*MERGED* Title Unification Discussion Thread

Unification of IC and World Titles?

  • It could work out good

  • Hell no!

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Pre-Show Stalwart
A few months ago the word going around was that WWE planned on unifying all of their championships by Wrestlemania. We saw the beginning of this with the unification of the tag championships and the womens and divas championship. We are now on the road to Wrestlemania and have yet to see the US and intercontinental championships be unified nor the WWE and World Championships.

My Questions are:
Do you think they still plan on unifying the titles?
If so, do u think it will be done by or at wrestlemania?
Do you want them to unify the championships?
Do you think they still plan on unifying the titles?

I think at some point they will. But if it really was being discussed as much as people were talking about awhile back, it's been put on a back burner for now. There's no storyline going on that leads to it currently that I can see.

If so, do u think it will be done by or at wrestlemania?

No way. Like I said, there's no storyline currently that hints towards it at all. Not to mention, at this point since EC is around the corner and one match is already set, they'd have to make the match at Wrestlemania a Fatal Four Way.

Do you want them to unify the championships?

Maybe, and I mean maybe, the mid card belts. But not the WWE and WHC. At least not while they still have the brand split. There's just so many people on the rosters combined that if you unified the belts you would be kicking a lot of people out of the main event scene and into the mid card.

You would be kicking out guys like Ziggler, Morrison, R-Truth, Big Show, Kane, all of Corre and the only reason Nexus would hang around is because of Punk. Guys like Del Rio and Sheamus would never have been given their shot. It just doesn't seem like such a great idea right now.
well its early still...think your still gonna have a month an half almost until mania after EC and with teh way the wwe makes a story line after one raw or one smackdown it could be planned on teh last smackdown b4 mania. But there still month half after EC to create a story line for the champs. I dont wanna see them unified i think having both titles around is good like the old days when there was the european title. make one the lower card title then the upper card. i think they need to get away from the brands and make everyone on every show like the old days
I don't think they will unify the titles soon, and probably not before wrestlemania. I do want them to unify the titles at some point, but the build up has to be epic and emaculate. And this time it shouldn't be done on a second rate pay-per-view, it has to be WrestleMania or SummerSlam. Jericho's Undisputed Championship victory isn't given enough attention because it was at Vengeance... WHO THE HECK REMEMBERS VENGEANCE?
Anyway I think we'll have a good indication after Wrestlemania and if after the draft (assuming there will be one) there are still a lot of interpromotional match-ups and rivalries.
I think they should unify the US and IC titles, ASAP!

I would love the two world titles to be unified but I don't see it happening until at the very least, the summer. It could be hyped for Summer Slam.

Cena vs. Taker to unify the belts? I could see that happening.
A few months ago the word going around was that WWE planned on unifying all of their championships by Wrestlemania. We saw the beginning of this with the unification of the tag championships and the womens and divas championship. We are now on the road to Wrestlemania and have yet to see the US and intercontinental championships be unified nor the WWE and World Championships.

My Questions are:
Do you think they still plan on unifying the titles?
If so, do u think it will be done by or at wrestlemania?
Do you want them to unify the championships?
I was just talking to a fellow wrestling fan about this last night.

1. Do I think they plan on unifying the belts?

Sure I do, but when and where who knows.
Remember when WWE first started talking about this the championship scene was thin, Sheamus & Kane were champions and as much as bother did their best most people couldn't fathom Kane as one of the World champions and Sheamus hit the boring snag, so when rumours of a unification match it effectively rejuvenated the world titles and 4 months on we have Miz and Edge as our World champions, who've had two champion vs champion matches and both ended with dubious ending, so a third match between the two could happen later in the year.

2. Nope, it won't be done by Mania, be realistic Elimination chamber has one of the world title matches already set and unification match on WWE TV? No chance. However I do believe WWE might just unify the US/IC at WrestleMania in some kind of RAW vs Smackdown match, both champions are worthy of a singles match at the big event and in theory the fact Mania has very little "special attraction" unifying their mid card belts could do the trick.

3. Simple answers, yes.
WWE needs to have one Main Event champion, one stepping stone (IC) title, Divas & Tag belts, and considering WWE has some amazing lighter guys, re-debuting the Light-Heavyweight belt could do the trick and maybe bring in a new lower card belt, I've said the hardcore title or rebrand that to the Extreme championship to keep things new & fresh but that EVERY wrestler on the roster could go for and wouldn't be mismatched.
No no no no no no no

i don't rmemeber where it was said that WWE was thinking of it. but then again my memory is horibloe in the short term because of my epilepsy. WWE unified the Womens and Tag titles because those divisions sucked and they didn't have enought women/teams for 2 separate titles so they unified them to make them better

the World Titles and IC/US Titles have more than enough people the constitute 1 of each on each show. I think they will leave it just as it is. And I will be perfectly happy.

