Cena Face Turn/Heel Turn(&Miz)


Dark Match Winner
REWIND! LMAO I am cracking up at the relativity in Cena turning face in 2003 to his supposed heel turn now. And how the Miz is looking just like him in that respect. Here is what I mean;

John Cena beats Rey Mysterio in a dominating fashion(albeit a low blow came in to play) right before Heyman, Morgan, Jones, Big Show and Brock Lesnar try to 'invite' him to join to cause a distraction for A-Train to enter and then the rest of the group followed to attack. At Survivor Series he cements his face turn by joining Team Angle.

This past RAW Miz beat Evan Bourne in a decisive way(w/out using any heel tactics) and later in the night makes his rivals Bret and (how ironic) Cena ask him to join, only for him to deny an answer(which Cena also told Heyman no one tells him what to do in '03) and beat an invitation outa Morrison on NXT.

How this relates to where WWE is going? Beats me, but the positivity Miz is going to receive from his eventual turn, IMO, is going to be likened to Cena's epic turn(s?).

Mod note - i think this thread is about a Miz face turn. Use it for that...
... So what exactly are we discussing here?

It's okay I'll wait...

Well I see the similarities but I'm not sure how possible a face turn would be for Miz with Cole jizzing in his pants everytime he appears. That guy is the Vickie of RAW and will bring tons of heel heat to whoever he associates with. Miz is already great at getting heat himself so I don't think a face turn is warranted right now.
I agree with Best In The World, a face turn is most definitely not warranted right now. The Miz has been a great heel for a while, but it's still too soon to turn him face. Especially with him climbing through the ranks now.

In addition, I also think that while joining Team WWE could help start a face turn for the Miz, it wouldn't solidify it. The Nexus has been booked as enough of a threat that joining against them won't automatically make you a face. It's merely a necessity and the Miz, Jericho, and Edge could quite believably go right back to their heelish natures as soon as the Nexus is dealt with. The Nexus could be used to facilitate a face turn, but joining Team WWE alone would not be enough to push them to face status, I don't think.
What ever Miz does he will be bad ass at. He has the energy and charisma to pretty much do anything he wants and make himself look like one of of the greatest performers. Did you see him on Lopez Tonight singing "jump around", yeah he might of lost his breath once but thats still really damn good compared to what most people could do. Did you see him on Are You Smarter Then A 5th Grader, he made sure he did his best to keep the whole audience entertained the whole time. So to compare The Miz to John Cena is just wrong because The Miz is the shit and is way better then John Cena and will get over with the fans more then John Cena in the future.
The Miz is too arrogant so I don't understand why WWE is pushing this guy up the ladder. John Morrison is a lot way better athlete than the Miz but he loses his match against this guy. The WWE is going nowhere with this coz the Miz is not a good athlete. Look at the built comparison. Big difference. JOMO should be the one to get pushed.
ripper, yes JOMO has a better build and is more athletic, but the WWE is called wrestling entertainment and JOMO is not entertaining on the mic at all. The Miz, all around, is a better wrestler right now IMO. Have you seen the axe commercials on the wwe website with JOMO? My brother makes youtube videos that have better acting skills that this man. No charisma at all.
I think it's more that Miz will become a more rock star-esque WWE face whence his turn happens. The relevance of Miz to the title of the subject is an arbitrary jab at WWE because the same formula they used to groom Cena is being sloppy-seconded on Miz. The differences are obvious, but the fact that this is the time when Miz's popularity is booming and the fact that Cena's was in '03. Just too hard to let it sit in my head lol.

Anyways, Miz will become more versatile(as Cena did) as the last member of Team WWE if he chose to go that rout. Miz could steal the show, maybe by showing up towards end of match, but in any case... Miz and Cena both have that sense about them that you know they could turn any minute and you know it'd be good. I think that Miz doesn't need the spot in this match, but he also shouldn't miss Summerslam. I do think he could possibly cash in, but I also think Huffman could be the 7th man, so we'll see.
The Miz had made it a lot farther then John Morrison in such a short period of time. John Morrison has been around since 2000 he was in Tough Enough and finally started getting recongnized by being in MNM. Just John Morrison is a good athlete but The Miz is WAY BETTER entertainer.
The greatest thing, about both Miz and Cena, is their passion for WWE. Gotta admire that they are so gifted and also so 'in love/lust' with the sports enertainment. And granted '03 Cena was a lot better of a wrestler then (himself) after fans started cheering HHH over him in early 2005, and Miz is just improving each day, but both know how to work the crowd.
Cena is going to take the Sting route from the NWO. Realizing his team would rather fight each other than Nexus, Cena walks out on them. Frustrated that no one in the WWE will help him, he takes his ball and leaves much like Sting did.

Now this opens the door for Randy Orton to take center stage in the NXT angle. This would also allow Cena to have good PR for when his movie comes out. When Cena does return, lets say Survivor Series, he could either make the save and be the hero or complete an epic heelturn that lays the foundation for WM.
I think that instead of a face turn the Miz needs to be the leader of Nexus and become a top heel in the E...He could even have the title by the time the 7 on 7 match that he most likey will be a part of starts if he uses MITB. It would make more than enough sense...Nexus kept Cena from the title and the Miz has a history with him, Miz always seems to have an agenda, and the Nexus hasn't messed with him much. This could put Miz on top of the company imo.

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