*MERGED* Randy Orton Face Turn Discussion

IMO Randy Orton could be one of the best ever at turning heel to face,

He Has a huge fan base and everyone would admit he is the top wwe heel
and has been for a long time, but combined with incredible personality and in ring
ability, booked right he could be turned to a phenoninal face, (if booked correctly)

Randy has become WWE'S no#1 as far as im concerned, and is in an elite league of
superstarts that could turn and would be adored, (jericho, orton, miz,)
I think Orton is best doing what he does, being a douche. If he gets cheered for it sometimes then let it be. If he's getting booed for it then book him accordingly. People like seeing an ultra voilent, unpredictable ass who does whatever he wants for himself. He's an evolved version of Austin, not comparing the two success wise, I'm just saying they are both cheered for things that were once considered heel things. The best thing to do is to let the fans dictate who they like, and they seem to be liking him right now so let shit happen naturally.
The only thing they should do is take any and al remaining characteristics of cowardice and weakness from the character. Even now, in the "voices" days, he still would run from conflicts, still show cowardice, still look weak, scared. No way to book an anti hero. It appeared this was going away with his actions on Monday. So I would say they have the idea.
I've Noticed when Randy Orton comes out now more and more fans cheer for him, but when beats up on people you no cheerimg nor booing. WWE hasn't really decided if he's gonna be a face against legacy, or a heel. If they use legacy as faces it wouldn't work out. Because there not that great of wrestlers, and not many people would cheer for them. Orton on the other he might, might not. Because the first time he was a face it failed, he would lose all the time, he was nothing then. But now he's different now, he's more devastaing, more better on the mic. It could work work out for him to be a face now.

What do you think

Rko 4 Life:worship:
Randy Orton should definatly remain heel, its what he's best at.

If they use legacy as faces it wouldn't work out. Because there not that great of wrestlers

Legacy are just fine wrestlers, their not as over as they could possibly be, and it would take a little bit of time to put them over as faces because they've been associated with a top heel and as heels themself for about 1½ year, but WWE has done it before, so I highly doubt they won't be able to put over Ted and Cody as proper faces with time.

Yes certainly Orton has been getting cheered fairly well in the past few months, but in the end, he's always been a little cheered, doesn't mean he should be put over as the new face in this feud, because every heel is getting cheered every now and then, just look at Chris Jericho in Canada, or even in America he gets Y2J chants every now and then.

So basicly, Orton should stay heel, without a doubt.
They should continue to do what they're doing with him. Let him keep getting cheered but keep his character the same. Don't change it at all. Have him continue to face heels like Leagcy and mix it up with some lower mid-card faces no one cares about and destroy them too. Fans would Love It!!!
I think Orton being a face could be a potentially good idea. However, I don't think WWE has to change to much in Orton's character. People are loving the current Orton, the man who doesn't take shit from anybody, including his own partners. Its this badass type of character that appeals to fans like other heelish face wrestlers like Austin and Undertaker.

So, the WWE should just let it run its natural course and see where it goes. If Orton keeps getting positive reactions, then start changing his opponents from Cena and Kofi to Sheamus and Miz, hence officially turning him face, whilst utilising the characteristics of a heel.

I'm pretty sure that Orton will keep getting postive reactions up to Wrestlemania, so it makes sense to push Ted and Cody as heels so the positive reactions for Orton have the opportunity to grow before Wrestlemania. The problem with Orton wrestling as a fan favourite is that his style is very methodical and typical of a heel. However, this may not be too big a deal because, like Austin, Orton can base his matches on the intensity and psychology rather than the flashy moveset. He would probably have to pick up the pace a little more often though.

So, at the end of the day, what i'm trying to say is just let Orton be Orton and then we'll see where it takes him. Personally, I feel it will take him towards becoming a face and that's something I wouldn't mind seeing.
I think Orton being a face could be a potentially good idea. However, I don't think WWE has to change to much in Orton's character. People are loving the current Orton, the man who doesn't take shit from anybody, including his own partners. Its this badass type of character that appeals to fans like other heelish face wrestlers like Austin and Undertaker.

So, the WWE should just let it run its natural course and see where it goes. If Orton keeps getting positive reactions, then start changing his opponents from Cena and Kofi to Sheamus and Miz, hence officially turning him face, whilst utilising the characteristics of a heel.

I'm pretty sure that Orton will keep getting postive reactions up to Wrestlemania, so it makes sense to push Ted and Cody as heels so the positive reactions for Orton have the opportunity to grow before Wrestlemania. The problem with Orton wrestling as a fan favourite is that his style is very methodical and typical of a heel. However, this may not be too big a deal because, like Austin, Orton can base his matches on the intensity and psychology rather than the flashy moveset. He would probably have to pick up the pace a little more often though.