If you think about it in the WWF you had the Attitude/World, Tag, IC, Light heavyweight and euro, my point is they had: 1 main event/World title, 1 tag team, 1 weight division belt and 2 TV titles and we all know how succesfull the attitude era was so what i want say is do really you nead to unify the US and IC and if they were going to do it i think it should have being done by Bryan and ziggler they had some great matches and then the fued was just droped,

1 World title(world heavyweight design called WWE CHAMPIONSHIP)
2 TV titles (Intercontinenal and United States)
1 weight division belt( Bring back the WCW cruserweight)
1 tag team belt( stick with what you have atm)
1 divas belt( Make melina champ please vince)
1 World title(world heavyweight design called WWE CHAMPIONSHIP)
2 TV titles (Intercontinenal and United States)
1 weight division belt( Bring back the WCW cruserweight)
1 tag team belt( stick with what you have atm)
1 divas belt( Make melina champ please vince)

That is how I see WWE going with the TV titles, however I would rather the IC title be used more like the World Heavyweight Title and allow for belt that isnt your standard championship like the hardcore belt, maybe something new and more updated but I think WWE needs to try and appeal to everyone in some way rather then the PG sponsors & parents.

This way the hardcore title could be used in a more falls count anywhere style of match rather then street fight and using every weapon in sight.
i forgot about the hardcore title and i agree with you however wasn't the hardcore title almost like a lower card title didn't like everyone in the WWF hold it atleast once. i think that they should bring back the hardcore title to really push the lower card people to more like IC title status then WHC/ WWE title
If I had to give a list of all the things I wanted the WWE to do....a title unification would be at the very top. It's something that HAS to be done, but in the proper way. Starting this storyline now would be a bad idea....because there's not enough time. It has to be done at a big event, in fact I think the only event is Wrestlemania.

They would need to bring Vince back to really make this big. He would announce to everyone that the brand split is over and there's going to be a title unification at Wrestlemania 28...and he can announce that as early as Survivor Series. I would love to see a face vs face, John Cena (WWE champ) vs Randy Orton (WHC), title unification main event at Wrestlemania. They need something big and this is it. Face vs face is perfect because it's unpredictable.

But like I said...it needs time to be built up properly. I would have Orton beating Cena clean in the middle of the ring...but the end result isn't that big of a deal for me. I just want to see this happen...but there's no way it will or should happen at this years Wrestlemania.
i forgot about the hardcore title and i agree with you however wasn't the hardcore title almost like a lower card title didn't like everyone in the WWF hold it atleast once. i think that they should bring back the hardcore title to really push the lower card people to more like IC title status then WHC/ WWE title

The Hardcore title was a funny one, as it's better days were when it was first introduced and people like Mankind, Bossman, Shamrock (who was IC champion at the time), Road Dogg got their dibs in, then bring in Gangrel, Al snow, Hardcore Holly, then Bart Gunn (Brawl 4 all champion), Blackman got in on the fun, then people like Godfather, Big Vis, Bossman, and even Big Show got in on it, and this went on until Crash won it and changed into a joke, sure it worked and made for fun tv, but look what happened by the end of 2000 you had Steve Blackman & Raven, Tazz going for it and Blackman just dominating but look at the people who held it, most are lower card guys but you had RVD, Kurt Angle, Undertaker, Mankind, Big Show all former World champions, Kane as well, Rhyno who was the last ECW World and TV champion, The Hardcore title has a place in WWE IMO, and it just allows for wrestlers who mightn't be over enough for a program for the US title to do something cool and get themselves over, look what the hardcore title done for Al snow, Hardcore Holly, Bossman, Road dogg (yes he was a good tag wrestler but singles wise he couldn't cut it) Raven, Taz, Hardy boys (got their time with the belt) Crash, Saturn, Stevie richards to name a few, not IC title material and were just their to put people over, the Hardcore title give them someone to work for and allow them the opportunity to do something meaningful.

I'm an advocate of the Hardcore title, and will fight tooth n nail for it's cause (no pun intended) but that is the only novelty championship that anyone can go for and look good in doing so.

Check out
Hardcore Holly/Bossman
Hardcore Holly/Al snow (st valentines day masscure 99, Backlash 99 and Over the edge if possible)
Bossman/Al snow (fully loaded and summerslam 99)
Road Dogg/Al snow (RAW)
Road Dogg/Gangrel (RAW)
Hardcore Holly/Bart Gun (RAW)
Steve Blackman/Shane McMahon (summerslam 2000)
Steve Blackman/Chris Benoit (Smackdown)
RVD/Chris Jericho (Unforgiven 01)
RVD/Big show (RAW after No Mercy 2001)

to name a few, if you can find them gems i'm sure you'll agree that title belt has a place in WWE, even if it's updated with a new name and proper belt.
NO the title's shouldn't be unified. The superstar roster is way to big to unify these titles at this point. If the brand split was ended and 10 to 15 superstars were cut then i would say yes but at the moment it would give to many people nothing to fight for.

