*MERGED* Official Matt Hardy is a big fat crybaby who might get fired discussion

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I'm officially done with Matt Hardy! I'm done with his constant whinng on twitter & i'm done with this guy who still fails to see that he's no as talented or a draw as he thinks he is.
Lets look at the facts:
It one thing for a guy to be 10+ veteran & never have been a World Champ, but Matt's never even been in a World title program! What he & his delusional fans fail to admit, is that Jeff is more talented than Matt.
Matt's only had one high-profile match at Wrestlemania....against Jeff.And even after winning, he fizzled out & Jeff went on to become WC twice.All this talk about how he's being screwed over by WWE is nonsense.Let's face it.Matt was/is more reliable, hard-working & sober than Jeff,but WWE still pushed Jeff because they knew Jeff would make them money.The only reason he was brought back to SD!, was because his brother was leaving the show.And when he came back, all he did was job to CM Punk.What's even more laughable, is that when Jeff got busted on drug charges;they pulled Matt from TV! :lmao: If Matt was a big enough star in his own-right, they wouldn't have done that.Over the years, he's been reduced to relying on guys who once beat him in past fueds(& surpassed him) to open doors for him( e.g Edge, Swagger)

What's sad is that even with all the drug-induced nonsense, WWE would probaly re-sign Jeff when he's TNA contract expires & case is cleared.And sure, they'll make job for a while, but I guarantee Jeff will be WC within a year of his return.
Matt needs to accept the fact that not all superstatrs become World champions.Roddy Piper's one of the greatest of all time, yet he never won a major World title.He became a legend by having charisma & great matches/fueds on his resume(neither of which Matt has). Right now, he's so out of shape, I don't know how he has the nerve to complain about not being taken seriously.I hate wrestlers who complain about not being "used properly", because the truth is: if you can make the company money & you really are that good, you'll make it.

I do believe Matt will become champion one day, but it will probably be a "pity-reign" where he's given the title just for "long-service" reasons eg Kane & not because he's a legit draw/ money-maker.Unless he pulls a JBL or Y2J and completely upgrades he's gimmick & in-ring style, they's no hope for Matthew Moore Hardy....unless of course he attacks Jeff Hardy again :disappointed:
I think your being a little harsh on the guy. I mean come on. man has basicly (i know i didnt spell that right) sacrifised his whole life for you entertaiment. and you should respect that
I think you're being a little harsh on the guy. I mean come on. The man has basically (I know I didn't spell that right) sacrificed his whole life for your entertainment and you should respect that.

Not to mention the reason he's so out of shape is because he damaged an organ that required major surgery, which is also why he doesn't go to the top-rope anymore.

@Elllila: Use Mozilla Firefox. Comes with automated spell-check.
may i also add hes focusing on getting back into shape as we speak. And all Jeff hardy does is a bunch of flips and twirls and gets over from that. Same with Evan Bourne. There both good at flipping alot. Bourne does more than that i know but the flips are why hes over.

And Matt is one of the most over people in the WWE. The only reason he doesnt draw is bc they use him as a jobber and no one really cares about jobbers. use him right and he WILL be a draw.

And i as well think his eventual world title reign will be a pity reign, but hey its something and maybe if he impresses the WWE with his reign he will win it again later. He will win it at least once in the WWE.
Maybe Jeff will return and they will have a new age Kane v Undertaker deal?

Seriously, though. Matt has respect, but not charisma. He draws a very dedicated section, but if you aren't with MHV whatever, then you really never will be.
Can you really blame Matt for whining? I mean come on he has been loyal to the company and he is really over with the crowd and what does he get for that he gets to jobb to people. I hate that people knock Matt for his weight issues, I know you really like watching guys with a six pack that you can stear at, but Matt has had major surgery so he can't go to the gym all of the time.
I'm officially done with Matt Hardy! I'm done with his constant whinng on twitter & i'm done with this guy who still fails to see that he's no as talented or a draw as he thinks he is.
I agree, but I'm also kind of sick of seeing another Matt Hardy thread made every day..

Lets look at the facts:
It one thing for a guy to be 10+ veteran & never have been a World Champ, but Matt's never even been in a World title program! What he & his delusional fans fail to admit, is that Jeff is more talented than Matt.
Different style thought really. Matt is the equivalent of Christian. Could he be a champ? I suppose. But will he be? No. Makes no sense at the moment, with all the young talent there.

