*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] Undertaker Injury/Vegetative State & Kane's Search Discussion


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First off who else saw Kane give that speech. Hell I was almost in tears. Anyway, I really hope that this doesn't reveal Kane being the one to have done it. I'd love to see another feud between the two but that should stay in the past, but I really don't see anyone credible enough to have done it except Kane. For me I'm hoping it reveals to be the SES or somebody on Raw. Perhaps Vince McMahon hired somebody to take care of him.

I just thought of this maybe it's Swagger who took him out because he didn't want to defend the title against him.
Well I think it's most likely that Jack Swagger did it so he and the Undertaker could have a feud like people have been saying. But is it was CM Punk and the members of the SES that did it I think it would be better. CM Punk and the undertaker had a short fued previously but it wasn't that good. But if CM Punk and the SES were together trying to take down the undertaker it would be so much better. Then we can't forget about kane. Kane could probably find out that the SES did it before the undertaker returns and then it could be a SES vs. Kane fued and then when the undertaker returns it could be a SES vs. The brothers of destruction fued.

This is off topic but kane should consider using smoke in his entrance it looked great with the red smoke.
Well it was a great intense promo done by Kane he should stick two doing intense promos because ovioulsly thats one of his strong points. As far were this is going I am not sure but all I hope for is that its a long term feud with who ever that will end at wrestlemania and it should start around the end of summer since thats when Undertaker is suppose to return if all goes to plan.
It was Rikishi. He hit him with a car.

:lol: Ah nostalgia. Okay now I love a good mystery more than the next guy, and I kind of liked the Ashton Kutcher "hitman" storyline they did just a few days ago. But if this leads right back up to another Undertaker vs. Kane I swear I will flip the channel and not even bother reading the results for the week. These two have been through enough against each other that it isn't at all going to be surprising if The Red Machine was the one that did The Deadman in.

As for the people I think that may have "done" it, my first instinct says Drew McIntyre. Yeah sounds ridiculous but this isn't about who we want it to be, it's gonna be about the guy we least expect and it will give them a humongous push. Drew has no gold now, and Vince likes the guy, so it makes perfect sense.
First off Kane's promo was gold, the aggression and anger was perfect, maybe this could be the return of an intimidating Kane where he causes havoc, but im thiking it could be CM Punk and the SES or even Jack Swagger and if it was Swagger this could set him up for one of his first major feuds. But more storylines like this in WWE makes for good tv and development of talent on the rosters.
After reading the idea of it being the SES, "OMG!" popped into my head. That is the storyline I want to see! I'd like to see Kane to cost Punk the title at F4W, have a mini feud until we have The Undertaker return (6-8 weeks) and "The Brothers of Destruction" feud.
I also agree with others, Kane-Taker as a feud is so over done, and I do not want to see it. Ever. Again.

Although, I hope it's used to thrust someone in stardom. It could, also, be a heel turn for some, which would be really nice. No matter who it is, it's going to produce so much heel heat, they'll instantly be over as a heel.

Whomever it may be, I'm excited for SD! nowadays....
Kane was showing signs that made everyone nervous back in 98. This Undertaker thing sounds like something Orton would've pulled in 05. I think it's gotta be someone nobody expects, like some of the other guys on this topic.
I was blown away by how intense the promo was by Kane. I was even a little scared lol, and that's even with reading the spoilers on the Wednesday prior to watching it yesterday. Kane needs to do more stuff like this I agree.

Anyways, I thought in an instant it could be Straightedge Society. They're a stable and have just came off a hot feud with Mysterio and they've been known to attack people. This could even lead to a reunion for B.O.D. to feud with S.E.S., plus it'll give Gallows a rub in the right direction as a dominant enforcer for the group and put the stable over. Punk has been given an impressive rub as it is yet this will only help out the stable.

As for Callaway's injuries, broken nose, concussion and broken orbital bone. The orbital bone being apart of his eye, so depending on the severity this might take some time, but if it doesn't require anything major I'm not a doctor and have no idea how long the broken orbital bone will take to heal but I think he'll return in time for SummerSlam to set off the major feud with whoever they have planned to do so.

Either way this is a huge storyline for SD!, I always watch it to begin with but this feud will be huge, but I agree with others again I hope it isn't Kane. But he did seem to into this whole vengeance side and on a tirade against other superstars including a face character in Mysterio so I don't expect it to. But the only plus side if it is Kane is that it could possibly lead to a HIAC between the two, that would be a dream match to see but other than that no, the two shouldn't feud again.
Yeah I agree with most of you that say Jack Swagger done it. I want to see a Taker/Swagger feud over the summer as Undertaker could perhaps return from his injury round about July? If Undertaker is'nt able to compete by then, Kane could reveal it was Swagger who took out Taker and therefore creating a match at Summerslam for the world title. It would be good to see Kane go insane like he used to a few years ago.

