** MERGED ** Miz face turn (Keep it in here!!!!)

I would like The Miz and Del Rio feud too if Del Rio is any good on the mic and the fans care about him, but he's neither. So on that basis I would not have them feud.

I like the idea of having real life issues in feud though, and Miz has a pretty well known issue with JBL back in the days, who is my choice for his first feud.

I know everyone hate the idea of feuding with a commentator, but it works. Daniel Bryan got over big time when he feuded with Michael Cole, Punk with Lawler, and etc. JBL is one of the best heel ever and both Miz and JBL certainly can talk very well. If done right I think this will be a great feud and the fans can get behind Miz as JBL is such a good heel.
Ryback. I remember when The Miz did his MizTV segments on RAW a few weeks back, The Miz invited Booker T to interview him for his show and then Booker T got Ryback out and he tore the setting up in the ring for MizTV. At this time, The Miz was still the Intercontinental Champion. I remember the look in his eyes of fear when ryback threw a couch out of the ring and nearly hit miz. I know Ryback will probably be feuding with the NXT Groupies for a while but Since Miz is going to be a face, he should start off with Ryback. Why? Ryback has had 2 losses in the Main Event spots at both Hell in a Cell -> which was a solid PPV ending, and recently at Survivor Series for the WWE Championship. Both have some work to do but i could see a solid feud/rivalry between these two superstars in the near future.
Ryback. I remember when The Miz did his MizTV segments on RAW a few weeks back, The Miz invited Booker T to interview him for his show and then Booker T got Ryback out and he tore the setting up in the ring for MizTV. At this time, The Miz was still the Intercontinental Champion. I remember the look in his eyes of fear when ryback threw a couch out of the ring and nearly hit miz. I know Ryback will probably be feuding with the NXT Groupies for a while but Since Miz is going to be a face, he should start off with Ryback. Why? Ryback has had 2 losses in the Main Event spots at both Hell in a Cell -> which was a solid PPV ending, and recently at Survivor Series for the WWE Championship. Both have some work to do but i could see a solid feud/rivalry between these two superstars in the near future.

I don't see the point of making a face Miz feud with Ryback. If WWE really intend to push Miz as a face then it would be common knowledge to make him feud with a hated heel to get the fans behind him. And Alberto would be the best choice imo.
How about The Miz feud with Damien Sandow until Cody Rhodes recovers from his injury? That would give Sandow something meaningful and he also generates a fair amount of heat from the crowd with his 'I'm better than you' persona, that could get Miz over with the fans pretty quickly. It's obvious that at this point in time Orton and Del Rio are occupied with each other so Sandow, for me, is the only viable candidate.
Not with del rio, because he is boring and people could care less about him. I think the miz just needs a feud with someone legit, someone like randy orton as a heel for the world title.
It does irk me a bit that they turned Miz face just so he could lose at Survivor Series and then lose again on Main Event. And it seems like Miz can only be a face when it's convenient for them. Case and point Smackdown where he acted like a heel all throughout his Miz TV segment towards Cena. Miz can be pushed as a main event face but having him lose when it counts and only letting him be face some parts of the week isn't going to help. I haven't completely lost hope in face Miz, I'll wait until after the Rumble for that. But we'll see how things go for him.
I'm not too crazy about this. Miz just seems like one of those natural heels. He's genuinely believable as the smug douchebag/asshole, and I just can't picture him as one of the good guys. Also, this face turn feels so forced. WWE really isn't giving the crowd a chance to decide, and the manufactured turn approach could end up hurting Miz in the long run.

Honestly, I still think he has some more ground to cover as a heel. There was nothing wrong his WWE Championship reign, and an obnoxious and annoying Michael Cole helped get Miz over as a heel. Miz had a solid run, and he had a good match with Orton at TLC. Unfortunately, like every other storyline back then, Miz's WWE Championship reign took a backseat to the early stages of The Rock/Cena feud. Plus, WWE had to set up an interference opportunity for The Rock at Wrestlemania 27, there was no way around it. Rock had to get revenge for the AA on the previous Raw, and costing Cena the WWE Championship in the main event of Wrestlemania was the sweetest form of revenge for Rock.

