Report: Another Title Unification?

Absolutely love this idea. I feel this is being done because of the New WWE Network. By having fewer championships and more distinguised champions its just better all around for marketing and advertising purposes. In terms of talent I love the idea. Now The Championships will matter in the long term. Two and three years from now when the roster is filled with new talent its going to be very exciting. I just hope they leave it with it four championships, IMO that is all you really need.

I never understand when people state that with less titles wrestlers now have less chance for gold. But isn't that the point? Why does every wrestler need to be in a title fued to make themselves relevent? We don't need a new midcard championship like a tv title or something along those lines. Now The Writers need to think of good fueds and good storytelling for guys who aren't invovled in a title picture.
Absolutely love this idea. I feel this is being done because of the New WWE Network. By having fewer championships and more distinguised champions its just better all around for marketing and advertising purposes. In terms of talent I love the idea. Now The Championships will matter in the long term. Two and three years from now when the roster is filled with new talent its going to be very exciting. I just hope they leave it with it four championships, IMO that is all you really need.

I never understand when people state that with less titles wrestlers now have less chance for gold. But isn't that the point? Why does every wrestler need to be in a title fued to make themselves relevent? We don't need a new midcard championship like a tv title or something along those lines. Now The Writers need to think of good fueds and good storytelling for guys who aren't invovled in a title picture.

OK first off if you're for "marketing and advertising purposes" then less titles doesn't help here, at all. The people they're marketing to like people they want to convert into fans won't care how few titles they have, if anything a person having a title around makes them stand out since they're obviously wearing something that makes them look important. Which is exactly what you want to do in marketing and advertising, stand out and get people's attention, which big shiny titles do. For example take away the IC title away from Big E and to your average person he's just 1 really big guy. But now they can market him as a champion in which he would standout from being just a really big guy. Do the same with Roman Reigns and the US title and they'll have a easy way to market him.

And yes it'll really exciting see a ton of new and exciting talent with nothing to fight for since they're go nowhere near the WWEHC and the IC title can only go to so many people. :rolleyes:

Champions only mean as much or little as creative puts into it, the actual number of titles doesn't matter that much as long as you don't go overboard. Having the WHC gone didn't suddenly make the IC title look good again, creative just finally did something with it instead of just ignoring it like they're doing with the US. But oh look, there's one less title and the US is still crap, so obviously the "less titles = remaining titles becomes more important" idea just isn't true.

As for "Now The Writers need to think of good feuds and good storytelling for guys who aren't involved in a title picture." We don't need less titles for that. That should be happening now, why do we need the US title gone for that to happen? Shouldn't we be expecting both good feuds and good storytelling regardless of how many titles they are?

And if the US title being gone is supposed to make that all that great stuff happen, why isn't happening now? After all we pretty much have the situation you want right now since the US title is being totally ignored on Ambrose, so where are the "good feuds and good storytelling" for the midcard guys that would normally be busy with US title matches? Unless you like crap like Miz-Kofi, Sandow-Khali, Brotus-Woods/Truth etcetc that stuff obviously isn't happening despite the US title being essentially non-existent.

"But if the title is useless on Ambrose then we should just get rid of it" I'm sure you guys are thinking, and no we shouldn't. Just make it seem good again like they're sort of doing with the IC and suddenly we have another thing worth watching. Don't know about the rest of you but I'll happily take a US title match on PPVs over the other non-title filler crap matches that always happens and will undoubtedly continue if the US title is gone.
Yeah, this unifying the IC and US titles thing if it really happens is going to create a lot more dissatisfied and agitated fans because there will only be TWO, that's it, TWO singles champions in the WWE. That's really nuts.

TNA has about half the roster WWE does and yet they have THREE singles titles. Now, we won't get into their issues with not making them all seem important but the fact is they still have THREE singles titles and aren't getting rid of them any time soon.

But if the WWE unifies the IC and US titles it is going to cause a lot of fan frustration.

We all know the WWE World Title will be only for those very same old same old guys (Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Del Rio, Punk, maybe even a part-timer again) and one or two 'new comers' like Daniel Bryan was or CM Punk was a couple years ago.

That means the IC title will be for every Superstar not in a serious Tag Team. That means even LESS chance that workhorses and really talented, but under-used guys like Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel or still talented but in a 'going nowhere' gimmick Superstars like Drew McIntyre, Heath Slater, Sin Cara may not even get a SHOT at the title, let alone actually winning it. With the US title around those guys COULD hold it and do something with it and see how the fans react. Holding the US title was a great thing to get guys like MVP and Shelton Benjamin some well-deserved credibility and current Superstars like Kofi Kingston, Sheamus and Daniel Bryan.

Problem is, for some odd reason the WWE loves to crap on the US title most of the time, probably because it is a WCW creation. Vince has a grudge and he never wants the US title to seem important so he only uses it a little bit for the fans to think it is important but then does other dumb things most of the time and just ignores it and has no feuds for the title for a long time or makes the US Champion go on big losing streaks. It has happened many times... look at how Cesaro was treated near the end of his US title run and look how Ambrose is being treated now. He is losing basically all of his matches lately AS the US Champion and having ZERO interest from other Superstars in obtaining his title. Vince treats the US Title as a joke so it will NEVER be more than a joke.

THAT'S why unifying with the IC title is a GOOD THING. It's STUPID but a good thing because it is the only way Vince and his big head can start treating ALL of the Championships as a big deal and build meaningful and interesting feuds around them.
Do it. For two reasons.

1.) Now that there is only one mid-card title, only the best of the mid-card will receive it. No more charity runs for talent who are not up to the task. They are still good for transitional runs, but the top stars of the mid-card and future stars will now play a more heavy role of being the champion of the mid-card.

2.) It stops lazy booking for wrestlers with potential. "They are good, let's give them a title run." Now, creative has to live up to their name and bring forth stories that help wrestlers get over and develop in front of the audience. In other words, to develop their characters without the help of a title. More character is good for everybody.

I feel that whoever is behind this decision (HHH or Vince) is not only challenging the wrestlers to become more unique with their character, but also creative to help these performers become stars. I'm all for it.
Do it. For two reasons.

1.) Now that there is only one mid-card title, only the best of the mid-card will receive it. No more charity runs for talent who are not up to the task. They are still good for transitional runs, but the top stars of the mid-card and future stars will now play a more heavy role of being the champion of the mid-card.

You act as if every guy who deserves to be secondary champion is automatically going to be the ones that receive the IC title push. The "cream rises to the top" point of view is bullshit. WWE is going to push who THEY want to push, regardless of whether the fans think otherwise. And you may not like who management puts the sole mid-card strap on half the time. If you think IWC-favored Superstars like Cesaro, Barrett, or Sandow are being misused right haven't seen anything yet. :disappointed:
The only positive in this is that the WWE has abundantly proven they have zero apptitude for booking two mid card titles, so perhaps they will be able to dedicate themselves to one upper mid card title.

I just dont understand continually expanding the amount of programming while contracting the scope of the roster. Hopefully this upgrades the profile of the IC title (which, who are we kidding, will be the one to move on in llife)

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