If Miz is to turn face...

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I've decided for a while now that I would love to see Miz as a face one day as I see alot of Y2J in him but it doesn't need to be anytime soon mainly because there are plenty of Face's that Miz could feud with like Mysterio, and maybe a proper feud with John Morrison also if WWE ever do decide to push them then maybe Ryder, Bourne and Kingston which will see him through to the next trade at least

But I think the best way to turn him face is maybe wait till he has an injury and 1 or 2 months till he is scheldule to return instead of a suprise return maybe they could use video packages to start building him as a face and on his return we could have whoever is the top heel at that time wether it be Alberto/Punk/Sheamus or whoever in the ring cutting a promo and then Miz makes his big return and starts mocking the heel and so on and they have there 2 or 3 month feud and at the end of it the WWE can evaluate if The Miz is a credible face or not
Seemingly in order to turn Miz face you would first have to turn Alex Riley heel. Riley is over big as a face right now. Turning Miz face ain't gonna happen. Even then, he is SOOO much better as a heel.
I have a question, one I always throw out whenever there's talk about a face Miz.

How do you justify Miz as a top face? Right now, his heel character is mainly based on getting very few clean wins, at all. If there isn't a distraction or an interference, there's something else, but I think he hasn't got almost any clean wins, especially against bigger stars.

His physique isn't overwhelming, his skill isn't over the top, he doesn't have "something else" to justify clean wins - just his character. So, can you sell a face with no clean wins... Without being Eddie? Miz is a great heel, working the mid-to-top card, but I honestly can't see him in that same position as a fan fave. And using my Guerrero mention, I don't have many hopes in Miz having that type of charisma as face - even worse, if the WWE dares to even think about using the "lie cheat steal" thing on Miz, I'm thinking the fans (casual and/or hardcore) would go absolutely nuts. Not to mention, with the current format, not sure if they'd wanna give out some kind of "you can cheat to win" image, especially with one of their top stars - and one who's all over the media.

So, can Miz actually sell being a clean face? Can the WWE sell Miz as a clean face? Is there another way of selling Miz as a face? Would they dare to try to use the EG gimmick to justify Miz as a face?
I wouldnt turn Miz face. He is a much better heel. Maybe change the type of heel he is after awhile but I would wait much longer to turn him face. Like when you arent in the middle of a huge Punk face turn.

And yes there is a such thing as a tweener

Just because YOU dont like the term doesn't mean that a wrestler isnt or is a tweener. The beginning of Austin's era he was the apitimy of a tweener. He won clean, he won with steal chairs, he won with belts, he won ANYMEANS that he could. He stunned Vince, he stunned FACE DIVAS, HEEL DIVAS, basically EVERYONE. That is the definition of a tweener.

You are no smarter than any other fan on this forum so quit acting like your opinion is the right one. You know who the hell you are.

Thank you so much for that. That guy needed to be knocked down a peg.

While I can see The Miz as a face in the future, I do believe there needs to be more build to it. Right now, The Miz is both a popular heel - a heel that gets cheered by the fans, despite alignment - and an egotistical heel. Perhaps changing the type of heel he is wouldn't be a bad way to go, but also consider pushing his popularity and ego as far as it can go, in a good way. Maybe in a few weeks/months have him cut a promo saying how Awesome he is and how the fans cheer him because of it.
I guess I don't understand why the demand or need to turn Miz face right now. He's fine where he is. Maybe once his character becomes dull or stagnant it may make sense, but I don't see why someone needs to turn face just because you like the guy.
Why does Miz need to turn face? He draws as a heel and he is interesting. People think that just because people cheer a heel they need to turn face and bee a good guy. Now in most fans eyes it make sense that to be cheered you must be a good guy but the flaw in the logic is that the heel character is what got them over to begin with and that is why people love them. So if a heel character is over why would you turn that heel face and risk making them stale and generic?

Bottom line is that Miz is a great heel who can get heat in the right ways and gets a good reaction when he acts like a heel so as long as that happens he will not and should not change.
Miz could be a face imo. In like, 3,4 years time. Unless he starts getting Orton like pops (which clearly is not the case) there is no need at all for him to turn any-time soon. Raw is stacked as it is with faces, even without the potential of a Punk anti-hero type turn. Cena, Mysterio, Kofi, Morrison, Big Show, Bourne, shit even Alex Riley. Who is the perfect example of how good a heel the Miz is right now and why he should remain one.
-interesting thought, of course miz isnt overly good and couldnt carry the company..... yeah i went there the miz sucks and thats that.

-sorry but cm punk is gone, he has no intentions of returning in the near future, instead, he is chilling at home enjoying himself (very deservingly i might add) and causing mischief like only cm punk can.

-next problem, it is currently believed that rey is in line for a decent push, plus since del rio won the MITB briefcase its only a mater of time before ADR becomes the wwe champion, therefore, miz wouldnt have a long overly long reign unless they have del rio decide to wait til WM 28 to cash in, could happen but unlikely.

-the miz couldnt actually win a title match without help or a distraction of some kind, he won one title match clean over jomo as a insult to jomo.

-next issue, how often dos super cena lose? hell, even once he has beaten to the bloody ground cena still gets back up and wins the match somehow. unless triple hhh decides to treat cena like a normal wrestler, not the man of steel.
You mention that the WWE lacks faces but what is Punk about to be? He could become bigger than Cena. They turn him bad now and the entire angle is blown.

I like Miz but I still see him as upper midcarder. He'll become elite soon enough but you don't come off a long WWE reign including a Mania main event win only to lose to your protege 3 straight times.
At the moment Miz is far from the complete package. He is incredibly bland in the ring, there is only so much that his promos can make up for. He hardly has any recognisable moves apart from the Skull Crushing Finale that I can think of where guys like Cena/Orton/Punk have plenty. I don't think turning him face would do him much good right at this point in time, I still think he needs to develop himself in the ring first.
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