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**MERGED** Chris Jericho At The Royal Rumble- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!


Dark Match Winner
Simple question. Jericho finally speaks 5 words tonight, and answers absolutely nothing. I noticed that at the end of the Jericho highlight reel they used the return video that they aired before he returned. I believe it has something to do with that. He says the world as we know it will be over. I believe that there is more to the video that has yet to be revealed.

My question is, what do you think it is?
It means that Jericho will win this year's rumble and that will start the end of CM Punk's reign. It is simply like that. I didn't see that segment but ," This Sunday at the Royal Rumble....It will be the end of the world as you know it" said everything.
yeah I'm a go with twocenter on this one, as Punk made it a point to say the Best Wrestler in the world line agian... this week, and Daniel Bryan made a comment about it last week.

But for some reason I think it's deeper then that... anybody noticed how many times HBK was shown in the video... not saying that HBK was the little girl speaking but.... what if HBK passed the MR WrestleMania torch to Jericho for Jericho to wrestle the Undertaker...think about it. The Light up jacket in the dark. in HBK's promo's against Undertaker, HBK was Undertaker's opposite, the light to the Undertaker's dark... not saying that is what it is, but I don't think I could be to far from wrong. What was the last high light reel segment... with who... HBK.... I mean come on now... I think they threw some goose eggs out there tonight.
I've got a few theories on that. I really doubt that it's as simple as he wins the Rumble. The WWE really likes to make returns like this a big deal, and not to disregard the importance of the Rumble match itself, but they've got bigger plans for Chris Jericho. Nobody can be absolutely sure they're going to win something as long and as brutal as the Rumble match, and Jericho's current angle suggests that he has a plan. That there's something going on behind the scenes that will start to be unraveled this Sunday. Here's a couple options I've thought through:

- Jericho wins the Rumble. That's it. A step in the right direction, but not nearly as "world ending" as his brief promo would like us to believe.
- Jericho attacks Punk during or after his title match this weekend, which may or may not cost him the championship. That's it. His whole "plan" was to attack Punk and start a feud. Not really something big enough to merit a return this big, in my opinion.
- Jericho becomes the WWE Champion this Sunday by somehow screwing over Punk. Punk may or may not win the Royal RUmble match in response.
- The "she" in Jericho's promo is revealed. She may not actually exist, but at this point we're not totally ruling it out yet.

I think the more interesting option is that Jericho becomes the champion by screwing over Punk. Whether or not he leaves with the title might be irrelevant, because I think the WWE is going to try and create a new "Corporation" stable. People are constantly comparing this feud to the Austin/McMahon feud, and if they really want to go through with that they're going to need more than Laurinaitis to get it over. If they do a worked "screwjob" angle, and Jericho aligns himself with Laurinaitis, and perhaps the female in the promo reveals herself...that's a start. That would certainly be an interesting feud going into WrestleMania, in my opinion.

That's all a long-shot, but if we're going to throw random guesses in the air, why not go big?
Jericho will most likely attack Punk after he wins his match against Ziggler. Come Monday either Punk calls him out or Jericho pulls one hell of a promo...well, I see the latter happening anyway.
In a WWE exclusive interview with Daniel Bryan the other day, he talked about CM Punk and Jericho saying they were the best in the world and responded by saying everyone has called him the best in the world since 2005. I see a triple threat match for Mania between the three (and quite possibly one of the best matches of all-time). It could be for the WWE title, "Undisputed" championship, or even the title of best in the world. "The end of the world (heavyweight championship?) as you know it." As much as I hate the idea, it's a possibility.
I think Jericho was basically saying, Buy The Royal Rumble! (lol) But all kidding aside, I think this is just the begining of a long drawn out story line which basically starts at the Rumble with Jericho either winning it or screwing over Punk. Maybe Both.
will the WWE ever learn to not be so predictable? everyone knew it was Jericho. . . or at least after it was on the websites we knew, and now it seems we all "know" he will win the Rumble. I hope they do something different I really do
my guess is its him screwing punk out of the title, because they mention that if john did anything and didnt call it down the middle he'd lost his job, so maybe its gonna be jericho whos gonna do it, as the begining of making cm punks life a living hell for the next month in a half until a confrontation at WM
CM Punk vs Chris Jericho at Mania. Done deal. I kind of think Y2J would have better chemistry with a guy like Daniel Bryan. However with Bryan in the midst of a heel turn, its out of the question. They'd have a better match but Punk/Jericho would definately draw better.