So, at the end of the day, what i'm trying to say is just let Orton be Orton and then we'll see where it takes him. Personally, I feel it will take him towards becoming a face and that's something I wouldn't mind seeing.

It's funny that you mention Austin because I've had something on my mind for a while. Cena get's cheered but his cheers are strictly because he's a face, that's not an indictment or Cena-bash, I'm just saying that Cena's reactions are more pre-Attitude Era. Orton, on the other hand, seems to be cheered because he's who people want to cheer for so my question is, should he be the face of the company as Austin was while Cena takes care of the crossover like the The Rock did? The reason I ask is because it's clear to any one who'd understand these kinda things that he's painted as a heel but, to me, he's always seemed like a 'tweener. Think about it, he could take care of the stuff that actually had to do with the business and do a guest appearance here and there like Austin did with Nash Bridges, I'd love to see Orton on "V", I :worship: Anna. while Cena would take about two months off to film a movie or two the come back for a few title reigns. It worked before.:shrug:
I would turn him face but only if the heels are built up more. I don't buy Sheamus enough as the top heel to turn Orton face but there is plenty of time for that. Orton has been getting face pops each and every week for months now and this is the time to do it before they do it and it is too late. Orton's first face run failed because of his world title reign and HHH but that is not the case now. The draft should be coming up soon and if they can bring either CM Punk, Batista, or Jericho to RAW, I can see them turning Orton face.
It will get to the stage where it won't matter if he is used as face or heel, the fans will ultimately decide what he will be and if he carries on like this he will be face soon enough
I say randy should stay heel. IMO he really didnt get big till he turned heel, i actually like him better as a heel then a face. i love that snake thing he does, he's real good at it. he should just keep doing what he is doing and it will all work out good:)
I really, really hope they leave this guy alone. Orton is a heel, getting a face pop. This does remind me a bit of Stone Cold. It seems that when Orton comes down the ramp, and into the ring, he is getting a mixed reaction. But when he does something bad (RKO's DiBiase, Rhodes, whoever it may be), he gets a HUGE pop from the crowd.

I think the reason for this is because he is exciting. He is intense. That's not something that is really strong in todays WWE. He brings an exciting character to the ring that is unpredictable. The guy is doing everything in his power to make the crowd hate him, but a lot of times they don't. And the fans who do not hate him at live shows are most likely older fans who are tired of these PG-rated characters who illicit no emotional response (outside of children).

Having him work over Ted and Cody seems to be working. Those two guys are also quite talented, but Orton is just a bigger star. To say they are not that good of wrestlers is probably the dumbest thing I have heard on here in a while. Not good wrestlers? Has this guy watched their matches? I'm sorry they don't do 450 splashes or come off the top rope. They are WRESTLERS!! Not stuntmen.

I really hope they just leave Orton alone. Do not over-script this guys character. Do not try and make him a face in this PG-era. The last thign I want to see is Orton coming out and telling the kids to take their vitamins. If anything, turn him loose. Let him amp up his character. But unfortunately, with the new kid-friendly fan base, they may not let him shine the way he could have 10-12 years ago.
I like Orton better as a heel because he knows how to get the crowd to hate him, if it's not bashing the fans, it's kicking well like wrestlers (like Cena) in the head. As for the Legacy, who knows what will happen with them. I would like to see Dibiase as a face because we never seen him as a face yet, but WWE has kept this a mystery and it makes us watch to see what will happen with Legacy next.
Everyone seems to be forgetting one thing...Triple H...Triple H has been face for about 4 years now...Now, if memory serves me correctly, that's his longest stint as a face in his entire career...Now the WWE has been talking about the idea of turning Triple H heel for two years now..They were going for it last year until the idea of a DX reunion came up and thus, it was nixed...They're talking about it again this year and I think this maybe the year they do it.

Triple H is running out of heels....DX has run its course..And for the first time in YEARS(not counting WM 23 when he was injured), he is not in a Championship match at Wrestlemania..He is kinda in limbo right now and, as a character, that's gotta be killing him...Triple H's whole character is driven around that World Title...And when he DOES turn heel, it will be on RAW..