As many have said and i agree it may be time for the reintroduction of the light heavyweight/cruiserweight title. I don't care which name they go by but with superstars such as Evan Bourne, Tyson Kidd, Yoshi Tatsu, Chavo Guerrero, Justin Gabriel, Trent Barreta, Joey Mercury, and Primo as well as guys such as Christian, Rey Mysterio, and Cody Rhodes who could do work in the division at times, the time has come for the WWE to actually push this division. To most of these guys despite their talents, their size will keep them from ever actually achieving the world title and to them this will be the most prestigious title for them to win. It could effectively be used to break up the wildly overcrowded midcard. I would prefer it to be a Smackdown only title even though currently most of these guys are Raw Superstars however a draft is all that is needed to fix this dilemma.

You could even throw in Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder into this division though personally i would like them to reform their tag team and help try to rejuvenate that division which ultimately would lead me to the fact that IMO the Tag Titles should be Raw exclusive to help break up their midcard. On Raw you have The Uso's, Santino/Kozlov, any combination of Nexus, throw in Ryder/Hawkins, Slater/Gabriel and bring up Los Avidores from FCW, hell even Darren Young/Percy Watson and Mark Henry with whoever he feels like teaming with on a certain week. Its no or never with their tag division.

This would even out the midcard a bit so some aren't lost in the shuffle as they can feud with more guys from the upper midcard main event scene
Raw Mid Card/Main Event scene

2 titles to 11 guys is better than 2 titles to 18 or so guys

Same on Smackdown
Big Show
Del Rio

Floaters between upper and lightweight division
Mysterio, Christian, Rhodes

It just breaks up the roster much better and gives more guys reasons to even exist on tv.

Had something come up here at home so i'm sidetracked now but i think the idea is there
Not this WM maybe SummerSlam.

I think they should announce the end of having a split promotion after next year WrestleMania.

Make Vickie Guerrero or Teddy Long the GM of the WWE.

Unify the World Wrestling Entertainment Title and the World Heavyweight Championship into the WWE World Title.

Unify the United States and Intercontinental into the WWE US Title as a tribute for WCW.

Bring the WWE TV Title for Low-Carder as a tribute for ECW.

And yes I want the title to unify. I believe the there should be one main event title that everyone wants to earn.
Eventually I think they will do it. By Wrestlemania? No.

I think to unify the World Titles, they should really build something for it, to make it HUGE! Rushing into it, to me, would truly ruin or at least water down the impact of it. I think this years Wrestlemania would be too soon.

Next year though would work perfectly. I think if they put the angle in motion around The Royal Rumble next year, it would end up being a huge match at Wrestlemania.

Also, at this point, I feel like it should be Orton Vs. Cena to have a match to unify the World Titles. Though, Undertaker Vs. Cena at Wrestlemania, for 2 titles, and with Taker's Streak on the line, might end up being one of the biggest matches EVER!
I agree with everyone saying it has to be a big deal and has to have a long term storyline leading into the unification. They COULD do something like the old days with a big RAW-Smackdown feud. That could lead to Vince saying that he's had enough and wants all the titles unified at Wrestlemania and there will be no more "brands."

Something like that, done correctly, could be very entertaining.

It would allow for a lot more Main Eventers without having to have a title involved.

This would also open the door for so many more feuds.

RAW and Smackdown could go back to being shows rather than brands.

Plus, it makes the titles and winning the titles, much more meaningful.

If you win THE BELT, you are the champion of the entire WWE.
I don't understand why they would unify the titles.
The roster is much too large to give everyone something to do.
There are too many maineventers to be going for the unified WWE title.

And that means what, 2 titles per brand? BS.

The only upside to this that I can think of is the tag team division will rise.
Not this WM maybe SummerSlam.

I think they should announce the end of having a split promotion after next year WrestleMania.

Make Vickie Guerrero or Teddy Long the GM of the WWE.

Unify the World Wrestling Entertainment Title and the World Heavyweight Championship into the WWE World Title.

Heh, funny, i've always wanted them to call the title that as well. WWE World Championship just has a nice ring to it.

And a fatal four way for the Unified Championship is not completley out of the realms of possibillity. The two main events as they are seem a bit, well, unwrestlemania-ish. A fatal four way could spice it up, or it could be an enormous clusterf*** like WM 2000 was. :icon_neutral:
Heh, funny, i've always wanted them to call the title that as well. WWE World Championship just has a nice ring to it.