Miz can still accomplish so much as a heel, but WWE is obviously going the route of a face turn. I'm still holding out some hope for a successful face run, but I don't like what I see so far.
I have been watching the miz since he has turned face and hes just been his heel character, except hes been directing his insults at the heels. I mean the reason why it kinda worked when he was a heel was because he was annoying, not clever and could never get an upperhand on the faces. Well now hes still annoying, still not clever, and now he cant get an upperhand on the heels.

I mean it was highlighted by his miz tv with cm punk. He resorted to a your mom sucks joke.

I don't know is it just me or is he a terrible face.
Isn't it a little early to judge? He's never even had an actual feud with any of the heels yet.

Him turning face is not bad for him if anything it's an opportunity. His heel run has been dull anyway, he was never top heel material.

And some of the fans are actually enjoying him as a face like when he called Heyman a walrus, lol.
Im bored of him even more than when i was when he was a heel.

I just find him boring. He can speak and isnt that bad in ring but theres just something about him i cant quite get over. Im hoping he turns my opinions around because i always like changing my opinion on someone. But for me, Miz is just a dull character overall. Personally i dont see what so many see in him. His catchphrase is rather stupid, when he looks angry i cant help but laugh, He has no menace about him whatsoever and i think a top level wrestler needs that.

Also im one of the few who can remember him coming from TE and botching his lines week after week like Mike Adamle or whatever that goofs name was, and thats another reason i just cant take him seriously.
Like Desyar said it's way too early to tell. He's been a face what 2 maybe 3 weeks now? His very first night as a face was just out of nowhere. People didn't seem to know if they were supposed to cheer or boo him.
Give him a good feud or two and see what he can do with it then judge. Sit back and let it develop a little first.
I will say it would be nice if he actually had a story to turn him face though. It shouldn't have just been random the way it was.
The Miz is just gold and it really doesn't matter if he's a an heel or a face, he always delivered with a stamp of great TV on everything. His gimmick changed and he isn't the annoying face, if anything he's the new cool guy in town. The joke that you gave out to try to make fun of him because he wasn't clever or anything like that is just stupid, because all in all the joke worked. CM Punk said "Yeah, you suck!" and The Miz just replied "No, I don't... But your mom does." So if anything the guy responded with a good basic joke, obviously he was talking about how CM Punk's mother likes to suck dick.

Now being very serious The Miz is a great performer, he can play both an heel and a face and still have a great deal of supporters. He turned face because he did everything he had to as an heel, and they started to twist him a little bit, they made him grow a beard and look more manlier. They put him in a movie, and they started to pave the way for his inevitable main event run. He has been gold with his MizTV segments without even getting into a feud of his own. He's just getting noticed for his great mic skills, and when I say great I put it probably in the top 3 currently, in fact I could hear Miz saying those "stupid and non clever" jokes all day, if that meant I would never hear CM Punk talk about respect or John Cena talk about how he loves us again.

The way that they are building his face turn has been very good and it's been very well handled in every aspect of it. He gets some wins over some midcard heels but he gets TV time with top heels and even top faces and he barely has to wrestle so it's a good usage for him since everything is full. In my mind he is one of the favorites to win the Royal Rumble 2013, it may not be the most logical choice thanks to guys like Ryback or Randy Orton, but he has to be considered given the fact that they are trying to put him back into the main event scene.

I don't get the hate he gets from internet smarks, I believe that the fact that he didn't started in ROH or an indy promotion as to go against him nowadays, which is stupid. In fact I can't see another guy besides John Cena that has that energetic charisma and that great way to handle a crowd like Miz has. Granted it's all very new for him, but he gets the job done and in a very good way. He's the 4th face of the company nowadays, and in terms of popularity he's gotta be the 4th most important guy in the company. He's a marketable guy, very solid in the ring and fantastic in promos so he'll do fine being a face or an heel, he just needs a storyline, and I mean almost any crappy storyline works for him. He build an IC Championship Match at WWE Main Event in less than two weeks and he made people care more about that storyline than whatever Sheamus and Show were doing at the time.
The Miz is just gold and it really doesn't matter if he's a an heel or a face, he always delivered with a stamp of great TV on everything. His gimmick changed and he isn't the annoying face, if anything he's the new cool guy in town. The joke that you gave out to try to make fun of him because he wasn't clever or anything like that is just stupid, because all in all the joke worked. CM Punk said "Yeah, you suck!" and The Miz just replied "No, I don't... But your mom does." So if anything the guy responded with a good basic joke, obviously he was talking about how CM Punk's mother likes to suck dick.

