*MERGED* Compare and Contrast - The Rock & John Cena

Who will retire the greater legacy?

  • John Cena

  • The Rock

  • Same

  • Too Early To Tell

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Just watching back an old episode of raw now and its jericho rock vs bigshow benoit. jericho gets taken out and leaves ringside so its rock fending for himself.

towards the end then the rock seems to enter "super cena" mode and starts kicking both their asses. so it got me thinking and remembering...as much as i love the rock..i think its more for his heel work than his face work. i was always, ALWAYS an austin fan no matter what and i do remember being sick of the rock at one point.

i cant put my finger on it maybe its the pandering to the fans and "doing it for the people" but i realy found myself wanting nearly all his opponents to win. and its the same sort of thing with cena...he does his interviews backstage mocking opponents, doing it for the "cenation"...and then he has serious moments where hes gonna kick ass etc.

i think what im trying to get at is that their almost playing the same character...just rock was better at it. rock was naturally funny so when he did put his hand to michael coles face mid interview that was a genuine lol moment. likewise when he'd ask people their names and proceed to shut them down mid answer.

im just wondering if anybody else got sick of the rock the same way they get sick of cena? i constantly remember the rock having super cena moments and me bitching and whining at my tv for someone to put him down haha.

and just on a last note despite my hate for super rock, i do actualy count rock as one of my favs. more hollywood rock than any other form of his character he played. hollywood rock was outstanding, maybe not a great heel as fans loved it...but a great character none the less. i think thats what seperates rock and cena, rock is naturally funny and cena just trys too hard.
They are not all that different in my opinion. The biggest difference really is the era they are in. The Rock was able to be that funny and "edgy" because he was in the attitude era. We do not know if he would have been able to pull off a more "family friendly" style. On the same token, who knows what Cena could have done during that time. I personally feel he, too, could have excelled during that era. For me, The Rock was definitely better on the mic, but Cena is better in the ring. His move set just seems a more realistically punishing.

More importantly, is their work rate. I know Rock left to persue movies. That's his perrogative. But for both these men, I have never heard of any backstage politicking or backstabbing. Never heard that they will not take the job because they don't like someone. To me, that sets both these men apart <there are others...i know> from most of the wrestlers in the industry.

The Rock: "You are a Monkey's Anus"
Cena: "Come on down here you big jar of mayonaise"
Edge: Cena <I am still waiting to use that insult on someone>

Just one man's opinion,
Let the "douchebag, fucking moron, idiot" comments begin. I know you want to call me that.
You are mostly right. And another thing that they share outside the ring is they both don't care about the fans. YES I said it. The Rock wouldn't go to hollywood if he cared so much. Cena just puts on an act when the camera isn't rolling. I got tired of the Rock easily his later years. And Cena, well, I would rather poke my eyes out with a plastic spoon then watch, buy, or play anything he is in.
Interesting thread, but my answer to me being sick of the rock the way i was sick of cena is untrue. I didn't like the rock the best, but I sure loved his charisma. He was always funny and original on the mic. He always made adults and younger people laugh there a**'s off. He was very entertaining in the ring, he actually delivered excellent matches, with mick foley, stone cold, undertaker, hulk hogan, triple h. He did do a lot of the same moves a lot, but again, he was upredictable most of the time. I couldn't ever hate on the rock, and your right, hes naturally funny, every promo he did was funny. But unfortunately for cena, he does the same old sh**. In the ring he's so boring, his opponent always carries him in the match and on the mic he always talks about how he let his fans down, or never give up. He made jokes, but they were only ever funny during his rapper years, he just sounds ******ed making jokes these days. John Cena can't really compare to the rock. The Rock was always great, he never ruined young baby faces world title pushes the way john cena and even randy orton did. This is all just my opinion.
They are not all that different in my opinion. The biggest difference really is the era they are in. The Rock was able to be that funny and "edgy" because he was in the attitude era. We do not know if he would have been able to pull off a more "family friendly" style. On the same token, who knows what Cena could have done during that time. I personally feel he, too, could have excelled during that era. For me, The Rock was definitely better on the mic, but Cena is better in the ring. His move set just seems a more realistically punishing.

