*MERGED* Official Matt Hardy is a big fat crybaby who might get fired discussion

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His tweets could be the reason. Or maybe they're unhappy with his weight or he was wearing a Jeff Hardy t-shirt and Taker didn't like it.

But who knows. Maybe Hardy isn't even in trouble. He could've just gotten hurt or something and had to be sent home. However, if the reason is his tweets, Matt shouldn't be too surprised by this; it wouldn't be the first time he got in trouble for blowing up on the internet.

But we shall see.
Uh-oh, it seems that Matt Hardy's been sent home from this last road tour. Reason hasn't been given but it's probably one of two things: either injury or his "outspoken" Twitter statements. And if we go by the example of Mickie James, Hardy's international tour trouble may lead to a "future endeavoring" of the leader of Mattitude.

Two questions come to mind:

1. Why do YOU think Hardy was sent home?

2. Does this mean a release or suspension for Matt?

I personally think Hardy was sent home because of personal misconduct, but I doubt very highly WWE would release Matt. Let's be honest, TNA would shell out money (that it really doesn't have!) to reunite the Hardyz just as it shelled out for guys like Sting, Nash, and Flair. So I'd say a suspension may be in Matt's future.
Prolly because he was bitching on twitter i said on another post i hope he gets punished for his remarks on twitter. I don't know if it means release or suspension. Because we really aren't sure if he was sent home because of the remarks. He could just be injured it could be something else. I don't know all i know is i hope this means he will be off tv for awhile. Maybe he will be sent to fcw or whatever its called so he can be repackaged maybe he will come back with a personality and not bore me half to death but if that isn't the case i would like to see him be release imo Matt hardy has run his course in wwe. He needs a gimmick thats entertaining or just be released but my luck he would get released and go to tna and make tna worse than it already is . :banghead:
From what I've read it is because he is currently pretty banged up and has afew nagging injuries and the doctors didn't think he would be fit to compete but I could be wrong.
1, he's fat and has no talent.

2, hopefully because he's fat and has no talent.

I'd love to say he hasn't been interesting since a specific moment, but he's never been interesting. The whole Matt Hardy Version whatever was slightly entertaining because they had those funny facts on the screen when he came in such as "Matt doesn't like mustard" and stuff. But aside from that, he's been taking up a spot on the show. i'd rather see Eugene come back and do his ******ed thing than Matt hardy....ever..
1, he's fat and has no talent.

2, hopefully because he's fat and has no talent.

I'd love to say he hasn't been interesting since a specific moment, but he's never been interesting. The whole Matt Hardy Version whatever was slightly entertaining because they had those funny facts on the screen when he came in such as "Matt doesn't like mustard" and stuff. But aside from that, he's been taking up a spot on the show. i'd rather see Eugene come back and do his ******ed thing than Matt hardy....ever..

Relax...I think your over exaggerating a little bit there, although i do agree that Matt Hardy is way overrated. I seriously hope Matt Hardy pays for his comments because the man is a little up himself i do not see the wonderous talent of Matt Hardy.
This is a chicken and egg situation. I think Hardy wants out of his WWE Contract so he can go to TNA to be with Jeff. Maybe he is pulling this sorta shit for that to happen.

I hope WWE let him go. I cant stand Matt Hardy. He has the personality of a banana, he's fat and cant pull the moves he could 5 years ago. Speaking of which, this urchin was sacked 5 years ago and cried all over the internet, he wants to be greatful WWE even took him back!

Please WWE, sack him and let him go to TNA and rot away with Jeff and that idiot Shannon Moore.
I can't believe the ignorant comments some of you makes. Jeff is fat Matt has digestive problem that he is finally fixing. And from his youtube vids maybe he wasn't sent home after all. At this point I think that Christian and Matt are stuck in mid to low card limbo and they need to do something about it and I wouldn't be surprise that Hardy is working the Internet maybe he told Vince that he could try to gain support that way. Otherwise the best thing that could happen to Matt and even Jeff would be for Matt to go to TNA.
The reason he's overweight is because he has had digestiv problems, so please stop bringing up the point that he's overweight because there's a reason for it.

