Which first world title win meant to you, Christian's or Jeff Hardy's??

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CM Steel

A REAL American
Christian and Jeff Hardy. Two wrestlers who helped make each others career's. Jeff Hardy made his WWF/E debut years ago in a tag team with his brother Matt. While Christian made his WWF/E debut during the attitude era as a single's wrestler by winning the WWF/E light-heavyweight championship in his first match. But the two would make history in the WWF/E various times against each other in the famous (or infamous) Edge & Christian vs the Hardy Boyz fueds.

But later in their epic careers they would go solo and win damn near every WWF/E title (IC, European, Hardcore, LH). And yeah both Christian & Jeff Hardy both went to TNA wrestling for a while. But both men would return to the WWE at two different times.

Jeff Hardy would go and FINALLY win a WORLD championship in the WWE at the end of 2008 by pinning Edge in a triple threat match (involving Triple H). And on the following friday on Smackdown, the whole world would be apart of the "Hardy Party" celebrating Jeff's first world title win. But his reign would only last a month when Jeff's brother Matt cost him his WWE title against Edge at the 2009 Royal Rumble.

Christian on the other hand. In what most people would say that Christian was in a spot where he somewhat got "lucky". When his best friend Edge had to retire from the world of wrestling due to his bad neck. And retire as the world heavyweight champion on Smackdown. Smackdown needed a top guy to win and keep the title on the show, which where Christian came in at and won his first WORLD championship (in the WWE). But his reign would only be for two days (five days in TV time), when Smackdown's newest drafty Randy Orton would take the title off Christian to become the newsest face of Smackdown.

So really my question is, what first world championship title win meant the most to you? Jeff Hardy's or Christian's??
Christians reign ment the most to me because Christian was in no mans land when we knew Vince didn't like him and to see what we thaught we'd never see was awesome. Jeff hardy wasn't really on bad terms with Vince himself he just stuggled with drug problems.
Christian's means more. Hardy did have a longer feud leading up to his, but Christian's was so much more of a special moment. We could see Hardy's coming ever since he started getting more of a fan reaction. Christian's was more sudden, and while it came as a result of Edge's injury, the fact that we thought it might never happen is a big part of why I think it's the title win that will mean more to me in the end. So.... Christian's because it was less likely to happen, and took longer to happen, making it more of a special moment than Hardy's.
I'd have to say Jeff Hardy. Honestly, I was watching wrestling faithfully and deeply involved around the Hardy/Dudley/E&C era and I was always a fan of the high flying Hardy brother. It's sad what he has become now, but when he finally won the title, it seemed like he earned it. With Christian, it seemed more like a charity, which takes away a lot of it for me. If Edge wouldn't have been forced to retire, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. I'm not saying Christian doesn't deserve to be champ, just the events around it taints it for me. I was always a fan of all of those guys, I just felt like WWE should have established Christian's more.

So my answer could be either one, when positive (joyful), it's Jeff Hardy, because he deserved it and the WWE finally realized that, but at the same time, I feel negative (anger) like the WWE disrespected Christian by giving him a Charity title and having him lose it in 5 days when he honestly deserves to be a champion that is taken seriously.
christian because ive been a huge fan for years whereas with jeff hardy i was happy but i knew his was coming i never saw christian reign coming because of how vince feels about him and yes it may have been for only two days but i was happier with him winning the title then i was when jeff hardy won it
Christian's title win meant a lot more to me and that is not only because it came out of the blue. Christian has been doing all sorts of awesome things ever since he turned Captain Charisma in 2004. He and Jericho had an awesome feud in the beginning of 2004 which is not the easiest thing to do with Jericho as face. Jericho has always been pretty mediocre as a face and even guys like Orton and JBL were unable to carry him to good feuds as a face. Christian briefly feuded with the likes of Cena and HBK and had extremely good chemistry with Tyson Tomko all this while. He segments with Tomko were some of the more entertaining parts of Raw during that time.

Then he went to TNA and had one of the best NWA title reigns in that company. He worked, at different times, both as a face and as a heel. Then he returned to WWE and was truly the heart and soul of the ECW brand and made guys like Swagger, Zack Ryder and Ezekiel Jackson look better than they actually are. Frankly it is vey surprising that it took so long for him to win the belt.

