undertaker to put over somebody who is supposedly the future of the company for a change. He's either faced already established guys in the past or typical Undertaker fodder.

Somebody like Barrett, or Sheamus, should face Undertaker at Mania. Be given a competitive match before the inevitable loss. Then they should win the subsequent matches that'd take place over the coming months.
You don't think Cena vs. Taker is a money match? It may not be to non fans. Lawrence Taylor and Donald Trump bring those people in. I absolutely think more wrestling fans would buy mania is Cena vs. Taker was on the card. It's a money match because it's fresh. Aside from a largely forgotten match in 2003, before Cena was a face or a main event talent, these two have never had a one on one match. That's pretty amazing considering how long they've been at the top of the card. Also there isn't anyone who poses a greater threat to the streak than Cena. Let's face it, for as good as HBK vs. Taker was there was no chance HBK was going to end the streak. With the way Cena has been booked over the years and considering he is the current face of the company still in his prime, it is reasonable to think Cena could beat Taker at mania. Given the mixed reactions he's received over the years the crowd reaction could make this an epic match. The Cena haters would be out in full force terrified that Super Cena and his five moves of doom would end the streak. Meanwhile the Cena supporters would be trying to shout them down. I really hope we get to see this some day but I'm afraid time is running out.

Actually, they had a Raw match in 2006 but that end in a no contest.

The only options I see for Undertaker are The Miz, Barrett, and Cena. I just see the Miz losing the title before Wrestlemania and he can certainly carry the talking portion of the feud if they were to meet. Barrett seems the most likely option since he helped Kane bury Taker at Survivor Series. A Cena/Taker would be good but not as good as if they would have fought at WM 23 when Cena was at his absolute best. If 2007 Batista, who was terrible coming off of injury the previous year, can get a good match out of Taker, imagine what 2007 Cena could have done.
Agreed, the only problem I have with Undertaker vs Diesel was it was soooo overlooked it wasn't even funny. IMO, that match was 100% Wrestlemania classic.

If Taker vs Wade can make it to be as good as Taker vs Diesel, I hope no one underrates it this time.

Well, this may very well be The Undertaker's last Wrestlemania. I'd never stop bashing Wade if he doesn't make a good use of the push he got from my all time favorite wrestler's last Wrestlemania match. After all, he is chosen instead of John Cena or Chris Jericho.

I will stop watching wrestling altogether, but I'm going to check whether Wade use his The Streak's push to be a legend in the company like Masked Kane and Randy Orton did or whether he lost his balls and chickened out like a loser, pretty much like Giant Gonzales, King Kong Bundy, Big Boss Man, A-Train, and Mark Henry did. Let's hope he doesn't become the latter.

I beg to differ with your opinion about Gonzales and Bundy. His match was Giant Gonzales, as u knew it, is generally regarded as The Undertaker's worst match in his long and illustrious career. And to think there were better choices like Hulk Hogan or Mr. Perfect at that time. Not to mention Gonzales chickened out and went out from the company before the year even ended.

Same old story with Bundy. King Kong Bundy was in the WWF in the mid 90s simply because Vince McMahon at that time was having financial trouble with his company, and he was desperately attempting to keep some of the attention from the 80s that WWF had gotten. King Kong Bundy was a main character in the 80s, and Vince had him around...but it was obvious Bundy wasn't going to do a thing in WWF in the 90s. It was obvious Vince McMahon just wanted Taker to have a match at Wrestlemania 11, so he threw in another monster at him hoping the fans would buy into the fact that Undertaker would have some trouble against Bundy..but the fans weren't buying it, it was obvious Taker was going to win that match.

Vince should have stopped the feud with The Million Dollar Co at Survivor Series 1994 after Taker defeated Yokozuna. Imagine if he booked Taker vs Bret for WM 11 instead of Taker vs an aging mid-carder and Bret vs Backlund for the billionth time.

At that time, Taker was fairly young but instead of pushing him by booking him to win against top tiers, Vince used him to push talentless giants into oblivion.

But I agree with you for WM 15, 19, and 22. Sometimes, I really wonder what was Vince thinking.

Thank you for your understanding. This has been a good conversation. Let's do it again some other time:lol:.

I also wonder what Vince was doing during these feuds. Plus I didn't like the finish to the Taker/Boss Man match @ WM15. The Match was pratically dead & was also held in one of the biggest states ever: Philadelphia. As for WM19 why not just make it Taker vs Show. The Big Show was the one to put Taker on the shelf for a few months prior to the Rumble so just keep it between those two & start a feud with A-train after Wretlemania. As for WM22 I didn't understand why not make it Undertaker vs Angle. Henry legitimately have anything to do with Taker much but more so with Batista. The Undertaker & Angle started to get something going from the Royal Rumble to No way Out. Plus seeing an All-Round superstars such as these two clash @ 'Mania would most defintely make out for an 5-Star Match. I most certainly hope this year's plans 4 Undertaker isn't a complete flop or else I'll be like :wtf: @ Vince again. It has potential & I hope it spices up.
"The current word is that The Undertaker has hand picked Barrett to be his opponent at this year's big PPV"

(main site news)

So, the Undertaker has handpicked Barrett as his opponent at this years Wrestlemania?