Anyway WWE aren't stupid enough to let Matt go, TNA would dribble like a dog if Matt left WWE. Could you imagine the money that TNA would make by bringing back The Hardys. I can think of two reasons why WWE would send Matt home; a) He's picked up an injury b) they are getting back at him for bitching on Twitter. But if it is because of Hardy's comments on Twitter it would be a little late because it was nearly a week ago if not longer that Hardy made the comments. Either way I don't think WWE would release Hardy because of TNA reforming The Hardys.
Matt Hardy was sent home from Europe following yesterday's show in Butlins, Minehead, England. Hardy is banged up and WWE officials are worried about his health and felt he was unfit to compete at tonight's show from Butlins Skegness Resort Arena in Butlins, Skegness, England.

Hardy has been working banged up for years as his physical condition has caused a tremendous stress on him. He has let his frustration become public over the last couple weeks in meltdowns on Twitter.

^^ I read this elsewhere on the forum so I'm not 100% positive if this is true as the one who posted this didn't give a source (probably the main page). However, I'm more inclined to believe this than anything else. I highly doubt Hardy was suspended and taking time off to heal up on injuries sounds more likely. It's no secret that he hasn't been in the best shape so I'm currently under the impression that he's simply taking time off to heal up on injuries and hopefully lose weight.
As much as people (on the internet) love to hate Matt Hardy, he's not going anywhere soon. He still gets a huge pop when his music hits, and fans buy it when a big mean heel beats the hell out of him.

At worst they'll Owen Hart him (and I don't mean the fall)- if he wants to leave (who has any idea, I sure don't), they'll make him work out his contract with gimmicks that'll bury him for the future. As it is, he still gets the pops; he's not expendable, but there's no reason to ditch him.
I dobut that Vince is going to fire Matt Hardy. A lot of people love Matt Hardy including me and it would be a stupid thing for Vince to do. I mean you can't blame Matt for what he said on twitter he is fustrated. He has been in the business for a long time when he could have gone to TNA like a lot of other wrestlers. He shoulde have been champion by now but Vince screwed up or ended all his pushes.

As for the person who said Matt Has the personality of a banana SHUT UP he has a lot of personality. As for Matt being overweight he can't help that he had surgery on a major organ and he can't work out as much as other people can.
I don't get the whole "hes been around a long time so he deserves a title" idea. I just don't think he is that good. Just like Bob Holly wasn't that good but was around forever, got countless pushes but never really amounted to much. Matty Hardy is horrendous on the mic and only mediocre in the ring. Frankly, I think he makes a good jobber and nothing more.
Yup Fatt hardy i mean Matt hardy is a cry baby. He thinks he should be better used when he is lucky he is still with the wwe . I truly hope wwe sees what he has said and hope they suspend him for that or fires his ass or just buries his ass.

I never knew this forum has so many Matt Hardy haters, but all I could say is..
Sure Matt Hardy is lucky he is still around and all, but whats the point of being around if your getting buried like that?]

About "Fat" Hardy: Matt is working his way to become fit. He had an intestine problem and that is the reason he gained weight. Now he got down in weight, hes getting there. HE STOPPED EATING RED MEAT, WHICH WILL DO GOOD THINGS FOR HIM.:lol:

so yeah Matt hardy is a cry baby and needs to stop bitching so much if he wants a push he needs to fucking improve his ring and mic skills .

imo Matt is way better than Jeff in terms of in-ring skills.
& Better as a talker than Jeff. But its not about whos better...