I really enjoyed Kane's promo and seemed quite heartfelt. I'm very intrigued to see where this storyline is going as nobody really knows when and if 'Taker will return.
kinda funny how Kane is going apeshit over someone 'hurting' his brother....but even funnier how he tried to bury Undertaker like what 7 years ago.....then Taker returned at Mania......this could be really intriguing if they do it right....this could signal the return of the American Badass or even the actual Undertaker the way he was many years ago with the gloves.....i personally find it ironic and wouldnt be surprised to see its Kane that did it....Undertaker has constantly been winning titles and is always THE star.....Kanes jealousy might have taken over.....they gave us hints considering CM Punk and Swagger......i have heard that Swagger is supposed to face Taker at Summerslam....this is the better choice obviously as it helps Swagger over more cuz Punk already lost to Taker....its also smarter in that it gives the feud life while Taker is out on the shelf for another month or so leading into their summerslam matchup....nice job WWE for once lol
Kane was just...well there's no other way to say it, the guy was phenomenal last night. His promo was gold and the raw emotion generated was tangible. I honestly never knew, or even though, that Kane had it in him. This story can really go somewhere, it's already got me interested.

Personally, I think it could work no matter who the cultprit turns out to be as long as it's not Kane himself. I could see it happen, given the history between the two and I certainly hope that's not what's gonna go down here. I've seen Kane and Taker go at it off and on for 12 years and I don't need to see it anymore. It's soooooo much more interesting with Kane playing the role of the pissed off brother out for revenge.
I think you're all wrong, personally. Kane's promo was EPIC. It was the best promo I've probably seen him do ever. What I think this is is WWE trying to put Kane back into the big time. I wouldn't be surprised if a major superstar from RAW was the culprit, and the two have a long-term feud while WWE gives Taker some extra time off. Then, of course, Taker would return, biker or not, and reveal who actually did it and then could possibly go back to the Ministry of Darkness taker and the B.O.D come back and start feuding with the wrestlers in a supernatural way, maybe even have Paul Bearer come back. I personally don't think it was the SES, because if WWE's looking for a tag feud, I don't think that Gallows and Punk really match up as a "team." Luke Gallows is always been known as Punk's lackey, and I don't think it's ever going to change. Anyways, I really think this feud is meant more for Kane than it is Undertaker.
kinda funny how Kane is going apeshit over someone 'hurting' his brother....but even funnier how he tried to bury Undertaker like what 7 years ago

Really ? Don't you know that Vince thinks us wrestling fans are stupid ?

Like , the feud with John Cena and Randy Orton , and then as soon as Randy turned face , they kinda respected each other .

Things like this go on in wrestling . Forgive and forget .

But anyways ,
I think whoever did it , is going to be someone who is taking time off sometime soon , because we all know that Undertaker is really just heeling and will return soon and then have a feud with whoever did it , would they have a casket match ? Or does Vince even allow those anymore ?

But what will happen with Kane ? What will Kane do as soon as he knows that The Undertaker came back ? Will they push him again ?
Ok, everyone so far seems to be going with estabilshed stars, but what about someone new? there have been plans before to have a complete unknown take out taker at mania and now would be a brilliant time to start the process. IF you don't like the idea of a new guy facing him, what about Sting or Goldberg...they were looking to put them in HOF next year right? :) But to sum up im hoping this is the beginning of the undertakers road to wrestlemania
I didn't see Cody Rhodes in that battle royal on Smackdown, so that could be a possibility. In fact, I think that could be huge for Rhodes' career.

In my opinion, there are only five options. Swagger, Kane, Punk, Mysterio, or Rhodes. Swagger or Kane being the most likely.
Im thinking a final feud with the Undertaker would be the best way to end Kane's career. The story of Kane being jealous of always being in his brothers shadow and injuring the Undertaker in order to get a shot at the title. They could end it all in a casket match at wrestlemania, with the Undertaker winning and destroying kane once and for all. Kane's career is coming to a end soon rather than later and deserves one final high profile feud, so who better than the Undertaker. Let's face it Kane isn't going to get a Michaels type of send off and he isn't going to be breaking kayfabe so the only real way to finish his career is for someone like the Undertaker to destroy him.

Im not saying Kane is going to retire this year but if he does I think this will be the best way for him to go out.
I love it when WWE do this...Taker out, and his brother looking for answers...they have done this before and I loved it then..they haven't always been on the same page, but when something happens, the brothers got their back...

There are 2 possible outcomes...either it was a wrestler...OR...