More importantly, is their work rate. I know Rock left to persue movies. That's his perrogative. But for both these men, I have never heard of any backstage politicking or backstabbing. Never heard that they will not take the job because they don't like someone. To me, that sets both these men apart <there are others...i know> from most of the wrestlers in the industry.

The Rock: "You are a Monkey's Anus"
Cena: "Come on down here you big jar of mayonaise"
Edge: Cena <I am still waiting to use that insult on someone>

Just one man's opinion,
Let the "douchebag, fucking moron, idiot" comments begin. I know you want to call me that.

OK, your arguments are correct, but The Rock is a much better in ring performer then John Cena, The Rock was much more talented and had a larger variety of moves.
The Rock didn't do it for the people so much as to controlling them :lmao: i mean when he said something , they either repeated it , said quotes with him , etc .

The rock is miles ahead from Cena when it comes to mike skills plus the rock got a beating gave a beating and sometimes still lost , though that doesn't happen a lot when it comes to Cena , when he's "back" in a match he wins most of the time so.

as The Rock would say - As good as you are , The Rock is simply better , The Rock was Cocky , Arrogant , But he backed everything he said in the ring , Cena is just " too Goody-Goody" to be compared to the rock , and i haven't even started on The Crowd reaction The Rock gets from mic time to In Ring Moves , To Me Cena is in no way similar to The Rock and should not be mentioned in the same league as him :)

Lets see Cena do this to the UnderTaker in a match =]

I disagree totally with your statement.

First of all Cena has been a face for the last 5 years, this means we have seen him being Super Cena for the last 5 YEARS.

On the other hand The Rock started off a face, became a heel, turned face, one his first WWE championship as a heel with the Corporation, then he was a tweener from april/may of 1999 until late 1999 when he started becoming more of a face.

Through Rock's face turn he was constantly being attacked by Triple H, Kurt Angle, etc. He would have his come backs like you would expect any superstar face would but it was no where the amount of times Cena has had his comebacks. If you say that about The Rock, you can say the same for Stone Cold also.

Also The Rock didnt force his catchphrases, he developed them when he was a heel and when fans wasnt suppose to copy them. Even Back then The Rock would acknowledge the crowd by pointing his finger or saying something.

Please dont try to compare John Cena with The Rock their honestly two different characters and two different people.

If you wanna compare faces and characters Cena is more like Hulk Hogan in his role model gimmick type and always standing up for what's right blah.

The Rock's character was not that of a role model, he was more like a cocky bad ass dude that you just wanted to be.
as The Rock would say - As good as you are , The Rock is simply better , The Rock was Cocky , Arrogant , But he backed everything he said in the ring , Cena is just " too Goody-Goody" to be compared to the rock , and i haven't even started on The Crowd reaction The Rock gets from mic time to In Ring Moves , To Me Cena is in no way similar to The Rock and should not be mentioned in the same league as him :)

Lets see Cena do this to the UnderTaker in a match =]


Yes the Rock was cocky and arrogant. But we have to remember, again, the era they were in. This is a more family friendly time in the WWE. The face of the company is not supposed cocky and arrogant. Cena is an actual face, while the Rock could actually be described as a "tweener" if you stretched it a little. Cena is a true kids hero <like a white suited cartoon cowboy>, and that is what he is supposed to be <for now anyway>. I think Cena has what it takes to do what the Rock did, if given wider parameters.

As for that move of the Rocks on the Undertaker: Don't get me started on the peoples elbow. 12 chair shots to the head won't do it, but look out for that elbow. Thats speaking in general of course, I don't know what happened prior in that match. I think Cena's power could match up well with the Undertaker. His Attitude Adjustment move and also the STF appear much more punishing.

Bottom line is that they both play to their characters well, given the guidelines they have to go by. It is too hard to compare anything today to anything that happened during the Attitude Era. That time period stands alone, and will be forever be unmatched.