Matt has mic skills(speech skills) check his video out on youtube if you like, type in Angelic Diablo, youll see this guys skills. He should debut a new gimmick as The Angelic Diablo (Which he was supposed to have back in 05)

That gimmick would do him very well, and all of you Hardy haters will quiet down..because Matt has got it, if WWE Writers gave him a chance.
Here's a challenge for you & all the other Matt-Huggers: List 10, okay uh, 5 Matt Hardy accomplishments/ moments (outside of the Hardy Boys) that would be worthy of being part of his Hall Of Fame vignette package:
You can't ask for everything but the Hardy Boyz. Matt built most of his career alongside Jeff as a 7 time tag team champion. That's like asking about Triple H without D-X. Or Kane without his Kane character.
Here's a challenge for you & all the other Matt-Huggers: List 10, okay uh, 5 Matt Hardy accomplishments/ moments (outside of the Hardy Boys) that would be worthy of being part of his Hall Of Fame vignette package:

1. Cruiserweight title defence win over Rey Mysterio at WM19
2. ECW win over Mark Henry in 2008 with successful defences
3. Win over Jeff Hardy at WM25
4. Won the US Championship from MVP after returning from injury
5. He was involved in the huge storyline between himself, Lita and Edge

I think all of these would make it onto a Matt Hardy vignette package...

Anyway, in response to the OP I have to agree somewhat. I do think Matt is whinging a bit too much but I think the biggest thing that is really getting to him is us, the IWC. He seems to only ever have something negative to say when there are news stories about him on websites such as WZ. His weight issue really isn’t that bad, he still looks fit to me. He’s overreacting but he’s fine to feel the way he feels. None of us know how he is treated or perceived back stage.

I have to agree with a lot of previous posts that Matt Hardy is not and will not be a World Champion in WWE. He won’t, it’s sad, but it’s true. Hardy has loads of talent and experience, he has a dedicated fan base and he has a great work ethic. You would think he’s a shoe in for a World Championship reign. His problem is he isn’t improving on what he’s been for the past 10 years. He isn’t making many new fans and he isn’t doing anything we haven’t seen before. I think his best option is to either do what he’s doing and be used to put over talent OR go backstage and take on a Finlay type role or even be a road agent.

Matt’s time is done to become a World Champion but that doesn’t mean he has nothing left to offer. He can win another couple of mid card titles to put someone over. He can involve himself in some meaningful feuds. He can do a lot of things with the rest of his time in WWE but he won’t be a main eventer and he certainly won’t win a WWE World Championship. I’m a Matt Hardy fan but I can be realistic and recognise his past achievements which have been great moments but they are coming to an end and we’ll most likely see Hardy as a backstage helper or a road agent.
Appearantly he didn't get sent home. Someone started a false rumor. seems like a lot of people don't like this guy for whatever reason. I'm not his biggest fan either, but I respect what he has done in the ring to entertain everyone. It appears he has been working injured for about a year. I think people should lighten up and give the guy a break, you don't have to like him but you can respect his dedication and work ethic.
WOW! Really?! You're talking about the guy who's given more to the WWE than anyone on the roster right? The guy who could have EASILY gone to Total Nonstop Craption and took over as world champ? The guy that pushes his body to the limit every time he goes out there when he pretty much knows that they'll keep him only as a jobber for the rest of his career? Yea you call yourself a wrestling fan when you bash a guy who remains injured because he loves what he does. I bet you don't even get outa bed when you have a sprained ankle.
WOW! Really?! You're talking about the guy who's given more to the WWE than anyone on the roster right? The guy who could have EASILY gone to Total Nonstop Craption and took over as world champ?
No, we're not talking about Kane, we're talking about Matt Hardy.

The guy that pushes his body to the limit every time he goes out there when he pretty much knows that they'll keep him only as a jobber for the rest of his career?
Mark Henry? Goldust? Christian? Matt is in a long line my friend, Hell, throw Regal in there too! Are any of them bitching on Twitter?

Yea you call yourself a wrestling fan when you bash a guy who remains injured because he loves what he does. I bet you don't even get outa bed when you have a sprained ankle.
Wrong guy there buddy. I got hurt doing something I love as well. Hurt way worse then Hardy is, I held out for a bit, but decided that my HEALTH was more important, and stopped doing the one thing I love more then anything else, to heal up. Why do something if you can't put your full 100% into it?
Matt has a history of working the net... in fact he invented it pretty much... I didn't think he looked too messed up, just that he had lost weight and was tired...

