*MERGED* Apart From Hogan, How Else TNA Can Open iMPACT!

The bottom line is Hogan is trying to be Cena who is trying to be Hogan. What I don't understand is so many people in the IWC HATE Cena, why would Hogan try to be Hulkamania again? The only reason I could come up with is he's trying to steal the kid demographic by being the better superhero. He's trying WAY too hard, using WAY too much time to try it, and he should know better considering his age. His name is enough to get people to watch the show he runs, not him wrestle. He needs to hang em up for good and let Bischoff run the show. Bischoff MUST have a leash, in case he tries any thing stupid, BUT he would still be a great improvement to Hogan running it

They're both running it. "Hogan running the show" solely is an on screen gimmick. Eric Bischoff has just as much input as Hogan does (albeit, perhaps not in regards to his character) but there are several heads of creative in the back that are supposed to work together. I'm sure Hogan isn't going to the meetings saying "alright guys, I'm going to come out during every segment because I think it's a good idea and people love me" and then everybody else (some of which used to absolutely hate Hogan and think he shouldn't be on television AT ALL even 10 years ago) say "sounds like a great idea Hulk! keep up the good work!"...there has to be something else going on. I'm pretty positive Hulk isn't running the show in the back. He's basically just "running the show" on television and co-running the show with others in the back.

But I agree with Hogan/Cena/Hogan thing. They need to drop it. That gimmick worked in the 80's and early 90's when being nice and kind and TGIF family sitcoms were prevalent. Now, if you have that gimmick you're basically either a mockery of the guys before and provide comic relief or a bad guy and it's used to "annoy the fans" a la early kurt angle, jack swagger (all american american), hurricane, eugene, etc. John Cena is trying it (putting on a slight edgey attitude with his jokes here and there) and a lot of people can't stand him. Back in the day, Hogan and company would never get even close to as many boos that Cena receives all over. The world is a different place than it used to be. People are much more disrespectful and feel more "entitled" than ever.

Hogan was able to get away with it later in life because of his connection with a lot of the fans childhoods and for nostalgic purposes...but now he's just over exposing himself without the red and yellow and with a lot more baggage (over exposure with reality tv and tabloid nonsense as well).
The main problem with all the Hogan time is (as mentioned numerous times in this thread) his constant "reminding" us of how much TNA is on the rise. The problem with constantly saying it is that eventually (and eventually is looking TNA right in the face) it comes off as "Who are they trying to convince, the fans or themselves?" It is almost like they think if they say it enough it will happen.

In all honesty they already missed the boat on the Hogan aquisition. Their ratings spiked initially and then people saw the show for what it was and turned away. They needed to get people in with Hogan joining and keep them there with their established talent. A lot of people on this site (WWE fans included) don't argue that the wrestling in TNA isn't better than in WWE. In most cases it is. That is what they needed to show, not WCW-redux.

I know I got off topic quite a bit, so to answer the OP. I agree it should either be a quick promo interaction between the better guys on the mic or the x-division type of match that really gets the crowd going. WWE always starts with their big guys talking in the righ, but at least it isn't the same ones each time.
the fan base sucks, TNA needs to be in places where a fan base is excited about wrestling. Everyweek we see die hards only in the 1st and maybe 2nd row. and everybody else looks bored to death.

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