**MERGED** Jack Swagger, Zeb Coulter & Swagger's Arrest (Keep it all here!!)

Difference here is that Swagger is not nearly as valuable or popular as Orton or Rey. They draw. Naomi? That one is up in the air for me as to why she is still here.

Swagger will probably still have a job, but now he will be doing the job at WM. I doubt they will out-right fire him or scrap the WM match, but he will not be happy with how creative handles him from now on. He did it to himself. You just won an upset at EC, go on to the WHC match on the biggest show of the year- but you cant drive in a straight line & hide a bag of herb? That is just being careless.

That was my point - that the WWE doesn't just start canning people in these instances. And really Swagger is a heel, and is not supposed to "draw." If WWE really wanted to punish him, they could just build and then job him at Mania - not a big deal. Probably WWE would just fine him and make him do some sort of rehabilitation program. If he refuses to do something like that, then that's when the hammer would fall.
If Swagger had a perscription for it the WWE or the law can't get him on that as in Mississippi it's 1 of the Medically Legal states. I think Swagger should still get his push cause guys before him like Hogan and Michaels were known for drugs and boozing and nothing happeed to them and HBK was where Swagger was when he did it yrs ago. So the WWE should let him keep his push and see if it was a Presctiption as that will make or break it for him.
And I really thought this RJ Brewer (search youtube) gimmick would actually make someone care about him... It wouldn't surprise me if next week he puts his Wrestlemania shot on the line just like Cena but actually loses it and decides to "quit". You never know though there is Orton...
I feel like I've been talking about this all day man. So legally, WWE doesn't have to fire, or even suspend Jack Swagger. With a response to TMZ like "Swagger is responsible for his own actions", it doesn't look like they really care. Although former creative writers seem to think Vince will never trust him again. Speculation is either they pull the plug entirely, or they just power through until after WrestleMania and replace Swagger, or let him fizzle out. Personally, I think they should just go right on chugging along, like nothing ever happened.

The Wellness Policy has a separate clause for marijuana. It's not in the list of things that gets you suspended. Synthetic marijuana is, which is why a lot of people are confused about Evan Bourne's case. That stuff is absolutely nasty, has killed dozens of people, and is often times worse than being drunk.

In this case, the Policy gives WWE the right to just fire him, outright, without using the 3-strikes policy. Also, if they wish, they CAN suspend him and treat it as a regular wellness violation. But in the case of regular marijuana positive testing, the punishment is simply a $2,500 slap on the wrist. That's nothing to these guys. Might as well cover the speeding ticket. Which means the clause allowing them to fire him is likely for PR and the WWE's image.

My honest speculation? Linda McMahon isn't running for office. WWE is already running a pretty risque program with Swagger as it is. Marijuana isn't a big deal; so much so that WWE went out of its way to seperate it from other drugs in their Wellness Policy. Swagger's arrest hasn't been that popular in the news today, and honest...they could just get away with washing their hands of it, slapping him with the suspension, and moving on like nothing happened. That said, if Vince isn't going to trust him, I doubt very much Swagger will win the title at Mania.

NOW...all that being said...if Swagger's DUI was for being drunk, that changes everything. He was caught with pot, so more than likely he was just stoned. Which isn't that big of a deal. It is to police, but honestly...it's legal in some states. It will be legal in a lot more states by the next election. It's statistically proven that it does't really mess with your ability to drive. If anything, you are way MORE cautious. But police won't see it that way. WWE probably won't see it that way. They have an image to uphold. So if it hadn't been for the DUI, I think Swagger gets off clean with the slap on the wrist. This case really hinges on the status of that DUI.
NOW...all that being said...if Swagger's DUI was for being drunk, that changes everything. He was caught with pot, so more than likely he was just stoned. Which isn't that big of a deal. It is to police, but honestly...it's legal in some states. It will be legal in a lot more states by the next election. It's statistically proven that it does't really mess with your ability to drive. If anything, you are way MORE cautious. But police won't see it that way. WWE probably won't see it that way. They have an image to uphold. So if it hadn't been for the DUI, I think Swagger gets off clean with the slap on the wrist. This case really hinges on the status of that DUI.

