**Merged** Christian's injury and general discussion thread

I'm a Christian mark and have been since I started watching wrestling again. After being pretty much left out for a month or two, he was finally put in a interesting feud with Del Rio. But now, this injury is maybe the worst thing that can happen to him. He and Del Rio were starting to look like they were elevating each other and getting each other over pretty well. This is definitely going to help Del Rio now.

But like Stinger said, the injury might pay off down the line depending on what happens while he's gone. What if they book him for a big return and it moves him up the ladder. What if they continue what they are planning for Del Rio, and he somehow becomes a main eventer. It would set up perfectly for Christian to return and continue with Del Rio. Like I said, I'm a Christian mark so I'm being optimistic. I guess we'll see how things develop over the next 6+ months.
I, for one am quite upset. I am a HUGE Christian fan, about as much as I am a fan of Matt Striker (of course that's another issue..lol.) But anyways, I really feel for the guy because I'm sure this will probably get him clear back at the beginning whenever he comes back. I mean this guy gets as much if not more of a reception than some of their main event guys. Its amazing that all the time he's put in before, and how he's been back for well over a year plus now, and they have him jobbing consistently to Rhodes, and DelRio? I mean, I know he's a team player and all, but sometimes this gets ridiculous and people show be applauded for putting up with others' crap. I mean, Christian is SO overlooked in many aspects, and he's someone who puts 150% into everything. Just watching him on TV, you know he's ALL IN, and you can see that he is BALLS to the wall to do anything to make sure the fans go home happy. He even doesn't care if it seems to put himself in risk, and then its even better when you see him Live, and I was fully ready to see the Peepmaster at the SD taping on 10/5/10, as a member of the Peepulation, I can assure other people that the show will in fact be missing MAJOR Charisma without him. I only hope that Vince, and creative and whatever powers that be realize what a base this guy brings with him wherever he goes.

Yes to everything you said. (except the Matt Striker part :p ) This is terrible news. Christian has always been one of my favorites, and he's the main reason I look forward to Smackdown every week. I was looking forward to seeing him involved in some interesting storylines with Del Rio.
They may play this out as an injury angle by Alberto Del Rio. This should be a decent feud once Christian comes back if Del Rio is still elevated by the time Christian comes back. It sucks that he is out for 6 months. I personally hope that Christian is either put as a top mid carder or even close to the main event on Raw or Smackdown when he returns. We will have to wait and see. Hopefully he can make a big return by WrestleMania.
Look for a credible mid-card face to definitely be heading to Smackdown next week.

The most likely choices are John Morrison and R-Truth, but I believe it's critical for the company to get Morrison back over to the Blue Brand. The last couple of weeks he's had fantastic matches with Jericho and Sheamus and there's no better time to push him to the upper-mid/main event level.

What legitimate main event faces do you have on Smackdown right now besides the Undertaker? Absolutely no one. I'm figuring that Edge or Jericho (or possibly both) will be headed back to Smackdown and will slide right into that role. Jericho can go from heel to face and back again like the flip of a switch and Edge is still getting a pretty loud pop despide the E's attempts at keeping him heel.

Having Morrison feud with Del Rio will not only help both wrestlers but provide a fresh face to the title scene, one rightly deserved by Morrison.

Edit: I forgot to mention The Big Show, but it seems pretty certain that he won't be in the title picture in the upcoming months.
This ruined my day. Christian is one of my favorites of all time. And I really wanted to see if WWE would follow through on the tease back in February with a potential E&C feud in the future.....I thought that was a possibility for wrestlemania or TLC...
I think that they will have Alberto Del Rio attack Christian and have a storyline injury so that Christian can take time of to heal up and come back. This is very bad news and comes at bad time for Christian he was starting to be featured more. I was really liking the Del Rio and Christian feud. Really bad news for Christian.
man this is terrible news.just freaking terrible!!!!! i thought this was christian's big chance to impress the higher ups even though i knew that alberto was winning this feud.a few good matches and promos would have helped christian's case too.but now...........i think wwe will put the entire blame on christian for getting injured and not producing a good feud.

wwe will possibly turn edge face again to let him feud with del rio in order to avenge his brother.but i guess edge will be too much of a step up for del rio.so im going with mvp for del rio's next feud

i wonder though if either of them will get the crowd reactions christian managed to get on the last smackdown
ehh this will only further the career of Del Rio, you gotta expect that they'll wanna play an injury angle at the hands of Del Rio. Maybe when the COB comes back he can feud with Edge, cause I don't think that the WWE wants to give Edge a 10th title yet.
Oddly enough, this is turning into a decent thing. Of course I'm upset that Christian is injured and I do hope he returns to action soon but this could help him in the long run as well as Del Rio in the short term.