Hardy gets some undeserved hate in these forums but if you follow his career from 2003 to 2007, you will find that he was mainly involved in tag team and midcard title matches during this period. He was the same till his big push came out of nowhere in 2008. Christian was a guy who had been consistently doing well either on the main event scene or just below the main event scene.

That is the reason why Christian's win meant more to me than Hardy. While Christian did win ony due to Edge's retirement I felt that he deserved very inch of it and was certainly more deserving of a title than Hardy has ever been. Some of Hardy's best stuff have come after he won the title. Before that I felt that his popularity was only based on his penchant to put his body on the line to get a reaction out of the fans. That is not a bad thing in general but a pretty bad thing if that is the ONLY thing that you can do. Christian on the other hand has gained popularity over the years by putting on great matches, cutting great promos and participating in feuds that are better than the majority of Jeff Hardy's feuds.
Christian's matches are much more well-crafted in quality and performance than Jeff Hardy's. While Christian relies on good wrestling psychology and pacing, Jeff Hardy is more of a stuntman with bad timing. He performs his daredevil moves well, but aside from that he doesn't hold a candle to Christian's presence via promos and antics. Jeff Hardy certainly did more in terms of accomplishment in the WWE than Christian, because he's beaten some of the best names. Christian has yet to defeat someone like Triple H or Undertaker or John Cena or Randy Orton. But, looking back in retrospect at the long career of Christian, the quality that he produced and the passion that he has shown cannot be overlooked. He demonstrated hard work and believability all the way to his World Heavyweight Championship win and that was very emotional. Jeff Hardy's was just exciting, but didn't contain the same kind of emotional victory based on passion. It was more based on popularity. There's a difference that you can feel when watching both title win matches.
Christian by a mile. Jeff Hardy was a great story for some fans, but I've never considered him a solid wrestler and his mic skills in WWE were always atrocious. Just awful. Never really did it for me.

Whereas, Christian deserved it. Worked hard, for the most part he kept his nose clean, not very injury prone, quality in-ring performer and had great mic skills. He just had it in my opinion. Not to mention that he represents the company in a far better manner.
christian becoming champion was wayyyyyyyyyyy more meaningful than jeff hardy. vince may not belive that christian is main event material, but he is. christian ws alway to me he far better wrestler out of the two. i mean i like jeff and all but when jeff became champion he had the political machine that be behind his back.christin is a guy thatif the wwe wereto get behind he could easly become like the fae of smackdown much lik edge was.
Jeff Hardys win meant far more to me for many reasons

1.I'm actually a fan of Hardy , not so much with Christian (I do like him but ehhhh , not nearly as much)

2.Jeff Hardy actually got to keep the title for more than 1 weekend

3.It was Jeff Hardys legitimate 1st world title win , Christian had been the NWA world champion in TNA multiple times already

4.Christians win was on a vacant title against a guy whos never been the world champion in wwe either , making the win even further less impactful
Well it depends if you accept that Christian is already been a 3 time World Champ in TNA before coming back to WWE, if you count that as the time he really did win the big one.
Christian's. Simply because he came back into the WWE after showing that he wasn't the fall guy out of Edge and Christian. He proved himself so well in TNA and just dominated. He showed how much of an assest he was than a liability. He even did moves that he never did in WWE and then brought them back to the WWE. I was pissed when he went to ECW and he was pretty much buried. He should've won the Money In The Bank and won the title like that. But anyways, he such a great athlete, has great mic skills, and can make any feud good.
Now I'm not saying Jeff is a great performer but he just wasn't as versatile as Christian. He mainly played the aerial role, but Christian could do that, the technical, and power role pretty well in the ring. This is why, Christian's title win was bigger than Jeff's.
Well it depends if you accept that Christian is already been a 3 time World Champ in TNA before coming back to WWE, if you count that as the time he really did win the big one.
I was referring to Christian being a world champion in the WWE! Unless your counting the WWECW title on the ECW brand. I'm not putting that belt on the same level as the TNA world championship. But as we saw, Vince McMahon does.

The REAL ECW championship was retired in 2001, like the current TNA world champion Sting should be as champion right now.
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