**Merged** Christian's injury and general discussion thread

What i really want to see happen is Christian return with long hair, and enter a feud for the world heavyweight championship. He has so much charisma, so much in ring talent, there is no reason not to.
Christian is never going to become a World Champion in the WWE.

In my opinion, Christian has three things working against him. First off, his time in TNA. Christian hasn't even been back in the WWE for two years. It wasn't that long ago he was the NWA Heavyweight Champion in TNA...twice. NO wrestler has ever gone from being a World Champion in TNA to a World Champion in WWE; and only one wrestler has ever become a World Champion in WWE after ditching for TNA and returning: Jeff Hardy. It's probably noteworthy Hardy's time in TNA was forgettable and he was HUGELY over when he won the WWE Championship, meanwhile, Christian was the face of TNA and is currently no where near as over as Hardy was.

Secondly, age. Christian is 36. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but i believe the last time someone 36 or older won a World Championship in the WWE for the first time was JBL over 5 years ago. Why would the WWE invest in somebody who doesn't have much left in the tank? One think I can't stand about members of the IWC is how they claim younger stars should be pushed, and in the next breath they say veterans such as Christian and Matt Hardy need to be pushed.

And lastly, Christian has always been mediocare. I mean, Christian has been in Wrestling for 15 years and all he has to his name is a number of midcard/tag team championships and one hugely memorable match almost ten years ago. He has barely had any big fueds in recent years and he practically lives in the midcard. I simply wouldn't be able to believe Christian as a world champion.
All these Christian/World Champion threads are starting to get very annoying the guy is talented as hell but there is a slim chance he will become world champion. Christian is a great worker and can cut a decent promo I wouldn't mind if he was world champ but how 35% of the users here obsess on him winning the WWE or world title is very irritating.
I have known that since August 26, 1999!!! Of course your rambling about something I never even raised as a point.

Your original post that I was referring to...

Are you saying now that the blue brand is the second chance for guys not ready for the big big time? SD! title holders are of lower caliber?

Now go back to my previous post and you'll get it. Hopefully.

How did I prove your point if the WHC was est. on Raw and you claimed only SD! was for the second raters? Does it not prove my point if SD! stole the Undisputed Championship holder, and his title too? Why does Smackdown ever get Raw talent if they are too high caliber for the blue brand? WWE is WWE.

You proved my point when you tried arguing to me that both belts are of equal prestigue, and then go ranting off that the WWE title has been around for 40 odd years. Do you just come to WZ forgetting what you say?

And Smackdown gets the Raw talent that doesn't do shit for Raw. Look at the last few draft lotteries and try arguing that point. Really. And no kidding WWE is WWE but the belts are semi exclusive to each brand. Christian is SD! Exclusive. Ergo he has a good chance at winning the WHC. As for the WWE Championship...I've already stated why it will never happen.

According to WWE though the World heavyweight title is not the WCW title but infact the WCW, NWA, and original World heavweight wrestling title in North America. It has succeeded them. Triple H is not the first WHC, Georg Hackensmidt is apparently. Thats the official WWE stance.
There is a 1/3 over lap of WHC and WWE ttle holders I'd say. Kane, HHH, Jericho, Taker, Cena, Batista, Kurt Angle, Edge and then some of its own guys like Mysterio, Benoit, and Booker T.

...Triple H is the first World Champion acknowledged in 2002 by Eric Bischoff. So where is your proof that my statement is wrong?

My standpoint is this, if the WHC was established because Lesnar became SD! exclusive then the Undisputed title simply became disputed again. So the WWE Champioship and WHC have the same lineage period.

Argue the history of both titles again. Because the commentators will go on a rant on occasion about all the big names that have held the WWE Championship. You mean to tell me they aren't in the right to do so?

And this is going quite off topic. Last time I checked the argument was about Christian, not the WWE/WHC titles. Start a new post or something if you really want to go in-depth with it like I think you do.

Look at the design it has vs the WWE Marky Mark invitational hub cap Wigger's championship belt. The WHC actually looks like what a World title should be and actually resembles in some ways the WWWF title of 1977. History does not matter if its making an impact in the present day.

Yep, you've gone off topic.

Physically or character wise? HBK was wat 37 when he won the WHC? tRIPS WAS WHAT 36 during his last WHC reign? Benoit was 37 when he won it too.

I don't recall a character as ever being portrayed as younger then what they really are. What's the point in arguing how old people are compared to how well they sell merchandise???