Alberto Del Rio has already 'injured' Mysterio and if was to do the same to Christian, it could help his credibility to no end. Del Rio would have taken down two of the big guns on SmackDown and he's only got a few more (Show, Kingston, MVP & Taker) before he's at that World Title spot. Del Rio is being pushed hard and this favours him.

Now, as for Christian, as Stinger pointed out, this could be the spark he needs to re-ignite his career. Vince has never been too fond of Christian but if Christian can prove to Vince that he's capable of working hard to recover from this injury, then Vince will not only respect that, he'll reward it. When Christian returns, Del Rio could well be on top on SmackDown and a feud between the pair could do wonders for Christian.
wwe will possibly turn edge face again to let him feud with del rio in order to avenge his brother

E&C haven't been storyline brothers since COB went to TNA. When he came back they retconned it to just childhood friends like they are in real-life.

I don't even know if i'll be excited enough to watch Smackdown! anymore...Christian is my guy on there....If Edge goes there, then it'll be ok. If not, then the only good thing to look forward to on SD! is CM Punk.
First off, I'd like it said that while Christian's never been a WWE main eventer, he's been a nice draw and he's well over with the fans. THAT makes him a top star on SD!. Writing the storyline of having Del Rio take him out is perfect for this character. Having said that, I've seen calls for importing a face or turning someone face (which the latter's more likely to happen), but why not use the parallel push method?

Now what I mean by this parallel push method is letting a guy that you're trying to push have a feud with another guy that you're wanting to give a push to but aren't quite sure how to do it. This can also mean pushing two contenders by pitting them against each other. Let's go back to the late 1990s-early 2000s for an example. You had the Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian, two young tag teams that were to be the future of tag-team wrestling to take over from guys like the Dudleyz and the Steiners and LOD. Sure there were TLC matches and feuds with the Dudleyz but who did the Hardyz and Edge/Christian feud with mostly? That's right, each other. They raised the bar on tag-team wrestling by wrestling each other and basically pushed each other higher and higher.

Now using that example and WWE's "youth movement", I'm thinking a nice 2-3 month feud with Low-Ki (I will NOT use that God-awful WWE name if I can help it!) would do wonders for Del Rio. Their styles mesh well enough through their contrast that the matches would be rather entertaining, and Low-Ki could actually hack it on the mic if given a chance. This would give both guys a chance to shine in and out the ring, would give Del Rio a chance to get more over as a heel, and gives Kaval a face shot against a very quickly established heel.

Side note: With the SES out of commission, maybe a face CM Punk COULD happen... but I really wouldn't want that, he's far better as a heel.
While it's certainly a shame that Christian has gone out with an injury, I hardly see it as that big of a deal.

Certainly it would hurt Christian a little bit, however it could benefit the mid-card on Smackdown. I believe it was Triple H who they put against Mick Foley back in 2000 when Stone Cold and The Rock was gone, to see if he could thrive in the main event without the big talents.

This will help the mid-card just how you ask? Because Matt Hardy is seemingly gone as of late, and Christian will now be out for a few months. This gives the mid-card to work with the guys they have. To show that they can work without the two better workers.

This will also give a little room for some of the less used mid-carders. Christian gets air time pretty much any Smackdown there is. And he gets a decent length match, which can be replaced with something else, or with another opponent.

So really, it's a shame for Christian, but it's could prove beneficial for the mid-card in many ways.
ehh this will only further the career of Del Rio, you gotta expect that they'll wanna play an injury angle at the hands of Del Rio. Maybe when the COB comes back he can feud with Edge, cause I don't think that the WWE wants to give Edge a 10th title yet.

