The Matt Hardy Return/Hardy Boyz discussion

It's good to see him back but I'm honestly worried about how they will explain his past actions against Jeff. I mean he supposedly burned his house down, killed his dog etc. How could you change so quick. I guess they could say it was actually Punk or another random heel. Hell, they could even say it was Edge, although that might screw Edge's face return up.

Not sure how they'll explain it but I'm looking forward to see what happens.
Why does everyone think Matt needs to explain his actions? Did HHH ever explain all the things he did to Shawn in their fued? Given it's a little different, but this is wrestling. He apologized, he's face, that's how it works. Frankly, I think the Matt face turn is a result of Jeff leaving. They need somebody to fill the face void and John Morrison is NOT getting it done at the moment. The superpush their giving him isn't working as fast as they need it to. When it comes to keeping the fans tuned in, Matt is far better suited tham JoMo. Unless Morrison magically gets over in the next week. So the next couple of PPVs after Summerslam will likely feature Punk vs Matt, with Matt gaining momentum off of his brother. If you think about it, Matt's injury had come at a very opportune time. Now he gets to seemlessly step into the title picture.
HE'S going to turn on him at summerslam
Yeah I have the same suspicion, but it would be a stupid move. They already have an assload of heels on Smackdown. Matt has the best potential if he were face to fill the voie that Jeff is leaving. Moreso than anybody else at the moment, except Taker of course. On a side not, I suggest you give the rules a looksie. That was spam.
This is stupid and i hate when the WWE pulls crap like this. The Hardys were having a highly personal feud against each other THIS FUCKING YEAR and now a couple months later the fact that Matt tried to murder Jeff on several occasions screwed him out of his dream and killed his fucking dog is all just gonna be forgotten. At least with the Michaels and HHH reunion they waited for more than a year. This is just an example of the laziness of the creative team and the lack of intelligent booking.
This is stupid and i hate when the WWE pulls crap like this. The Hardys were having a highly personal feud against each other THIS FUCKING YEAR and now a couple months later the fact that Matt tried to murder Jeff on several occasions screwed him out of his dream and killed his fucking dog is all just gonna be forgotten. At least with the Michaels and HHH reunion they waited for more than a year. This is just an example of the laziness of the creative team and the lack of intelligent booking.
What are you talking about? I thought they handled the situation pretty well, it was actually pretty believable. Matt let his jealousy get the best of him and he is ashamed of the way he acted. Jeff is a "Live in the moment" kind of guy, so it's believable to think he would forgive him. What exactly do you want? You realize this is wrestling right? Besides, there is always the chance Matt turns on him on Summerfest.
I'm hoping that if Jeff leaves, Matt will get his spot in the main event, as it kind of seems like they're building him towards that. I do kind of agree with TheNextVinceRusso about Jeff's immediate forgiving of Matt. "I killed your dog and burned down your house, but now I feel really bad about it. Forgive me?"

I still can't shake the feeling that Matt is going to turn on Jeff AGAIN, and screw him out of the title AGAIN. If Matt doesn't turn, then it should be revealed that he wasn't the culprit, but somebody else was (hopefully CM Punk, which would make sense).

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