Mason Ryan and Ryback?


Pre-Show Stalwart
As we know back in 2005 John Cena and Batista rose to the top at the same time and both won titles at the same time and Cena was the face of Raw and Batista was the face of Smackdown.

so with Ryback and Mason Ryan both young guys and are looked highly on by Vince could we see the same thing happen to these 2 which happened to batista and Cena back in 2005 and who would be bigger in your eyes?
Ryback could be a possibility, but Mason Ryans stock has seriously dropped. He has being jobbing out left right and centre. He would need repackaging and putting in a stable with some big hitters.
Ryback maybe, but he's still unproven. I'd actually prefer to see Ryback take on the role that the Big Show plays on the roster when Paul Wight retires; while he has the potential to be a big star, I doubt he'll be the main face of the company.

Mason Ryan, well, if something were to happen with him, it would've happened by now. He looks the part but brings nothing else to the table, not to mention he only appears on television about once a month, so hasn't developed any sort of relationship with the fans.
I thought Mason Ryan was going to be a part of A.W.'s stable? I think the last time he was seen was when Epico, Primo, Rosa, A.W. and himself were in the skybox (or whatever it's called) on Raw. He should rejoin A.W. (Now with Young and O' Neil as we all know.)

Anyway, Ryan has a long ways to go as he hasn't done anything noteworthy since his Nexus days. Ryback has a good chance of rising to the top though. Just please have him wrestle someone on the actual roster! Nearly three months of squashing indy wrestlers...:banghead:
Mason Ryan doesn't look like he's going to amount to anything. In fact, I figured this thread would be about using Ryan as one of Ryback's first real opponents, since the pattern for getting guys over tends to be squash matches and then short feuds with lower card guys with recognizable names and faces. Ryan would fit the bill nicely in that regard, because his size alone makes him at least feel credible against Ryback (even though everyone would know he stood no chance) for a three or four week feud with a quick pay-per-view resolution.

But yeah, I don't see these two (Ryan specifically) rising through the ranks and especially not simultaneously.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing the two of them thrown together as a team in the newly revamped tag team division. Together they could be comparable to the L.O.D. or Acolytes.
I agree with Spack actually. Them as a tag team would be a great idea and give them something to do. I'm fine with Ryback destroying jobbers for now but eventually he will have to do something else and being in a tag team would be a great way to grow as a performer for both Mason Ryan and Ryback, they could be called Mason Ryback.

They both have great looks and tons of potential, they could both use some polishing when it comes to in ring work and being in a tag team would be a great way to do that. It takes less pressure off both of them and if you put them against tag teams with good technical skills (Primo and Epico for example) it could help them learn. I think both guys have good charisma that has been mostly untapped Ryan much moreso than Ryback and overall I think it would do nothing but good for both guys.

I don't want it happening right away but instead of putting Ryback against singles wrestlers and plowing through them put him in a dominant tag team with Mason Ryan. It gives both guys a chance to dominate as they could literally have the titles in a month after being a tag team and they would be believable champs. It builds the division, it builds both guys and frankly everybody wins.
I think that both of them have great potential. With the right guidance both could be a great champion some day. However it will not be at the same time. Mason ryan needs some TV time to get over or at least something to make people remember him. Ryback has 'FEED ME MORE' and some people call him a monster. Mason ryan has nothing and people call him that guy who looks like batista.
I want to think that the real reason that Ryan is not on TV is because Creative hasnt found a good enough story line to recycle for him..........however, something tells me that there is MORE going on behind the scenes that has been kept quite. Why pay a guy GOOD MONEY to do absolutly NOTHING except workout and get ready for a HUGE run in TNA???
As we know back in 2005 John Cena and Batista rose to the top at the same time and both won titles at the same time and Cena was the face of Raw and Batista was the face of Smackdown.

so with Ryback and Mason Ryan both young guys and are looked highly on by Vince could we see the same thing happen to these 2 which happened to batista and Cena back in 2005 and who would be bigger in your eyes?

I don't mean to be Mr. Specific, but what do you mean by "young"??

Both of them are 30, which IMO is not particularly young, but maybe you mean it differently.

Anyway, to the real question behind your thread, I think Ryback has more potential (since he is no longer "Skip Sheffield"), especially with his Goldberg-esque appearance and gimmick.

I like Mason Ryan's look, but he needs a manager... BADLY. He needs to hook up with AW, and be the power man. He has a great look, but has trouble speaking clear English. They also need to keep him heel, maybe give him a cowardly big-man thing to go by, where he overpowers the other wrestler for a while but once they start coming back he leaves the ring and backs down, and goes for cheap-shots or something.