Alcohol is legal everywhere, yet it's still a major offense to drive drunk. Why is driving while stoned any different? You're still driving under the influence. Your reaction time and reflexes are still impaired.

In 2011, the Canadian Center for Substance Abuse did a study of 14,000 traffic fatalities. They found that 37% of them were due to drinking and driving. 33% were due to driving while high. Marijuana and cocaine were found to be the two most prevalent drugs used by drivers under the influence of drugs.

Jack Swagger getting a DUI is a big deal, regardless of the substance that was in his system. If this was just him having some pot, then yeah it's not that big of a deal. That isn't the case though.

And either way, in the world of wrestling, the biggest deal is the fact that the guy was boneheaded enough to put himself in this situation in the first place. He's on the verge of the biggest push of his life. A push that most guys in his profession only wish they could get. A push he's getting only months after almost being jobbed out of the company. He's getting the chance of a lifetime, and he does THIS? How many people out there are honestly this stupid?

Plus let's add the fact that he's also working with one of the most respected guys in the industry in Mantell, and doing something like this could very well end up costing Dutch his job... because if they drop Swagger, then really what need is there for the Jeb Colture character?

Finally, like I mentioned earlier, he's working with a guy (Dutch), who just lost his 16 year old grand daughter not too long ago to someone who shouldn't have been behind the wheel of a car. Dutch was so upset about it, that he publicly wished death on the guy (and the fact that he also needed to ask for donations for the funeral shows that the guy could actually use this job right now).

How do you think Dutch is feeling right now? He's probably getting the most exposure that he's had in a very long career. The best chance he's had to make some real money. His character is a part of a team, and the other part of that team just might have fucked the whole thing up for him just as it was getting started... all because he couldn't be bothered calling a cab!

He's the one I care about here. Not the WM program. And definitely not Jack Swagger.
Well this came out of nowher.e Swagger is a guy who was lucky to get another chance in the world title scene and now he does something like this. I'm assuming this is going to hurt whatever was happening for him at Wrestlemania, which it likely should. This couldn't come at a worse time for him either due to the INSANE reaction Mark Henry got at Elimination Chamber. Swagger was shaky before this and I can't imagine he goes into the title match at Mania at this point.
Swagger not only put others at risk. He has ruined yet another main event match at WrestleMania because now it's 100% certain that both the WWE title & WHC title will go to Cena & Del Rio.
As far as what WWE decides to do, I think at the very very least, he has to be suspended immediately. No way they are going to want him on TV now with this in the news. Perhaps they will find a someone else for Dutch Mantel to work with, as I do feel bad for him, as his career will likely suffer through no fault of his own. As for WrestleMania, I think they should write out Swagger with an injury that took place "over the weekend" where Del Rio broke his arm in a tag match, when he applied his submission move. This gets Swagger off TV right away with an easy explanation. Then they announce an 8 man tournament for Smackdown, featuring the other 5 guys from the EC, Ziggler, Cesaro and Barrett. Henry should absolutely get the win, as the crowd is so into him right now. That sets up a new WHC match for mania, that is frankly, far more interesting than Swagger vs Del Rio anyway, and solves the problem. If they decide to keep Swagger around he can make his return down the road and seek revenge on Del Rio, who likely will no longer be champ.
I dont know if anyone has posted a resolve to this situation such as what I think should be done, I can imagine that he will be taken off the wrestlemania card as allowing him to compete sets a bad image for the companys wellness policy. Not punishing him could leave a bad taste in the mouth of other wrestlers that have been suspended and had there push deflated as a result of wellness policy violation.

