*MERGED* Official Matt Hardy is a big fat crybaby who might get fired discussion

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[URL="http://http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2010/0912/531760/matt-hardy/" [/URL]

So according to this there was concern over his condition so they sent him home. THey wanted him healed up b/c they cant risk an injury to one of the most over guys on the roster. Why would they fire him? ik alot of you dont see him as much of an asset to WWE like i do, but you cant say that he wouldnt be a huge asset for tna. When Jeff jumped i watched a couple episodes. If matt were to jump i would do it again. Hell i would just turn it on and walk out if i had to just to give tna ratings.
[URL="http://http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2010/0912/531760/matt-hardy/" [/URL]

So according to this there was concern over his condition so they sent him home. THey wanted him healed up b/c they cant risk an injury to one of the most over guys on the roster. Why would they fire him? ik alot of you dont see him as much of an asset to WWE like i do, but you cant say that he wouldnt be a huge asset for tna. When Jeff jumped i watched a couple episodes. If matt were to jump i would do it again. Hell i would just turn it on and walk out if i had to just to give tna ratings.

Sure you can say he wouldn't be a huge asset for TNA because Matt Hardy simply isn't that good. He's never been as over as his brother Jeff, he's not as good in the ring as his brother Jeff and Jeff Hardy himself hasn't exactly been dynamite while he's been in TNA. Jeff Hardy needs the WWE machine to be a main eventer and Matt Hardy is just plain not cut out for the main event no matter what. You can't expect Matt Hardy to draw ratings for TNA because he's never been a ratings draw period. If Jeff Hardy can't deliver the goods for TNA in terms of ratings, then I fail to see how his overall much less talented brother could do any better.
OMFG I am so fucking tired of seeing the same bullshit every week. Oh Matt you are fat, you are a cry baby, Hardy is a pig, he can't wrestle. Just STFU already. The guy almost fucking could have died last year from the collapsed abdominal wall. At least he is prideful enough to still perform for each of his fans every week. He has all the right to be unhappy because the guy has been in the WWE for ten plus years, been screwed by McMahon and Edge, been put in the shadows of his brother, and has not been able to show people that he can be in the main event. This thread should be closed just as every other thread in comparison to this monkey shit thread. If you are going to make a thread fucking choose a good topic and not this pointless shit because you are just wasting everyone's time. FYI, Matt Hardy haters can all suck it because Matt actually cares about his fans and takes the time to connect with them. You can give me a bad rep I don't give a rat's ass. Because I am not going to stand for this disrespect of a WWE veteran.

Hey, I have an idea I think all Matt Hardy hate thread makers should be banned. That sounds great to me.

Well according to Matt's Twitter it seems that WWE is giving Matt a choice to either stay in the WWE or be released, so he can get back in shape with no heavy schedule. So, stop bashing him before the story gets out because we do no know what the full story is yet. I think him leaving WWE for a couple of months would be great for him to get back in shape, so he can come back to WWE better than ever.
I just watched Hardy's little video thing and, while I can see all the reasons he's not happy etc, the only thing that really stood out to me was that he was on something. I don't know what but he was a bit spaced out. He seems, to me at least, to need a break from wrestling FULL-Stop and to sort his body and the like out before he ends up throwing away all the good will people have ever had towards him..

sad, sad thing to see.
Now I've been a fan of Hardy since I was watching as a kid and he was with Jeff. Not a big fan, but I like him. However, I really think the WWE should just let him go.

Lets face it. As much as some of you are tired of hearing how overweight he is, he really is overweight. Its effecting his ring work and now its playing its role in his overall health. After these recent reports, it just doesnt seem like he cares about working anymore. This leaves me to believe that he wouldnt even try to get in shape. If he is just going to basically blow everything off, he doesnt need to be here. I'm positive there is someone more deserving that can be in his spot now and do it better than he is.