And a fatal four way for the Unified Championship is not completley out of the realms of possibillity. The two main events as they are seem a bit, well, unwrestlemania-ish. A fatal four way could spice it up, or it could be an enormous clusterf*** like WM 2000 was. :icon_neutral:

Fatal four ways as a whole aren't very well structured and end up looking like a massive pile of horse shit.

Apart from a few I personally enjoyed and probably aren't on most peoples top 100 fatal four way lists the one that does stick out to me is the from Backlash 2007 with Cena being the WWE Champion defending it against Shawn, Edge and Orton, they gelled well and it showed in the match, and the combined two feuds and linked them together and allowed the match to manifest itself and give Orton/Shawn their next feud and Cena moved onto Khali and Edge went over to Smackdown with a matter of a week and was World champion and the lead up was the fact HBK/Cena took the Tag belts away from Rated Rko and Cena/HBK went to Mania and Rated RKO plodded on until their break up at Mania 23 before going for the WWE title and joining the four up, I like the back story to feuds.

Most Four way matches straight after the finish the four guys go their way and the lead up to feud has you wondering why the match took place.
I'm on the fence on this subject.
I understand why you want one overall champion, i'm all for it.
On the other hand, with two brands, it'd be tough, but they've done it before.

Please, do not make the US and IC titles into one.
These need to stay the way they are, just actually utilized for once.
It's becoming sad at this point.


Will it happen? Yes.
By Mania? Absolutely, positively not.
I was really hoping for a unification but i don't think its necessary anymore. After Nexus arrived, and the months following that there are simply too many wrestlers for 1 main event belt and 1 midcard belt. Its good that tag teams and divas have been unified, because there isnt many worthy tag teams or divas to hold separate belts. But midcard and main event card is crowded now.
The road to Wrestlemania has begun and WWE seem to have a (very good) card in mind already. Plus, Alberto Del Rio has selected which Champipnship he wants to compete for and it seems as though creative are setting up a Cena vs. Miz feud; I just can't see the unification happening at this Wrestlemania with all these storylines already in motion. It's hard to predict if WWE will unify the belts in the future (if so, it'd have to be at a Wrestlemania), and it's doubtable if there were actually ever any plans for the belts to merge last year; but I severely hope WWE continues to have two world titles. Two titles means two separte draws, two big feuds over a belt, a clear face of each brand. Getting rid of one of these belts would be pointless, and I'm guessing bad for business.
I would like to see the World and WWE title unified. I have no problem with everything being unified and still having the US Title and the Intercontinental Title. Theres always been more than one midcard belt, whether it be European, Hardcore, TV Title, etc.

Maybe a loophole is found after WM, and both champs are drafted to the same brand, resulting in a feud.

I wonder if they ever bring back the cruiser weight/light-heavyweight belts?
A word that gets thrown around a lot, especially these days, is PRESTIGE. At least in the wresting business it is, when talking about the validity of a certain Championship Title. That goes for every title, and every company.

Something that has been rumored is WWE bringing the brands back together and doing away with the split. Going along with that rumor is the obvious unifying of titles to shrink down the number of those, should the shows not be separate anymore.

Another obvious thought to the process is what titles would unify with which titles. The general idea is the 2 World Titles would unify and the 2 mid card Titles, IC and US would do the same.

Taking that into consideration... I am not saying the brands will rejoin. But lets assume that they did. If you were in charge, or just as a fan in general, which Title would you want WWE to use if they were to unify the IC and US Titles. I know there has been discussions similar to this one.

But, what I want know is what title do you think has the better legacy? Not, you think they should keep the IC Title because it has been in WWE for like 30 years. Also, not the contrary to that, WWE should use the US Title because they need a change and the IC is old.

The question at hand is not the prestige of either title, but the LEGACY. Which title do you think has the better legacy and why?

For me... I have to say the IC Title. I am fully aware of the US Title days back in the early days of WCW. I respect them fully. Since WCW died though, for some reason their legacy suffers a little. When I think of the US Title, I think of it currently. I think back to Cena having the spinner belt and also Orlando Jordan holding it.

When I think about The IC Title, it makes me think of Mr. Perfect, Ricky Steamboat, Rick Rude, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels and Davey Boy Smith.

Not to take anything away from the US Title's Legacy, it is worthy of respect. But I feel some of the credibility is lost because it's company folded. Every title in wrestling at some point or another, has a watered down period. The IC Title has had that happen to it as well. But I think recently it has been regaining some of it's "prestige", so to speak.

So, which title's legacy is greater and which would you keep around if you could only choose one of them?
The IC title because it's lineage covers the bulk of the companies biggest ever stars, guys like Bret, HBK, Austin, Triple H and The Rock. There are also the countless classic matches such as the Steamboat vs Savage match from Wrestlemania III that is still considered by many the greatest Mania match ever.

The IC title is an important part of the WWE's DNA, it was used to forge many of the greats and thus it should remain as the WWE was the company that won, not WCW.

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