Just One Man's opinion:
Let the "douchebag, fucking moron, idiot" comments begin. I know you all want to call me that.
I agree with coolant. Two different eras. How can we compare how The Rock would do in the PG-environment and how Cena would do in the Attitude era-environment.

However chico, let's do a survey for the Bad Guy, this is for you Rock > Cena IWC:

do you watch Rock's Disney movies? Is The Rock playing his Attitude Era persona in majority of his movies? Is The Rock the most electrifying man in the Tooth Fairy? Do you smelllllllllll............Race to Witch Mountain (did you find any glimpse of the Attitude Era Rock there?). Did the Rock use his vulgar Attitude Era language when he hosted the 2009 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards?


It doesn't matter what the Attitude Era Rock....if you smell what the current wrestling environment is cookin'.

Bischoff said it best, sponsors would walk away from the WWE if they continue the Attitude Era and he also said if WCW waited it out, they could turn the tide which NEVER, EVER, HAPPENED because WCW is DEAD.

Revenues started declining from the height of the Attitude Era in 2001 to 2005. It climbed right back up until 2008. 2008 and 2009 has generated $50 million profit each; this year, $30 million profit 6-month and on pace to make over $40 million. WCW 1996-1997 glory days, $50 million profit each year was the best there is, the best there was, the best that ever will be. WCW lose over $5 million the next year. WWE decline would still be profitable. WWE movement to the PG has brought more revenue to offset the TV ratings. So the decline of TV ratings is supplemented by the increase of sponsorships. Hence, this direction hasn't hurt the WWE as much.

Cena is the face of the WWE the last five years whether you like it ($$$) or not (WCW/ECW/Attitude Era offspring). He may not be the Rock, but the WWE formula in how they booked them as face has not failed the World Wrestling Entertainment, the way WCW and ECW failed the wrestling business.
How dare you!? How dare you you hypocritical parasite!? John Cena is nothing like The Rock no matter how very very hard he may try to be. Oh and he does try. I see him screaming in his interviews like a drunken boxcar hobo and I change the channel. Back in the day I patiently waited for a Rock interview and shushed everyone around me whilst the Great One spoke.

He just had a natural charisma that Cena does not. Now Cena may very well be funny if he weren't limited by the PG rating but I'm certain if The Brahma Bull came back today he would come up with something much much better than "bologna fudging mustard!" Seriously what the fuck is that!? The Rock never got to the point where I got tired of seeing him or wanting him to win, heel or face, because he was always entertaining. Cena is not.
so we're trying to compare one of the best all around mic workers, in-ring performers, and a def lasting star if not LEGEND... to the rock? LMAO... wait wait I must have that backwards since, yes cena can make 12 yr old girls cream... sorry but this thread is just a fail for the simple fact that no matter how popular cena is... comparing him to the rock is comparing aj styles wrestling ability to hogans ( I love hogan but seriously.... cena and the rock being compared on ANY level is the same as comparing aj and hogans actual wrestling ability.... it's apples to BS =) ... yes Cena once upon a time was somewhat witty.... the rock... was a lyrical miracle to steal a line from joel (if ya don't know ya never will) and yes cena had some decent matches.... thnx to opponents who could wrestle jus a bit more than him ( not saying much).....and as far as rock going into "super cena" mode..... you mean he "HULKED" up, I mean seriously.... you may have an actual question here, but to me.... you don't.... the rock is/was a phenomenal superstar... john cena is... well... john cena, take it for what it's worth, wwe can call him great... problem is I have eyes so either I'm going blind or.... well OR is the only answer, both on mic and in ring "hustle loyalty respect" ... that shit is earned... all he's earned is a ceo ********in and a battalion of preteen scream queens and he's taken to it quite nicely, while rock has earned a LEGION... only one is deserving... I won't say which =) and to answer your question about being sick of rock.... rock never gave me a reason to be sick of him, he made me laugh.... cena makes me cry, whether he talks or not.... (yes I think cena sucks and could easily be replaced by doink so maybe I'm biased but the thread didn't say I couldn't be =)
The Rock's first character in the WWF actually is kinda like Cenas now.