I feel bad for him, but he needs to get himself together. And until then, I say give his spot to someone else.
Here is what I think the story is so far about Matt Hardy:

OK, so apparently this past weekend Matt Hardy walked away from a house show without giving any notice to WWE officials. The word backstage is that Matt Hardy is not too popular backstage because it seems Matt is not giving 100% and just doesn't want to work because he is hurting and having trouble with his body. A rumor says that CM Punk and Hardy do not get along at all backstage and that Matt Hardy is on very thin ice with the WWE right now and the only reason why WWE is afraid of losing Matt is because of a possible Hardy Boyz reunion down in TNA. Now from seeing Matt's twitter it seems that WWE is possibly giving Hardy a choice to be released from his contract. This my assumption though, so it may not be true. I am really confused right now because who the hell knows what is true and what is not. One moment Matt says that we should not believe the rumors and then yet another post shows up about Hardy being in danger.

If Matt Hardy is indeed released from his contract what do you think will be his next move?
Thank GOD someone merged these things. Please let me know who, so I can green rep them.. It's a shame my last post didn't survive the merge though.. I compared Hardy threads to Herpes..

But yes, it looks like Hardy may be done in the WWE, and it's no one's fault but his own. After the newest report that came in? The shit he pulled? I'd fire him. Let him go to TNA, If I were Dixie, I wouldn't take him till he's recovered. I mean really, how much of a draw is Matt and Jeff together? Will it raise the ratings THAT much? Maybe a bit of Merch sales, but that's it. The WWE is not losing a lot in this. If anything, it opens up more opportunities for Christian
Christian? hes more stuck than hardy is! They can trust Hardy not to ditch the company. Christian not so much. And quite honestly yea hes being an idiot as of late. im very dissapointed he walked out on an event. He prolly thinks its a way back at WWE or something when he should really be working harder. Hes just down in the dumps. All Hardy needs is a good weekend in vegas with lots of cheap but clean hookers.
I mean you can't blame Matt for what he said on twitter he is fustrated.

You can't blame anyone for being frustrated. But Matt Hardy is doing absolutly NOTHING by complaining on twitter. You have guys like Christian, who has been doing the same thing as Matt, do you see him complaining because he didn't get a world title or whatever? No. If Matt is so fucking frusterated, he should just go to TNA.

Anyway, I think Matt Hardy was super cool when he was in the Hardy Boyz, but now he just died down..

Honestly, I think he is doing just fine putting over young talent. I don't think he needs a World Title. If he has a problem with what Vince is doing with him, then he can quit. Fine by me.
Christian? hes more stuck than hardy is!
But he is not bitching and crying about it. Neither is ANYONE else in that position.

They can trust Hardy not to ditch the company. Christian not so much.
Christian also isn't on the verge of being fired for being a MORON. You go post somewhere where your boss can read that you are not happy the way you are being treated at work, and deserve better.. Then walk out during your shift. See what happens.

And quite honestly yea hes being an idiot as of late. im very dissapointed he walked out on an event. He prolly thinks its a way back at WWE or something when he should really be working harder.
Yeah because THAT'LL show them.. Poor WWE really lost big time there..:rolleyes: He did nothing but make himself a Marked Man.

Hes just down in the dumps. All Hardy needs is a good weekend in vegas with lots of cheap but clean hookers.
Hardy does not need to pull a Ben Affleck. He needs to get the F off the computer, and do whatever working out he "can" do. Physio is a beautiful thing. I would know.
At this point it wouldn't shock me to see Matt Hardy released by the end of the week. I read the only reason WWE hasn't released Matt was because they didn't want a Hardy Boy reunion in TNA, but now at least from what I read and what Matt has been saying it seems as if WWE is letting Matt make a choice whether to stay or be released. I think at this point it would be better for Matt Hardy to jump ship to TNA. Matt isn't going anywhere in WWE and obviously he's unhappy with the way he's being used. We don't hear or see the conversations Matt has with Jeff or other friends he has in TNA so their probably telling him to come to TNA where he will probably be a main-eventer and be used much better than he is currently in WWE. It's a sticky situation but in the end I believe Matt gets his release.
100% AGREE. Heres the perfect example of no talent. Lita cheated on Matt, Vince released him, fan support brought him back and his feud with edge was great THAT ALONE SHOULD HAVE MADE HIM WIN THE WWE TITLE. It didn't he was back to jobber mode after and Edge was on his way to greatness. What part of that do you not understand? Matt isn't a charity case and people need to stop with all that bullshit. Lets look at people who are more deserved to win more than Matt:

Dolph fucking Ziggler
Woo fucking Woo
Mark Henry
Evan god damn borune

They're all BETTER than Matt. What? BETTER than Matt. Why: Hm....TALENT. Great that he pioneered Ladders match but if that was a long time ago and honestly, he either needs to job to Mcintryre or STFU and GTFO
Oh and for the poster above me, I think Matt should consider it; A failing company for a failing wrestler :) I think he will be a main eventer if he joins the Hogan kiss my ass club.But that still wouldn't make a difference, Matt's body is way too shitty for TNA even by Hogan's standards. If he is released, I believe he needs to job out to Kane and get the shit beat out of him.
I am tired of hearing everyone talk down on Matt Hardy he has been nothing but a great worker and loyal to the WWE and gets bigger pops than anyone on smackdown. I honestly would love Matt to cross the line, if I was being under utlized why not TNA appreciates their talents and pushes them in ways the WWE never did. So screw all the Matt haters and TNA haters. Matt hardy has done so much for this business and gets so little respect from it and if anyone would pay attention to his last youtube video they would know that he's been dropping wieght and the only reason he wasn't able to was because of his last surgery and red meat would cause him trouble. Matt I hope u do cross the line and prove the world wrong and become WHC.
Honestly I doubt WWE will fire Hardy, and they would be stupid to do so. Hardy is not only loved by a good number of casual fans, but if you got rid of him he would simply go to TNA. Now I like Matt, I think hes better than a lot of guys WWE has right now. Hes constantly over, and I and a large amount of fans find him entertaining. Sure he might not be great on the Mic, but hes passable, and better than a lot of others on it in comparison.

I think I would enjoy him winning the title, a few wrestlers have won the WHC recently that Matt is simply better than, and if pushed right he could certainly be an entertaining champion, even for a short run. If Rey Mysterio and Jack Swagger can be the champ Matt Hardy sure as hell can too.
I am tired of hearing everyone talk down on Matt Hardy he has been nothing but a great worker and loyal to the WWE and gets bigger pops than anyone on smackdown. I honestly would love Matt to cross the line, if I was being under utlized why not TNA appreciates their talents and pushes them in ways the WWE never did. So screw all the Matt haters and TNA haters. Matt hardy has done so much for this business and gets so little respect from it and if anyone would pay attention to his last youtube video they would know that he's been dropping wieght and the only reason he wasn't able to was because of his last surgery and red meat would cause him trouble. Matt I hope u do cross the line and prove the world wrong and become WHC.

Congratulations, you are a tool. Go back and read some of the other posts. You will see names of people who not only get bigger pops then him, but people who deserve a push before they even THINK of giving it to him. What has Matt done for the company that someone like Mark Henry has not? Or Goldust? Or Christian? Or Regal? NOTHING. I hope Matt leaves too. Only because then we wont have to hear about him in the WWE section anymore. Who cares what he said on Youtube, or Twitter? GET THE F OFF THE INTERNET. That's what he should be doing. You think he was justified in his actions walking out of the arena? HELL no. Matt deserves exactly what is coming to him, nothing more.
Matt Hardy needs to get back in shape now that he knows what works for his diet/body. At least, that's what he says. He had a good US Championship run in 2008 and actually had some good matches with big victories. Now he has self-relegated himself into an uninspired jobber and I think we're all seeing a situation similar to Carlito. Yes, we don't know the full story pertaining to his true motives, but all of these cryptic messages that he keeps posting on the internet just seems like another cry for attention, like he did back in 2005. But, it seems like he's dug himself a bigger hole this time and I don't think he'll be able to redeem himself before the WWE releases him. Personally, I think he's better off on the indy scene. Being an enhancement talent would be fine for him and he's doing a decent job of it, but the problem is that he doesn't want to just do that. What else can he do in the WWE then? Nothing. He had his chances of improving his full in-ring work, but he never capitalized. It's his fault.
You know who else was popular with the fans, and thought he deserved more then what he was getting? The Ultimate Warrior! and do you remember what happened to him? Yeah. Exactly. Warrior brought in more money then Hardy ever could as well. But at the end of the day, it's about whats best for the company, and Matt, is not what's best for the WWE.
You know who else was popular with the fans, and thought he deserved more then what he was getting? The Ultimate Warrior! and do you remember what happened to him? Yeah. Exactly. Warrior brought in more money then Hardy ever could as well. But at the end of the day, it's about whats best for the company, and Matt, is not what's best for the WWE.