It's no secret that Mark Calloway has gone on record in the past as saying that he has no problem with letting his streak end before he does, also, what with WWE's current youth movement and the fact that Calloway's body has about much life left in it as Matt Hardy's credibility....is it time that we saw the first major shift from old school to new school?

I like Barrett, not just because he shares my surname, but also because he is probably the next HUGE heel in wrestling, he's shown he can work, he's shown he can speak...and he's also shown that he can be taken seriously in a main event environment (who can say he looked out of place alongside Cena for the past few months? exactly.)

Obviously, for this to come across as being legitimate, it would be completely down to creative...but at the same time, why would Taker hand pick a rookie just to bury him?

The floor is open....
Well Undertaker could be "passing the torch" to say. He knows he is going to be gone soon and would like to handpick his replacement. And the biggest way to put someone over and to be taken seriously is to do what no one has been able to do before....beat The Undertaker at The Grandest Stage of them all, Wrestlemania. The place where The Undertaker is undefeated. If this happens, then i see Wade Barret staying undefeated at Wrestlemania just like the Undertaker did or should i say was.
Ugggh The Undertaker/Wade Barrett WrestleMania feud. It's like when you know you have to go to DMV in the near future. There it is, on the horizon, the impending doom of a really boring part of your life that is about to happen. Barrett has potential, but if he breaks The Streak for no apparent reason he will Kevin Nash himself. Deadman won't completely Goldberg himself, because he's The Deadman, but it will be bad. This isn't how you push someone. Go ask Chris Jericho how that first ever Undisputed Championship reign worked out for him and, after he gets done punching you for having brought up such a sore subject, he'll explain that inexplicably big wins for a non-main eventer are devastating for business and devastating for the guy doing the winning.
Ugggh The Undertaker/Wade Barrett WrestleMania feud. It's like when you know you have to go to DMV in the near future. There it is, on the horizon, the impending doom of a really boring part of your life that is about to happen. Barrett has potential, but if he breaks The Streak for no apparent reason he will Kevin Nash himself. Deadman won't completely Goldberg himself, because he's The Deadman, but it will be bad. This isn't how you push someone. Go ask Chris Jericho how that first ever Undisputed Championship reign worked out for him and, after he gets done punching you for having brought up such a sore subject, he'll explain that inexplicably big wins for a non-main eventer are devastating for business and devastating for the guy doing the winning.

What that guy said.

Taker losing to a guy who has never even held the title, while I don't think it would be a disaster, but it would be very lacking of any credibility on paper. If they are going to have Taker lose the streak, it needs to be done in a major main-event match in a matchup that is bigger than anything we have seen before. And the only opponent that I can think of that has that drawing power is Taker v. Cena.
"The current word is that The Undertaker has hand picked Barrett to be his opponent at this year's big PPV"

(main site news)

So, the Undertaker has handpicked Barrett as his opponent at this years Wrestlemania?

It's no secret that Mark Calloway has gone on record in the past as saying that he has no problem with letting his streak end before he does, also, what with WWE's current youth movement and the fact that Calloway's body has about much life left in it as Matt Hardy's credibility....is it time that we saw the first major shift from old school to new school?

I like Barrett, not just because he shares my surname, but also because he is probably the next HUGE heel in wrestling, he's shown he can work, he's shown he can speak...and he's also shown that he can be taken seriously in a main event environment (who can say he looked out of place alongside Cena for the past few months? exactly.)

Obviously, for this to come across as being legitimate, it would be completely down to creative...but at the same time, why would Taker hand pick a rookie just to bury him?

The floor is open....

From Batista, Edge, and Shawn Michaels (twice) to Wade Barrett.....as of now I can't decide whether this is foolishness or kindness on Mr. Calaway's side. Sometimes, I really can't understand how his mind works -_-

Let's hope Wade put a classic with Taker and use his push like Orton did, not an embarrassment like Mark Henry did.
I also wonder what Vince was doing during these feuds. Plus I didn't like the finish to the Taker/Boss Man match @ WM15. The Match was pratically dead & was also held in one of the biggest states ever: Philadelphia. As for WM19 why not just make it Taker vs Show. The Big Show was the one to put Taker on the shelf for a few months prior to the Rumble so just keep it between those two & start a feud with A-train after Wretlemania. As for WM22 I didn't understand why not make it Undertaker vs Angle. Henry legitimately have anything to do with Taker much but more so with Batista. The Undertaker & Angle started to get something going from the Royal Rumble to No way Out. Plus seeing an All-Round superstars such as these two clash @ 'Mania would most defintely make out for an 5-Star Match. I most certainly hope this year's plans 4 Undertaker isn't a complete flop or else I'll be like :wtf: @ Vince again. It has potential & I hope it spices up.

