Meilichia Tribute Thread

I have erotic pics of Joan Rivers and Willie Tyler and Lester in compromising positions in a motel 6 while Mr. T films a movie if you are interested. lol
Michael Bublé;291955 said:
I have erotic pics of Joan Rivers and Willie Tyler and Lester in compromising positions in a motel 6 while Mr. T films a movie if you are interested. lol

Well it was either that or I advertise the William Shatner sex tape that I have locked away in the back of a closet, at the end of a long hallwy, in the basement of a bomb shelter, in a caved in 7-11. LOL

Michael Bublé;292029 said:
Well it was either that or I advertise the William Shatner sex tape that I have locked away in the back of a closet, at the end of a long hallwy, in the basement of a bomb shelter, in a caved in 7-11. LOL


I'm sorry but I'm sigging that, cause that's awesome lol
Ooooh so thats whos in your sig... i thought it was just some random pic you found on google... well done jake.

Actually it's a banner that I made and just post as a pic. It's a bit of a protest of sorts because Michael Buble is perhaps one the greatest voices ever to have graced the music industry with his talents and yet he is devalued and ignored because he is Canadian. He could have been the next Jordan Knight, just as Shatner could have been Macbeth, and Michael J Fox could have been the Nobel prize winner for his fight with parkensens. But no, some racist Austrailian pretending to be a yank called Mel Gibson get to be Macbeth. And some former presidential wannabe with the personality of a brick wins the Nobel prize for telling us that is gets warm during the summer. Oh yeah, that is rather fair. Sorry for ranting my friend, but it ticks me off when people dont give Canadians the same fair shake as their American counterparts.

If your talking about my name, its pronounced male - ish - a, its a greek goddess, and it is my wrestling name. So no its not my real name, my real name is Dannii... oh and what does 'Well done jake' mean? :p
Michael Bublé;292244 said:
and Michael J Fox could have been the Nobel prize winner for his fight with parkensens. But no, some racist Austrailian pretending to be a yank called Mel Gibson get to be Macbeth. And some former presidential wannabe with the personality of a brick wins the Nobel prize for telling us that is gets warm during the summer.


Wow that was fuckin eloquence personified.

Michael Buble is the shit. He is like a talented version of Dean regards to singing I mean I love the Deano. Decker I thoroughly suggest you check out: "Michael Buble - Spiderman". If that doesn't get you hooked no bother but the chicks tend to get moist for the man. Great ambiance.
Jake behave yourself... and why would you even think I had 'erotic' pictures?
Whatcripplesthelegand... go discuss buble in your own thread, you insulted the British again with the stupid "allo allo" crap, which by the way isn't funny. I'm seriously starting to dislike you.
I'm flattered that you all hold me in such high regard. I wish I would have read this before going out to the Black Friday sales. I would have made a purchase on behalf of each and every one of my fans out there. But I am not worth of all of this discussion. But you know who is? Chuck Norris is! That's who! lol

whats black friday?

Black Friday is the most contemptable day of the year. The day where old women attempt to carelessly run you over with shopping carts and people lose all sense of humanity trying to grab $20 DVD players and other cheaply priced trinkets. The reason why it is called Black Friday is because it is usually the strongest day of the year for sales and thusly has high profit potential, thusly putting businesses in the black for the day.

Well yes but i have posted them here before... you mean this one?****e/me1-1.jpg
or is it this one?****e/me5.jpg
Thats about as erotic as I go, besides in my pole dancing videos :p

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