Matt has always toiled in Jeff's shadow and I for one understand the frustration, he can't blame his brother for being the "chosen one", and he DID get a win over him at Mania... Matt deserves a World Title, but like Rude, Regal, Bulldog will never get one unless he can get guys like us to demand it... WWE IS listening, we got Bryan back... so there should be no problem in Matt getting more over... except for fans of the overrated one...
WOW! Really?! You're talking about the guy who's given more to the WWE than anyone on the roster right? The guy who could have EASILY gone to Total Nonstop Craption and took over as world champ? The guy that pushes his body to the limit every time he goes out there when he pretty much knows that they'll keep him only as a jobber for the rest of his career? Yea you call yourself a wrestling fan when you bash a guy who remains injured because he loves what he does. I bet you don't even get outa bed when you have a sprained ankle.
wow really ? are you serious go to tna and take over as world champ yeah ok :lmao: matt hardy won't be world champ if he goes to tna he will prolly go back to teaming with jeff and win a couple tag titles or maybe become x divison champ or the tv champ. highly doubt tna are that damn dumb to give him a world title he doesnt draw he only draws with jeff sorry :wtf: wwe will keep him jobbing maybe if he would take sometime off to heal and get back in shape unstead of bitching on twitter about how he doesnt get used right just maybe he would get a mid card title or something . do you seriously think that wwe is going to push him while he bitches on twitter and he is injured and wont take time to heal up hell no
I smell a Hardy-Hater.

So, you're officially done with Matt Hardy's whining on Twitter eh?

Well first of all, nobody said that you had to follow Matt on Twitter and even so, wouldn't you be abit pissed off? There's no law against expressing your opinion on Twitter so Matt should be allowed to say what he wants.

Wouldn't you be a bit pissed off if you worked your entire life to be in that business, only to be thrown to the sidelines your entire career? I don't know about anybody else, but when Matt Hardy was ECW Champion you could tell how happy he was. He was on top of his game and always had a smile on his face. Matt's expression is always the same miserable, smacked-arse expression nowa'days. He isn't happy, and everybody can see it. So he has a right to express his opinion.

So, you're done with him aswell? And you think that he fails to see that he's not talented?

Are you forgetting that Matt had major surgery not long back to repair a BURST organ? I don't know about you, but I'd love to see you compete in a wrestling match with a burst organ. Why do you think he's keeping himself to a low-profile in the ring? He doesn't want to injure himself any further obviously. He hardly goes to the top rope anymore, and I can't blame the guy. You can work a brilliant match without going to the top rope and having the risk of injury sitting in the back of your mind.

I think you should cut the guy some slack really. He hasn't done anything wrong-doing towards you, I think this entire thread is just a waste of time. I also find it ironic that you call Matt, the WWE's biggest cry baby, when all you managed to do was create a thread about him just to 'cry' about him.

Give it a rest.. I swear if I see another thread about Matt Hardy, my balls are literally going to burst into flames. They are incredibly boring and they are all the same.
Sorry 90s, I like you, youre a good kid. But you're wrong here. Look at this report from the front page

According to a well placed source within WWE, much of the locker room is said to be furious with Matt Hardy, with some talent reportedly feeling he should be released from the company.
The consensus opinion of both talent and several of the road agents is that Hardy is often, to put it mildly, less than 100 percent, and seems to always have an excuse available as to why he cannot work.
The situation came to an apparent head last week when Hardy showed up the September 5th Smackdown house show event in White Plains, NY, only to disappear from the building without notice. WWE officials had to replace Hardy on the event card, and no explanation was given as to where he went.
In light of the events which took place this weekend during WWE's European tour, WWE management has told talent that tomorrow will be a quote "big day for Matt Hardy."
While there are those in TNA who are thinking this could be a chance to reunite The Hardy Boyz, one look at the video Matt posted from the overseas tour should tell everyone he needs to address some issues before being considered for anything in the near future.
Be sure to keep checking back to WZ frequently as this developing story unfolds.

