Match of the Decade

AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels vs Samoa Joe at Unbreakable 05. This is maybe the greatest match ever. It was both entertaining and perfect in the ring.And it was a 5star match.WWE didn't have one this decade.
before even reading the thread the match that stood out to me was Angle vs. Micheals from WM 21. just an amazing match and Shawn showed how capable is he of actually putting on a good wrestling match, the match was just one of those things that dont happen often, great chemistry, great wrestling, great spots, the time to actually develop a great match and story!

In terms of most meaningul or memorable i'd have to go with rock vs. hogan, different generations meeting, while not the best actual match (see above for my vote on that), this clash of icons was definitely the most memorable from the last decade hands down

anyone interested in starting a threat on the top 5 greatest mania matches since WM 20 (from the last 5 manias, which matches will stand out and possibly be remembered as greatest mania matches of all time!)
The Undertaker vs Edge hell in a cell has to be included

Not really. It's an entertaining Hell In A Cell match. But nothing more. What makes it stand out over the Batista/Undertaker one? Other than some really annoying visual effects that take place towards the end of the match.

The past couple of HIAC matches aren't worthy of being declared, so why should this one be?
This is a really hard decision to make. Probably because nobody can pick just one match.

Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 21 is probably my favourite match ever but people in the thread have already listed several reasons as to why it was so good.

So here's my outside choice

Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit Ladder Match at the Royal Rumble 2001:
I was a big fan of this feud and still think that it was the greatest IC title feud ever.
With ladder matches and TLC matches today there's a big focus on having multiple ladders across the ring of all different sizes. These guys used one ladder from start to finish and used it in the most incredible ways with great spots. The walls of jericho on the top of the ladder, the massive diving headbutt (that missed) off of the ladder, the sickening sound of the ladder smacking Benoits face during a 'see saw' spot, a complete cluster fuck when both men got tangled up in the ladder in the corner and fell backwards, and countless times they'd fall off the ladder onto the ring ropes or outside ring. These guys had amazing chemistry together and put on a five star classic. Their performance would only later be topped by Kane who made the 2001 royal rumble the best one ever.
I been a Wrestling Fan since I was 5. I am now 17 and know the business very well. This Match of the Decade is very hard to pick one because there has been some awesome Matches these past few years. I have always been a huge Triple H and Ric Flair fan. They both are two of the very best. I also like Shawn Michaels. My favorite Match of all time and of this decade was from WWE Badd Blood 2004 it was a end of a feud that lasted throughout 2002 until June of 2004. It was the Hell in a Cell Match between Triple H and Shawn Michaels. It was 50 minutes long of just Bleeding and Busting their asses to be the best in this business. Its one of the Matches that really made me want to be in this business.
I would say easily Triple H vs The Rock, Judgement Day 2000, 60 minutes of gold. It kept everyone interested for 60 minutes. And that completely blows my mind
I would say easily Triple H vs The Rock, Judgement Day 2000, 60 minutes of gold. It kept everyone interested for 60 minutes. And that completely blows my mind

This was a great bout, Angle -vs- Joe 2 was awesome too. Joe/Punk 2 was fold as well. There has been a ton of matches from NOAH and NJPW that could be considered too. But as far as WWF/E goes, Rock/HHH from JD was amazing.
there is quite a few matches to chose from, but as everybody has stated HBK vs Angle wm21saved that whole mania to me. hogan vs the rock wm18 i hate hogan but that match was a clash of wrestling gods!! and have u ever seen a a more hysterical crowd?

taker vs edge TLC ONS08- this match is personally one of favorites because the build up was great, they both wrestled a solid match there was twist, turns and detruction! not to mention Taker lost for like only the 12 time in 4 years!!! haha seriously this guy hasnt lost much

Hbk vs Cena- wm23 0r raw 0f 4/23/07 Hbk is as good as it gets at selling and cena works hard so you put em together and they produce classics!!!! plus as a die heart hbk fan it was great to see the showstopper headline wrestlemania one last time!!!!!

