Match of the Decade

I think it's funny how everyone love to ride Shawn Michael's dick. Amazing really...

Here are the matches that I thought of off the top of my head, in no particular order...

MITB 1 - WrestleMania 21
TLC 2 - WrestleMania 17
HBK vs. Cena - Raw 07
Cena vs. Umaga - Royal Rumble 2007
Jericho vs. HBK - WrestleMania 19
Austin vs. Rock 2 - WrestleMania 17
Hogan vs. Rock WrestleMania 18
Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus WrestleMania 22
AJ Styles vs. Chris Daniels vs. Samoa Joe - Unbreakable 2005
XXX vs. America's Most Wanted - Turning Point 2004
3 Count vs. Jung Dragons vs. Jamie Noble/Evan Karagias - Starrcade 2000

All were fantastic matches, but I'd probably say that the Triple Threat from Unbreakable is my match of the decade, just barely edging out the Six Sides of Steel tag team match from Turning point. The Triple Threat match was just incredible, and to anyone who thinks that the match from WM 20 was good, Styles, Daniels and Joe make HBK, HHH, and Benoit look like shit. Which it was.

The TNA Triple Threat from Unbreakable was just fantastic. Great spots, good transitions, a match that flows seamlessly, and builds up incredible heat.
Problem with that is that people care 100000 times more about HHH, HBK and Benoit than Joe, AJ and Daniels - whilst the match itself might have been "better" in a technical sense, so might've some match in a local indie fed with three random guys - name value and characters play a massive part - Rock vs Hogan would've been a shit match if it was between two random TNA guys.
When it comes to the triple threat between Joe, AJ, and the Fallen Angel, to me the problem has to do with where the match took place and not the competitors in it. The mention of this match was a great addition to the discussion and deserves to be there, but it didn't even cross my mind because it took place in TNA. As unfair as it may be to these three awesome wrestlers, wrestling that match in TNA hurts its "Match of the Decade" status. TNA was really hitting its stride that year with a couple great Ironman matches between AJ and CD, as well as a couple great PPV matches between AJ and Joe. They also were able to get Christian from the WWE while his star was beginning to rise to new heights. I was a believer that TNA could give wrestling fans something great to watch while the WWE was busy doing...whatever it is they do. Then over the next few years, I feel TNA was looking to get their product over just like the WWE with crappy storylines and gimmick matches. To me, they essentially became "WWE Lite." I feel that TNA no longer accentuates the different things that they do better than WWE, and in turn that hurts their product. And I'm not talking ratings or anything like that. I'm just talking on the terms of how entertaining the product is to me.

And while this match of the decade discussion is going away from WWE matches, I feel that the Dragon Gate Six Man from the 1st Supercard of Honor deserves to be mentioned.
I would have to say that any match of the decade is probably going to be between to established stars.... That being said I am stuck between alot of good matches over this period of time... although i will say that I luv the match between rock and hogan and i will always think it was the biggest come back story of all time... I will have to say that HBK vs Undertaker and Hbk vs Ric Flair were right up there aswell.... However Stone Cold vs the Rock was another great story as well as Hogan vs Vince.

But yeah so far for the match of the decade I will have to go with either Hogan vs the Rock or HBK vs Undertaker....

What I would like to metion though is have you ever looked at those matches and realized that the best matches like these ones usally have a old school wrestling motive to them and not alot of bullshit storylines or drama....

If Vince would get back to more of those kind of matches WWE will be right up on top again

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