He was a mega face, being pushed to the moon, yet he got boo'd to hell.

Until they turned him heel and gave him some catchphrases, that's when he got popular.

The main reason i think no one is comparing Cena & Rock, while still, they are similar in ways, is the fact Cena is just shoved right down our throats.

For example, the Rock was in WWE for 5 years. During that time he won the WWE title 7 times, totalling 247 days.

Cena has been in WWE 8 years and won the title 7 times also. Totalling days = 947.

Cena has held the WWE title more days than Triple H and The Rock put together.

Hell, he's held it more than Austin and Rock put together.

He's just always there.

While i do think neither could wrestle that good, Rock didn't asskiss the fans as much. He also sells better than Cena too.
For me, The Rock was definitely better on the mic, but Cena is better in the ring. His move set just seems a more realistically punishing.


are you kidding me? more punishing?? Cena does a punch of the ropes and an awful version of a DVD that looks more like an over head throw.

Christ, Cena's moveset makes the People's Elbow look like a power bomb off the top rope.

To the topic at hand - the characters are definitely similar. But the fact is the Rock was and is 100x better actor, athlete, showman and wrestler. Anyone EVER change the channel during even one of the Rock's promos or matches? I know I didn't.

I flip or fast forward through just about anything Cena does....depending on his opponent.
The Rock is beyond wrestling. John Cena couldn't exist without wrestling.

The Rock did more in 5 years than John Cena could do in a 20 year career.

The Rock was loved by adults, kids, and as a poster called them 'scream cream teens' whereas John Cena only really entertains those with underdeveloped brains.

The Rock could beat Hulk Hogan while John Cena has trouble with Sheamus.

I could go on and on here but i'd just be making the same arguments as everyone else. If you grew up during the Attitude Era then this is a no brainer. If you grew up in the PG era and you only really know the Rock from when you were a toddler or by watching him on youtube, then you might start this thread on wrestlezone.
True. The Rock was better at it because he always did something different and funny that no one would expect.

Also the so called "super-cena" was the "super-rock" but the rock made it look realistic unlike cena who just flips!
I could go on and on here but i'd just be making the same arguments as everyone else. If you grew up during the Attitude Era then this is a no brainer. If you grew up in the PG era and you only really know the Rock from when you were a toddler or by watching him on youtube, then you might start this thread on wrestlezone.

absolutely PERFECTLY stated

Rock did have more than the girls and under ten year old boys cheering for him.

Wanna know why Cena is no where near the same ballpark? The Rock faced Hogan at WM and won. Sure, he was booed a little during the match. But, afterward everyone cheered and showed respect to two fantastic Wrestlers.

When Cena faced RVD at One Night Stand - if Cena had in any way won that match, he would have legitimately been killed before he got backstage. Not booed - killed.
The Rock's first character in the WWF actually is kinda like Cenas now.

He was a mega face, being pushed to the moon, yet he got boo'd to hell.

Until they turned him heel and gave him some catchphrases, that's when he got popular.

Perfect point but needs carried that bit farther - Cena is the Rock in reverse, when Rocky Maivia started he was the equivalent to John now only with less mic time and less backing. Thuganomic Cena started more as the Rock heel character, only with a rapper twist.
As if steve austin didn't play that superman stuff on tv. He was the biggest damn superman on wwf/e back then. He was stunning every moving thing around him. And you ask me how much that irritated me when i watched wwe giving preference to steve austin over the rock in late 2000 even though the rock was the most popular guy right then. I almost started rooting for heel chris benoit when he was having a match with steve austin, oh i remember that.
And as far as the character goes, almost every character is same in WWE or in pro-wrestling for that matter. It's always about how the wrestler is going to play it on screen. Steve austin did it well so did the rock. John cena probably didn't, i don't know. If you'd listen to rock's off screen interviews even back then, u'd realize how seriously he was thinking about his character, as if bobby de niro is thinking about jack lammotta.
And as far as playing superman is concerned, every face has to do that now and then. Hogan did it, so did austin, the rock and now john cena.
The Rock is beyond wrestling. John Cena couldn't exist without wrestling
Hmmm...I am wondering if the Rock...errr..Dwayne Johnson <hint hint> would have had a chance to make all these great movies without wrestling. He used wrestling as a 5 year movie audition, and all I can say about his movies is that they are better than the movies Hogan made.