IT'S KANE!!!! - now this would start another feud between the brothers and TBH I don't want to see it...i think they have had their fights..but how confusing would that be ehh??
With the Teddy Long announcement, Druids and Kane's Absolute phenomenal Promo, i actully thought that The Undertaker was really hurt or dead really! But this could ending up being Taker's final Storyline before he retires. Think about it Kane could be the one behind it, leads up to Takers final match with Kane defeating him. It would give The Deadman a fantastic ending to his career, and could bring Kane back to Title contention where he belongs.
Or it could be some-one just totally out the blue to give them a boost, Cody Rhodes or Dolph for example...I'm Just Sayin...
I think this is all just one big swerve. Kane will be revealed as the attacker, and we will see Taker VS Kane again. I don't want to see this feud because these two have feuded some many times in the past. It has been done to death, and we all know Taker is going to triumph over heel Kane.

I see some other posters have mentioned Cody Rhodes. Rhodes hasn't been seen on Smackdown in a while, and if he were to be revealed as the attacker, then it would be a huge shock, but I just can't see this happening. This would be a huge push for Cody, and he's no where near ready for something like that.
My initial reaction was that it was Kane, but after reading all of the posts I would love to see it be the SES, set up them to be a major faction on Smackdown and in the WWE, then setting up down the line as most everyone has said SES vs the BOD...

Someone mentioned Shawn Michaels and if he wasn't dead set on staying retired that would be an epic way for him to come back into the WWE, of course as a major heel considering the circumstances.

Overall if it isn't the SES I would love to see it be someone like Cody Rhodes who would get a huge push from that, Smackdown needs more main event players and this is a way to get some more in that area.
This program SHOULD be one hell of a storyline to follow! This reminds me a lot of when Stone Cold got ran over. That became the biggest mystery in wrestling (although the result didn't justify the storyline). Now, if done right, this can elevate Kane and use him to a capacity close to how he was once used. He can have a good program to work with and *hopefully* the mystery attacker(s) will get one hell of a push from this.

And honestly, I wouldn't bring back The Undertaker until WrestleMania to face the person who left him in a comatose state. I would drag this out a bit, have Kane figure out who it is, and start a nice long program with him/them. Then have Undertaker face the man responsible at WrestleMania... and THAT'S how you can top the Michaels/Undertaker storyline from the past two years.
Kane cut one hell of a promo, and I'm glad to see him involved in some kind of meaningful storyline. I think the plan calls for Kane to be the culprit. Who else on Smackdown has the mythical capability of pulling off such an attack? I can't think of anyone. Kane is off his rocker (kayfabe). We never know what he'll do next, and that's how I like Kane.

But there is something else to consider here. WWE has changed things up mid-mystery before. Who knows if the guy they have this planned out for will turn out to have actually done it? They could re-write everything for another guy, we have seen that happen before. Nothing is set in stone over there, and if it seems too many people are onto who it is, they might just switch the storyline over to another guy.

But for right now, my money is on Kane.
IMO i could see the "attacker" being one of these three

Drew Mcintyre- only because vince loves him and he's labelled as a future main eventer so why not have him beat the hell out of undertaker to make a point. but he is in a feud with matt hardy atm so im not sure but he seems the most logical choce

Shad- his feud with jtg seems to be over,he says its his time, also i didnt see him in the battle royal(correct me if im wrong) even though it was suppose to be every male smackdown superstar guilt maybe?

Triple H- he returns from "injury" and says sheamus made him realise the wwe universe are making him into something he's not for the past 5 years he's been trying to set a good example for the younger generation. that theyve turned dx into a joke etc etc... then he drops the bombshell that he attacked the undertaker to prove to the fans that he is still the badass he was 5 years ago major heat for triple h. then because the power he has in the company he terminates his raw contracts and signs a smackdown one.

personally i hope its triple h because that would be an epic rivalry
I truthfully hope it's Kane. People are always saying that they need to push Kane more and put him in a meaningful feud. This would be perfect for Kane and would be a shock because Kane really has been lost in the shuffle.

Yeah I know, Kane and Undertaker feuded before, but let me ask this...can anyone remember one memorable thing about that feud? Kane's entrance into the WWE and that's really it. If I was booking this feud I would do the following.

Keep Kane up his investigation and have him just randomly attack folks for like a month or two or maybe longer.

Have Undertaker come back, but don't reveal Kane as the attacker, have Taker not know who it was.

Then have the Brothers of Destruction blaze a path of destruction looking for culprit.

And to keep the mind games up, have mysterious things happen to the undertaker. Not attacks more like vandalism to Taker's property. Even have him lose a couple matches by mysterious circumstance.

And keep this up until WrestleMania and the Taker's WM opponent remains a mystery. Have Taker come out w/Kane at Mania, then when Taker gets ready for his Mania opponent, Kane's music hits and Taker is completely shocked.

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