Matt needs to accept the fact that not all superstars become World champions.Roddy Piper's one of the greatest of all time, yet he never won a major World title.He became a legend by having charisma & great matches/feuds on his resume(neither of which Matt has). Right now, he's so out of shape, I don't know how he has the nerve to complain about not being taken seriously.I hate wrestlers who complain about not being "used properly", because the truth is: if you can make the company money & you really are that good, you'll make it.
I agree with that 100% You don't NEED the world title to be considered "Great" or get in the HOF. There are many who have never done it, and are still there. Why doesn't Matt hang up the boots for a while and do ring announcing? Tazz did it, so did JBL and Foley. He's injured, so get the fuck out of the ring then! there is PLENTY he can be doing. Look at Finley. When was the last time we saw him on TV? Long time ago. He's been in the back helping the younger stars. Matt could do the same.

I do believe Matt will become champion one day, but it will probably be a "pity-reign" where he's given the title just for "long-service" reasons eg Kane & not because he's a legit draw/ money-maker.Unless he pulls a JBL or Y2J and completely upgrades he's gimmick & in-ring style, they's no hope for Matthew Moore Hardy....unless of course he attacks Jeff Hardy again :disappointed:

Jeff is not coming back. Let me repeat that.. Jeff is NOT coming back. Even Vince is not that dumb. Matt will not win the World Title, because what would that prove? Kane is a believable champion. He's a big guy, and scares the shit out of people. Not only that but if it were not for the Undertaker angle, even Kane would not be champ right now.

Can you really blame Matt for whining? I mean come on he has been loyal to the company and he is really over with the crowd and what does he get for that he gets to jobb to people.

Yes, I can. There is no need to go bitching on Twitter, or Facebook, or whatever social network thing he's on this week. Million Dollar Man and Roddy Piper. Those names sound familiar to you? They should since they are WWE Hall of Famers. Did they ever win "The Big One"? NO. Did they go bitch about it all the time? NO. It's your JOB, you do it. If you don't like it, there is other places to go. Damn right he's jobbing right now. If him and Christian, and even Jericho most of the time are not doing it, then who's going to put over the new talent? You want other new guys to lose to them? What the hell would that prove? Mark Henry and Goldust are Raw's 2 big jobbers. Both men have been there longer then Matt. Both men are well over with the crowd (you ever read the "WWE Live" event results? People LOVE the gold one) Yet neither one of them have ever won the WWE title. Yet they continue to go out week after week, night after night, and lose to guys like Sheamus, and Wade Barrett.

I hate that people knock Matt for his weight issues, I know you really like watching guys with a six pack that you can stear at, but Matt has had major surgery so he can't go to the gym all of the time.

Actually I don't like watching guys with a Six-pack. What their body looks like makes no difference to me. Take someone like Big Show, or Kane. Both men have been told to take time off in the past to get their weight under control. Look at Chris Jericho. He use to be a Cruiserweight for fuck sakes! Now he's a big boy. His ring work has not suffered from it though. I think if Chris thought his weight was effecting his in ring ability, he's take time off to work on that. Why is Hardy some charity case that we should feel sorry for? Your body is supposed to come before anything else. Hell even Mark Madden, a HUGE WWE supporter, is taking shots at him! And he's fat as well! Take time off, either work in the back, or at the play-by-play desk. Stop bitching on Twitter. I'm sure Hardy could fix his body, which would fix his match quality. Or maybe it's just time to take on a permanent backstage role then.
For a guy who works as hard as he does year in, year out, HE GETS ZERO RESPECT! WWE gave him the US title and the watered down ECW title and that's it. He's had no title runs. He's at least as over as Jeff was when he left (Christian too, for that matter) but WWE feels the need to elevate one partner of a tag team and destroy the other. Jeff has won both World titles, but all Matt gets is a feud with McIntyre where he is told to put him over. He doesn't get a title reign himself because WWE wants to be a bunch of asses and put over who they think should get over. They're ramming shit down our throats and I'm fuckin sick of it. I'd rather watch TNA than get WWE's shit coming our way week in and week out. And that's what's in the books.
Look at Chris Jericho. He use to be a Cruiser-weight for fuck sakes! Now he's a big boy. His ring work has not suffered from it though. I think if Chris thought his weight was effecting his in ring ability, he's take time off to work on that.

