*MERGED* Randy Orton Face Turn Discussion

I think Orton is going to be huge in this new role. Back when Orton had his rivalry with John Cena in 2007, I was the biggest Cena fan ever when I was 14 and I despised Orton and hated his guts. But now that I'm older now and I look back on it, I have alot respect for him because he did such a great job playing a heel and I can't imagine the role he is going to have with his face character with an edge to it. I think his popularity will rise and may be bigger than Cena's, because I still like Cena but even I'm getting bored of his character. I think his popularity might even draw more of an adult audience and who knows it might even usher in a new attitude era. We can always dream right.
I think Randy should just continue as he is, doing heelish things and lets see how the crowd ends up feeling. Also, I think Legacy is slowly starting to implode, Rhodes repeatedly says how he's gonna win at WM. I think the time when they implode will be at WrestleMania, with DiBiase winning and shaking hands with Orton or most likely, having a little stare-down, setting up future matches.
As of right now I think that Orton haven't made a full face turn. Yes Orton gets cheer because no one likes either Ted or Cody. IMO Orton will play an awesome role as a face, But we will have to wait until tomorrow and find out the results.

I will like to see Orton make a full face turn. Hopefully he takes over John Cena's role, WWE should make Cena turn heel and leave Orton as the Face of RAW and the WWE. WWE needs a major change and the change could be near.
As of right now I think that Orton haven't made a full face turn. Yes Orton gets cheer because no one likes either Ted or Cody. IMO Orton will play an awesome role as a face, But we will have to wait until tomorrow and find out the results.

I agree that he will become a full face, but not too soon, he'll play a tweener role for a while, he'll still get cheered, but he won't be a full out face yet. He'll go back and forth with it, some nights doing not so face things, other nights, he may be the reluctant good guy and run out and make a save or something. It'll be like that for a few more weeks I think, then maybe by the next PPV he'll be a full on face.

I will like to see Orton make a full face turn. Hopefully he takes over John Cena's role, WWE should make Cena turn heel and leave Orton as the Face of RAW and the WWE. WWE needs a major change and the change could be near.

Nobody will take over Cena's role, he's Vince's cash cow. He makes a butt load of money in merchandise sales, little kiddies love him, he's a merchandise juggernaught. Vince ain't gonna change that, and honestly no one right now, could come close to having the face status Cena does, except maybe Trips and Michaels. Orton will be a major face, but he won't replace Cena and Vince won't turn Cena heel.
I think the people on the wavelength of letting the Orton act freely and see how the crowd reacts have the right idea in mind, face or heel. Ultimately the "change" I would like to see is for him to get back to being the legend killer and feud with Cena on Raw, or Undertaker with HHH. Arguably the best way for him to shine now is to re-hash his previous attempt at the streak. Cena owns RAW, Orton could EASILY go to SD and become a favorite...heel or face. Could be shaping up to see the same dynamic as Stone Cold/Rock.
Tonight was the first time I watched an episode of Raw in about a month, and I must say by far the best thing about the show at the moment is Randy Orton.

I was actually a big fan of his first face run back in 2004. Well, the first week I was a fan of it, and then WWE fucked it up. However, I'm optimistic this time around they'll get it right and give the guy a true shot at a run as a face.

The fact of the matter is, Orton's character is simply perfect as a good guy. He doesn't need to be a goody-too-shoes, even in today's WWE-PG Era; no, he just needs to be a quiet bad ass who lets all his actions speak for themselves in the ring. And so far... that is what WWE is doing with him and I LOVE it. And the fans love it as well. I see no reason for this run not to work if WWE keeps it up, and there's no doubt in my mind that Orton will make an absolutely terrific long-term champion in this current role.
Some posters mention moving Orton to SD but I absolutely disagree with that. Edge and Jericho are enough for the SD main event picture. Orton is now arguably the best wrestler WWE has and it would be stupid to move him to the "b show" now that WWE has some competition with TNA even though they say they don't care about them. After tonights tag match I could see orton maybe feuding with Batista or Swagger and take his money in the bank. At this point Orton would make the best champion.
Now that his feud with legacy is finally over as i see it(Hopefully).Is Orton ready to take his place with the rest of the Raw Elite again.Tonight's Raw had a tag team match with Batista and Jack Swagger V.S Cena and Orton.Besides for My ongoing belief that Batista is overrated hunting me as Batista wrestled and Jack Swagger and his Poor copy of Kurt Angle In ring style The match was good.It was one of the few times I really like the Main Event.

