Mayweather rewarded 20 million???


Dark Match Winner
I just read that the WWE is giving boxer Mayweather a 20 million dollar one deal match to take on the big show. I'm sorry but to me, that's kind of a slap in the face to all the wrestlers who go balls out, go constantly on the road, and pretty much get nothing. But the almighty Mayweather comes in and is rewarded 20 million for one match. I think that's absurd money to waist bringing in a boxer to get ratings for WM. McMahon could have put that money to good use by helping the talent he has, and giving them what they have put in the business. Your thoughts?
I agree that the 20 million dollar payday awaiting Pretty Boy Floyd at Mania' is rediculous. I mean last year they paid Trump 5 million and that went to charity and that storyline worked and payed off big time. The thing was that storyline featured actual wrestlers wrestling each other and Stone Cold. I thought this was going to be a good mini-fued after the great tension and pop generated at No Way Out, but last week's Raw left me wanting more. The fact is Boxing is basically irrelevent now, as UFC has taken over its fan base. Sure it will get a few more people to watch and buy Mania', but it is definetely not worth the 20 million.
It depends. Last years Mania was the biggest of all time. Why? It wasn't for the stacked card that's for sure. It was probably down to the battle of the billionaires. So If somebody llike Trump can make a PPV sell, then somebody like Mayweather should. Well WWE hope so anyway.
I just read that the WWE is giving boxer Mayweather a 20 million dollar one deal match to take on the big show. I'm sorry but to me, that's kind of a slap in the face to all the wrestlers who go balls out, go constantly on the road, and pretty much get nothing. But the almighty Mayweather comes in and is rewarded 20 million for one match. I think that's absurd money to waist bringing in a boxer to get ratings for WM. McMahon could have put that money to good use by helping the talent he has, and giving them what they have put in the business. Your thoughts?

i'm gonna have to agree with you on this one 100%. it's like a big @$$ choke slam on the big show being that he had an annual salary of one million dollars previously. all the wrestlers work their butts off days on end for there pay-cut. and all it takes is a big name in another sport to come in and take a 20 million dollar check for one match at wrestlemania!!!!!!!! this to me is a bunch of bull$#!+. that's probably a combined annual income of the top 7 paid wrestlers in wwe. anyways, that just turns me off to that whole match at wrestlemania. this is just my opinion, and i'm stickin' to it.
no matter how popular this guy is. 20 million dollar is not a mayweahter price at all, tottally a slap across all the hard working wrestler and wwe could really use this money for talent scouting, better writer or atleast use it on hogan or somebody atleast they are worth to watch in the wrestling world
Believe me, if the WWE was going to spend $20 million to bring in a talent, they'd try to get The Rock to not only induct Peter Maivia and his father, but they'd also try to get him to wrestle a match. If Vince gave him that much, I'm pretty sure he'd wrestle in a heartbeat, no matter how much he's trying to distance himself.

WWE is probably just trying to work the fans and the media. If Mayweather was really making $20 million from this angle, it's a safe bet he would have been on Raw tonight. Either way, bringing him in was a great move. The media is slowly picking up on this, which is great for their exposure. Hopefully it keeps going.

Even if they did bring him in for $20 million, they'd need about 370,000 buys to break even. They'll easily do that.
I have to believe that the $20 mil figure is a work. No way they paid him that much. They released the number at their press conference as a way to build hype, hoping mainstream media will pick the story up. Maybe WWE will twist the story and say if he beats the Big Show he earns $20 mil or something like that. Mayweather is not worth that much money on a wrestling ppv. Vince isn't going to pay him that much because he's in the business to make $ himself, plus the boys in the locker room would be pissed.
I don't know if the $20 million dollars is a work number or not, but he is what I DO know.

Last year, with Trumps appearance, Wrestlemania generated 230,000 more buys than 2006's WM 22 (1,188,000 to 958,000). If you multiply that 230,000 by $54.95 (which is this year's Wrestlemania price), then that's an additional $12.6 million dollars. However, you have to figure that part of those buys are going to be coming in at the HD price, so that'll raise the price, PLUS, boxing has much more of a crossover appeal into wrestling than Donald Trump, meaning potential more PPV buys, and more converted fans.

