Christian's WWE Status - Still on ECW?

well i agree....

I really want to see christian on Smackdown or Raw but you know what....
I watch ECW just to watch christian so if thats what WWE is trying to do....well its working....

Bourne and Morrison are awesome too
At first I was with almost all of my fellow Christian marks, in the fact that I was pissed he didn't get drafted to Raw or SD last night. But I kinda thought about it, and this is the best thing possible for him. While I think he could get thrown into the main event, some fans really don't know him too well. I mean think about it. The WWE is trying so hard to appeal to children right now. Well Christian left like 4 years ago. Some of these kids, and they probably make up a bigger chunk of viewers than the IWC, probably don't know him too well. At least they probably didn't know him too well when he came back. He's had exposure since then at WM and on Raw and SD because of the MITB matches with everyone. But IMO, being on ECW is the best thing he can do right now. For the next year or so, he could build up a GREAT fued with Jack Swagger over the title. Those two are two future stars. Last night really sold me on Swagger. But anyway, just have those two fueding for the titles over the next few months. Give them some PPV matches, and let it culminate late this year in an Extreme Rules match. It can make them both look pretty good and give them exposure. Also, the only problem I personally have with how Christian is being used is the fact that he needs more time on the mic. He is absolute gold on the mic and that is what I think can really get him over with the fans. Next year, give him a run early, and in the draft make him a coveted pick. He has a LONG time left in his career, so let's just take our time with it.
when did i ever mention anything about him winning world titles? or he should win a world title? when? NEVER. i mentioned how his run should be better.

so i guess for christian to come back on a third rate show, rather than smackdown (which is where he left off before going to TNA) competing in world titles bouts to now coming back, making a cheap return, losing MITB and being left off the monday night draft doesn't seem like hes being buried? LOL

canadian william regal? how so? if christian has yet to get suspended over drugs and has achieved more than william regal.

why is everyone saying he would be edge's lackey? thats your typical smart mark pathetic brain doing the talking. i'm not talking about WHAT IF. i'm talking ABOUT RIGHT NOW.

No, the Edge's lackey isn't a typical smark remark. The typical smark remark would be "Christian should have been with Edge!"... that's your typical smark remark. If it wasn't, then why people wouldn't be complaining about his ECW run.

He's the Canadian William Regal in a sense where he could never quite make it to the main event, although he probably deserves it. Jeff was suspended yet he still managed to win a world title.

I mentioned world titles because a lot of people complain about how Christian wouldn't be in a world title picture because he's in ECW.

Just because he didn't win MITB or not being drafted doesn't mean he's getting buried. As far as TNA goes, TNA's main competition is ECW, not Raw/Smackdown... so I guess that makes TNA equally bad, then? And suuure, he's competing in World title matches in TNA,... but WWE doesn't even acknowledge TNA's existence on tv, nor do their world title runs in that company. If they did, R-Truth would be mentioned as a 2-time world champion.

ECW Title is a world title, so he has been competing in a world title match.

Plus, you failed to mentioned that he left the WWE as a midcarder.

So yes...

You might want to check out this article.
I just wished they gave Tyson Tomko another chance with Christian coming back. That was one of the best things in TNA, seeing Tonko roll his eyes at him, comic gold. BUT this aint TNA.
I believe the point of bringing Christian into ECW was for him to prove that he can be a main event guy in front of the WWE crowd. He was put on this brand for a reason- Vince is going to make him earn a move. I don't think we will see Christian move to RAW or SD until he has an ECW title reign. And truthfully, I'm happy about that purely for selfish reasons- I don't get MyNetworkTV. I would have been pissed off had Christian been drafted to SD after such a short stint in ECW.
Hes in the best possible spot if you think about it. A bunch of decent talent has gone to ECW, making it interesting. Now you have Koslov, Zeke, Henry, and Swagger as the monster heels. Christian has the opportunity to be THE FACE of this show. He wouldn't have to share with anybody except Swagger. He can be the man, be on PPV's, build himself up again, then leave.
I agree with KillBill that Christian has the oppourtunity to be "THE FACE" and run the brand. I am a huge Christian fan, have been since his debut with the WWE, and staying on ECW means that he will be the ECW Champion after Backlash and hold it for quite a while. Maybe after that, he'll be moved to Smackdown or RAW.
I hope you're right! I'm a Christian fan too, but considering the ECW title has turned out to be a joke I don't know if its good that he wins it or bad. I mean its Silver for crying out loud. I feel that its one big joke on everyone whose on ECW right now. The title seems to be one step above the I.C. and U.S. and one step below the World and WWE so it's not really a major thing to hold the title. I mean they must have offered him alot of money or promised him a major title run in the future or TNA pissed him off that badly.
Christian got 2 thing going against him right now. First of all he a former TNA main eventer and multi times world champion and secondly, Vince Mcmahon hates him and doesn'T see him as a main event star. So the only way Christian makes it as a top talent in the WWE is if he's able to prove to Vince that he'S marketable and even then am not sure he would be able to get to the top. The only reason that Christian got sign is because vince knew that it would hurt TNA. They did the same thing with Chris Harris and there doing the same thing right now with Gail Kim. These three were top stars of TNA and Vince knew that giving time, they could hurt him so since he had the money he sign them up and prety much screw them over. Christian will probably become ECW Champion in the very near future and probably get stock in a feud with Koslov after so i don'T see any good in Christian future and by the end of his contract, he probably wish he never came back.
Christian got 2 thing going against him right now. First of all he a former TNA main eventer and multi times world champion and secondly, Vince Mcmahon hates him and doesn'T see him as a main event star. So the only way Christian makes it as a top talent in the WWE is if he's able to prove to Vince that he'S marketable and even then am not sure he would be able to get to the top. The only reason that Christian got sign is because vince knew that it would hurt TNA. They did the same thing with Chris Harris and there doing the same thing right now with Gail Kim. These three were top stars of TNA and Vince knew that giving time, they could hurt him so since he had the money he sign them up and prety much screw them over. Christian will probably become ECW Champion in the very near future and probably get stock in a feud with Koslov after so i don'T see any good in Christian future and by the end of his contract, he probably wish he never came back.