WCW Cruiser-weights at a maximum weighed 245 pounds. People like Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels could hold that belt with ease. He didn't put on that much weight when he joined the WWE.
I completely agree man. Matt Hardy is such a cry baby that he got fired and whined his way back into a job. He hasn't eve been entertaining since his Version 1.0 gimmick with the Mattitude Followers (MFers) and trying to lose weight so he can challenge for the Cruiserweight championship. If only that title was still around so he'd have a reason to stay in shape :disappointed:

He really needs to stop blaming WWE because they have pushed him countless times. He holds the record for most turns as a midcard talent in WWE and he still couldn't capitalize on any one of those. It's already been proven that you don't need a world title to have a Hall of Fame worthy career so he needs to stop bitching and keep doing what he's there for now: putting over younger stars because his time has passed.
Ow, ow, ow, ow.

Titles are props. "Oh, he's only had THIS many title reigns!" What the hell does that have to do with anything? "Respect" in the professional wrestling industry comes in the form of a rectangular piece of paper with your name, a number, and routing/account numbers.

"Oh, he's jobbing!" First, get the idea out of your head that jobbing is a bad thing. Unless you're Hulk Hogan, everyone does the job from time to time. What Matt Hardy is best at is making other people look good. Right now he's doing it with Drew McIntyre. He's done it before with MVP (who was red-hot coming off of their program, and who just doesn't work as a face.) Wrestling companies need guys like that; guys who can do the job while still being respectable himself. R-Truth's IC run earlier this year? Do people really think he got to hold the belt because of the "respect" the writers had for Ron Killings? NO! He got to hold the belt so he'd remain a credible guy with credentials that can put other people over. The same goes for Matt Hardy. He holds a belt from time to time so that the guy he's working a program with is fighting a former champion, not some shmuck who never made it past step one.

If you want to play the whole smart mark bit, get the idea out of your head that anyone who isn't on their way to the main event at WrestleMania is a never-made-it. There are more roles in a company then face world champion or heel world champion, and everything else is not a prelude to that.
I think a large part of his whining & whinging eminates from the fact that he realises he's time has passed. He turns 36 this month(September) and he hasnt done anything meaningful.Add to that he's injuries, he's clearly out of his prime.
Right now, WWE's not desparate for new stars like they were 6years ago.There's so many young &talented wrestlers on both rosters, it wouldnt make sense to build your brand around a guy how has 3years left in him.
Ow, ow, ow, ow.

Titles are props. "Oh, he's only had THIS many title reigns!" What the hell does that have to do with anything? "Respect" in the professional wrestling industry comes in the form of a rectangular piece of paper with your name, a number, and routing/account numbers.

Yep, titles are props, but usually the title os reflective of that other form of "respect" you were talking about.Just ask Hulk Hogan, Austin & Cena.

"Oh, he's jobbing!" First, get the idea out of your head that jobbing is a bad thing. Unless you're Hulk Hogan, everyone does the job from time to time. What Matt Hardy is best at is making other people look good. Right now he's doing it with Drew McIntyre. He's done it before with MVP (who was red-hot coming off of their program, and who just doesn't work as a face.) Wrestling companies need guys like that; guys who can do the job while still being respectable himself. R-Truth's IC run earlier this year? Do people really think he got to hold the belt because of the "respect" the writers had for Ron Killings? NO!

You're right: Jobbing isnt bad,but talented guys know how to job and still look good.HHH did a whole lot of jobbing inorder to put over HBK,Flair,Orton,Beniot,Batista,Cena damn it, even Shelton Benjamin & Eugene! But at no point did we doubt his talent. Jobbing is fine, jobbing all the time is something else.

He got to hold the belt so he'd remain a credible guy with credentials that can put other people over. The same goes for Matt Hardy. He holds a belt from time to time so that the guy he's working a program with is fighting a former champion, not some shmuck who never made it past step one.
That's not a defence, its an indictment! You've basically just rubbished every Matt Hardy title reign.Basically: he was built up so he could job effectivly

If you want to play the whole smart mark bit, get the idea out of your head that anyone who isn't on their way to the main event at WrestleMania is a never-made-it. There are more roles in a company then face world champion or heel world champion, and everything else is not a prelude to that.

My point exactly! How many Wrestlemania mainevents did Ricky Steamboat headline? I agree that there are more roles in a company than World Champ, but it seems Matt doesnt.Its statistically impossible for evry single wrestler to be world champ, but the can work on themselves.I havent seen anything new from Matt in ages.