Now being very serious The Miz is a great performer, he can play both an heel and a face and still have a great deal of supporters. He turned face because he did everything he had to as an heel, and they started to twist him a little bit, they made him grow a beard and look more manlier. They put him in a movie, and they started to pave the way for his inevitable main event run. He has been gold with his MizTV segments without even getting into a feud of his own. He's just getting noticed for his great mic skills, and when I say great I put it probably in the top 3 currently, in fact I could hear Miz saying those "stupid and non clever" jokes all day, if that meant I would never hear CM Punk talk about respect or John Cena talk about how he loves us again.

The way that they are building his face turn has been very good and it's been very well handled in every aspect of it. He gets some wins over some midcard heels but he gets TV time with top heels and even top faces and he barely has to wrestle so it's a good usage for him since everything is full. In my mind he is one of the favorites to win the Royal Rumble 2013, it may not be the most logical choice thanks to guys like Ryback or Randy Orton, but he has to be considered given the fact that they are trying to put him back into the main event scene.

I don't get the hate he gets from internet smarks, I believe that the fact that he didn't started in ROH or an indy promotion as to go against him nowadays, which is stupid. In fact I can't see another guy besides John Cena that has that energetic charisma and that great way to handle a crowd like Miz has. Granted it's all very new for him, but he gets the job done and in a very good way. He's the 4th face of the company nowadays, and in terms of popularity he's gotta be the 4th most important guy in the company. He's a marketable guy, very solid in the ring and fantastic in promos so he'll do fine being a face or an heel, he just needs a storyline, and I mean almost any crappy storyline works for him. He build an IC Championship Match at WWE Main Event in less than two weeks and he made people care more about that storyline than whatever Sheamus and Show were doing at the time.

Are you for real or are you just effing with me. The miz has never been greet on the mic, was overshadowed by the rock and cena in his mania match, he has had 1 memorable fued, has shitty catchphrases, and isnt the 4th most over guy in the wwe. Ill list some people that are more over john cena, cm punk, sheamus, daniel bryan, kane, ricardo, dolph ziggler, kofi kingston, rtruth, randy orton, rey mysterio and even big show. Prove me wrong with a video. When he cuts his promos he trys to sound like ryan renolds. He is a below average worker. And he just isn't main event material. He is a midcarder that got a break when they had no one for cena at mania. They took a shot on him and failed mizerably (hahaha see what i did). What great fueds has he been in, what great matches has he had, what great promos did he cut. You dont remeber, neither do I.
I absolutely love when people use the 'He was overshadowed by the Rock and Cena' line when talking about the Miz. My question to you is, WHO WOULDN'T BE OVERSHADOWED BY THOSE 2? Replace Miz with anyone in that situation, and Rock and Cena will always be the focus.

Okay, I'm exaggerating. No the Miz isn't awful, but I personally do feel like I've realized something about the Miz since his face turn. It seems to me that a face Miz has really had his weaknesses exposed. I've never been a fan of the Miz, personally, and I never quite understood what all the praise he was getting last year and as a heel was all about. But to me I feel like his face persona, and definitely his airtime on this new interview segment of his, has really exposed what he lacks in mic ability.. which was suppose to be his one strength!

I feel like he's been constantly getting outshone during those interview segments, and other wrestlers (like Ziggler, Sandow and Rhodes, etc.) have really looked far more impressive and better on the mic then Miz. I feel Miz as a character is extremely boring, cheesy, and just lacking.

Does anyone feel the same way?
Does anyone agree that his face persona seems to be showing weaknesses in his abilities that his heel persona seemed not to?
Does anyone feel the opposite and disagree with me?

Let me hear some thoughts and opinions.
To be honest, i don't think he's that bad, i'm not saying that he's the greatest, is just a little diferent than the Miz we are used to, maybe it will take some time to digest the face Miz, i think his segment with CM Punk was good, or at least that's my opinion.......
I agree. He was never really that good but he hid behind the fact that being an annoying heel is good. He is still the same character, and now its apparent he isn't really that good on the mic.
I think you "hit-the-nail-on-the-head" when you used the word cheesy.