Is your entire argument Warrior is better than Hardy or that Warrior didnt get what he deserved in the company? I agree with the first one but there no way in hell I could agree with the second.

If its to say simply that someone whom brings in a lot of money and draws is good for the company, then of course you would be right, as thats the point of Professional Wrestling.

Matt is a draw, but never has been as big nor will be as big as Warrior was during his big run.
100% AGREE. Heres the perfect example of no talent. Lita cheated on Matt, Vince released him, fan support brought him back and his feud with edge was great THAT ALONE SHOULD HAVE MADE HIM WIN THE WWE TITLE. It didn't he was back to jobber mode after and Edge was on his way to greatness. What part of that do you not understand? Matt isn't a charity case and people need to stop with all that bullshit. Lets look at people who are more deserved to win more than Matt:

This shall be fun.


He can't even get heat being dubbed the Chosen One by Vince. How does he deserve it more?

Kingston is good but not somebody spectacular.


They've already been champion so I'm just going to skip these.

Dolph fucking Ziggler

When he learns how to generate heat without Vickie, get back to me.
Woo fucking Woo

Quit embarrassing yourself.

I thought I told you to stop.

Mark Henry

Evan god damn borune

Arguably Bourne's best match was at Cyber Sunday in 2008 against who - Matt Hardy.

They're all BETTER than Matt. What? BETTER than Matt. Why: Hm....TALENT. Great that he pioneered Ladders match but if that was a long time ago and honestly, he either needs to job to Mcintryre or STFU and GTFO

Those was some horrible choices you picked as being better than Hardy. Come back with something of substance please. Hardy is a solid midcarder who always gets good crowd reactions and I wouldn't mind him being WHC.
Is your entire argument Warrior is better than Hardy or that Warrior didnt get what he deserved in the company? I agree with the first one but there no way in hell I could agree with the second.

If its to say simply that someone whom brings in a lot of money and draws is good for the company, then of course you would be right, as thats the point of Professional Wrestling.

Matt is a draw, but never has been as big nor will be as big as Warrior was during his big run.

Warrior brought in more money then Hardy ever could as well. But at the end of the day, it's about whats best for the company, and Matt, is not what's best for the WWE.

Read it again.

I don't want to speak for someone else, but I'm doing it anyways.

He's just making a similarity, or a connection, sort of.

He's saying, Ultimate Warrior thought he deserved more, but he was already bringing so much money to the company.

Vince is definitely not dumb, and Warrior brought in TONS of money for the WWF. Matt Hardy gets pops, but I think it's because of his brother. Matt Hardy is NOT draw to this company. He doesn't sell as much as Warrior, and he never will.
Yes, Flawless was correct. The connection I was making was more for someone saying that letting go of Hardy would be bad, because he gets a good reaction. Well so did Warrior, and he was fired. Company did fine without him too. Warrior's pop dwarfs Hardy's also.

The point I was trying to make was that if firing someone who says they are not getting what they deserve (Warrior) didn't effect the company.. How would letting go of Hardy be so bad? He's not a top draw. Never has been, never will be anywhere else. Even TNA has WAY better talent then him. So what would make him so important there? When they got guys like AJ, Kurt, Pope and many others who kick Matt's ass not only with ring ability, but with promo ability.
Read it again.

I don't want to speak for someone else, but I'm doing it anyways.

He's just making a similarity, or a connection, sort of.

He's saying, Ultimate Warrior thought he deserved more, but he was already bringing so much money to the company.

Vince is definitely not dumb, and Warrior brought in TONS of money for the WWF. Matt Hardy gets pops, but I think it's because of his brother. Matt Hardy is NOT draw to this company. He doesn't sell as much as Warrior, and he never will.

I found the wording odd, thus my confusion.

Yes, Flawless was correct. The connection I was making was more for someone saying that letting go of Hardy would be bad, because he gets a good reaction.

Well its bigger than that. People like Matt Hardy, and he could be a champion if done correctly. But of course hes no where near Warrior, better comparisons could be made.

Well so did Warrior, and he was fired. Company did fine without him too. Warrior's pop dwarfs Hardy's also.