I don't know if the $20 million dollars is accurate (and I suspect it's not), but even if it is, $7 million dollar loss is a drop in the hat to a company that generated $485.7 million in revenue in 2007, especially for the exposure and possible additional fans the WWE will get for Mayweather.
Well i for one cant see him makin 20 million just for that 1 match. I mean like stated above all the wrestlers would be absolutely pissed at that, and i can't see Vince paying him or anyone for that matter 20 million to make 1 match appearence.

Also, like someone said above it could all be a work to get more publicity and if that's the case then seems to me its workin pretty damn good. So far i've seen on, yahoo, many of them websites an article along the line of *Boxer gets $20 million to wrestle at wrestlemania*. So whatever they're doing it seems like its working.
I just read that the WWE is giving boxer Mayweather a 20 million dollar one deal match to take on the big show. I'm sorry but to me, that's kind of a slap in the face to all the wrestlers who go balls out, go constantly on the road, and pretty much get nothing. But the almighty Mayweather comes in and is rewarded 20 million for one match. I think that's absurd money to waist bringing in a boxer to get ratings for WM. McMahon could have put that money to good use by helping the talent he has, and giving them what they have put in the business. Your thoughts?

Actually its not. No one in the WWE has proven that they can draw as much as Mayweather. His fight with the Golden Boy produced some of the biggest PPV numbers ever. With boxing being all about the main event and nothing about the undercard, you can give most of that credit to the undefeated champion of the world. This is a risk, because they angle with Show could flop, but if you're gonna take a risk you might as well take it on the biggest current draw in the world.
If you ask me, I think this is a load of crap. So many other people could have made that money for so much better. I'm not knocking Mayweather, but he's a real life Boxer, and between him and show, I don't see a real life Match. So really all he is is a name. His real skill won't be brought into the equasion. If Vince had $20 Million for talent, why not spread it out for some other big draws? Hogan and Austin 1 on 1 anyone? I can see them wanting to take the risk, but I can't see it being worth it in the long run.
They're talking about it on PTI now. They basically agree that there's no way Mayweather got $20 million... at most, $2 million. Wilbon said he's not a big name where $20 million would be a price to bring him in at. Kornheiser expressed concern about the Big Show throwing him around, and then said he didn't think he'd be getting in the ring and actually wrestling, but hyping the crowd up... which shows how out of touch he is.

This story is really starting to pick up steam. Considering the fact that ESPN's finally picked up on it, it should be really interesting to see how things play out from here.
This is crap.There is no way in the world that Vince Mcmahon is paying hium $20million.Vince wud have tried to get God himdelf for that much.He could 've got Austin and Rocky for that.The most that Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon would've payed him IMO is $7million at the most.
It could be true. Boxers get big time pay days for single fights, and this is getting into the upper tier of those pay days. Say Wrestlemania does 1,000,000 buys worldwide. If WM is 50 dollars and 75 dollars for HD, you're talkig in the range of 60,000,000 dollars on worldwide pay per view buys. That's not talking merchandise sold, ticket sales, and all the free publicity the WWE is getting. Plus, the 20,000,000 is not for WM, it's for the six weeks of shows leading up, and the press conference that is getting a ton of free publicity for the company.

20,000,000 is a big price tag that is going to make a monster look bad. Honestly, how does this make Big Show look good in anyway. If he loses, he's beat down by a guy that's 5'8", if he wins, he beats upa guy that's 5'8". It's a lose lose situation for one of the WWE's top heels.

Do I think Vinnie Mac paid Mayweather 20 Mill, you bet, he's desperate for buys and wants to send a message to MMA, but I think there will be repricusions within the company. Guys wrestling 200 plus days a year making 6 figures probably aren't going to be too happy when they see an outsider making more in 6 weeks then they would in 6 decades. Thank goodness Roddy Piper still isn't in the WWE.
I do believe that Mayweather received a hefty sum of money for his appearance, but I don't believe he received 20 million for his apperances. He may have received 15 million, but not 20. It just seems too much money for a guy like Mayweather. I do believe they will get more buys for Wrestlemania, a lot more, but I don't think Mayweather is getting $20 million.

