Match & RP-er & Feud of Year Awards

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Melon Farmer

Match of the Year Award

1) Pinnacle Pursuit Battle Royal Match - 2

2) Elite X Title Match: Fatal Four Way Ladder Match - 3

3) (Civil Revolution) Steamboat Ricky vs. Sammy Orwell - 2

4) Everest vs Spiral (Street Fight) -

RP-er of the Year Award

1) Downward Spiral -

2) Disasterpiece -

3) Steamboat Ricky - 6

4) 'The One' Big Will -

5) D.C. -

Feud of the Year Award

1) Will vs. Gus - 5

2) Rios vs. Everest -

3) Chuck Myles vs. Sincade - 2

4) Mohammad Hasheem vs. Titus -
Match - Elite X Match
It had some real awesome spots, including Gus' 900 splash off the ladder, but otherwise, i believe its the best match WZCW had had so far

RPer - Steamboat Ricky
This guy is an amazing RPer, he has such a creative mind, Flaming Spanish Announce Tables being dropped on Will Smith, nuff said

Feud of the year - Gus v Will
This is a lot like The Hardy-Edge feud, except, it could go either way, and especially now that Thorpe is involved,

Gus' Votes:
Match - Battle Royale
Even though i was in it, this match was high paced, fast, and, I got to finish Levy's career, lol, but seriously, it was an awesome match

RPer - Steamboat
I respect the hell out of this guy, and sometimes in my RPs i ask "What would Steamboat say?" his Rps are some of the most creative things i've ever heard/read

Feud - Sincade vs Myles
This feud is just awesome, its like Stone Cold vs McMahon, but Sincade's reign as boss is almost over, unless he plans to make hiimself permanent ruler, we'll jus have to wait and see
Match of the Year Award

(Civil Revolution) Steamboat Ricky vs. Sammy Orwell

RP-er of the Year Award

Ricky Simple as

Feud of the Year Award

Myles Vs Sincade
Match of the year
I don't remember the street fight. The Ricky and Orwell Match was really good. The Elite X was really good but I didn't win so that is why it isnt the match of the year, lol ;) Truthfully, the battle royal is better than all of them even though they ALL are good.

RP-er of the year
Ok I gonna vote for either DC or Spiral. But coem to think about it...who really deserves this? I voted for the person who has shown me that he has improved from what I last remembered. I voted for Ricky!! Congrats bro. You are a Hardcore Machine!!

Feud of the year

I really wish my feud with Titus wins because it was a very long but sickening feud. Hell thats one of the reason that Will decided to be in the WZCW. But I can't vote for myself, lol unfortunantly. Rios and Everest was very boring to me, i dont know why. I wasn't entertained. It is between will/gus and myles/sincade. I had no clue what I should vvote on so I used the "I am part of the Sincade/Myles feud" excuse to purposely not vote that feud. SO I have voted for the feud that I nominated. Will and Gus.
1)Ricky's match - it stole the show and is the match that made me want to be a part of this fed.
2)DP or Ricky for this - but the I am Legend nicked it, just.
3) This has to be Will vs Gus by some way, this could go for months; i hope creative have got some ideas up their sleeves for these two as they deserve it.
1. The ladder match, it was awesome i could visualize all of it, especially the 900,

2. I'm gonna say Steamboat, hes just too creative

3. Im gonna say Will and Gus, like i said in another thread, "I thought they were the perfect couple" guess i was wrong
1. Elite X Title Match: Insanity personified inside of a 4-sided wrestling ring. This match made Civil Revolution. It was a great match that had one of the best controversial endings I've ever read about.

2. Steamboat Ricky: Will Smith, Aragorn & the Hobits, and a series of flaming spanish announce tables spelling out "I accept"...nuff said.

3. Will vs. Gus: An absolutely explosive fued that can end up scarring one or both of these men for life.
Match of the Year: Street Fight: Everest v. Downward Spirial: I'm being completely honest, I can't remember exactly if this is what I think it is. (without going back to look) But I believe it was one of the main matches, that I read, that made me want to get back into the business as far as writing goes. The match was solid, & went everywhere. (including, if I recall it being what I'm thinking of, involving that of a car hood?)

RPer of the Year: Steamboat Ricky: Ricky, man, I think your creativeness has finally paid off in a big way. You're thus far one of the ONLY guys to receive any votes. (outside of Everest's for Spirial) You have seemingly more creativity inside you than any two members of the e-fed combined.

Feud of the Year: Mohammad Hasheem v. Titus: This was the feud that got me to join. When I seen how unbelievably put together this was.. I just thought to myself. "Wow, those two are great together, this feud has the shear ability to be classed with all of the greats of real life."
1. The Elite X Ladder match, it was just too awesome

2. Will, his RPs are awesome, and draw some heat, Rickys are awesome as well, but his are just too, idk, out there for my taste

3. Gus v Will i see this as the best feud in WZCW right now, besides WVC vs Dynasty
Match of Year

4 way ladder match - This was a superb match with a nice, shocking ending. The start of a great feud with Will and Gus. But still, I don't know how you can get much better than SR v. Sam Orwell. That's a testament to Will's writing.

RPer of the Year

D.C. - This guy's use of profanity is quite comical, and his descriptiveness in his promos are second to none. He really sets up the scene.

Feud of the Year

Will v. Gus

-These two have really put each other over very nicely. They have the benchmark feud of the fed at the moment.
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