I can't see Edge "Avenging his brother" since Edge got drafted back to Raw and he and Christian had their 'confrontation' before he left SD, the announcers said "These long time friends" and so the whole brother storyline was thrown out. So it couldn't be for brotherly love. I mean as much as I love Edge, the only way I see Edge and Christian having a storyline is if they are feuding, because when they had their match on Raw when RKO was picking Edge's opponents and out comes christian, and RKO said "That's not who I picked" the audience went ape$h!t for it. You know as much as they want the old E & C days, they also want a good feud because the guy is a great performer. But back to his shot, yes, as much as I dislike DelRio, the guy is a technician genius in the ring, and his finishing move is one that I think is swift and clever. However, with the absence of Christian, and Rey's pattern of coming and going when he seems to please, and Raw's over abundance of faces SD is in a drought right now. Unless they either make some HUGE creative changes, or bring some people over, because DelRio IS the springboard that could give people their GOLDEN opportunity to what could be a great run. I highly think they either should consider maybe John Morrison (who in my mind, seems to be a little stuck right now on Mondays), and possibly bring Edge over and assert himself as THE person for Fridays, and Y2J, even though he's being written off, this would be a better reduced schedule. But overall, for christian, I would hope as I said earlier, that the WWE powers would see what his absence does and realize, or Christian (although he's no John Cena) may take a page from Cena and use that as motivation and prove to WWE that he can roll with adversity, but we certainly don't want him to live under the creed "I've got to live by Cena standards and heal in faster time than him." Because if he does that, then he does risk alienating his fans even though he'd win praise from WWE officials. So I know its kinda a double edged sword, you have health over career, and hopefully he's got a good enough support system that will help him make the right choices and that maybe the career people should know what kind of worker he is and know what he's sacrificed already. Sorry for the rant...
I guess we won't hear a "peep" out of Christian for a while, huh? Yeah, um...

This isn't going to hurt the brand at all. Christian was barely scratching the surface of a mini-feud with Alberto Del Rio and would've jobbed to him anyway. Now that job can be someone else's on the brand.

Naturally, pectoral injuries are very serious and I feel terrible for the guy, but I really feel this will be more beneficial than anything. Christian has been in midcard limbo since ECW folded and his absence can only be positive since it will trigger a big return for him. Hopefully, they use Del Rio as the guy who (kayfabe) injures him. This would set up a feud for Christian to walk into when he comes back and might generate some interest in his character. He needs it because, let's face it, he's very similar to Matt Hardy in the sense that all he currently has is a cult following. He needs to break into mainstream WWE popularity in order for them to give a shit about him.
Christian, Smackdown's top superstar? He's never been Smackdown's top superstar.

Smackdown will be absolutely 100% with or without Christian. He isn't a 'valuable' asset. He's never main evented Smackdown and he's supposed to be in a rivalry with Alberto Del Rio, who is most likely going to be a bigger success than Christian within the next 5 years.

I'm not the biggest Christian fan, but I'm not happy or glad that he's injured his pectoral region either. It's career threatening. I think this is going to jumpstart Christian's career though. If he makes a big return and goes up against Del Rio again, it'd make for a big rivalry and some great matches. They can both work great matches and they're both good in-ring. Christian's a veteran, aswell as Del Rio. I'll be looking forward to his return, just to see if they make anything of him.
Shutup people about the whole "Christian is not a top SD! superstar." :|

This sucks. Just because I am a HUGE Christian fan and I won't get to see him on my t.v set for another 6 months.

I was sort of hoping for that Edge/Christian feud, but they can still move Edge to SD! and have him feud with younger dudes, then have Christian come back...

Not that it was gonna happen or anything.

I wish Christian the best of luck and hopefully he will return soon.
im a big christian fan and while im saddened that he is now out for a while this could be the chance to make him a main eventer. when he is ready to return it should be hyped to the max with promos and when he returns he will he the focal point of a storyline as i felt what he had going with del rio is more benificial to del rio.
so im upset i wont be seeing captain charisma for a while and wish him a speedy recovery and hopefully an exciting return
This injury WILL benefit Christains career. Big time. His momentum after returning will come back and will be at an all time high. Then Christian could shoot right into the main event seen. Just like when John Cena or Edge returnings at the Royal Rumble. Their momentum was high enough for them to win it. I'm not saying Christain will win the royal rumble but his momentum will be high enough for him to main event and not to job. And if anything hold the IC title. And for everyone saying Christain isn't a "valuable asset" you're wrong. Why else would they put Alberto Del Rio in a mini fued with him? Because he can put young guys, including Alberto over. This does indeed make Christain a valuable asset to Smackdown. Veterens are running low on Smackdown and Christain is one of the few that are left. This makes him a VERY valuable asset. Of course Smackdown won't benefit without him. After he's out for six months, what guys will be able to put over younger talent beside rey, kane or maybe jericho and edge if they are brought over. Christain is needed big time, believe it or not.
I am and always have been a huge Christian fan. If he never jumped ship to TNA, he may have been a wwe champion or whc. WWE should recognize him as a former world champion considering they count all the old wrestlers who have been NWA World Champion. So Ric Flair is really only an 8 time World Champion since they dont count the NWA title? This makes no sence, Christian held the NWA World Championship, the same one Flair held. So whats the difference?
Christian will always have the possibility of winning the World Heavyweight Championship. But as for the WWE Championship? It's never going to happen.