Batista vs Taker wm23- was actually my favorite world title match of the night!!! easily one of takers most entertaining mania matches.

Triple H vs Hbk vs Benoit wm20- was mf favorite mania main event of all time untill cb ruined it and basically got it erased from memory was absolutely delightful untill the very enrd not to mention Eddie and Benoit in the ring after the match.

Orton, Cena, HHH wm24- i loved the match everybody was crisp with their maneuvers and their selling of the matches and Orton, who i thought had zero chance of beaten the two top faces in the game won, in the fashion that heels should win!!! plus Cena lost at mania! something that i thought wwould never happen!!!! i was so elated to see Cena lose!!! ill never forget that match

flair vs Hbk wm24- i know im ghoing to catch a lot vof heat for this but, been the die heart michaels fan that i am i was elated to see him get in the ring against his idol the Nature boy. i loved call the promosi think they gave the match good hype they made it really emotional and seeing the man tghat i respect more than anybody wrestle the man i love more than anybody it was very emotional for me i cried like a school girl! actual in ring performance clearly not one of the best but my heart made me love it and judging by the standing ovation giving to flair the 74 thousand plus fans loved it too!

Hogan vs Michaels summerslam05 - one of only two hogan matches i can even stomach, hbk made the worst in ring wrestler of all time look solid it was entertaining and it seemed like hbk really stepped his game up for this one. and in the end hogan hits his leg drop and picks up the victory

HBK vs triple H badd blood04- 54 minute HIAC match the longest of all time its not my favorite HIAC(Taker vs mankingtKOTR98 revolutionized the industry) but its clearly the best that match had evertything and man hunter and Shawn has to be the best rivalry of all time! there was 3 pedigrees to superkicks ladders stairs and mass brutality without needing to go to the top.

Hbk vs Triple H arageddon02- Three stages of hell match, this match was so entertaining im suprised more people havent mentioned this one. i loved if from start to finish!!!

Hbk vs Triple H RR04- Last man standing match i also loved this match and once again i was captivated by the chemistry that these two man had in the ring! and man it actually seemed like they hated each other is didn't feel kayfabe. i thought michaels passing out after he knocked Hunter face off with SCM was a cheap way to have him keep the belt headin into mania but it was very entertaining to say the least
If we're talking about entertainment and pure nostalgia, I would have to go with Hogan/Rock at Wrestlemania 18. It wasn't a great match technically but it was a great match for the fans and the first few minutes were just spine-tingling.

My match of the decade would have to be Angle v. Undertaker at No Way Out 2006. This was one of the best worked matches I have ever seen. Many times I thought the Undertaker was going to tap out but he found some way to get out of the Ankle Lock. I didn't expect Kurt Angle to pin Undertaker while he was in the Triangle Choke but it seemed like a fitting ending. If they had this match at Wrestlemania, it would be above or equal to Angle/Michaels.
My match of the decade would have to be Angle v. Undertaker at No Way Out 2006. This was one of the best worked matches I have ever seen. Many times I thought the Undertaker was going to tap out but he found some way to get out of the Ankle Lock. I didn't expect Kurt Angle to pin Undertaker while he was in the Triangle Choke but it seemed like a fitting ending. If they had this match at Wrestlemania, it would be above or equal to Angle/Michaels.

Yep that's right on the money. This was definitely the match of 2006 and one of the best of the decade. What was annoying about it was that Angle and Undertaker were both used horribly at Wrestlemania afterwards. The tripple threat was way too short and Taker was in a pretty bad match with Miark Henry. For me this was the greatest match that wasn't at Wrestlemania. And my previous Ladder match post.
IMO Undertaker vs Kurt Angle - NWO 2006
Kurt vs Lesner - WM XIX
Eddie Guerrero vs CHRIS BENOIT - Vengence 2003

Edit: I believe those matches are the greatest because they were great wrestling matches you could see that they wanted to steal the show and except for Kurt vs Brock the other matches did steal the show at the ppv

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