Here's a challenge for you & all the other Matt-Huggers: List 10, okay uh, 5 Matt Hardy accomplishments/ moments (outside of the Hardy Boys) that would be worthy of being part of his Hall Of Fame vignette package:
darqknyt said:
That's not a defence, its an indictment! You've basically just rubbished every Matt Hardy title reign.Basically: he was built up so he could job effectivly
And another point I make sails over another posters head. Damnit.

Jobbing is not a bad thing. I've even boldfaced it for people so the point stands out. Why the hell would we need to respond to this "Matt Hardy challenge" of yours when his career has been defined by making other people look good, while still remaining credible himself? You're acting as if a wrestler's career is meaningless if they aren't bound for the Hall of Fame. Yes, he was built up so he could job effectively. NOT A BAD THING. Ric Flair used to build up nobodys all the time just so he could go over someone who meant something. Drew McIntyre goes over The Brooklyn Brawler. Who gives a shit? Drew McIntyre puts Matt Hardy out of action. Matt Hardy is a somebody. Drew McIntyre gets over (kind of, I do confess I like him more now then six months ago). Matt Hardy has DONE HIS JOB.

Jobbing "all the time" is bad only if you're someone who thinks they're on the way to the main event scene. It would have been bad for HHH to job "all the time", because that would have precluded his main event career. (As it was, he did a fair amount of jobbing after the MSG incident.) Matt Hardy isn't going to be a main eventer, and everyone knows that.

Again- get this idea that jobbing is a bad thing out of your head. Matt Hardy still looks good, because people continue to buy that the people he puts over are going over a somebody. That's all that matters; not a win-loss record, not how many titles he's won, or what events he's headlined. He's doing his job, and the only guy in the WWE right now who puts people over better than Matt right now is Chris Jericho. That's company I wouldn't mind being in.
Okay...granted, I see potential in Matt. Just when I think he's on a roll, he does and says/does something to F things up. Granted, not everyone can stay in the same shape as they get older, it takes more work, I'm not doubting his talent. But it takes work on the end of the wrestler. You can't just expect your body to stay fit especially after the number of injuries he's had over the years. Some people bounce back faster than others ::cough cough:: Cena ::Cough cough:: Does that make him any less loved? No. But however, when you compare his shape to how he was when I watched him on December to Dismember, there is a VAST change in his girth of belly, and that still doesn't make him any less talented to me, but that makes me question how hard he will work for what he wants, I still do sense he's hungry, but what excuses would he use? I've seen twitter/myspace rants that he has said that "My body doesn't agree with what I'm eating." Well, I've had gallbladder surgery that got infected and you have to RADICALLY shift your eating habits and do clean living, cut the alcohol, fried foods, fast food, steady workouts, and take care of your body. I don't doubt he wants to take care of his body. But sometimes your body is practically screaming at you. When my gallbladder was working at 2% capacity, that is a mesage. Matt has had NUMEROUS injuries and illnesses, if I were Vince, I'd appreciate his hard work and dedication, but have to wonder if his health and well being is worth it? I can understand being stressed and feeling like u r going nowhere when you want to succeed, and you just can't get over that hump, and it sucks. But Matt needs to take a SERIOUS sabbattical and get in tune with his body, listen, and become one again, let Vince think and help him rest for a while.
Watch Smackdown. Regardless of your or my opinion of Matt Hardy, he gets the biggest pops on there, with the possible exception of Rey--justified or not. The crowd is into him because of all of the work he's put in over the years, and some of the amazing matches the guy was able to work over the years. Everyone remembers his name--and his brother's--because it's attached to epic, industry changing matches, in which he repeatedly put his career or even life on the line. Now, I don't use Twitter, so I don't know what kind of "whining" he's doing over there, but even if he is whining, you can't take anything away from the guy's work ethic. They let his brother, who in my opinion, was never more deserving of his push than Matt, win multiple world titles, and Matt has continued to job or participate in repetitive mid-card or even low mid-card matches. If he was really so whiny, he could have fucked off to TNA and gotten a better program over there. Perhaps you could better state your case by actually supplying some examples of his "whining" for us old folks who don't use Twitter.
Oh I have been waiting for someone to post this topic. For everyone who said he hasnt done anything meaningful watch his one month feud with JBL which ended with a falls count anywhere or a no dq match I cant remember. When he came back and had a program with Edge and Kane he was in the upper mid card and even the main event once or twice on RAW and even tho he ending up losing in both those programs the audience still to this day is super supportive of him. He is a way better worker then Jeff who is never gonna come back to WWE especially with Linda in politics. I think they need to do a Matt Hardy and Dolph Ziggler program it will get Ziggler more heat and Hardy can put over Ziggler and still have the crowd support. Then WWE can actually surprise us and have Hardy be the winner of the Royal Rumble imagine how insane the crowd would go.
Oh I have been waiting for someone to post this topic. For everyone who said he hasnt done anything meaningful watch his one month feud with JBL which ended with a falls count anywhere or a no dq match I cant remember. When he came back and had a program with Edge and Kane he was in the upper mid card and even the main event once or twice on RAW and even tho he ending up losing in both those programs the audience still to this day is super supportive of him. He is a way better worker then Jeff who is never gonna come back to WWE especially with Linda in politics. I think they need to do a Matt Hardy and Dolph Ziggler program it will get Ziggler more heat and Hardy can put over Ziggler and still have the crowd support. Then WWE can actually surprise us and have Hardy be the winner of the Royal Rumble imagine how insane the crowd would go.