I'm sure every one will agree with me that Orton is one of the best at what he dose today.At first i wasn't sure that Orton could make a believable Face but he proved to me that being Crazy,insane,and blood thirsty(and that was me taking a shot at WWE for banning blood) can make a interesting face.

Raw has 3 Main Eventers right now and they are Cena,Orton,& Batista.According to WWE.com Batista is still on smackdown.to make matters worse HHH is Feuding with Sheamus and we all now about HBK.Jack Swagger hardly fills the Void so Raw is out of options.Who should be WWE Champion?
Randy Orton

Now i think few people will agree with me but I think this is the perfect time to start a new age of Orton.Him and Batista could feud over the title,fighting over who is the brightest star from evolution or something.At least have it for long enough for WWE to sort out their Main event situation.

This Thread is to discuses if you think a New age of Orton is close to happening and if you want it to happen.and if so how you want it to happen or why you don't.Looking forward to some great comments
Orton is on fire. He's in command of that fine line of the tweener star, something he didn't quite have after leaving Evolution. The crowds eat him up, even more than Cena at times. He could go anywhere and do anything at the moment, including going after the title.

I'd rather not see this spin into Batista vs Orton over the summer. Didn't we get that last year? I'd much rather continue watching Orton work with newer guys. WWE did a lot of work towards the end of the year to change the main event scene from only these three (plus Hunter), and it'd be disappointing to watch it go back to just that again. However, I am a bit stuck onto who else could end up at the top of the card against a Orton face push. Swagger, Sheamus, and perhaps a heel MVP?
Randy is the perfect tweener, I feel that he is really psychotic and i love it, When he gets pumped up it looks as though he is unstoppable.I kinda see wwe trying to make him into the next stone cold,But we'll have to see. I really hope vinny mac and the writers don't screw this one up.
Randy is the perfect tweener, I feel that he is really psychotic and i love it, When he gets pumped up it looks as though he is unstoppable.I kinda see wwe trying to make him into the next stone cold,But we'll have to see. I really hope vinny mac and the writers don't screw this one up.

I couldn't have said it better myself,I doubt that Randy could ever become a full-fledged Cena-like face,He's done too much nasty shit over the years!!
I was almost expecting him to RKO Cena as well after the match,just to serve notice!
Like I've said before,He is getting the Austin effect...he hasn't changed himself for the crowds...THEY CAME TO HIM!!
How does he fit into the title picture is BIG question,
Batista wants his rematch,Swagger has his MITB contract,Sheamus is always lurking....SHOULD BE A FUN SPRING/SUMMER!!
I have to say, I was not thrilled to find out that Orton was Cena's partner. Some friends and I were watching Raw, and the second I heard Cena was going to have a "mystery partner" I cringed. I KNEW it was going to be Orton, and I was livid.

Why was I so angry? Because Randy Orton doesn't "help" people out. And furthermore, he doesn't need anyones help. He's coming into his own in this Bad Ass character, and I just didn't want the WWE to start PG-ing him up. The only hope I had was that after he and Cena beat Batista and Swagger, he would either punt or RKO Cena. But that didn't happen.