This is where Orton comes in..Orton's future pretty much depends on the fate of Batista/Cena...The feud will continue after mania...If Batista/Cena continues on SD then the World Champion Edge(he WILL beat Jericho) will be moved to RAW to take Cena's spot and an Edge/HHH feud is imminent..If that happens, I think Randy Orton stays heel to give Edge more opponets..If Batista/Cena continues on Raw, then you will have Triple H and Batista as two top dominant heels on RAW..Thus, room will have to be made for Randy Orton to turn face and step up against them.

Cena/Orton reminds me SO MUCH of Austin/Rock but with Orton being Austin and Cena being Rock..Cena is the Hollywood guy whereas Orton makes cameos but doesnt star in anything...Cena/Orton had a HELL of a feud and now may find themselves on the same side sooner or later..The Rock and Stone Cold NEVER liked each other but they were not afraid to fight beside each other against a common enemy(The Corporation, the nWo)..I think John Cena and Randy Orton may soon find themselves in that same boat... Bitter enemies uniting to fight a common enemy(probably Triple H or Batista or both)..Don't be surprised to see Vince McMahon interjected somehow seeing as both Orton and now, Cena, have a history with McMahon...

Theres SO MANY possibilities for Randy Orton as a face..He's pretty much worn out his heel feuds...Triple H as a face? Been there...Kofi?Done that..John Cena? Check..Shawn Michaels?Check...Even on Smackdown...Edge?Check..Undertaker?Check..Rey Mysterio?Check...The only "big name" faces on either brand he hasn't had a program with are Christian and John Morrison and I HARDLY see that as a reason to keep him heel.

As a face..Who's he feuded with? Triple H? Yeah, but thats when he first broke in..Imagine it now..It'd remind alot of people of the attitude era.. Orton's so much better now.As a face, on Raw, he's got Big Show, The Miz, Sheamus(I think that feud ended too soon), Legacy, Batista(if he stays on RAW, a Heel Batista vs a Face Orton is something new), and Triple H when he turns heel(imagine the HHH/Orton feud last year with the roles reversed..Epic)....On Smackdown he's got Batista(if he goes back to SD...Remember, he's not officially a member of RAW)...A Heel Chris Jericho(Can you imagine the promos for Jericho/Orton now as opposed to their meeting in 2007?), CM Punk, Drew McIntyre,...The possibilities are endless..

Now, I don't think they should change Randy Orton much, if at all, but slowly transition his opponets from Face opponets to Heel opponets..Austin had a slow, methodical approach to his matches too but the fans loved it because they knew something big was about to happen...When Orton slithers around that ring, the fans get behind him because they know something big is about to happen..It build up anticipation so when he hits the RKO, or whatever he hits, the crowd reaction is explosive... That's why I think he should turn face but keep his character..I can only imagine feuds like Orton/HHH, Orton/Punk, Orton/Jericho, Orton/Batista, or even Orton/Miz..

All the greats(Ted Dibiase Sr and Mr.Perfect and Sting being exceptions) have shown the ability to be great regardless of face or heel...Guys like Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, The Undertaker, Chris Jericho, the list goes on of guys who are either IN the HOF or First ballot HOFers who have shown great ability to turn from face to heel and vice versa without missing a beat..The one thing holding Randy Orton back from greatness is the ability to be as good a face as he is a heel...And I think NOW more than ever is the time to do it..If they don't, it may be too late and If it fails? He can always come out and RKO John Cena and be an instant heel again... But I think, If they don't test him as a face now? By the time they do, it'll be too late.
I think Orton is doing fine as a heel that people aren't supposed to cheer for but do. He should never go back to being a face is character now is to dark and angry to be a good guy, people may cheer for him but he should always have a heel attitude, if he has a nice face attitude he loses his ferociousness, tenacity, and willingness to go to any low to achieve what he wants. His half-crazed, snake like qualities is what makes him, him. I mean he was pretty boring before he was the way is now, he may have been just as good a wrestler, but even a storyline with Stacy Keibler was extremely boring and lacking, he never be a face again. Just keep him as a heel that some people cheer for.
Orton is doing fine as he is. It never hurts to have a guy who is on the edge of being a face and a heel like both Austin and Rock were back in the day. I do believe Orton will be a face down the road, but it maybe best he goes to Smackdown and makes the eventual change. There is some talent he could work with like Jericho, Batista, McIntyre, Punk and if Morrison turns heel. It would be fun to see Rated RKO as a face even if it was just for once on Smackdown.
The fans in the audience seem to be more and more on Randy Orton's side each week, but one RKO to John Cena or Triple H, and Randy Orton would be the most hated guy on T.V. once again. I think putting Orton against Legacy, and Sheamus is a wise move for WWE if they truly are turning Orton face, but what it will come down to is this: If Orton is to turn, then he must not turn into the robotic crowd pandering face he was in his first face run, but be allowed to continue his character as it is, albeit more willing to fight and more willing to take on any challenge. Now this is what seems to be happening so far, and if done right, I feel Orton could really do well as an anti hero type guy. I don't like the Austin comparison, because Randy Orton will never have that everyman hellraising persona. Orton will run much more along the lines of an in your face competitor who simply wants to compete and prove he is the best. If the character is tweaked too much it won't have the same appeal. Bottom line is, the fans seem to want this, and should get it.
I think that Orton is probably best as a heel. I think about the last time that he was face and the feud he had with Triple H over the title and I don't actually recall it being brilliant. I mean, at that time, Orton was a little green and I think that he really was thrown in to a feud that maybe came a little too soon for him. However, I think that he has really found his niche as a heel. Listen to any reaction that Orton gets from the crowd as a heel. It takes a very special character to be cheered as loudly as Cena as a heel. Orton has that and has a definite talent for playing the heel. I don't think that he should be a full face though. I think that the WWE likes to have Orton as a mega heel that is cheered for the fans. I think that they like having him as the anti-Cena and I think that they like to have them as the top heel in the company.