Couldn't have said it better, mate. Vince was a fool for these decisions. I think at this point we must admit and realize adding 5 talentless giants in the form of Giant Gonzales, King Kong Bundy, Big Boss Man, A-Train, and Mark Henry to The Streak instead of 5 greats from the likes of Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, The Rock, Brock Lesnar, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, Ultimate Warrior, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Owen Hart, Randy Savage, and Mankind wasn't worth it at all for reasons I'm sure you all have known.
On the front page of WrestleZone there it says that Taker was backstage at SD to watch Barrett. And it is being reported that Taker has hand picked Barrett to face him at WrestleMania.

In my opinion this is a great idea. This can explain why Barrett had Nexus bury Undertaker and provide a fresh match for Taker. Barrett matches up well in size and should be a good opponent for Taker. It also makes sense for Taker because Barrett was the top heel in WWE for a while, so it will be a match fans want Taker to win.

I feel like Barrett has done nothing but impress since his debut and will be a strong opponent for Taker. Barrett can hold his own on the mic and will be able to have a good believable match with Undertaker. I hope this takes form and is the match at Mania. Barrett is ready, but I do not think he will break the streak unless Taker campaigns for him to do it.

Thoughts on Taker hand picking Barrett?
Will Taker allow Barrett to break his streak?
Is Barrett ready for a match-up of this magnitude on the grandest stage of them all?

Thoughts on Taker hand picking Barrett?

I'm upset, honestly. Mark Calaway personally handpicked Wade Barrett to be his next Wrestlemania opponent over Chris Jericho and John Cena....why? Who knows. Although I'm an Undertaker mark, I can't say I'm pleased with his choice although I shall respect it (when the time comes).

Will Taker allow Barrett to break his streak?

Of course he would, Taker offered Kane and Orton to end it, remember? The decision lies within Wade to accept it or not.

Is Barrett ready for a match-up of this magnitude on the grandest stage of them all?

Honestly, this is my biggest concern on this match. My own personal reason for disliking the possible match is because Wade has won zero titles, involved in zero legendary feuds, put zero classic match, got kicked out of his own stable (which he led), and couldn't even win against Orton & Cena in below average matches. All these factors really hurt this credibility and I'm sure the match will be just as predictable as Undertaker vs Mark Henry (if not more).

About the quality....well, I hope it can at least be a classic on the level of Taker vs Flair or Taker vs Diesel. I hope I don't overestimate Wade by hoping he at least could put a performance on Diesel's level or Flair's level when they faced Taker at Mania. Better if it can be as good as Taker vs HHH or Taker vs Masked Kane or Taker vs Batista. After all, he was chosen to face Taker at Wrestlemania over Jericho and Cena so he's got something to prove alright. And he better not fail.

Although if Taker can carry Barrett to a Wrestlemania classic like he did to Diesel (WM 12) or Batista (WM 23), it somehow only proves how pitiful Wade is because that means he needs an injured 45 year old man to carry him to a legendary match despite his status as a future of WWE. Just sayin...
What that guy said.

Taker losing to a guy who has never even held the title, while I don't think it would be a disaster, but it would be very lacking of any credibility on paper. If they are going to have Taker lose the streak, it needs to be done in a major main-event match in a matchup that is bigger than anything we have seen before. And the only opponent that I can think of that has that drawing power is Taker v. Cena.

While we're at it, do u mind giving me your opinion? U know, a usual just for fun game.

If Wade Barrett does face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 27, which career route will he probably have? Pick only one route from these 5 below:

1. Batista Route (Wrestlemania 23 - 2007)

Entering the feud as a main eventer, and having what arguably is the greatest match & feud in his career, achieving the status of a legendary feud and classic match in the process, also winning a feud of the year award once. His career wouldn't last ten years, but he will go out as a multi time world champion, future hall of famer, and one of the biggest & most successful names in his generation.

2. Randy Orton Route (Wrestlemania 21 - 2005)

After having what may very well be the finest Wrestlemania performance in his career to date thanks to the help of Undertaker and rocketing the credibility of The Streak to the moon & nails it there, he uses his push to the full extent, winning more than 5 world titles, winning Royal Rumble, main eventing Wrestlemania, and becoming the biggest or the second biggest name in WWE all in the span of 5 years as well as winning a Feud of The Year award once.