Ahh come on with that bullshit. Not every champ has sold t-shirts n foam fingers dude. What shirts did Benoit or JBL sale? What merchandise did Diesel or Sid Vicious sale?

They sold the fact that they were actual characters, and were legitimate opponents that weren't known for putting other people over. They weren't jobbers in other words. Matt Hardy is a better business venture than Christian when it comes to that magic word I keep throwing at you...merchandise.

WTF his Christian going to give the PG brats? Maybe a break from Barney and Friends, maybe a taste of maturity, maybe a rush. What did Khali give Smackdown? I would say that hecould be used to antagonize TNA,He could give speeches about TNA, He could call Edge out, hes got a alo to get of his chest and most fans are drama****es anyways. Him letting lose about old scores, his time in an enemy company, his feeling of being "the Jannetty" and etc would be golden. Its already more soap opera then sport, I want to hear him tlk.

1. When has WWE ever acknowledged TNA? They acknowledge the superstars that previously worked for WWE, but that's it. So why in the blue hell are you painting me a fantasy of Christian just randomly going on a rant about TNA?

2. Whenever Edge goes to Smackdown, then you may have a feud. Until then, just no.

Everyone has been on every show at this point. Thats a false boost in my opinion. IF SD is the lesser show then let a guy like Xtian have a shot at trying to change that. The fact that hes got less of a fall on the blue brand is a good thing. Let him take ctrl of his character and try to make a name for Smackdown.. I think he can do it. ECW showed his consistency, TNA showed his potential, Smackdown could show his absolute all. Its own thewrestler to try and management to stfu and back the fuck up for once.

So your argument with me was...? Already said numerous times that Christian (not Xtian, really who does that?) has a chance on Smackdown, just not Raw. If you really want to make an argument about the two World Titles, I request you start a post or some shit. You're just wasting time here on a topic meant for Christian and if he should be champion.

I'm done. I've said my piece. Christian as the face of WWE aka Raw is a no go. As for the second rated show (yes, arguing that is pointless) is possible. All depends on what WWE wants to do with him. So far he is jobbing to the new guy Del Rio. So his future doesn't exactly look bright.
Christian is one of my favs but frankly WWE has been jelous of his TNA sucess and treated him like shit since he came back. Christian is a great wrestler and good on the mic. I agree if Edge came to Smackdown Christian could use that as his way to get to the top, it could work with Chris Jerico too as they have quite a bit of history
I'm a huge fan of Christian. I think he is one of the best overall guys in the WWE today. He's good on the mic, good in the ring, and is WAY over with the fans. Not to mention he's earned it. However Vince doesn't think that Christian has what it takes to be the champion. Well maybe he should listen to how the fans feel about him lol. Anyways, how I would have Christian win it.

First, Edge would have to be the WHC on Smackdown. He would be cutting a promo saying how he's the best guy on the roster and how nobody in the back could beat him. Then all the sudden, Christian's music comes on. (This would be his first appearance since he got injured). Then Christian would talk about how he will beat him and this would start a feud which would culminate at a PPV where Christian would beat Edge and become the new champion.
Well, with Christian severely injured, his title prospedt is heavily dented, isn't it? Maybe, if he returns at the start of next year, he might be a surprise entrance at the Rumble. If this happens, this could be a major kickstart to his career (well, second shot). This is highly doubtful as a surprise entrant won it this year, but it could happen!
The only way it's ever going to happen is if he takes it from Edge. I really don't see it happening any other way, unless they decide to give the belt to Del Rio shortly before Christian's return. As the guy who is supposedly responsible for putting him out of action, they'd have a reason for the feud, but the chances of Christian going over anyone for the title other than Edge are slim.

That said, I don't buy the above argument that Christian "jobbing to the new guy", Del Rio, is indicative of his career path. Del Rio went over Rey in his first match, shortly after Rey himself held the belt in question. They're clearly high on him and I don't think the idea of him being in the main event is unreasonable.

If Christian held a world title at any point, it would be the WHC. It's fairly well known that Vince isn't especially high on Christian, and despite that they try to convince us that the WHC is equal to the WWE Championship, Smackdown is clearly the "B" show and few people genuinely believe that the belts are equal for that reason. If Edge has the WHC and is a heel, the chances of Christian having a feud over the belt are a lot more likely. Until then, I won't hold my breath, as much of a "Peep" as I am.
My first thread woohoo, be gentle.

So Christians injury has him out 4-6 months, that roughly covers January. Of course January is home of the Royal Rumble. As we have seen multiple times, guys have been out with injury, return at the rumble and win. HHH, Cena and Edge just to name a few.