Christian, no matter how the Internet Wrestling Community feels about him, is a jobber. He is meant to put others over himself (he loses the ECW Championship to Ezekiel to end the program for Christ's sake) and is probably too old in the company's eyes to be considered marketable against the likes of Cena or Orton. He is entertaining, at least to me. But he isn't the face of WWE, not by a long shot.

Christian can be a World Champion on Smackdown. If Kane can do it he can if pushed the right way. But the WWE Championship is meant to be the cornerstone of the entire company; having Christian as champion instead of The Viper or Cena just isn't as good for business as many of us would like to think.

Anyways, a former NWA Champion isn't that bad a deal I think.
Agree with everybody else. If it were going to happen, it would have happened already. The perfect time would have been to have him win MITB this past Wrestlemania when he was seemingly the obvious choice, and proceed to cash in like how Swagger did. But it didnt happen, and I dont think it ever will
this is my first thread so yeah.. be nice i guess

i am a massive fan of christian and would love to see him as a world champion some time, but a lot of people doubt this will happen for various different reasons, but you cant argue that he is god damn F***ing entertaining to watch!
so my question is do you think he deserves to be a world champion and if so how would you book him to win it?

how the fuck r u gonna censor the word "fucking" but not g.d. as well? :lol:

Christian will always have the possibility of winning the World Heavyweight Championship. But as for the WWE Championship? It's never going to happen.

Christian can be a World Champion on Smackdown. If Kane can do it he can if pushed the right way. But the WWE Championship is meant to be the cornerstone of the entire company; having Christian as champion instead of The Viper or Cena just isn't as good for business as many of us would like to think.
What are you talking about?! The WHC is meant to be EQUAL not secondary or subordinate to the WWE title. Thats why they are named the way hey are. Their prestige comes from the literal title or lineage. A World heavyweight title is just that, and the WWE Championship dates back 47 years because thats when the WWWF inaugurated its first champion. The WWE champion is not the face of the companie, which ever of the two World titlists is bigger or if equal which ever one is on the Raw brand determines the unofficial top title holder... How good was JBL for business? Sheamus? The Big Show? Are you saying now that the blue brand is the second chance for guys not ready for the big big time? SD! title holders are of lower caliber?
Christian, no matter how the Internet Wrestling Community feels about him, is a jobber. He is meant to put others over himself (he loses the ECW Championship to Ezekiel to end the program for Christ's sake) and is probably too old in the company's eyes to be considered marketable against the likes of Cena or Orton.
Younger then HBK, Taker, or Trips. Why do you think the IWC and main stream fans can't like the same? Do you think the IWC has the sole goal of remaining contrary at all costs or something? When a person is a jobber that usually is a role or lot thats not federation specific. It was Ezekiel's time and that is why he won the ECW title. Cena and Orton serve no relevance, they are monday night guys, Christian is a potential friday night phenom. He presents the kinda glitz that SD! historically steered clear of but could use. The show can't all be filled up with Shelton Benjamin or Bob Backlund type performers.
wrestlingking said:
I am and always have been a huge Christian fan. If he never jumped ship to TNA, he may have been a wwe champion or whc. WWE should recognize him as a former world champion considering they count all the old wrestlers who have been NWA World Champion. So Ric Flair is really only an 8 time World Champion since they dont count the NWA title?
Why do you think that? I like him but his departure to Orlando was just a vacation. If he stayed in WWE he would had remained exactly where he was and probably had gotten himself released. He came back and did not join WWE's main event picture. He has done better then fellow NWA champ R-Truth though. He was saddled with the ECW title which is intermediate between an I-C/U.S. title and a World title/WWE Championship.. When he returned to WWE he would had resumed the status quo if not for the ECW brand and it having its own title. The ECW title was recognition of past work, not a nod to TNA..