Yeah, and then he could go on to fight Hornswoggle at WrestleMania for the title :suspic: . The kids are going to cheer for who they are told to. Look at the Cena situation. I'm no Cena hater, but I have noticed the Anti-Cena group getting larger in some cities. Hardy may get a good reaction, but that's not enough to be the main event guy. You need to either be GREAT on the mic (Jericho, JBL, Rock) or great in the ring (HBK, Eddie, Benoit) The Rumble goes to those who need it for their storyline. Batista, Orton, Edge, Undertaker. I mean, if Kane hasn't even won it, then why should Matt? Kane's been there longer. The Rumble will be won by a younger guy this next year, mark my words on that. Hell the way things are going, Miz may win it. Not saying I agree, not saying I don't. But Matt Hardy will not win the Royal Rumble. It just won't happen, I'm sorry. It just wouldn't make sense at this point in his career to do. Can you really see Hardy beating Cena? or Orton? Or 'Taker? Kane? By that I mean the new Kane, not the jobber Kane of yesteryear. Hell I don't even know if Hardy did beat him back then either. It just doesn't make sense.
I avoided this topic when I first saw it, simply because I'm fresh meat in this forum butchery, and was a little green on the spamming definition, given I'm not sure if there is a question to this.

I'm going to treat it as "is Matt Hardy a cry-baby?" Yes, yes he is. Should he be a cry baby? Yes, yes he should. But it's only making matters worse for him.

I've been a Matt Hardy fan for since way back when, probably around the Terri Invitational days. I've always liked the fact he was solid in the ring, at the time him and his brother were different from everyone else, and above all else, I liked the fact he was one of the first to begin interacting with his fans via the web. I thought it was a savvy move on his part, marketing wise, given that it differentiated him from the other wrestlers.

Matt Hardy has had pushes and opportunities, no one can deny that. He engaged in a fued for the US Title with MVP, that ended up lasting nearly a year. The fued stopped half way through due to a Hardy injury. It happens. Kudos to the WWE for keeping Hardy and the fued relevant until his return.

Hardy then was given the ECW title. Obviously it's not as prestigious as the original belt, but technically it is Hardy's first (and so-far only) taste of heavyweight gold. The definition of that achievement is up to the viewer.

Matt has been plagued with his well-documented health problems, injuries and illness.
This has made any semblance of momentum difficult for him. Time is rushing by, and he only has a few years left to accomplish his life's dream.
The "cry-baby" tweets are nothing more but frustration from a man who has dedicated his life to achieving something that is still out of reach.

In saying that, moaning about it in the public forum is not the way to accomplish the dream.
People comment on your weight.... so what if it hurts your feelings? You are a celebrity to an audience. You are in the public gaze. Look at Cena ... people basically throw napalm at his parents they hate him so much, but he gets on with it.
Mr Hardy, you are running out of time. And haters or not, no one will deny it would be a fairytale moment if you won the big one. But the only person who can make it happen is you. You say you have "found the right diet". Great, I can't wait to see the results.
Rather than pissing and whinging about your troubles, put your head back down and beat the detractors. Look at The Miz. He's a gumby, but he's a gumby going places through sheer hard work.