Even if Jericho does take the strap don't expect it to be very long. I read on some other site, you know, one that reports more then tweets and show results, that Jericho reportedly only signed a 6 month deal. That could obviously either change or be incorrect. Fact remains.... Punk vs Jericho.

Much rather see Jericho vs the streak but, I don't see it...
I still think Chris Jericho should win the Royal Rumble by being entrant #30 and have the last 2 guys eliminate each other before he comes out. He wouldn't have to even lift a finger. He'd just walk to the ring, do his little "Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!" posing thing he seems to be doing and walk right back out.
I just thought, what could be more (end of the world as we know it.) then Jericho proving he is the best in the world by ending the Streak at Mania. Something no one has done, and once the streak is ended it's over, and the world of wrestling is for ever changed, as we know it. And without the Undertaker it would be the end of world wrestling entertainment as we know it. Then after mania Jericho and Punk can have their feud for who it the best. Just a thought.
yeah I'm a go with twocenter on this one, as Punk made it a point to say the Best Wrestler in the world line agian... this week, and Daniel Bryan made a comment about it last week.

But for some reason I think it's deeper then that... anybody noticed how many times HBK was shown in the video... not saying that HBK was the little girl speaking but.... what if HBK passed the MR WrestleMania torch to Jericho for Jericho to wrestle the Undertaker...think about it. The Light up jacket in the dark. in HBK's promo's against Undertaker, HBK was Undertaker's opposite, the light to the Undertaker's dark... not saying that is what it is, but I don't think I could be to far from wrong. What was the last high light reel segment... with who... HBK.... I mean come on now... I think they threw some goose eggs out there tonight.

No offense man but I think you are giving creative way to much credit. Do you honestly think they could come up with something like THIS!? If they could come up with something like this for 1 guy what the hell have they been doing for the past oh 4 or 5 years!?

Weren't there reports that it would be Punk vs. Jericho at Mania? I think I started the topic a long while back that the WWE was interested in this match. Not Jericho vs. Undertaker. That match honestly would NOT be good at this stage in the game. Undertaker is essentially a "spot monkey" now at Mania. He needs a strong guy that can make the match convincing. 2 years ago sure this would have been pretty damn decent. But at this point and time it would honestly hurt Undertaker more than anything.

The End that Jericho is speaking to IMO would have to be the end of Punks reign. As stated before. Punk has called himself the best wrestler in the WORLD. Jericho has used that on Twitter and such as well. Jericho has commented on Punk calling himself that. The end will most likely be Punk's reign.
and wait..wasn't Edge the last person on the highlight reel? 3/12/10 if I'm not mistaken. Unless there was another one after that but before his WWE departure. But I don't recall there being one as the Jericho/HBK rivalry was in 2009.
This is why Jericho is the greatest cerebral wrestler/entertainer ever. Listen to the underlying words mostly the use of "you"

CM Punk - Best in the World
Jericho - End of the world as YOU know it

Jericho really pulled some heel-like facial expressions at the end of that highlight reel. A reel which seemed to highlight all his accomplishments and be his resume for the title of best in the world.

However, WWE writing has always been very good when it comes to natural in-ring talents like Jericho. That promo left the door wide open for a lot of possibilities like a match with Undertaker or a possible championship unification.