While I agree with it and was among the many that questioned why they brought him in on ECW, maybe it's Vince's tool to see if he is top title material? Isn't it the general conscious that Vince puts good talent on ECW and put the title on them to see if they are capable enough to carry the title? Bobby Lashley, John Morrison, CM Punk, Matt Hardy, and Jack Swagger. ALL of them (with the exception of Swagger) have been moved to bigger brands after they held the ECW Title. And they put the title on older people who have been there to see if the young "star" can get over and make it an interesting feud.

Hopefully he will utilize Christian well and a possible move is in Christian's future. Maybe a feud on SD with Edge would be good for Christian in Vince's eyes and see how over Christian really is.
Dear god i'm becoming a Christian mark. I blame the entrance music.
Anyway, back on point, I think Christian staying on ECW will be good in the long run because he can rack up some wins, hold what is essentially a midcard title for a while and when the time is right he can make his move to one of the big 2.
He has hardly face anyone on ECW and needs a lengthy fued with Swagger to solidify him as a good draw/ wrestler before he can move onto the ME. Don't get me wrong i would like for Christian to be competeing for world titles, but he's not ready yet, and the moment will only be sweeter if he ever does get his hands on the big one.
Christian can be the face here and work along side with Dreamer and Finlay. Helms is here now and perhaps they can team up against Swagger, Kozlov, Henry and Zeke. ECW got a few nice additions just to mix it up and I'm looking forward to Christian showing up Vince and competing against everyone on ECW.
Being that I love to watch ECW now, as its just beginning to get interesting with the addition of Kozlov, Helms, DH Smith and Natalya, I think Christian staying is a great thing, he is going to be the top face on the brand that I can actually watch. (Don't watch the other two because I don't have Digital TV to watch it, whereas I can watch ECW on youtube)

I think the push he is getting on ECW is going to lead to big things. A good series with Swagger before he takes the title from him will be awesome, not only will it elevate Christian, it will elevate Swagger. Then Christian can go on to have feuds with the likes of Helms and Kozlov.
Christian could have requested to start out on ECW. Do something different than before. Feud with stars he hasn't wrestled. Plus, he gets to travel with his long time buddy, Adam Copeland (Edge). If he was drafted to Raw or SD, there's no doubt he would be overlooked and "lost in the shuffle" as everyone likes to say these days. And by being in ECW, he's the top guy, and he stands out. But most importantly, Christian gives everyone of his "Peeps" a reason to watch Sci-Fi on Tuesday nights.
I watched his return on ECW and I must say it swerved a lot of people. But it's a shame he had to return on the lowest rated show the WWE has got. Christian jumps ship from another company and you put him on ECW?

What this shows is that Vince doesn't care about Christian...he just didn't want him to help get TNA off the ground. Christian's a solid wrestler, over with the fans, and is uncanny at picking his theme music. His first theme after breaking the E & C duo was priceless.


I mark out when I hear that theme. Anyway, Christian will become the champion on ECW...probably end up trading it with Swagger. The perfect scenario would be for him to win the ECW title, then show up on Smackdown if Edge beat Cena for the belt. They'd cut promos talking about who's the better champion...etc. They could make something special happen with this rivarly.

But in all fairness...his CLB gimmick, his Anti-American character, and his gimmick now are great. He seriously knows how to market himself. The WWE doesn't. And if they do, they just don't want to. It sucks, but if you're not 6'5 275, then you're not going to get as much air time under Vince's watch.
I'm thinking wwe is trying to keep him on ECW for a couple of reasons.

