Christian's Wrestlemania Plans

I was really sure that Christian was going to be added to the mix for the World Heavyweight Championship after his acts at Elimination Chamber but it seems as though that could not have been further from the truth... Which is actually too bad because I know that I, along with a lot of other people in the IWC, would have loved to see him get his match on the grandest stage of them all with the title on the line. Even if he didn't win, which he probably wouldn't, I still think it would add another aspect and dimension to the Del Rio/Edge feud.

I mean, think about it.

No one has anything to lose from inserting Christian into this match. Christian would get a huge rub from Del Rio and Edge and more importantly being in the World Heavyweight Championship match at WrestleMania. His actions at Elimination Chamber set that up so perfectly that it actually annoyed me that the WWE did not take advantage of that at all. It would put Christian into the main event scene and you know that the fans would latch onto it. Vince would see that the people are behind Christian and would perhaps give him a fair roll of the dice.

Del Rio could play up the heel marker and complain to whoever would listen that he is being screwed out of his opportunity to win the Championship and that when he challenged Edge for the title, he was under the impression that it would be a singles match. The fans would give him more and more heat for going against Edge and Christian with his emotions and speech and it would put him in a great spot for the main event at Mania.

And then we come to Edge. If Del Rio is to take the Championship from him at Mania, then this could lead to a great feud between Edge and Christian right out of the event. I mean, who here would not get on board with an Edge/Christian feud coming out of Mania? People have been wanting to see that particular feud for years and I think that this was the perfect opportunity to make it happen. No one would lose a thing and the Smackdown brand would gain another main event talent that everyone knows could cut it at the very top.

Really lacklustre booking from the WWE that has annoyed me. The only thing that annoys me more is that he is now likely to be tossed into a throw away match against the Corre at Mania instead of having a meaningful encounter that could have put him over again... Sheesh!
Is it possible that they are going to give the NXT Season 4 runner up a match at Wrestlemania agianst a seasoned wrestler. It would not be surprising after watching Raw this week, and from what i have heard they are keeping Brodus around Del Rio.

Nothing in no shape or form has been announced yet, but here i could see this happening and the match actually being decently good.

How would you feel if creative booked this?

Do you think it would push Brodus Clay big time with simply a match at Wrestlemania so soon in his WWE career?

What percentage do you think there is of this match happening?
With this recent triangular feud with Edge & Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio : Christian wants revenge, Edge wants to keep the title, Rio wants the title, my question to you is this, Do you want Christian in the title match @ WM27 to make the main event a Triple Threat or just in Edge's corner since Rio already has Clay & Ricardo.

Im really looking forward to seeing Christian in this match and (even though this WILL NOT happen) pull an upset and win the title. With no MITB this year, what will an already strong Christan do at WM? Now Discuss.
He would probably wind up in Edge's corner, but yes, I would love to see, and do want to see, and do believe we SHOULD see Christian in the WHC match. Technically he hasn't battled back up the ranks to be awarded a title shot, but he has stake in this match up. He can easily turn on Edge this monday in their tag team match and state his intention, thus going back to the Captain Charisma he became when he first turned on Edge years ago... then he would be in full stride.
Not to mention, what are they planning to do after Christian defeated Del Rio in a cage match on SmackDown? They are all but obliged to give Christian a shot at the title, or at least a shot at a title shot. It could be that they plan to exercise this fued in the aftermath of Mania, but this is WrestleMania, the show to end all shows. They should pull out all stops and just put him in the match.
I for one would love to see Christian at WM. Since there's no MITB this year, there's nothing for Christian to do at Mania except for him to be involved in the Del Rio v Edge match. I really do hope they make it a triple threat match, it makes sense for them to do so. I doubt they would tho ;(

Christian is a great talent and it would be a real shame and very dissapointing if he isn't wrestling at Mania. But not just Christian, other great talents like Kofi, McIntyre, DiBiase, Evan Bourne, Mark Henry, Zack Ryder, Jack Swagger (i mean c'mon they really have nothing eles for him to do apart from being in Cole-slaw's corner!?)
I can't tell you how much I want Christian to be in the Main Event at WM. I've been a fan of his for ages, and think it's been a little bit pathetic that WWE have continued to punish him for going to TNA. It looks like WWE have gotten over it now though so you never know. I think the dynamic between Edge and Christian in the match would be really entertaining as well, and it could lead to an Edge/Christian feud (I'd love to see Edge go heel!).