Some things to remember about this whole thing:
Jericho's return vignettes were a lot darker this time and reminiscent of Takers old vignettes
Jericho has had problems with The Miz in terms of gimmick infringement
Jericho claims its the End of the World as YOU know it.
CM Punk claims to be the best in the World.
and most importantly....
Two things Jericho has never done in his ILLUSTRIOUS Hall of Fame worthy Career:
1. Win the Royal Rumble
2. Wrestle Undertaker at WrestleMania
Jericho will win the Rumble, everybody seems to agree with this. After the fallout from Punk vs Ziggler, which I expect Punk to win and win clean, Im seeing Triple H returning on Raw and a re-hashing of what was happening befor thr Nash debarcle. I see HHH turning heel and aligning with Nash, Miz and Laurinaitiis. I see Ziggler and Foley moving off on their own little program for Wrestlemania. As for Jericho......whatever he is going to do, quoting that the end of the world as we know it is a huge statement, I mean Raw the night after Rumbee is gonig to be massive. With all of the recent interviews and photos of Stephanie McMahon Helmsley getting back nito shape since having her kids, Im fully expecting her to return the night after the Rumble as the "she" that Jericho has been referring to. Punk will be on one side of the fence, Jericho and Steph looking to take over the company that Vince has left in the hands of useless Laurinaits Maybe "The World" as we know it is World Wrestling Entertainment. And we have HHH, the heir to the throne with his allies Plenty of scenarios are possible, but I fully expect definitely the following:
1. JERICHO wins the ROYAL RUMBLE after the WWE Title match has numerous run ins from Foley, Laurinaitis, Vickie, Swagger.

2. STEPHANIE MCMAHON returns on Raw the night after Royal Rumble.

3. TRIPLE H turns heel, and in the attempt to take over the company from Laurionaits on Rwa, this will lead to Steph's return.
Jericho won't win the rumble, and it's because everyone thinks they know he will.

The WWE can be predictable at times, but they will not be this predictable.

The Rumble match will be last, so Jericho can cost Punk the title/beat down Punk, and then Punk can eliminate Y2J from the rumble - Either way, feud is started.

Quote me on this, Jericho will not win the Rumble.
This whole thing definitely has the look of another Jericho run at unifying the titles.

It could also be a stable with him at the front, somehow winding up with a couple guys at the end of the rumble eliminating themselves so that he can win. Laurainitis could be involved.

My guess is that he wins the rumble and challenges BOTH champions to a triple threat match at WM, with both titles on the line.
I don't think Jericho will even fight in the Rumble. He'll either never get in the ring or quickly eliminate himself. I think they really want to tease out his actual wrestling debut.
I still think Chris Jericho should win the Royal Rumble by being entrant #30 and have the last 2 guys eliminate each other before he comes out. He wouldn't have to even lift a finger. He'd just walk to the ring, do his little "Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!" posing thing he seems to be doing and walk right back out.

I seriously like this idea. But instead of the guys eliminating themselves, and then he comes out. I'd rather have the final two guys fighting, the lights go out, Jericho is at the ramp with his lit up jacket, the lights go back on, then have Jericho come down the ramp doing his "yeah, yeah, c'mon," slapping hands with the fans, so while he's out there doing that, then have the two guys eliminate themselves, and Jericho gets in the ring. He wins by default. Jericho continues doing "yeah, yeah." Then leaves. :)

But with the way he looked at the end of the highlight reel, he'll more likely be a heel at the ppv, so him doing the happy yeah, yeah stuff may not work then. :(
Personally it would kill all the mystic and momentum of his return for him to be eliminated at the Royal Rumble. All this build up to it and for him to just be thrown over the top rope, as just another wrestler. I can only see two ways of this turning out;

Logical Idea - Jericho wining the Rumble in a unique way (Number 30# Eliminating no-one to win etc.) is the only way it would tie in. People suggesting he will interfere in the World Title match, I'm not as sure, why would he enter the Rumble if he planed on getting involved in the title match. Again the only way it would tie in is if the Title match is after the Rumble, and Jericho wins the Rumble. The Rumble now appears to be key of his return (All the highlights he showed on RAW last night, it was the best of Jericho's career in the WWE; Feuds, Titles, WrestleMania Main Event, Undisputed Champion, Tag Champ, IC Champ....EVERYTHING possible to achieve in the WWE, apart from winning the Royal Rumble!). I think yes it's getting predictable that he is going to win it, but they way in which he will win it won't be predicable...