You realize that Flair himself doesn't count roughly 10 of his own reigns and WWE is lacking about 15 right? And also do you think its a bit ridicules for you to hold the NWA title on 2007 on par with the NWA title of 1987? When WCW withdrew from the NWA in Sept. of '93 there title was stripped of World title recognition. When Douglas through the NWA belt down in ECW that was all she wrote.. Being World champion and holding a title are different. Is Tommy Dreamer a 2 time World champion or a 1 time ECW World champion and a one time ECW brand champion and a 2 time ECW champ overall? Same question for Terry Funk.. or Scotty Hotbody.
littleED212 said:
christian has bin in this buisess a long time, hes a veteran so yea he should be wwe champ, and he should win it during a feud wit edge considering their past
David Horowitz is a veteran. Greg Valentine is a veteran. Billy Gunn is a veteran. I can't think of any old head other then Meng/Haku that I could ever just put a strap on due to years of hard service, oh well Regal or Mark Henry too. If he makes it up the latter its going to be related to Edge in some way shape or form. Thats Jason Reso's leverage, he can at the end of his day if worse comes to worse piggyback Edge's star power under the guise of settling old scores or even a reunion. Edge as WWE champ, Xtian as WHC, they both share the tag titles, they have a beg or competition going to see who wins first and who stays champ longest. Thats the best thing aboutthe brand extension, a guy with little or no chance before now has a second shot by way of there being two top titles.
What are you talking about?! The WHC is meant to be EQUAL not secondary or subordinate to the WWE title. Thats why they are named the way hey are. Their prestige comes from the literal title or lineage. A World heavyweight title is just that, and the WWE Championship dates back 47 years because thats when the WWWF inaugurated its first champion. The WWE champion is not the face of the companie, which ever of the two World titlists is bigger or if equal which ever one is on the Raw brand determines the unofficial top title holder... How good was JBL for business? Sheamus? The Big Show? Are you saying now that the blue brand is the second chance for guys not ready for the big big time? SD! title holders are of lower caliber?

Oh please stop whining. Everyone knows that Smackdown isn't the flagship show, now is it? Raw is and always was meant to be the more important of the two brands. If you don't believe this then quite frankly you're an idiot.

As regards to trying to tell me both Championships are equal and then giving me the history of the WWE title...you proved my point. A championship that has been around for over 40 years is suppose to be more prestigious than a belt that has been around how long? 8 years. The World Heavyweight Championship doesn't have the same pedigree the World Wrestling Entertainment Championship does, and it never will. Look at all of the champions that have held the WWE/F Belt. Now look at the ones that have held the WHC.

Face it; that belt is second rate. It's not the belt's fault- it's how much of an impact the belt has been in the history of the company.

Younger then HBK, Taker, or Trips. Why do you think the IWC and main stream fans can't like the same? Do you think the IWC has the sole goal of remaining contrary at all costs or something? When a person is a jobber that usually is a role or lot thats not federation specific.

HBK won the big one in his early years. So did Taker. Triple H has held it numerous times in his PRIME. Comparing these three men to Christian is redundant. If you don't realize Christian isn't in his prime anymore than I feel sorry for you.

Cena and Orton serve no relevance, they are monday night guys, Christian is a potential friday night phenom. He presents the kinda glitz that SD! historically steered clear of but could use. The show can't all be filled up with Shelton Benjamin or Bob Backlund type performers.

:banghead: I said MARKETABLE. MARK-ET-A-BLE. Why in the hell would WWE make Christian the face of the company if he doesn't sell??? That's why I mentioned Cena and Orton: Two young guys who are hella over and can sell WWE products like crazy. What the fuck is Christian gonna give the PG demographic for a means of revenue, his "Peep Show" shirts? Come on now....

And go back to what I said about how it's possible for him to win the World Heavyweight Championship (On Fucking Smackdown) compared to being the face of the company and winning the WWE Championship (On Fucking Raw). Now I'm sure you are knowledgeable enough to know that Cena and Orton are on Raw, right? So your point in saying me mentioning them was irrelevant was because.......?:shrug:
how the fuck r u gonna censor the word "fucking" but not g.d. as well? :lol:
i didnt know whether i was allowed to say 'fuck' or not.. but i guess since you've said it, its allowed

What are you talking about?! The WHC is meant to be EQUAL not secondary or subordinate to the WWE title. Thats why they are named the way hey are.
i completely agree with that, too me both titles have exactly the same prestige, even then the world title looks a shitload more professional then the wwe title anyway, the spinner belt looks too much like a toy

Christian will always have the possibility of winning the World Heavyweight Championship. But as for the WWE Championship? It's never going to happen.