1). Notice
a lot of people don't watch TNA and some of the younger fans in who watch the WWE have no clue who Christian is.

2.) Not Enough Room
I know this has been said before on this thread, but if christian was moved up to SD! or RAW, he would be buried beneath the likes of HHH, John Cena, Edge, Jericho, Batista, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, and the Undertaker. maybe put him in the US/I-C title picture, but He fits better in the ECW main event picture

3.) Putting over young talent
now you may say that this completely contradicts my first statement, but their are a lot of people who know Christian and with ECW being a show for young guys to get tv time, getting a win over bigger names like Christian really helps their credibility
I watched his return on ECW and I must say it swerved a lot of people. But it's a shame he had to return on the lowest rated show the WWE has got. Christian jumps ship from another company and you put him on ECW?

Funny how people forget that Chirstian jumped from WWE to TNA first, why would you push a guy who has shown he is unloyal to your company, fans should just be happy WWE is even giving him another chance period

What this shows is that Vince doesn't care about Christian...he just didn't want him to help get TNA off the ground.

Or that he see's a guy who turned his back on him and left for another company, a guy he does feel should be rewarded for such actions, and a guy who really doesn't draw as well as the IWC thinks he does

Christian's a solid wrestler, over with the fans, and is uncanny at picking his theme music. His first theme after breaking the E & C duo was priceless.


I mark out when I hear that theme.

SO because he has cool music he should be pushed, he's only really over with smarks too BTW

Anyway, Christian will become the champion on ECW...probably end up trading it with Swagger.

Which is a hell of a lot better than he would get if he were drafted to RAW or SD! where he would do nothing but get buried in the mid-card

The perfect scenario would be for him to win the ECW title, then show up on Smackdown if Edge beat Cena for the belt. They'd cut promos talking about who's the better champion...etc. They could make something special happen with this rivarly.

Not really it would be pretty predictable really

Believe it or not I really do like the guy, but what people need to understand is that he's never really done anything to prove he's worthy of a ME push, face it the guy is a mid-carder for life
Well, we should really look at the last few champions before Swagger, before we talk about Christian still being on ECW.

Matt Hardy - had his longest singles title run, and helped to elevate him to upper mid-card, and will now work on moving into the ME. He's already had a high profile WM match and a match with Taker on Superstars and is also going to be in one of the higher profile matches at Backlash.
Mark Henry - Has had the strongest run he's ever likely to have when he won the ECW title, was never pinned for that title, and was kept in a prominent position for quite a while afterward. It's only now that he's starting to fade into obscurity again.
Kane - Ok, yes this one was pointless
Chavo Guerrero - As was this one
CM Punk - What a year this guy had and is continuing to have since he won the ECW title in '07. He's near enough in the ME scene as it is, what with next to no top talent on SD now.
John Morrison - Winning the title helped him to evolve into the 'Shaman of Sexy' and was one half of one of the best tag teams we've seen in quite a while (even though there's fuck all to compare them to).

So basically, with the exception of 2 high profile jobbers, every guy to win the ECW title since NOC '07 has been fairly succesful as a result.

They'll keep him in the fledgling brand to make it seem like they were responsible for all the money that Christian draws. Of course we know it's due to NA fans and those of us who remember him from his first WWE run. Secondly, since Vince isn't that high on Christian, he'll probably get a run with the ECW title and Vince will then decide based on how good his run is received by the fans, how far to utilise Captain Charisma, and then he'll either get put in an angle with Edge, or stay on ECW until the next draft i imagine.
I wouldn't be surprised if Christian becomes champion of ECW, but then again you have to keep the strap on Jack, he is gold. Christian should lose a match in which he is forced to leave ECW. Becoming a hot free agent. Come back to Smackdown, and maybe have some awkward moments with Edge in the back, but nothing else.

Then out of nowhere Christian comes out, and tells the audience that he is asking Edge to come out, and give him a match. I think it would be a great way to break the ice. Have them open the show with Christian asking Edge to come out, and give him his first match back on Smackdown. After the match they hug, get some cheers, and go their own ways. I wouldn't reunite them just yet, give them a chance to maintain their own feuds.

I'm not sure I like the Captain Charisma at all. It is actually old. He just be himself like he was while taggin with Edge. I don't remember hearing anything about Captain Charsima back then, and those two used to take up a good bit of mic time. I never understood the "Captain Charisma" gimmick. At first when he started using it, I thought it was a joke, and that he was playing "funny" Christian. Again I don't remember Captain Charisma while he was tagging with Edge.

He could really make a name for himself if given the solid booking, and character. His skills in the ring aren't too bad. He would be perfect for the mid card title, and eventually world title. Christian has potential written all over him, but I'm not sure about "Captain Charsima". His finisher is easily one of the better ones out there, and his old entrance was by far 2nd only to Jericho's.

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