3. Masked Kane Route (Wrestlemania 14 - 1998)

Putting a Wrestlemania classic and stays as a major name for the period of an era while keep feuding with major names, but wins only 3 world titles in the span of 12 years and uses 7 years from those 12 jobbing to younger stars.

4. Mark Henry Route (Wrestlemania 22 - 2006)

Giving The Undertaker one of the most horrible matches in his long and illustrious career, ruining his push by saying he only did it for money without the care of his fans or his peers and ended up as lower mid-carder till the day he dies.

5. Giant Gonzales Route (Wrestlemania 9 - 1993)

Giving The Undertaker the worst match in his legendary career as well as tarnishing The Streak and leaving the company before the year even ends.

And yes, I'm hoping Wade vs Taker will be a classic. At least on the level of Taker vs Diesel (WM 12) or Taker vs Flair (WM 18) because Wade isn't that talented to put a classic on the level of Shawn Michaels, Edge, Batista, Triple H, and Masked Kane. That much is clear and reasonable, I think. routes u think the most plausible and state why.

I added Batista route cause some people believe Wade is a legit main eventer, while Orton route serves for people who think he isn't yet.

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What I would like to see happen is a 6 on 1 handicap elimination match between Undertaker and all of Nexus. In exchange for Undertaker putting his streak "in jeopardy" against "unfair" odds, the stipulation would be that if Undertaker wins, Nexus must disband for good.

Then they could have HBK as the guest referee (so everyone would think he was going to screw Undertaker).

In the end, when it comes down to Undertaker and Barrett or Undertaker and punk and Undertaker is about to lose, HBK would superkick that person, allowing Undertaker to get up and tombstone the Nexus guy then HBK counts to 3.
I dont post much threads or replies here unless some really interesting topic provoke my thoughts to be shared. On another wrestling website i just found out that plans for Undertaker's opponent at wrestlemania are going to change in near future. Vince Mcmahon now feels that Wade Barret is not a good choice for being Undertaker's opponent are WM(which I feel is right). Now the opponent being discussed in meeting is HHH(yes, triple H). I surely feel that this is the right match up and makes sense as well. Nothing against wade barret he is good but he is not better that Shawn Micheals. After 2 classic matches against Shawn Micheals at WM people have really raised their expectations from Undertaker's match at WM. I just think wade barrent wont be able to create much interest for the match. Barret has not proved anything in the past. He was never able to beat Cena in one one match. If barret had beat Cena clean in one one match I would definately buy him as a contender to end taker's streak, but if you look at him now he is not worthy enough to be there. HHH's match against Taker makes sense. Undertaker retired HBK, HHH's best friend. Storyline is ready for them. HHH can easily say that he wants to take revenge of what Taker did to his best friend and wants to end Undertaker's streak at Mania and want to pay tribute to his friend. He does not really need to turn heel in the process to create interest. He can be a babyface and fight for his friend's career loss. Everybody loves HBK and we all know that they are best pals in real life so definately people will buy this storyline. With HBK being inducted in Hall of fame this year we know that he will be there in Atlanta. WWE can easily add him in the match as a guest refree or if he does not want that he can simply be in the attandance sittinng ther and cheering for him. With HHH's internal connections with the company we will definately take him as a serious threat to the Undertaker's streak. I was thinking of that idea from few months and I think it will be the right follow up(other than Taker vs Cena) after 2 classic taker's matches at WM 25 and WM 26. Your thoughts?
No! Why should HHH be the opponent for Undertaker at Wrestlemania he's pretty much done it all it should be John Cena that should be Undertaker's Wrestlemania opponent or someone like I don't know John Morrison and have HBK in his corner pretty much telling people that Morrison is the next HBK or even better have Ted Dibiase Jr. now please don't rant on me but look at it this way Dibiase's father introduced us all to the Undertaker back at the 1990 Survivor Series wouldn't that make more sense?
Is Triple H going to be behind Nexus helping to bury the Undertaker then? That could also set it up good. They do have to explain that sometime though.

Maybe the match could be good. But HHH still hasn't returned and been in the ring. And he is nowhere near like he was against Undertaker at Wrestlemania 17.
hhh will return to feud with sheamus, not enough time to have a taker hhh storyline, cena is not a bad idea, maybe you could have orton feud with miz, but it looks like it will cena vs miz at wm, but who does that leave orton with jomo?
No..Don't like HHH vs. Taker at wrestlemania...No real reason for it..I would like Undertaker to pick his own opponent for mania.From what I've read Taker is really wanting Barrett, that could be the storyline.Barrett was leader at the time Taker was attacked by Nexus.

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