The monkey-wrench in this idea is those guys were main event guys already, now I think it would be a great way to finally push him into the Title hunt, and for him to break through that glass ceiling.

Am I way off of does this make him the early favorite?
It could happen, but I doubt it will, Jericho would be more likely.

But even if Christian is the last eliminated that's just as good as winning the Royal Rumble, I mean since 2005 (maybe earlier) the runner up has Main-Evented WrestleMania. Look at these stats

2005 Rumble; Winner; Batista (wins WHC), Runner up; John Cena (wins WWE title)

2006 Rumble; Winner; Mysterio (wins WHC), Runner up; Randy Orton (Main-events WrestleMania)

2007 Rumble; Winner; Undertaker (Wins WHC), Runner up; HBK (Main-events WrestleMania)

2008 Rumble; Winner; John Cena (Main-events WrestleMania), Runner up; Triple H (Main-events WrestleMania)

2009 Rumble; Winner; Randy Orton (Main-events WrestleMania), Runner up; Triple H (Main-events WrestleMania as WWE Champ)

2010 Rumble; Winner; Edge (Main-events WrestleMania), Runner up; John Cena (Main-events WrestleMania and wins WWE Championship)

So even if Christian is runner-up to Jericho Christian will most likely Main-event WrestleMania.
My first thread woohoo, be gentle.

So Christians injury has him out 4-6 months, that roughly covers January. Of course January is home of the Royal Rumble. As we have seen multiple times, guys have been out with injury, return at the rumble and win. HHH, Cena and Edge just to name a few.

The monkey-wrench in this idea is those guys were main event guys already, now I think it would be a great way to finally push him into the Title hunt, and for him to break through that glass ceiling.

Am I way off of does this make him the early favorite?

I think you are half right in this instance as there is a good chance that with Christian being likely to return in January and if that is so a RR surprise entry would almost be a set in stone but I don't think that there is much of a chance of him actually winning the match. If you look at RR matches from the past 5 years or so they always have a couple surprise entrants in the RR, even a few that haven't been on TV for a while for various reasons, and even then the only ones that have made a surprise return and won the RR were already established main event guys like Edge, Cena, etc. Also the last few RR members have consistently been guys that had already won multiple world titles so the likelihood of Christian winning goes down even further not to mention the supposed notion that Vince doesn't have faith in Christian's ability to draw in the fans. Christian may be a veteran and proven champion in TNA but I think that at this point it is highly unlikely for him to be anywhere near the main event picture after his return.
I can see Christian being the last man eliminated in the RR match but still main eventing WM. I just can't see Christian winning the RR though, stranger things have happened but that would be a shock. If Christian were to win the RR match then it really shows that all you need to do to headline WM and win the RR is be a mid card-main eventer and get injured for atleast 3 months and then return in time for RR. I can't see Christian winning though.
There's a problem with the list of people that have returned and won The Royal Rumble really, and then comparing it to Christian. The 3 guys you list, were hugely over main eventers. Christian is no main eventer, and he certainly shouldn't, or most likely wouldn't be elevated through the Royal Rumble, rather than the numerous other great choices like Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Chris Jericho and others to get a second victory.

I've said it before, I'll say it again. Christian won't be getting anywhere near a world title most likely ever. Christian is great and all that, but he has a mid-card bound career. He's a great mid-carder, and a surefire hall of fame inductee due to his mid-card career. So, I don't see his return around the Royal Rumble being the place for him to be elevated if anything. Especially considering it's said to be 4-6 months, not 4 months definitely. Christian could be out till nearing, or after Wrestlemania, did you think about that?
This could possibly happen. The only way it could is if Vince finally lets Christian get the title run he deserves. Although I don't think he'll win the Rumble. He would probably make it to the final two before being eliminated. That would be the start of his push on Smackdown, but I really don't see the company putting that much faith into him. Especially when it comes to headlining Wrestlemania.
Well never say never right? Unfortunatly I highly doubt Christian would come back to win the royal rumble. It would make no sense in any way shape or form. Last time we saw him he was feuding with Del Rio and then when he comes back he wins the rumble? Idk. If wwe really wants to shock the hell out of everyone it will happen and hey i would love for it to happen. But I really think that the win will and should go to Jericho this year depending on if he comes back or not. I think Christian might return in a small capacity to fued with Del Rio again. But this all depends on a variety of things and only the future knows what will happen. I wish christian all the best through his injury and coming back though.

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