As far as what wwe needs to do if Swagger will no longer be on tv, I can see this happening:

Del Rio comes out to do promo.
Shield Attacks and beats the hell out of Del Rio and explain that they have been hired by Swagger and Colter.
Ziggler comes out, cashes in and wins, New Champion.
Rematch Organised for Wrestlemania.
Swagger and Colter suspended for organising the attack.
The Shield faces no punishment and its played off that they arent employees of the WWE and arent bound by contract or anything like that.
I don't know if anyone else has put it out there, but here's my idea. I would have Big E. kick the holy hell out of Swagger in some backstage segment, injuring him and taking him out of the WM main event. Then, I would actually have Ziggles come out later on Raw and tell everyone he's cashing in at WM and he's giving ADR 6 weeks advance notice. I know everyone would think, WTF would he do that for? I'll tell you, because he's the Show-off. He's cocky enough to believe he can win a straight up match against ADR. That would be the basis of the entire fued building to the match at mania. Then I would have Ziggler go over Del-Rio and pull off the victory. Imagine the bragging rights that would be bestowed upon Ziggler for this. "The first ever to give nearly 6 weeks notice and win." And he would do it on the grandest stage.

As for Jericho, he could turn heel and face Sheamus or a heel Orton or any number of other options. Jericho can put on a good match with anyone and make it an entertaining program whether as a heel or face.
This is even worse than Evan Bourne... :banghead:

I'm curious for what WWE will do. Personally, I like to see WWE dealing with unforeseen situations like this one.

An Orton heel turn would be my personal favorite possibility, but I'm not sure if WWE wants to put Orton on the spotlight again so soon either.
Well this is disappointing. I disliked Swagger for a long time, then I finally warmed up to him right before he disappeared for so long. Then he finally comes back with a gimmick that was extremely interesting and he got the shock win at the chamber and now it looks like it's all over already.

I have no sympathy for anybody who drives under the influence of anything. If he cares that little about the lives of other people on the road as well as pedestrians, then I can't bring myself to care if he loses his job. If it was just a wellness violation I would be more stubbornly loyal to him but since he put others at risk, I don't give a crap what happens to him now.

What a waste of such a cool gimmick and manager. I am highly disappointed.
It really depends on how the WWE want's to handle this. Jeff Hardy failed the Wellness testing right before WM24 where his career was peaking very high. He still got suspended and was out of WM. Rob Van Dam was WWE Champion when he was caught with the same substance as Swagger and had to drop the title almost immediately and serve his suspension.

My guess with Swagger is that he will continue to work WM w/o a PPV Bonus and get suspended right after. It might not be a big deal suspending Swagger before WM as far as the event proper is concerned but how will this look at the EC PPV?
Whether you like Swagger or not, this was poor decision making on his part and it is unfortunate for him. Yes this does bring negativity to WWE but remember this could likely affect Swagger's career and life permanently...

I hope he can find a way to keep his head up and take his lumps... and accept that this could be the end of his career in WWE. No way he recovers professionally with WWE from this, at best he could likely end up a low end jobber.
Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. Who knows how long this has been going on for, right? He'll say he's sorry, but in reality probably is only sorry because he got caught. In the end, maybe this is the wake up call he needs. Either that or he's looking to get fired. Though I'm not sure why that would be. Unless he's burnt out on wrestling. Who knows. Either way, I'd be very surprised if he wasn't suspended or let go. It's a shame because (to me anyways) I always enjoyed Swaggers work and felt that he could be main event material one day. :disappointed:
Well this came out of nowher.e Swagger is a guy who was lucky to get another chance in the world title scene and now he does something like this. I'm assuming this is going to hurt whatever was happening for him at Wrestlemania, which it likely should. This couldn't come at a worse time for him either due to the INSANE reaction Mark Henry got at Elimination Chamber. Swagger was shaky before this and I can't imagine he goes into the title match at Mania at this point.
This isn't the first time a guy got a really big push, and then did something stupid. Rob Van Dam comes to mind. Wins the WWE CHampionship, and the ECW Championship...gets arrested. Jeff Hardy starts to rise as a secondary face of the company...quits and gets arrested. Evan Bourne, and his multiple suspensions and injuries. It's really disappointing to see guys work that hard to get where they are, and then fuck it up as soon as they're given the green light. Way to shoot yourself in the foot...
The thing that interests me the most about this story was that he was pulled over right after SD taping. Now by the sounds of this forum, most of you know nothing about smoking weed. When I used to smoke bud I would never usually smoke alone, so I am curious who he was smoking with?