But to tell you the truth, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I just don't want them to starting making Orton act like a true face. I like him doing heelish things, and that is what the crowd is popping for. I truly believe he would have gotten an even bigger ovation had he RKO'ed Cena, but whatever, he still easily got the biggest pop of the night. This tweener-face character is going to be HUGE...if the WWE doesn't over think the whole thing. If WWE creative becomes too obsessed with selling t-shirts to kids, they may ruin it...let's hope not.
The biggest mistake that creative can do wih Orton at this point is to not let him be himself. It's widely well known that the guy is a loose cannon and somewhat of a dick all around. Let him be himself. They say the best characters are extensions of the man playing them and I believe that to be true. Let him be a little wild. It's still possible to let him be unpredictable and dangerous while having a PG rating. He doesn't need to rape anyone or use foul language to push the envelope a little. People love unpredictability, and coming from Orton it's incredibly believable. In essence it's the same thing that got Austin over. The fans want raw, uncontrolable emotion and Orton can give that to them. If used properly, a face Orton can be huge.
This is just the role Randy should be in! IMO this could work out well. Cena could approach Orton and "thank" him for the help he gave him. Then Orton could simply say "I wasn't helping you. I did what I did for me". Because as stated Orton doesn't help people and he doesn't need help. Tweener Orton is the hottest thing in WWE right now. Don't turn him full fledged face because that'll KILL everything. Let's face it. Orton's first face turn... DISASTER. Yeah he did good for a bit but correct me if I'm wrong didn't his momentum fade fairly quickly?

This will be the start of something new and exciting for the WWE! A Tweener Champion! Haven't seen one of those since...well can't remember when actually. Cena's always basically been labeled a "face".. Edge "heel".... Sheamus...."useless"..er I mean "heel" Yes WWE needs to put the strap on Orton for the mere fact that you can have him challenged by face OR heel and he can handle either side (whether it be face or heel). Huge potential:

Orton vs. Swagger
Orton vs. MVP
Orton vs. Rhodes
Orton vs. Ted Jr.
Orton vs. ANY up and comer and it would essentially be an interesting thing to watch as Orton can CARRY people to a good match if need be. And with HBK gone, HHH possibly taking time off, talks of Batista either leaving or taking time off now is the PERFECT time for the crowd to watch the "Age of Orton" take over WWE!
Orton could be on to something this coming year. However, we all remember how last year he was an excellent heel. What happen to that? Well, the WWE messed it up totally. He was on fire last year around the same time, and then he lost to Triple H at Mania. I hope the WWE does not mess this up. They do not need to tweak a damn thing, and continue on with his same persona. He can still say he is a lone wolf, and he does not need the fans. He was on fire last year, and he should have faced Cena at Mania IMO. We saw what happen, and how disappointed many fans were in getting Triple H vs Orton. I will give WWE booking some faith, but I think I need to apply for the head writing job there lol. I applied to WWE once, and got a call back. However, I did not like the traveling requirements. It was a job for an Executive Director for Marketing. Well, I am sorry to go off topic a bit. However, I think WWE needs to stay the same exact course and don't tweak his gimmick.
Watching Raw last night, the last thing I expected was to see Randy Orton appear as John Cena's mystery partner. But man, every time this guy was tagged in, the crowd (and me) went nuts! When he did his psycho/getting ready to woop ass/RKO routine, woah! His crowd reaction was one of the best of recent memory! He honestly completly overshadowed John Cena, who just won a championship the night before!

So, where does Orton go from here? Personally I do not want his character to change, he reminds me a LOT of a current day Stone Cold, but honestly he has put a whole new twist on it. I do like that he is teaming with faces now, from showing respect to HHH, to teaming with John Cena, and to top it off he fought fairly with both of them.

I would love for him to take the belt off of John Cena, honestly at this point with the general disdain towards Cena, it would probably just shoot him to the moon in popularity! Anyone agree or disagree?
Welp, it seems he's officially turned face, and I love it. They seem to be keeping his character the same, but letting him be cheered, and that's exactly the right thing to do.

The reaction he got last night was crazy. It was the hottest I have ever heard a crowd. I guess Orton is just one of those special stars that manages to grab a crowd and hold them in the palm of his hand.

Also, his face wrestling style was exactly the same as his heel wrestling style, except faster, and that's what made it interesting.

I see big, big things for Orton. He really could become THE face of the WWE.
I guess Orton is just one of those special stars that manages to grab a crowd and hold them in the palm of his hand.

It's all about 2 moves, the RKO, and that pose on the turn-buckle, hell around the time he was a heel, I'd be mocking it cause I thought it looked a little odd, more like a pose to show off for the girls really, but I don't mind it now actually, it's definitely a refreshing thing rather than the boring stare down pose he used to do.

I see big, big things for Orton. He really could become THE face of the WWE.