I think there are more problems than benefits with it though. I think a one on one match is a much better way to present a world title match at Wrestlemania, it just seems more fitting and serious than a multi-man match. On top of that, I think that if Edge and Christian were both in the match, then a lot of the audience would see them as the two most important figures in the match, but it's pretty obvious that WWE is pushing Del Rio as one of the top heels in the company, and I think adding Christian in would make him seem obselete in the WM match, and undo some of the work that WWE has been putting in.

But it's difficult, because if he isn't in the World Heavyweight Title match, then I can't really see where else he'd fit on the card. He's really hot with the crowd after his return from injury, and it would seem stupid not to capitalise on that at 'Mania this year.

I just hope that WWE manage to find Christian something interesting to do at Wrestlemania and then give him a shot against Del Rio after he wins the title at Wrestlemania, or even against Edge if they start a feud somewhere. WWE really seem to have booked themselves into a corner with this where they've got no easy way out at all.
Christian deserves to be at Mania27 and not as a enforcer, he should be wrestling for a title not a gimmick match. I think WWE drop the ball this year by not adding the MITB match at this year Mania, they could a had a great one ( Bourne, JoMo, Ziggler, McIntyre, Bryant, Swagger, Masters & Christian ). At this point even having Kofi defend the IC Title in a triple treat match against McIntyre and Christian would be great. Hope they don't screw Christian over at Mania because he is a great talent.
He should be wrestling for the title, yes, because he damn well deserves it after more than a decade of excellent of work!
There is no doubt that Christian should be at Wrestlemania. Christian should be added to the World Heavyweight championship match. Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian sounds 100% better than just Edge vs. Del Rio. Besides, we need a triple threat match at Mania because currently there is not one on the card.
At Wrestlemania this year I would like to see Christian being inserted into the World Championship match making it a triple threat match.

However it doesnt look like that will happen...

So i could see the possibility of Christian vs Brodus Clay, or Christian vs Ricardo Rodriguez, or both in a handicap match.

Personally i like Wrestlemania triple threat matches so im favoureing CHristian vs Edge vs Alberto Del Rio.
I think hes going to play a part at Mania,but I dont think he'll be on the card. A good turn could be him turning on Edge and helping Del Rio get the dirty win.

That way,Del Rio gets his big push by beating a main event star IN the main event at Mania and picking up the title,but Edge doesnt look weak in the process because he was screwed. That then could set up a nice feud through to Summerslam with Christian.

As for him being on the card,I agree a triple threat WHC match would be pretty good,3 really skilled guys for a good 20-25 minute match could end up being a brilliant move for Mania,but for some reason I just dont see Christian in that spot.Doesnt seem very 'Vince' to me (Not that I know the guy of course) to think putting Christian in the main event at Mania is a good idea.

Lets get right to it shall we? :)

"It's also being said that the planned Edge vs Alberto Del Rio Championship match is likely to be made a triple threat match with Christian being added to the bout. That decision is expected to be made within the next few days."

Christan's plan as reported is to be in the WHC main event along with Del Rio and Edge and in my personal opinion couldn't have been better. I'm not chrsitan fanatic but I've seen his matches and the pop he gets, the charisma he oozes out and his wrestling ability is one of the best in the business. Even if he doesn't win at Mania this should atleast put him in the Main Event.
I have gotten my hopes up for a Christian main event push so many god damn times that I refuse to put any stock into any rumors of him getting a main event push. I'll believe the rumors when he's added to the Del Rio/Edge match, and if he does then I'll be delighted. Del Rio is quite serviceable in the ring, but we have no idea how he'll work with Edge when Mania comes. We've seen him work with Christian though and it was pretty damn good, so throwing him into the mix and adding the Edge/Christian chemistry into the affair as well should improve the match a ton.