The Rock did more in 5 years than John Cena could do in a 20 year career.

Probably right. Afterall...he was fortunate to be part of the company during its greatest era of writing and booking. That probably had something to do with it.

The Rock was loved by adults, kids, and as a poster called them 'scream cream teens' whereas John Cena only really entertains those with underdeveloped brains.

I think you would be surprised at how many kids probably were not allowed to watch wrestling during the Rock's time. Kids are where the money is at. Hollywood has proven that.

The Rock could beat Hulk Hogan while John Cena has trouble with Sheamus
Booking Booking Booking...the word "could" does not apply. But I will give it up to Rock. Yes, he did beat Hulk in 2003 when he was 30 and Hulk was 50. SCORE!! Who knows what John Cena would do if they brought in an Icon like Hulk. That opportunity has not been available to him. Oh wait...he has beaten Shawn Michaels...clean. Booking Booking Booking!!

You may think otherwise by my various posts on this thread. But, I am not Rock hater, nor do I think Cena is better than the Rock. I personally would go see the Rock before Cena. But I am not a Cena hater either. And I have heard no good argument as to what there is to hate about him. He was given a charatcer with certain guidelines. There is nothing more that he can do for now.
I can see the parallels, but IMO, Rock wasn't forced down our throats like Cena is. Rock was portrayed as a pretty tough wrestler. Hard to put down but it HAS been done. Cena is portrayed as superman. He'll overcome any and all odds and it usually takes a lot to put him down. It's better to compare Cena to Hogan really.

Also, Rock had WAY more charisma than Cena does. But where they are the same is work ethic, as someone pointed out earlier. Say what you will about his character, but I think most can agree that Cena has one hell of a work ethic. I don't see him complaining about doing a job or anything like that. Rock was the same way.
They are not at all the same. I know people are still going to argue that I'm wrong here, but the Rock is far superior. In nearly all aspects.

-Better on the mic (I can't even see see this being an argument)
-The Rock has better timing
-The Rock is better in the ring (even if he's not, he uses more moves and is more fluid and natural looking)
-The Rock is from a wrestling family
-The Rock

And probably one of the most important things...The Rock had better opponents.
I saw this one coming..all the "cena is no where near the rock and blah blah blah and cena is shoved down our throats" So your sayng Rock wasnt shoved down our throats? Ads, posters, on at the beginning of every show and ending...the Rock was shoved down our throats to the point i hated him. i saw someone say Cena will never accomplish what the Rock did in 7 years...wow such a bold statement.thats the problem right there..no one will let go of the Atitude Era. people cant handle that somene is on the cusp of being greater than the rock..yeah i said it... people dont give cena his respect because they hate on him just because there is a new household name that isnt austin or rock...if people would just let go and stop bitching and complianing face of the new era..and these so-called "real wrestling fans"talk bad abou anyone who is a cena fan that isnt 12 years old or a girl. its a shame really