Long Shot Idea - One other way of looking at it is this year the WWE is pushing that ANY wrestler can enter the Rumble even if they have had a match before hand (Tho this has always been the case, the WWE is mentioning quite a bit, which makes me think it's key to this years Rumble outcome). Jericho could be the last man in the ring and awaiting number #30, which would be CM Punk. POW Feud....but this goes against the slow build and without any explanation from Jericho before RR, it wouldn't make sense to the average WWE fan, only the IWC. So this is why I think it's a long shot
I think Jericho will either win the royal rumble without doing anything, or just enter then eliminate himself. Either way would really piss off all the fans. The end of the world as you know it thing can either be really deep (saw a guy mentioning that it might mean the end of the WORLD heavyweight championship), or that it just means a feud with CM Punk. Remember when Jericho returned a few years ago to the save us line. What did he try to save us from? Orton. So just because a Jericho return sounds deep, does not mean its going to be deep.
What if the commercials wheren't about Jericho? What if he is just the prophet and it is another return/debut at the Rumble..

The only way I could see him making a huge impact would be to enter, eliminate himself then announce he is done with wrestling and either be appointed the GM or leave.
i think he will face u ndertaker at WM because like the othter guy said if undertaker lost to jericho he will leave wwe and change the world as we knew it
So Chris Jericho had his highlight reel, carried on in the same annoying, over the top fashion and stated that at the royal rumble its the end of the world as we know it.

However before he stated this, he played some footage of this career highlights. I'm not sure if anybody else noticed this, but as far as I could see all the footage shown was HEEL jericho footage. From Undisputed Champ, the HBK head into the Jeritron, the Mickey Rouke at mania, as well as footage as champion with Big Show and world champion most recently... all heel jericho.

To me this indicates 2 possibilites:

1. Chris Jericho wins the rumble

2. Jericho screws Punk out of the WWE championship, hence Laurinitis does not and can keep his job potentially.

Your thoughts on my opinions?
Which Option is most likely?
Do you think there's another possiblity?
I put this in another thread but it relates to your post also;

Personally it would kill all the mystic and momentum of his return for him to be eliminated at the Royal Rumble. All this build up to it and for him to just be thrown over the top rope, as just another wrestler. I can only see two ways of this turning out;

Logical Idea - Jericho wining the Rumble in a unique way (Number 30# Eliminating no-one to win etc.) is the only way it would tie in. People suggesting he will interfere in the World Title match, I'm not as sure, why would he enter the Rumble if he planed on getting involved in the title match. Again the only way it would tie in is if the Title match is after the Rumble, and Jericho wins the Rumble. The Rumble now appears to be key of his return (All the highlights he showed on RAW last night, it was the best of Jericho's career in the WWE; Feuds, Titles, WrestleMania Main Event, Undisputed Champion, Tag Champ, IC Champ....EVERYTHING possible to achieve in the WWE, apart from winning the Royal Rumble!). I think yes it's getting predictable that he is going to win it, but they way in which he will win it won't be predicable...

Long Shot Idea - One other way of looking at it is this year the WWE is pushing that ANY wrestler can enter the Rumble even if they have had a match before hand (Tho this has always been the case, the WWE is mentioning quite a bit, which makes me think it's key to this years Rumble outcome). Jericho could be the last man in the ring and awaiting number #30, which would be CM Punk. POW Feud....but this goes against the slow build and without any explanation from Jericho before RR, it wouldn't make sense to the average WWE fan, only the IWC. So this is why I think it's a long shot.

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