What was Christian's best stint in the WWE?

What was Christian's best stint in the WWE?

  • His 1st one

  • His 2nd one

  • Neither, TNA Christian Cage fanboy!

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CM Steel

A REAL American
Christian has been in & out the WWE for 16 years. He debut in the company during the attitude era. In where he started the Brood with Gangrel before leaving the Brood with Edge to tag team with him to become one of the greatest tag teams in WWE history! Soon after E & C, Christian bounced around from being a solo act to being in a tag team again before joining a heel faction. But in the fall of 2005 Christian quit the WWE after he butted heads with the WWE chairman Vince McMahon backstage. After a few months Christian started wrestling in TNA-NWA Wrestling as "Christian Cage".

Soon after Christian's stint in TNA for 3 and a half years Christian returned home to the WWE on the now defunct ECW brand to manys surprise. An A level wrestler on a "C" level show. But after the ECW branded folded Christian bounced around between RAW & Smackdown alot before the end of the brand split. During Christian's second stint in the WWE he had won the (WW)ECW title, the IC title for a fourth time, and he finally won a world championship in the WWE becoming a two-time WWE world champion. Something WWE fans thought would never happen.

But what was Christian's best stint in the WWE? Because now it's looking like the end for Christian in the near WWE future as a wrestler. :-(
Never cared for Christian much but I would say I enjoyed him when he won the world championship with his 4th stint. He won it which was a moment I enjoyed then lost it rather quickly to Randy Orton and then eventually turned heel which wasn't bad as the "one more chance" gimmick was annoying yet entertaining.
to me he was at his best during his first stint. Awesome moments with edge and the rest of the tag division and a decent mid card run after e and c split
Definitely his first run. We got to see him as part of The Brood, which I loved. The ladder matches and TLC matches with The Hardyz/Dudleyz which really put Christian on the map, and the hilarious E&C "reeking of awesomeness" promos. Plus, when he eventually broke up with Edge he was just as entertaining as a singles guy.

Even though his 2nd stint was when he finally won World Title gold in WWE (as well as the WWECW Title, I definitely think he's been on the decline for a good while now. I haven't enjoyed much of his work since he came back and with all the injuries he has suffered in his 2nd run, it surely must be getting close to the time when Christian will call it a day.

I did really enjoy his TNA run, it was great to see Christian finally treated as a main eventer, and if he does end up leaving WWE soon I would love to see him have another short run in TNA before he retires.

If I had to put his runs in order I would go with.

1. 1st WWE run
2. TNA run
3. 2nd WWE run
His comedy stuff with Edge. I like Christian as a supporting player, never as a star.....and certainly not as the holder of a major championship. This isn't to disparage him; I enjoyed what he did and looked forward to the shenanigans with his "brother" Edge. But the guy never featured as a warrior with that skinny physique..... and when he tried to make us think he was an evil-minded destroyer, he reminded me of a guy who wanted to channel Triple H's "Cerebral Assassin" persona, but paled in comparison.

Not everyone can be a singles star.....and especially in view of the fact Christian was one of the guys who willfully left WWE to join TNA (no future endeavoring), I feel he was extremely lucky to regain Vince McMahon's favor when he returned, at least for a while.
Christian was awesome when he was teaming with Edge. They put on several classics with the Hardys and Dudleys and I reckon that will his legacy. They were a goofy team (5 second pose, playing the kazoo) and it was great to watch.

As a singles star he was always solid but never a main-event talent. Heel or face it seemed his deal was go out there and complain, be irritating but put on great matches. That was fine but slowly became boring.

He was a decent superstar in his last run with WWE. His feud with Orton was absolutely superb but he will always be the tag-team guy. Same as Matt Hardy. Edge and Jeff easily did enough to eclipse their incredible stars as tag-team wrestlers but the same cannot be said for Christian.

That time period, leading up to his main event triple threat against Cena and Jericho. If there was ever a time he could've been a true main eventer in WWE, that was it.

Runners up...

- Christian/Orton feud

- Christian Cage era (TNA)
Christain...... Seriously ? Even back in the day when He along with both Edge and Gangrell were all in the Toronto area Indie's he was nothing more than an Undercard Wrestler. I'm doubtful that would even qualify him as good enough to be such in the WWE. Face it, he pretty much was handed the Title when Edge was forced to retire, his stint as NWA/TNA title holder was nothing more than a gift during his time there as well. The Jarrett's and Carter's were all about DONATING gift's to anyone that jumped ship from the WWE at the time. And as far as it being month's after he left WWE arriving in TNA, try WEEK's..... His so called Break to get away from the Grind of WWE Travel was nothing more than not being able to Man-Up to Vince and tell him outright that he wanted out ! Captain Charisma.... Ha... has anyone ever had a conversation with the guy ? You'd have a better chance of Intelligent Conversation with my 3 yr old ! But oh wait and see...... If he is finally finished.... betcha he hit's the HOF long before many more deserving do.... Probably be through more of Edge's influence. TBH... I'm glad he took up residence in Florida, Toronto has enough Idiots living there as it is !

My Opinion
I would say his second stint. His stint in TNA helped him grow into the main eventer he was supposed to be, and when he came back to WWE in 2009, he was white-hot. In 2011, with Edge gone, Christian was poised to be THE top babyface in the company. He was light-years more popular than Randy Orton and nobody else in the company came close to him. Then Vince & Co. sabotaged Christian by jobbing him to Orton and turning him into a whiny chickenshit heel who couldn't win a match if his life depended on it. Christian was more over than Vince's chosen stars and therefore he had to be buried in Vince's eyes. They turned him into Randy Orton's personal bitch for the entire summer and ruined his career. Unfortunately for Christian, he was unable to ever recover from the feud with Orton, which was the worst feud of his career and buried him beyond the point of no return.
Back in the Team E&C days, towards the later part of the Attitude Era. and when he and Trish backstabbed Jericho, beyond that he was just a tweener to me that was neither great or crap, he could talk the talk but he couldn't walk the walk.
I am going to be biased and that's just because I didn't watch Christian during his TNA run. So I am going to say his first stint. I enjoyed his success as a tag partner to Edge and remember watching the first ever TLC match live in Raleigh some 14 years ago. I feel injuries have really hampered him and ultimately has killed his steam,each time. Usually by time,he,returns people have moved onto someone else. Christian,has definitely built up quite a resume for himself. I never thought years back when he was Light Heavyweight champion that it would translate into a brief heavyweight title fun in recent years. To more he is a Grand Slam and Triple Crown champion is very impressive.
His heel run as a main eventer in TNA was great. When he had Christian's Coalition with Tomko and then AJ Styles working under him.....some great stuff.

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