He is definitley "over-cheesing" for the fans/cameras with this current face persona he is developing. It's not that shocking bacause he's always been a little cheesy, but he is putting it so much more in our faces now as he tries to suck-up for crowd pops. This new gimmick of trying to slap a corny nickname on every heel he interviews is already getting old fast, and I concur that the fake levels of over emphasis and enthusiasm are somewhat nauseating. The decisions he makes when playing to the crowd for support definitely make the Miz come off far more amatuerish. Cena is every bit as corny, but atleast it fits on him and he feels like a proffessional when doing it, while for Miz it is borderline embarrassing.

To Miz's defense though, getting outshined on the mic by the likes of Punk, Heyman, Rhodes, and Sandow is not the end of the world, most any babyface in his shoes would also be getting outdone. All of them are clearly far superior talkers to Miz and always have been, no matter if he is working face or heel. It doesn't make him bad, it further illustrates how good they are.
He's not a very good wrestler, he's not in that good shape, he's not physically imposing, not athletic (considering his size) and NOW he's not good on the mic. Faces are definitely more restricted and so when you have someone like Miz...well.

I suppose we should give it a bit more time though as he's never been a face beforehand (that I can recall)

Never liked Miz though. Can't actually think of a worse WWE Champion at the moment.
Now that he seems to be a face (you can never be totally sure when it comes to Miz, can you?) I'm enjoying him for the first time ever. As a heel, his bad guy spiel grew tiresome as his rather unimpressive physique didn't measure up to the antagonistic ways he brought to proceedings in the ring. He could work a match pretty well, but his main bag was talking and his routine became hard to take after a while.

What we need to realize is that having a "talk show" as a good guy or as a heel require different styles. As a bad guy, the host is there to advance his own agenda.....not to feature his guests, but himself.

As a good guy, you're acting more as an emcee and guiding the proceedings in a manner that accents the people you're interviewing, rather than yourself. In that case, the host asks leading questions and lets his guests run with them.....which is probably the reason the OP feels Miz is being "outshone" on his own show; that's the way it's supposed to be when you want to bring out the best in the people you're interviewing....and when you're interviewing bad guys, they're naturally going to be obnoxious.

You'll notice that almost everyone who ever had an "in-ring talk show" format was a heel. From Chris Jericho all the way back to Adrian Adonis ("The Flower Shop") the host was a bad guy who was intent on cutting his guests down to size.

Now, we have "MizTV" with a performer who has made the transition from bad to good. Miz' unique talking ability can handle this unusual format and he's been successfully asking his questions and stepping back to let his heel guests take over. I think he's doing very well with it.
Still don’t like him. I thought I would cause of the simple fact of being a face but that didn’t even help. He wants from annoying heel to a trying to be funny face. I just don’t get why they push him. I just don’t get it. Why are they so in to him backstage? He is not that great on the mic, he always has to be carried by people through "the Miz Show" or whatever it is. I just don’t care for him. There are also people there that are far better at wrestling aswell.
I liked Miz far better as a heel personally. I certainly enjoyed him much more than whatever it is that WWE is trying to do with him right now. At least as a heel, he had a reason to be a smarmy, obnoxious, arrogant little bastard. As a face, he's still a smarmy, obnoxious, arrogant little bastard.

I enjoyed The Miz a lot during his pushes of a couple of years back. However, this year has not been Miz's year due to both, allegedly, being unfairly blamed for a less than expected Survivor Series 2011 ppv draw and his character has gotten stale. The WWE went as far as they could with Miz as a heel but the problem is that they've kept him as the exact same character. The only real difference is that Miz spews his same old insults and unlikable attitude towards heels. There's simply been no change in The Miz from a character standpoint.

I think it's generally confused a lot of people in the WWE audience as they're just not sure how to take him. As I said, he's basically the same old guy, he's just no longer being the same old guy towards them or babyfaces on the roster. It doesn't make him any more interesting than he has been for most of the past year. It doesn't make him come off as some cutting edge tweener either.

The high spots of Miz's year, in my eyes, have been his feuds with Dolph Ziggler & Kofi Kingston. They produced some damn good matches with The Miz ultimately come up on the short end of things. In my eyes, without a complete character overhaul in which Miz is no longer the same arrogant, smarmy persona, he's not going to have the fresh start WWE is hoping for with him.

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