As a face, Orton would not have the same options available to him. Who is he going to feud with? Sheamus? Batista? Nah, I definitely think that Orton is best playing a heel and should remain that way. He has been putting over some great young talent in the last few months and I don't think he could do that as well as a face.

Definite heel.
I don't think it matters whether Orton is a face or heel because either way he still gets a huge reaction from the crowd whether he comes out to boos or cheers. No one can argue that he's one of the best wrestlers in the WWE today, and the WWE really showcases his talent well in the way creative books his matches. His character is a lot of fun to watch, and like someone else said, the stuff he does in the ring, though he has his signature moves like any wrestler, is most often quite unpredictable and that is the "IT" factor that makes Ortons matches so fun to watch. In the end it doesn't matter to me personally whether Orton stays a face or becomes a heel. I just hope if he does become face the WWE will still let him do the things he does in the ring that give him the nickname 'The Viper'.
Well i would love to see how Orton would be if he were a face again. I know Orton really doesn't want to but im sure he would do it for the company. I also think if Orton would become a face then Cena would be come a heel. Orton is popular as Cena just not hollywood and movie wise. Orton merch sale would rise up to Cena's, then Vince could turn Cena heel. If Orton face run is successful. I hope it doesn't be poorly like his last face run in 2004.
Orton is my favorite wrestler of all time. I would definately NOT like to see him as a face. He is one of the most devious heel ever. Has everyone forgotten the things he has done to Cena, HHH, and all the legends he has shelfed? LOL. There is just no way that he should b a face after hes done those kind of things lol
I think that the only reason he's getting cheered is because people love heels. He'd been getting mixed reactions most of the time So I think WWE is making a huge mistake by turning Orton face. Because if he turns %100 I really doubt if he'll still get cheered by crowd. I also don't think Randy Orton can really be really succesful as a face. I've mentioned it in one of my threads. In wrestling everything character is either dark or white. There is no grayness in characters. Just make Orton a tweener he can play a really really great tweener. If he stays as tweener he would still get cheered. He shouldn't be a %100 face. He should be like when he was feuding with Sheamus still doing dirty heel tactics but against bad guys. He should be the anti-hero of this generation.

It's actually one of the things that wrestling desperately need right now. Some anti-heroes as opposed to %100 pure evil or good characters. If you want WWE an adult show you don't need swearings,sex,blood and violence the only thing we need is some deeper characters and storylines. Randy Orton should be the tweener of this era. As opposed to Cena he should not always do the right thing. I don't actually want Orton to be a %100 face I hope he does not turn face.
Ortons my favorite wrestler on obviously. I don't want to see him turn face I don't think he would be as good but I could be wrong. He's much better as a heel and plays the character so well. He's probably the best wrestler in the wwe right now. He sells shit so well. Leave him heel.

And they will never turn cena heel. It would be nice though as they despratly need to change cenas character. The act is just so stale
Orton is having what scsa used to have. He may be a heel, but the fans love him so much that he just gets cheered. A faceturn would be different, and the fans would go crazy for it, so why not?

Watch out Cena, Orton's comin and he's comin with some fans!
whatever will get orton cheerd is fine for me. on a sidenote, the whole batista as wwe champ thing, really vince you really gave dave the title. to hell whith that army ass cena get a orton and batista match at mania.

LEGEND KILLER ALWAYS:the big blue monster

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