Now that could be absolutely awesome, although he is already the star of the company in the locker room from what I can understand by the story on the front page of Shawn Michaels telling Sheamus to step it up, and that he should watch his steps around Randy Orton.
So really, I think it's just about making him the face of the company, to the crowd, cause he is clearly the face of the company in the back.
Watching Orton last night reminded me of just how good this guys is. Not just in the ring, but with his persona, playing to the crowd, his entire gimmick. Randy Orton is truly one of the best in the business today.

Orton played like a face last night...but still kept his heel dimeanor. He played the crowd with his RKO setup early on and his hot tags with Cena. But at the same time, he kept his old attitude with his glaring, cold looks and methodical movements at Cena etc.

Randy Orton last night is a prime example of why this guy is so good. Not many people can pull off what he does so successfully. I wouldnt call Orton a "Face" or a "Heel"...he's a maverick...and "in-between" guy, and he pulls it off wonderfully.
You are onto something there Ferbian..

Although the on-rope DDT just looks so god damn vicious!!
THe beauty of the RKO..it doesn't need to be "tuned up" like Sweet Chin Music,it can be pulled out of literally nowhere...
they need to keep it that way,If they constantly have him do that mat slap then the punching of the mat....that would kill the suprise of it,the out-of-nowhere nature of it,it would also serve as proof of a full-fledged face turn.
Although the on-rope DDT just looks so god damn vicious!!

Certainly the rope hung DDT is vicious, and it does create somewhat of a pop from the crowd, it's still not enough to be considered a move that made the face turn of Randy, the RKO did, and the pose finalized it.

they need to keep it that way,If they constantly have him do that mat slap then the punching of the mat....that would kill the suprise of it,the out-of-nowhere nature of it,it would also serve as proof of a full-fledged face turn.

I actually disagree with that, the crowd goes crazy when they know the RKO is coming, just as badly as they do when it actually comes out on nowhere or when he hits it after the build-up, it also serves nicely for one of the "awesome" matches where as the opponent would know on a off-kayfabe note "oh, the RKO is coming, I should try to counter it" kind of thing.

Besides, I think the slapping and pounding of the mat, and the twitches he does with his head is the better features of Randy Orton, when I was an hater of Randy (because of believing it was a true character, yes I was a mark back then) the build-up for the RKO was one of the only things I loved about Randy back then, so WWE should definitely have Randy continue to do that.
I couldn't agree more that the build-up for the RKO is brilliant. The crowd is eating it up. He never really hits it after the build-up, but that's ok, the move itself is better when it comes out of nowhere (kind of like the Diamond Cutter used to).

This guy is on fire right now. The only problem I see him facing is the current atmosphere of the WWE "Universe" (God, I hate that term). It is more family oriented right now than in the past 10-12 years, and I am not sure the WWE WANTS this guy to be as big or bigger than Cena. He is more talented than Cena in every way, but he isn't "PG" enough. But he's only 29 years old.

In 3-5 years, the little kids will have grown up (much like a lot of us did) and they will want something with a little more edge. Orton is that guy. I just don't want him to peak before he actually has an opportunity to be the biggest thing in the industry. The fan reaction he is getting right now is out of control. He was easily the most over guy in Phoenix last night, and I hope that continues in every city he goes to.
Hey guys this is my first post on here, so take it easy on me if this has already been posted here.

Am I the only one who was disappointed when Orton didn't turn around and rko Cena after the match?
I think they should keep these five letters in mind with everything Orton does, WWSCD(what would Stone Cold do.) And the answer to that is, turn around and stun Cena.
I was mad when i saw he was going to be Cena's partner last night. Cause i don't like cena much. But he completely dominated the match and outshined Cena. So that made me happy. I hope they don't team up anytime soon

I have a feeling this year will be RKO's year.
I have just been thinking about this. I have really grown to like Randy over the past month and I can definitely say he outshined Cena last night in that tag match. I am thinking that throughout the year his rise in popularity will go up and RKO signs and shirts will be seen all over the arena like with Austin 3:16. He soon will soon outgain Cena in popularity and garner much older fans, and then Cena will get booed by these fans every week because he is too PG and WWE will have no choice but to turn him heel. I think that could usher in a new Attitude Era, I don't know what do you guys think?

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