As for zeb, he could be the true loser of all this, hopefully if worse comes to worse for lispy vince will at least make him a backstage agent.
I see this ending one of two ways. Either WWE ignores the incident until after WrestleMania, then de-pushing Swagger again, or Zeb somehow gets Swagger to put his title shot on the line and he loses it.
Jack Swagger screwed up. He was getting such an incredible push. His heel manager, his big win at Elimination Chamber, and his upcoming victory over Randy Orton on the upcoming Smackdown. Hopefully, he learns the second time around, if there is one for him.
I think that this completely killed his push. I was fully expecting him to go over Del Rio at Wrestlemania, but not anymore, I don't even see him making it to Wrestlemania as the #1 contender anymore. I think that somebody else is going to take over this spot now. Probably Orton or Henry. Stupid of him though.

The creative team will either write him off with an injury perhaps, suspend him in an angle, or have him lose his spot to someone else.

Better luck next time, Swagger!
What in god's name was he thinking??? Absolute idiot Swagger! So sad because his push was actually being really well received. Better luck in TNA son :disappointed:
Could this be a work? A legit arrest sure, but the DUI wasn't for alcohol. How hard is it to imagine that the WWE could have sent him out there with a small amount of weed and told him to drive crazy? The bail's relatively cheap, he's out in no time, it furthers his new image, and could even be invoked during a face turn down the line.
It's legit. A legit news publication locally picked up the story, so it's a legit arrest and court date.

Swagger is incredibly stupid and shows why he didn't deserve his previous pushes and this current one he's been given. Why risk the biggest payday in your life to toke some weed and speed on top of that? Makes no sense and shows me that Swagger simply thought that he would just get away with it. Why else would anyone do something that foolish.

This will end up killing his push. There's no way he can wrestle and no way he'll be at Wrestlemania. With the WWE being PG, there's got to be a punishment handed down, unless they play a storyline where Swagger believes in legalizing pot, which would contradict his conservative, 'We the People' gimmick.

This doesn't end well for Swagger. And it's his own fault.
First and foremost FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!! Damn you Jack Swagger what the hell were you thinking? Not only does this kill his push it could very well end his WWE career.

Jack Swagger had the biggest push i can remember in a long long time. He was well on his way to becoming WHC at WM which i believed was gonna happen. From the mainstream media being all over Zeb Colter's speeches,WWE i fear is gonna be a laughingstock on this whole Jack Swagger thing.

I agree with JH this most certainly kills any momentum,he had going into WM. I really dont know how WWE is gonna handle this. Could be a wellness violation 30 day suspension,or immediately can his ass.

At the very least he will not face ADR at WM that to me leaving him off the WM card would suffice as punishment.

Now on who will face ADR? My guess Is Randy Orton. IMO in order for that to happen Orton needs to turn heel asap maybe go attack swagger kayfabe injuring him so he misses WM. Then attack Ricardo something has to happen. Again I am disappointed in Jack for doing this. This whole angle up until last night was the hottest thing going
I think the whole resolute would be reasonably simple, as long as they are set on future endeavouring jack.
Have Alberto del rio come out on raw all smiles and have him cut a promo about "blah blah blah" jack shouldn't have done that, he is not worthy yaddy yadda yadda, and how he is and always far superior to all challenges, and since he is the Mexican bret hart, much like his great friend he is now the future (His destiny is he wants to repeat that), the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be or whatever promo they decide to cut.
Then have big show come out and say something along the lines that he will get revenge on what del rio has done, have big show knock him out and destroy him, then ziggler comes out and cashes in. This then sets up kinda like a cm punk/ batista type promo that happened a few years ago,
Where ziggler and big show battle it out, since he only won it cause of him.

This allows a few back ups with big show vs ziggler, big show vs del rio or a triple threat.

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