Of course, but he was also bat shit crazy. Letting go of Hardy would still be a bad move, as He'll just join TNA and having both Hardy's is bound to be some sort of a draw, seeing as they still have their fanbase. We dont see it with Jeff, but that could be because they simply tune in to both shows because the Hardy's are on 2 shows. If theyre on one the both may lose some sort of percentage of viewer ship.

The point I was trying to make was that if firing someone who says they are not getting what they deserve (Warrior) didn't effect the company..

It wont in a big way, but it woulds still be a bad move on their parts.

How would letting go of Hardy be so bad? He's not a top draw. Never has been,
Hes never been given the chance to be one. You could have said the same thing about Jeff before he became champion. Also remember back when they originally released Matt and the IWC and fans started the huge movement to bring him back? He could have very well been a main-eventer right now if they hadnt used it to put over Edge.

never will be anywhere else.

Thats a little presumptuous dont you think?

Even TNA has WAY better talent then him. So what would make him so important there?

Lol, Im not saying hes the best, but a lot of TNA's talent is shit in comparison to Matt. And what would make him important? Being Matt Hardy. If shit like Tommy Dreamer and Rob Van Dam can be in the main events or upper midcarders so can Matt Hardy.

When they got guys like AJ, Kurt, Pope and many others who kick Matt's ass not only with ring ability, but with promo ability.

Big deal, having way more talented wrestlers like Angle on the card didnt stop RVD from becoming champ. Besides, Matt being let go would be bad regardless. They could keep him on as a midcarder and simply suspend him, no need to let go of him.
Hes never been given the chance to be one.

Neither has Christian, and he doesn't complain.

I think Matt if wants a world title so bad, he can just leave to TNA like Christian. Christian got the taste of two world titles, got what he wanted, and then came back to WWE to continue ECW and put over younger talent. If Hardy doesn't like his job, then he should stop complaining and say something to Vince. You know what? Even before he (should) talk to Vince about the complaining, he should apologize for his Twitter rants and for walking out on a house show, then he can state why he's so frustrated. I'm sure that will do nothing for him though, he's not a draw, he never will be. Vince is smart and strict business. (Hense the Montreal Screwjob)

You know this is true: Matt Hardy has no right to pull of twitter tantrums and walk out on a house show.
Another thing that's ALSO true: Matt Hardy is a crybaby.

Sorry, Matt Hardy fans, but it's true. The guy is a crybaby. He thinks he has so much respect for the company, when he's literary bashing how they book him.
Neither has Christian, and he doesn't complain.

Dont get me wrong, Im not defending his complaints, I dont care for it whenever they complain. Im just saying he still has worth.

I think Matt if wants a world title so bad, he can just leave to TNA like Christian. Christian got the taste of two world titles, got what he wanted, and then came back to WWE to continue ECW and put over younger talent. If Hardy doesn't like his job, then he should stop complaining and say something to Vince. You know what? Even before he (should) talk to Vince about the complaining, he should apologize for his Twitter rants and for walking out on a house show, then he can state why he's so frustrated.

I mustve missed that, when did he walk out on a house show? The internet reports bullshit some times. Hardy even posted a video on youtube dispelling the whole sent home thing by showing he was still in England and was going home the day he said. Now while I dont know him personally I would take his word over internet "journalists".

I'm sure that will do nothing for him though, he's not a draw, he never will be.

Once again the same can be applied to Jeff, and was, then he held the title and was a draw. They give people like Jack Swagger the title to get him over or see if hes a draw, Matt can most certainly hold it.

Vince is smart and strict business. (Hense the Montreal Screwjob)

I know how intelligent he is, and once again Im not saying that Hardy is right to complain, but they have screwed him over a few times, not that its justification.

You know this is true: Matt Hardy has no right to pull of twitter tantrums and walk out on a house show.

Never said he did so this is a moot point.

Another thing that's ALSO true: Matt Hardy is a crybaby.

Yep, lets degrade him, because its the cool thing to do. Next thing youll be making fat jokes and jumping on the bandwagon like everyone else.

Sorry, Matt Hardy fans, but it's true. The guy is a crybaby.

Yep, you are the ultimate authority on what is truth.

He thinks he has so much respect for the company, when he's literary bashing how they book him.

AJ Styles did recently I didnt see you attacking him for it. Hardy shouldnt complain, but you need to get the hell off of your high horse.

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