**MERGED** John Laurinaitis-CM Punk Angle- Keep it All in Here!

I kept waiting for No Chance in Hell or The Game to hit when he said he was going to screw Punk. Whether it was to further enforce this, or to say its now a hostile work environment. I understand why it did happen, but that was on my mind during his entire rant.
I agree with everyone but as of last night I'm for certain somehow Jericho will be involved in the mix as well as Mick Foley but something caught my attention during his rant last night... He just showed he is corrupt, something we haven't seen out of him really until he proved it... He was trying to be the 'perfect' GM since Triple H was demoted from that position and last night he proved he's not perfect... I wonder if Triple H may be involved somehow.
I did find it interesting that for the first time Big Jonny mentioned the idea of becoming the permanent GM..... This would be the tip of the hat to the storyline. Another possibility could be that we'll see Ziggler vs Punk vs Jericho at Mania with JL handcuffed to Foley at ringside.

To whoever gave the idea of the three faces of Foley being in the Rumble, it's been done before to moderately muted success.
First off, I'd like to point out that I love JL in what his doing. I think he's the best heel GM since Bischoff hands down. He'll get better at his role over time too, and the "adamle" in him will subside.

Mick Foley vs Ziggler - not the worst idea. I think Foley had involvement last night for a reason.

However, I honestly think that Jericho is the person JL is texting....

Jericho-Punk needs a build up and the Rumble is the perfect place to start this. I still feel Jericho will screw Punk over, and Ziggler will get a reign, short or not. It's all part of the build up to the Punk-Jericho-JL storyline.

Ziggler and Foley would be for the championship at Mania too. Becuase Taker/HHH, Rock/Cena and Punk/Jericho will sell the PPV by itself and the nostalgia of Foley getting a shot at Ziggler's championship would generate interest.
At Raw this past monday night.

There were boo's when Daniel Bryan tagged in Cm Punk, and then while Cm Punk was in the ring with David Otuna there were chants of "You can't wrestle"

Anyone else catch this?
First off, I'd like to point out that I love JL in what his doing. I think he's the best heel GM since Bischoff hands down. He'll get better at his role over time too, and the "adamle" in him will subside.

Mick Foley vs Ziggler - not the worst idea. I think Foley had involvement last night for a reason.

However, I honestly think that Jericho is the person JL is texting....

Jericho-Punk needs a build up and the Rumble is the perfect place to start this. I still feel Jericho will screw Punk over, and Ziggler will get a reign, short or not. It's all part of the build up to the Punk-Jericho-JL storyline.

Ziggler and Foley would be for the championship at Mania too. Becuase Taker/HHH, Rock/Cena and Punk/Jericho will sell the PPV by itself and the nostalgia of Foley getting a shot at Ziggler's championship would generate interest.

You know, I don't hate the idea of Ziggler vs Foley being a title match, but I don't think it would need to be. Punk vs Jericho for the title would still be valuable. The match sellls itself to smarks, yes, but to the more casual fan, the title would gain value. Explaining why Foley gets a tile match over younger full time guys is a tough sell, especially given that Foley looks more like a creepy uncle than a World Chamo.

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