I vote Ryback.
I agree with Mason Ryan needing a manager but god ryback is boring his matches are rubbish and him even being in the raw into really grates on me. Have him go after someone or get heyman in somewhere for either of them
Ryback has done nothing but wrestle nobodys, that's not hi fault, but i think is about time to challenge him, maybe not a feud, but a good oponent, like maybe Mark Henry, or Ezekiel Jackson, or probably someone like Cody Rhodes or the Miz, just to step it up a notch, and in Mason Ryan's case, for him to get noticed without doing nothing he should be someone's body guard first, like Ziggler's body guard or Damien Sandow's body guard, and little by little get him involved in tag team matches, kind of like Test or Diesel started........
When it comes to Ryback, I think there's potential there. Ryback does have a great look, his intensity is spot on and he's not a lumbering & clumsy ox inside the ring. He's a huge man, but he has a good deal of athletic ability for a guy his size. Based on what I've read about the guy, Vince wants to stick with the Goldberg theme for Ryback. It's gotten a good response overall and Ryback looks impressive. I agree that it's time to move Ryback onto something else, at least something against a reasonable opponent. At the same time, however, it's hard to really fault WWE for taking their time with him. I'd rather they take too long with someone than rush a guy through into a program or a push before he's ready.

As for Mason Ryan, I don't think he has an especially bright future. Vince is said to be crazy about his look but he can't ignore just how limited Ryan is. With the way WWE is set up right now, especially with Triple H being in his ear, Vince doesn't go as gaga over guys with the bodybuilder look as he used to. It might be something that he personally likes in a wrestler, but Vince always goes where the money is and there's no money in Mason Ryan. He has a great physical look, but he's extremely slow, clumsy, awkward and just not very skilled in the ring.

Forming a team between these two would generate little to no interest I think. Ryback is someone that's slowly on the rise and has the potential to go somewhere while Ryan comes across as 320 pounds of dead weight that Ryback doesn't need. As others have pointed out, Ryan is someone that's already jobbed out on Superstars several times already, so that's an indicator that he's not a priority right now. Of the two guys, Ryback easily has the most potential, but I don't see him as the face of the company. He still has to be proven and it's difficult to really get on board with him without seeing him against a real opponent. As for Mason Ryan, he might look a lot like Batista but he makes Batista look like Kurt Angle when it comes to overall ability.
Did you honestly refer to Mason Ryan and Ryback as YOUNG? They're relatively new to the big time but neither of them are young. They're already thirty which is pretty old for being "new" athletes (even by wrestling standards) and both are realistically four or five years away from being a big deal, that would make them the same age as guys like Stone Cold (who got five years at the top after working EVERYWHERE for ten before getting to WWE in the mid 90s) or Mick Foley (who got three years and was similar to Stone Cold career wise, he was at least recognisable by the time he made it to WWE in the mid-late 90s) They are not young, especially when you consider the talent on the roster that they are older than and who would realistically be more valuable an investment. (This is purely a comment on age and not potential but some of these guys are already better and more over than either Ryback or Ryan)

Drew McIntyre (26)
Cody Rhodes (26)
Zack Ryder (26)
The Usos (26)
Heath Slater (28)
Evan Bourne (29)
Sin Cara (29)
Primo (29)
Ted DiBiase (29)

Hell even the guys the same age as them will likely have a brighter future, Daniel Bryan, Kofi Kingston, Alex Riley (He's got the right look and he's honestly not bad in the ring - I expect good things from him long term), and Jack Swagger.

The reality of it is that Ryback is fairly talented and has a future, IF they can find anyone willing to work with him in the ring (which according to some rumours that list is currently empty) He's been with WWE for a long goddamn time (He was in Tough Enough 4 - Y'know the season with THE MIZ) Barring an 18 month period where he was released. I'm sorry but if you've been getting training for eight years and there is STILL no-one willing to work with you questions have to be asked.

Ryan is hopeless and talentless, they introduced him too soon but in reality he is too old to go back to FCW for two or more years so he can learn to actually wrestle. Ryan is on borrowed time quite frankly and I would expect to see him get released in the near future.
Them as a tag team would be a great idea and give them something to do. I'm fine with Ryback destroying jobbers for now but eventually he will have to do something else and being in a tag team would be a great way to grow as a performer for both Mason Ryan and Ryback, they could be called Mason Ryback.

Why not chuck in Alex Riley and Zack Ryder and form stable called Ryanbackderley? Or RiRyRyRy?

They both have great looks and tons of potential, they could both use some polishing when it comes to in ring work and being in a tag team would be a great way to do that. It takes less pressure off both of them and if you put them against tag teams with good technical skills (Primo and Epico for example) it could help them learn. I think both guys have good charisma that has been mostly untapped Ryan much moreso than Ryback and overall I think it would do nothing but good for both guys.

I don't want it happening right away but instead of putting Ryback against singles wrestlers and plowing through them put him in a dominant tag team with Mason Ryan. It gives both guys a chance to dominate as they could literally have the titles in a month after being a tag team and they would be believable champs. It builds the division, it builds both guys and frankly everybody wins.

Yes, they'd be believable champions, but then there would be no believable challengers, much like when Kane and the Big Show were the tag champs. How are we as fans supposed to be convinced that David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty knocked off two super-heavyweights? Yet, it still happened. Same goes for Test and Albert way back when; a random pairing of two mid-card guys who, on paper, should've be the most dominant team in the division at the time, yet never even won one championship together.

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