But maybe Vince is desperate and he is giving $20 to Mayweather, I could be wrong.
you don't know how much Vince payed God for his role in mcmahon/HBK.

no-one deserves to get $20 million for 6 weeks work though. i'd do it for $200000...i work cheap. is he worth 4x the rating of Donald Trump though?

in my opinion no, because as Shocky said...he's going to make show look weak or unimportant. no-one will care if he wins and he'll look stupid if mayweather wins.
He deserves it Mayweather actually is getting Vince the coverage he wants and needs, Espn and other Media outlets. mayweather also helped vince out by asking 50 cent to come out and walk him out to his match just like he did when he vs del hoya. Why Pay The rock so much when he gonna leave. While they could work something out with Money where he could have a recurring role.
Me personally will watch wrestlemania to see 50 and maywheather
like 50 cent's doing it for free...really he's getting a big payday as well so why wouldn't he.

he's getting coverage but trump did the same for $5million and he's a more internationally reknowned name than floyd mayweather. hell, 50 cent's a more reknowned name than floyd mayweather. he's not going to generate $20million so why pay him more than what he's worth

add to that unless show absolutely destroys mayweather and 50 cent as well just for fun, he's not coming out of the match looking in any way respectable. IMO, they dropped the ball big time by having a returning show vs mayweather.
I'm not sure what to believe here. I'm more than willing to believe that Vince would pay this much if he thought it would bring in more buys. On the other hand, $20 million? That's just too much for me to believe. Not to mention, I may be overlooking it, but I dont think I ever remember Vince making a big deal out of his payrate for anyone. I think Trump's came out for last year, and wasn't it something like $5 million? No way Mayweather is 4x Trump.
trump did it for free technically because the 5 mil went to charity. but no, i don't think floyd is worth 4 of the Don...maybe not even 2 of the Don. i'm sure in due time slyfox will come by with a detailed overview of what trump did to the buyrates for WM23.

i suppose the way of looking at it was that with trump, you got lots of publicity, but the wrong crowd. mayweather has interest of sports fans so that is the only way i'd justify earning more than trump
Yeah I forgot the charity part of it. I think Trump did bring in a lot of the buys last year, as he brings mania a lot of mainstream attention it usually wouldn't get. He's a nationally known figure in more than one area. Mayweather is a huge name in sports, but that's all he's big in. He'll definately help buys out, but not that much. He's a big name, but I don't think he's as big as Trump.
he's not. i mean i only know him because of his last win vs ricky hatton. bigger in america. but i think because he's big in sports, he's attracting the right type of interest. i don't see business men watching trump at mania, whereas boxing fans might...maybe to see floyd have his ass handed to him but still buy it. trump...well dont tell me u didnt want it to be proven it was a wig
Lol yeah the hair did have a lot to do with the appeal of it, althoguh there was no way Trump was getting shaved. Another aspect was with Austin in the match, you knew he was taking a stunner. This match just doesn't have that. Big show is a star in wrestling, but outside of the wrestling world, he's at best barely known, just for a few cameos in movies. I think that might slow this down a bit as well, Show not being a household name.
im not happy it's show personally. it's going to take any momentum he could have and ruin it. i think as big show/shane-o-mac vs mayweather/mysterio it could have worked as show could have been put over by rey respectably, with shane taking the mayweather aspect of the match. who cares if shane's knocked cold...mayweather has knocked out a billionaire's son and show still looks credible
I agree. Id've liked shane vs mayweather better. Show is a good wrestler, but he just doesn't have that pop to him. His best asset is his size, but in this case that's almost a detriment. The size difference almost makes it laughable to look at them facing off, but it does make an interesting storyline. I think there could've been a better choice for an athlete though, just not sure who that would be.

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