What's next for Randy Orton?

I think a move to Smackdown and a face turn would be great for Orton, but It just needs to be done right. This is how I could see it coming about.

Most people feel that Jericho will be champion come wrestlemania and that edge will challenge him for the title, which is good now at mania I say keep the title on Jericho to continue the Feud, and also Draft Christian and Randy Orton to Smackdown. So here is how I see slowly turning Orton Face after Mania while continuing the edge Jericho feud CM punk and the striaght edge society can interfere and join forces with Jericho who now holds the world Title, during one of the run-ins you can have Christian run out to help edge only to be out manned Teddy Long then could make a match putting Jericho and the striaght edge society against Edge and Christian and a partner of there choosing. Since Edge and Randy Orton have teamed up as Rated R.K.O Edge talks to Christian about asking Randy Orton, much to the dismay of Christian, but you could have Orton Accept and he can slowly start his face turn teaming with them for the match as well as making the save every once in a while. gaining Christians trust

Now I don't want Orton to lose his viper character so you could also have him struggling with himself, yelling at himself stopping himself from punting people in the face, you could even have edge and christian trying to reason with him helping him deal with all his aggression, you could have a storyline that talks about the reasons for his aggresion maybe something leading back to when he was a child. This could lead into a good feud with Drew McIntyre, where McIntyre can talk about how he is the chosen one and Randy Is weak. I know there is a lot of different scenarios but I think Randy going to smackdown and becoming face would work but it will take a process as he has been a monster heel for so long.

Just My thoughts.
I wish i was wrong, but i think they'll make him a face.After what i saw 1 min ago on RAW i think he is on his way of becoming the next SCSA...well,not really. He got a huuuge pop when he came out...maybe it was the arena, but when he RKO'd Rhodes they went insane.
The only way I'd like to see Orton turn face is is Cena turned heel. That would really liven things up on Raw and I'd be all for that.

Orton got massive pops on Raw against Sheamus. I think the face turn is pretty much inevitable now, being as he RKO'd Cody Rhodes.
i really think they should change nothings wrong wit change unless ur hogan and u run TNA which i think vince will and can buy them anytime he wants...which will be great 4 a invasion 2.0..but what i was getting 2 i think they should turn orton face and turn john cena heel..and also im goin 2 take it a step further turn batista back face and turn HHH heel..since shawn is leaving 4 a while cause cant u agree when HHH is heel u love to hate him and randy orton would b a great face he already gets a huge pop when he comes out as a heel and they boo tha hell out of cena when hes face it would b something that would b unexpected like when austin turned heel not comparing tha 2 of course but thats just an idea...
I personally don't think Orton will turn face but if the WWE wants to do that the elimination chamber would be a really good place for it to happen. He has been getting pops everywhere but the elimination chamber ppv is IN HIS HOME TOWN so the pops will be huge. The last time Raw was in St. Louis was the night DX got back together and he got a huge pop then, he didn't get any heat until he said he had nothing in common with any of us, but anyway, if a face turn is coming for Randy a good time will be this weekend. I will for sure be marking out for him!
Think about if Orton turned face and had a well written lengthy feud with Legacy, it would be easier for Ted or Cody most likely Ted to gain credibility fast and be a threat. But i also think that as a heel Randy Orton owns, his character is awesome as a face he just doesnt have that edge he does when he is a heel IMO. But as many have stated that it would be fresh and unpredictable well thats true and thats what the wrestling world needs now a little unpredictability.
Let me start off by saying I am a HUGE Orton mark, and I believe he is the best guy in the business, and I don't believe anyone is close to him right now (in terms of in-ring talent, mic skills, and character). Until Monday night, I didn't think turning Orton face would A. actually happen, B. be any good. Now, I'm really not so sure anymore.

I have watched wrestling for 20+ years, and I have not seen a crowd go that wild for someone doing something so wrong since Steve Austin. He is a BAD GUY, but gets HUGE pops lately. This is something that has been slowly building. People are not cheering him because he does "good" things. They are cheering him because he is edgy, real, talented, and entertaining. Live crowds are showing a lot of respect for this guy, and that is NOT what he wants.

I listened to a couple of his interviews where he said several times he doesn't want the crowd to cheer for him. He takes being a heel very seriously, and is very good at it. He will say things and do things to make the crowd hate him. Now, that worked for a while, but will he be able to make them hate him forever?

We are no longer living in the age of Hulk Hogan. Guys like that do not inspire people (kids, yes, adults, no) anymore. The kids are going to continue to cheer for and love guys like Cena, but a guy like Orton, in todays society, has a wider appeal, which surprises me. I thought in the WWE's age of PG material, guys like Orton would get the heel response guys like Austin couldn't get during the Attitude Era. But I am seeing a shift, and it starts with Orton.

He is much more evil than Austin was (character wise). The things he does are not questionable, they are downright evil and sadistic. But people know that wrestling is fake, a lot more today than 20-25 years ago. So with this being said, are we seeing the rise of the tweener again (something I wasn't sure Orton would want to do)? I am starting to think that is EXACTLY what is happening.
imo he mos def needs to get moved over to smackdown to start new feuds, would love to see him turn face, sine there so many heels on that show, we could see him feud with jericho, batista, punk, and others
It's clear he's going to fued with Rhodes or Dibiase or both. After that it's up for debate. I do think that one of two things needs to happen. Either he moves to Smackdown to fued with someone about to take the next step like Morrison, or stay on Raw fueding with the same kind of guys. He's incredibly usefull in the sense that he can play either a full blown heel or a tweener very well. So you can have him fueding with upper midcarder faces like Kofi or Morrison or have him fued with heel that are in the same position like Miz or Swagger. So basically it just comes down to him staying out of the title picture for while on both shows.
Clearly the WWE had to know he'd be cheered vs a guy like Sheamus, a practical unknown.

If they want to continue him being heel it would be pretty smart to put him with a well over face, unfortunately as everyone mentioned here that's going to be a "Been here done that" kind of thing.

Anyone notice though that on Raw he had hair for the first time in ages? Could be a sign..
A face turn might work for Orton. I just saw his match with Sheamus on Raw, and the crowd was clearly giving him a positive reaction. Although, after the up coming Legacy break up, Orton is probably going to come out of all of this looking like the bad guy, since he's constantly bullying Diabase and Rhodes. Although, if the crowd keep getting pops from the crowd, it might not be such a bad idea for him to be a good guy again.

After the feud with Rhodes and Dibase is over, Orton will most likely return to the WWE championship picture. He'll most likely go on to hold the belt a couple more times, headline more ppvs, and be involved in more major storylines. Orton will eventually return to the main event scene.
I keep seeing that people want him to move to SmackDown. As for what he does next, I sure hope it isn't moving to Smackdown. He is arguably the best heel in the WWE (the very best, IMO). For selfish reasons, I do not want him to move to the Junior Varsity Show on friday nights. Raw has a more live (that's because it's live), energetic, and real feeling to it. Smackdown is kind of lifeless at times. I really hope they move Cena to Smackdown (they won't). I think Randy Orton needs to have some fresh feuds with great faces like Undertaker or Edge (who is a face now), so heres hoping one or both of those guys move to Raw.

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