When your own locker room is turning against you for your actions, you know you fucked up. The working hurt excuse has gotten old. Undertaker has been working hurt for years, yet still manages to put on some great matches. Hardy needs to ge off the internet, and out of the ring for a while. Work on getting healthy, THEN come back. He's not going to win the title. Sorry, but no. He's not main event material. You want to talk about being used bad? Look what they did to Regal on RAW this week. I like Regal, always have. The skit was funny too. But is hardy being made to do anything of that sort? being turned into a laughing joke? No. It's time to shape up, or ship out.
Sorry 90s, I like you, youre a good kid. But you're wrong here. Look at this report from the front page

When your own locker room is turning against you for your actions, you know you fucked up. The working hurt excuse has gotten old. Undertaker has been working hurt for years, yet still manages to put on some great matches. Hardy needs to ge off the internet, and out of the ring for a while. Work on getting healthy, THEN come back. He's not going to win the title. Sorry, but no. He's not main event material. You want to talk about being used bad? Look what they did to Regal on RAW this week. I like Regal, always have. The skit was funny too. But is hardy being made to do anything of that sort? being turned into a laughing joke? No. It's time to shape up, or ship out.

Ah.. that does kind of prove a vaild point, McQueen. I suppose you're right about Hardy needing to get off the internet and get healthy. It's what he needs really, it's obvious that he's hurting and his past injuries haven't healed. I don't think Matt's main event material, I was just trying to say that I can see how he'd be pissed off that he's never been given the oppurtunity as much as the other guys.. but with the way he allegedly "walked out of the arena without notice" I wouldn't be giving him a shot either. I liked the Regal/Goldust segment on Raw, it was quite funny; but people like Goldust, Regal, Mark Henry etc. are always used like that, they're fillers if anything. I'd like to see Matt actually doing something good with himself for once; if this whole thing about Matt is as big as it's being said to be, then he does need to get out and go someplace else. Even if it means retiring.

Will you pleeeease just go away now Matt??

Im not going to say he's fat- cuz I dont care if hes a little out of shape rightnow. Cuz so are alot of my favorites. Notice how Jericho & Edge are both looking a little big in the belly these days also??!!

I dont like the guy cuz I think he has very little talent. Hes no better then OK in the ring. He can take a good beatdown- I'll give him that. But he has about the weakest move-set of anyone in the business. Out of 10- I give his in-ring work a 5.5-6 tops. The worst part for me, are his mic-skills! If I had to rate his mic-work out of 10...I'd give him about a 3 TOPS! Sure...he gets decent pops...but I still feel like those are HardyBoy pops- NOT Matt Hardy pops! Just release him!! Nothing to be scared of Vince! If Jeff Hardy cant get TNA a 1.5 rating....then Matt sure as hell wont either

Its Matt Hardy & Christian that everyone talks about on here...being the guys that need the big push. Well- I totally agree with Christian, but couldnt disagree more with Matt Hardy. Christians in-ring work is much more exciting then Hardys & his mic-work puts Matt to shame- its not even close really!! Christian in my book is a 8/10 in ring AND on the mic. Maybe even 9/10 on the mic.

So...In conclusion...I'll say it again: GOOD....Now just go away!!
I'm not sure what the deal with Matt Hardy is really but, apparently, he was legitimately sent home as the WWE confirmed it earlier today and he's not backstage at the SmackDown tapings. http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2010/0914/531847/matt-hardy/This link contains a pic at a house show surfaced wrestling Christian and Matt looks like he's starting to gain himself a pretty good sized spare tire. This pic is the first time I've seen Matt Hardy without a shirt on in a long time, so yeah, he's definitely out of shape.

As far as Hardy goes, I've never been a big fan of the guy. In general, I can honestly see Matt Hardy as someone to help build and put over other guys, but I always shake my head with disbelief whenever someone says he should be World Champion. Matt Hardy simply does not have what it takes. At the very best, in my view, he's average in the ring and he's among the worst on the mic that I've heard in the WWE this decade. In order to be over, Matt needs to be in any sort of situation involving his brother or another more talented wrestler like Edge.

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