Oh damnit please let Christian's time have finally come to shine. It's like I'll have one of my personal life goal checkpoints marked off alongside seeing Bob Dylan before he dies or going to Amsterdam. I've been dying for an Edge and Christian or Edge vs. Christian feud ever since Christian returned to the WWE and whether they did it intentionally or not they've wisely kept them apart for nearly two years so it's one of the few main event money matches they haven't done yet (not counting their midcard feud during their initial tag team break up in 2001). And with Extreme Rules right around the corner and the possibility for a ladder match? I'm just saying, the possibilities look amazing, if the WWE can just finally pull the trigger and give Christian the push he deserves.
As far as I knew Christian will be on Big Show's team against the Corre at this year's Mania. I would hate for the WHC match to turn into a triple threat. I hate it when the Royal Rumble winner doesn't get a one on one match. That is terrible booking and has happened a few times now. The RR winner deesves the main event, and that isn't happening so atleast give Del Rio the decency of him vs. the Champion.

All the Christian fans need to just let it go. He is a good hand and will be an enhancement talent like Regal is to all the new up and comers. With guys such as Wade Barrett and Del Rio on the roster Christian has no real hope in getting a title reign. These guys have surpassed Christian in everyway.

Also he may have to turn heel because right now he is boring as hell and looks terrible. He needs to hit the gym big time. He looks like a badly tanned wet noodle.

Please WWE keep it Edge vs. del Rio only at Mania
rumours are that its gonna be christain vs edge vs alberto del rio for the WHC. i could see him in a singles match with, i dunno maybe brodus clay (already done). maybe interfere so that edge retains (sure). WHC title reign coming up soon? (abso-fucking-lutely). just some more thoughts.
Adding Christian into the mix would make very little sense unless Edge is retaining. Edge can pin Christian for the title and Del Rio will have an excuse for another title shot after Wrestlemania. Other than that, I see no real positive in adding Christian to the main event. I really think Christian might just be in the corner of Edge to counter the presence of Brodus Clay and Ricardo in Del Rio's corner. Christian might just end up doing valet duties like his ECW rival Swagger.
I really hope Christian is added to the triple threat match. It would seem pointless not to have him involved in Mania after him having a big impact on his return. He isn't going to fit into any other part of Mania, besides the World Heavyweight Match. If he isn't going to wrestle to make it a triple threat, I'd happily settle for a Christian interference in the match. Whether he costs someone the title, helps someone out, as it means Christian is going to be a prominent part of Smackdown after Mania, and hopefully culminating in that elusive title run, which I sincerely hope he gets, or at least get's a shot, and looks like a very credible main guy on the blue brand.
Seriously, this is getting ridiculous, like is WWE just toying with all of the Christian fans (myself included) to make it seem like he will be getting that main event push we've been dying for him to get? He has beaten the ROYAL RUMBLE winner and current number one contender Alberto Del Rio back to back. One time in a steel cage nonetheless. RAW is going to be the last chance for them to add him in as Smackdown! is going to be a recap show or something.

What is the point of all of this if Christian won't be in the world title match? He has been getting more focus and attention than either Del Rio or Edge. No one even cares about Edge vs Del Rio all anyone cares about is to see if Christian will be added to the match. I hate triple threat world title matches at Mania with a passion, but this would be the only time where I would let it slide. So what is WWE just going to give Christian all this momentum then he won't even be in a match or part of Mania? Bullshit.
It's looking to me like Christian is going to be World Champion soon. He's beaten Del Rio... 2 or 3 times now since his return? He seems to have the guy's number.
Now, I think its a little late to add Christian to the WrestleMania match. But I see Edge losing the title, and should begin to become frustrated and jealous that he can't get ADR's number, but Christian has it. Edge loses his rematch the next week on SmackDown because of interference, and wants another shot, but no, sorry Edge, but there's someone who has proved deserving of a World Title Match with the champion, and if you want ADR you have to go through him... enter... Christian- the new top face on SmackDown.
Christian hits Edge with a chair or an Unprettier or something and Del Rio wins the World Heavyweight Championship.

Christian will either become heel or a tweener in the process and will have Del Rio's number as hes beaten him two times now. Hence, it's easier to beat Del Rio when hes beaten him two times in a row then it is to beat Edge.

That's my guess on what will happen.