now on the topic are they diffrent..not really that diffrent to be honest.i dont care what anyone says...they boht are funny both are 9 time..not 7 time..9 time champs..both have catchy catchphrases(btw someone earlier said that cena shoves his catch phrase down our throats where the rocks we just by second nature..the rock would start his own Rocky chant "listen as the fans are chanting the rocks name.."Rocky, Rocky"! then the fans would join in) te "you cant see me" chant was part of his finishing move..the fans caught on and used it. and while we are on moves..lets talk about stupid moves..the say the rock was awsome in the ring..while ill agree he was good he had stupid ass moves too. come on..you mean to tell me a chair shot wont beat a guy like austin or hhh but a stupid elbow with theatrics will?? really??? yes the five knuckle shuffle is lame but its not his finisher. there are some mny similarites but people think its so bad that anyone is even in the smae conversation as the rock.. fact of the matter is he deserves to be in the same conversation and when Cenas gone he will go down as the biggest name since the atitude era and will be at the top of the list with the rock and austin..its a shame no one will give him credit that he deserves...
There's a similar outline between the Rock's face persona and Cena, but as has been said, Rock was just way more talented and natural. There's nothing wrong with discussing the similarities so long as you admit The Rock's vast superiority as a performer. Just the fact that it's debated is really proof enough. Do we have to sit around trying to convince people about the greatness of Austin, Rock, Angle, HBK, Sting, etc? Nah, so the fact that so many are down on Cena says a lot.

Honestly, I don't really like the Rock/Cena comparison nearly as much as Cena being the modern era Hulk Hogan (or at least Vince's attempt at it). The bad-to-mediocre ring work, the catchphrases, the too good to be true character, the "invincible" mode he goes into... doesn't that sound way more like Hulk than any other legend? And at this point, with so many fans against him, doesn't this point in his career mirror Hogan's before the NWO turn? I'm not saying Cena's done anything nearly to equate to what Hogan accomplished during the Hulkamania run, but it's the closest comparison.
lets talk about stupid moves..the say the rock was awsome in the ring..while ill agree he was good he had stupid ass moves too. come on..you mean to tell me a chair shot wont beat a guy like austin or hhh but a stupid elbow with theatrics will?? really??? yes the five knuckle shuffle is lame but its not his finisher.

Ever heard of the Rock Bottom? The People's Elbow wasn't Rock's finisher, either.

Think about this for a second; why would so many people hate Cena if he didn't deserve it? Do wrestling fans really just sit around looking for reasons not to like someone? No, we WANT to root for people. We want to be entertained and are happy when someone provides it.

Cena simply fails in that respect much more than other premiere talents. Forget about comparing him to legends; he's not even on the same level with his peers like Orton, Jericho, and Edge. I know you don't agree and are obviously a big fan of his, but obviously something is wrong when so many people don't like the guy.

I'm not criticizing you for liking Cena. Plenty of people thought Goldberg fans were morons in the past, and I found myself still enjoying the guy. Different wrestlers are just like different types of music or different types of foods; something resonates with us and we may love it while other don't. It's no big deal.

I just think you and other die-hard Cena fans should stop being so sensitive about the issue. There's really no right/wrong here. I can understand you getting mad at some troll who's slandering your guy without much evidence. But when you see such a large part of the wrestling fanhood not agreeing with you, I think we're entitled to some respect as well.
How dare you!? How dare you you hypocritical parasite!? John Cena is nothing like The Rock no matter how very very hard he may try to be. Oh and he does try. I see him screaming in his interviews like a drunken boxcar hobo and I change the channel. Back in the day I patiently waited for a Rock interview and shushed everyone around me whilst the Great One spoke.

He just had a natural charisma that Cena does not. Now Cena may very well be funny if he weren't limited by the PG rating but I'm certain if The Brahma Bull came back today he would come up with something much much better than "bologna fudging mustard!" Seriously what the fuck is that!? The Rock never got to the point where I got tired of seeing him or wanting him to win, heel or face, because he was always entertaining. Cena is not.

I very much agree with you, I dislike Cena far too much to compare him to The Great One. But I'll do it anyway for the sake of the thread, Ok The Rock is better at pretty much everything espiecally in the ring, Cena has about 5 moves where The Rock had a large variety and I have always said that The Rock is the best ever when it comes to the mic and is in the top 3 of all time when it comes to charisma in my view. I know some people will think I'm being bias because I grew up a Rock fan but still.... you could get someone who despises The Rock (if possible) and they would hate Cena even more.

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