Christian can be a World Champion on Smackdown. If Kane can do it he can if pushed the right way.
i can see where you are coming from, and i tend to agree with what you are saying, not about the wwe title being better then the world title, as i said above to me they have the same prestige, but if christian is to become champion i think the only place it could happen is on smackdown and if edge is supposed to be coming back to smackdown who says it cant happen??
if they had an edge christian fued for the title over a few months i think it would draw pretty good ratings and could work well for smackdown
Oh please stop whining. Everyone knows that Smackdown isn't the flagship show, now is it? Raw is and always was meant to be the more important of the two brands. If you don't believe this then quite frankly you're an idiot.
I have known that since August 26, 1999!!! Of course your rambling about something I never even raised as a point. Withen the WWE Universe Raw is superior, withen the wrestling universe SD! does better then TNA, ROH, NJPW, AJPW, WWC, AAA, you name it. SmackDown! is still a major show and has a huge following and still gets to do its own thing. I go thru great lengths to not miss Raw, SD! however? Not so much these days..

As regards to trying to tell me both Championships are equal and then giving me the history of the WWE title...you proved my point. A championship that has been around for over 40 years is suppose to be more prestigious than a belt that has been around how long?
How did I prove your point if the WHC was est. on Raw and you claimed only SD! was for the second raters? Does it not prove my point if SD! stole the Undisputed Championship holder, and his title too? Why does Smackdown ever get Raw talent if they are too high caliber for the blue brand? WWE is WWE.

8 years. The World Heavyweight Championship doesn't have the same pedigree the World Wrestling Entertainment Championship does, and it never will. Look at all of the champions that have held the WWE/F Belt. Now look at the ones that have held the WHC.
According to WWE though the World heavyweight title is not the WCW title but infact the WCW, NWA, and original World heavweight wrestling title in North America. It has succeeded them. Triple H is not the first WHC, Georg Hackensmidt is apparently. Thats the official WWE stance.
There is a 1/3 over lap of WHC and WWE ttle holders I'd say. Kane, HHH, Jericho, Taker, Cena, Batista, Kurt Angle, Edge and then some of its own guys like Mysterio, Benoit, and Booker T.

My standpoint is this, if the WHC was established because Lesnar became SD! exclusive then the Undisputed title simply became disputed again. So the WWE Champioship and WHC have the same lineage period.

Face it; that belt is second rate. It's not the belt's fault- it's how much of an impact the belt has been in the history of the company.
Look at the design it has vs the WWE Marky Mark invitational hub cap Wigger's championship belt. The WHC actually looks like what a World title should be and actually resembles in some ways the WWWF title of 1977. History does not matter if its making an impact in the present day.

HBK won the big one in his early years. So did Taker. Triple H has held it numerous times in his PRIME. Comparing these three men to Christian is redundant. If you don't realize Christian isn't in his prime anymore than I feel sorry for you.
Physically or character wise? HBK was wat 37 when he won the WHC? tRIPS WAS WHAT 36 during his last WHC reign? Benoit was 37 when he won it too.

Why in the hell would WWE make Christian the face of the company if he doesn't sell??? That's why I mentioned Cena and Orton: Two young guys who are hella over and can sell WWE products like crazy. What the fuck is Christian gonna give the PG demographic for a means of revenue, his "Peep Show" shirts? Come on now....
Ahh come on with that bullshit. Not every champ has sold t-shirts n foam fingers dude. What shirts did Benoit or JBL sale? What merchandise did Diesel or Sid Vicious sale?
WTF his Christian going to give the PG brats? Maybe a break from Barney and Friends, maybe a taste of maturity, maybe a rush. What did Khali give Smackdown? I would say that hecould be used to antagonize TNA,He could give speeches about TNA, He could call Edge out, hes got a alo to get of his chest and most fans are drama****es anyways. Him letting lose about old scores, his time in an enemy company, his feeling of being "the Jannetty" and etc would be golden. Its already more soap opera then sport, I want to hear him tlk.

And go back to what I said about how it's possible for him to win the World Heavyweight Championship (On Fucking Smackdown) compared to being the face of the company and winning the WWE Championship (On Fucking Raw). Now I'm sure you are knowledgeable enough to know that Cena and Orton are on Raw, right? So your point in saying me mentioning them was irrelevant was because.......?:shrug:

Everyone has been on every show at this point. Thats a false boost in my opinion. IF SD is the lesser show then let a guy like Xtian have a shot at trying to change that. The fact that hes got less of a fall on the blue brand is a good thing. Let him take ctrl of his character and try to make a name for Smackdown.. I think he can do it. ECW showed his consistency, TNA showed his potential, Smackdown could show his absolute all. Its own thewrestler to try and management to stfu and back the fuck up for once.

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