Don't see him being added to the match with such little time to go until Mania.
What I'd like to see on this week's Raw or Smackdown, is one more interaction with E&C. Here's how I would have it go down.

Edge comes out to the ring, cutting a promo to hype his match with Alberto del Rio. Christian joins his former tag team partner and puts over Edge. Edge is about to head to the back, but Christian cuts him off.
Christian: But Edge, I still meant what I said.
Edge stops in the confusion, stares at Christian.
Christian: A little over a year ago, you were drafted to Raw, and you and I weren't exactly seeing eye to eye. Do you remember? On your way out, I told you that 'I don't want to see Edge and Christian, anymore.' I may have changed my song about that part. But I went on to tell you that what I want is Edge versus Christian! Edge, I still mean what I said.

All this to lead to Christian challenging Edge to face him at the Smackdown after Wrestlemania for the World Championship, further showing his confidence that Edge will defeat Alberto. From then, you have two potentially interesting options.

1) Edge beats del Rio. Edge faces Christian on the Smackdown after Wrestlemania.
2) Alberto del Rio beats Edge, denies Christian of a title shot, already with a built in storyline. Possibly leads to a long term title chase for Christian.

It's not quite Wrestlemania, but it gives fans something to to look forward to for Christian. Now, I don't know, maybe it's not the best idea to hype for an event that is further in the future then the biggest one of the year. But that's just how I'd have it go down.
Honestly I would have rather seen christian win the rumble and have him and edge in a straight one on one match at WM. You could still push alberto at a later date but we've been waiting for a christian vs edge match for a very long time.
Christian won't be added into the match.

If he was gonna be, it would've been made week's ago. WWE probably though of it, but there's more of a chance Edge win's at Mania and fued with a heel Christian in the future. Or, Christian screw's Edge at WM and cost's Edge the Title.

Either way, he's not being added to the match 3 day's (from when Smackdown will air) to the World Heavyweight Championship match at Wrestlemania 27.
I think they are gonna drag this until SummerSlam...thats the next big PPV....if they can do Edge vs ADR at Mania, then have Christian help Edge that setsup for the next PPV....then we got a 3 way.....ADR wins the title at the next PPV instead of Mania, and then we have to figure out who the number one contender is which could probably be Edge...Christian beats ADR on like the next SmackDown for the title, in a heel vs heel match.....Christian has the title going in to SummerSlam against Edge, and then he beats Edge at SummerSlam....they have to save this match for SummerSlam because its starting to happen right now....they could have Edge vs Christian and Rock vs Cena for SummerSlam....those 2 matches alone I would buy SummerSlam which I didnt last year...then you could have ADR vs Sin Cara because ADR needs something to do
I think the WWE has planned Christian's involvement in this match for a while now, and are just toying with the audience. Once Del Rio was penciled in to win the Rumble, Christian was already well ahead of schedule and they knew he'd be back in time for Wrestlemania. Hell, even at the Rumble, Edge used the Killswitch to retain the World Title.

Del Rio was obviously the one who took out Christian, and now he's targeting Christian's "best friend" for the title. Del Rio assaulted Edge @ EC, and Christian made his triumphant return. I think with the way Christian rehabilitated, Vince was very impressed and has decided to give him the push he was RUMORED to receive 2 years ago as Jeff Hardy's assailant.

Now, surely they haven't added Christian YET which grows as a big concern. And most people believe if he's not added tomorrow, he WON'T be added at all. What I'm thinking is people are forgetting that The Rock is the HOST of Wrestlemania, not just engulfed in the Cena/Miz feud. It's pretty well known that Rocky is a big advocate of Christian, and what a better way to put him over than to ADD him to the match @ Wrestlemania.

To most, it just doesn't make sense for Christian to come back and wrestle in consecutive main events against the challenger @ WM, and to go OVER him consecutively.

Christian deserves to WRESTLE at the event, not just be in Edge's corner. I could see a managerial role if Christian hadn't been competing in the ring so often, but it appears he's ready to go and its obvious the true payoff should be a Triple Threat.

However, I think the WWE knows that adding Christian to the match won't affect buy rates much, as whoever is going to order Mania is already going to do it. Why not have him added as a bonus, which would also do wonders for Christian's huge push as Edge slowly begins his exit.

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