So lay off the Twitter, and I hope it all goes well. /rant.
I used to be a huge Hardy Boyz fan, but Matt is starting to get more and more annoying with his moaning over twitter and his complaining about not being pushed. Well.... complaining about your Boss and treatment at work over the Internet is NOT going to help you get higher up the company Matty...sort it out.

Matt is really over with the crowd, but he has been doing the same stuff week-in week-out for about 10 years now:

Same music
Same hairstyle
Same finisher
Same overall moveset pretty much
Same taunts
Same ring attire (most of the time)

He needs a new gimmick, why not try Matt Hardy Version 2....and do something totally different to freshen up his character?
Yup Fatt hardy i mean Matt hardy is a cry baby. He thinks he should be better used when he is lucky he is still with the wwe . I truly hope wwe sees what he has said and hope they suspend him for that or fires his ass or just buries his ass. Wwe has given this guy alot of pushes in the past and he ruined everyone of them so yeah Matt hardy is a cry baby and needs to stop bitching so much if he wants a push he needs to fucking improve his ring and mic skills .
Yup Fatt hardy i mean Matt hardy is a cry baby. He thinks he should be better used when he is lucky he is still with the wwe . I truly hope wwe sees what he has said and hope they suspend him for that or fires his ass or just buries his ass. Wwe has given this guy alot of pushes in the past and he ruined everyone of them so yeah Matt hardy is a cry baby and needs to stop bitching so much if he wants a push he needs to fucking improve his ring and mic skills .

Okay you are obviously not a Matt Hardy fan like I am. I do think that Matt will eventually win the title but he isn't a crybaby. I don't blame him for getting pissed off I mean he is jobbing to people, and he has put his all into the business and he still hasen't had a title. So as for what you posted he can't help his weight like a lot of people siad Matt had a surgery on a major organ so he can't work out like the others can. Also they aren't going to fire, suspend or bury him that would be stupid he is soooooo over with the fans. Also he hasen't ruined every push he has gotten he has made the most of them and the wwe dropped the ball with him. Also his mic skills and in-ring skills are awesome I mean there is always room for improvement but he is great as he is.
Honestly, I thought Matt Hardy was at the top of his game last year on Raw. Here's a guy who literally was working through a broken arm night in and night out, and on top of that, he was gaining heat on Raw and cutting good promos.

In a way, he has every right to complain. He is, afterall, only human and every human has the tendency to let out frustration in one form or another.

Sure, his weight may fluctuate a bit more than necessary, but the guy can still be a solid mid-carder if used right. I've given up on him winning the World title, and maybe he has too... but damn, can the guy get at least a tag title reign? Maybe put him and Christian together so you can put over Grate Crashers or the Uso's (are those the only two heel teams left?).

As for why he isn't in commentary or something else, stop and think about something. Jim Ross got kicked off commentary... and there's no way that Striker or Lawler are going anywhere. So it's not like he can just do that, and WWE already has enough talent agents.

To me, Matt could seriously be a good person for the Mid-Card scene and if he's complaining about being a jobber then he has every right. The guy's been apart of some of the most memorable matches and moments in WWE history.

And to who ever said Roddy Piper didn't complain, I suggest you go do some damn research. All Piper did when he was out of WWE was bash bash and bash Vince McMahon and company. Same thing with the Million Dollar man. The fact that they're in the hall of fame was simply to shut them the hell up.
Uh-oh, it seems that Matt Hardy's been sent home from this last road tour. Reason hasn't been given but it's probably one of two things: either injury or his "outspoken" Twitter statements. And if we go by the example of Mickie James, Hardy's international tour trouble may lead to a "future endeavoring" of the leader of Mattitude.

Two questions come to mind:

1. Why do YOU think Hardy was sent home?

2. Does this mean a release or suspension for Matt?

I personally think Hardy was sent home because of personal misconduct, but I doubt very highly WWE would release Matt. Let's be honest, TNA would shell out money (that it really doesn't have!) to reunite the Hardyz just as it shelled out for guys like Sting, Nash, and Flair. So I'd say a suspension may be in Matt's future.
Its been said that wwe dont like it when people(wrestlers) complain about anything to do with wwe on the internet and its because of his twitter comments and him being overweight and saying should he leave wwe to his "fans"

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