Kevin Nash, for the most part has never impressed me all that much. he is/was a semi-decent in-ring worker, with good mic skills. RVD wasnt the greatest promo guy, but he could fly all over the ring, and has a fanatical fanbase.
I disagree in that I think Nash is a terrible worker. Also think that, although RVD can fly, he's a danger to those he's in the ring with.
But seriously, when the nWo took over the WCW and the wrestling ratings war, it wasnt because of Nash by himself, there were a few people that were more important to the MNW era then Kevin for instance, Goldberg, Sting, Flair, Hogan, Hall, and a fuckload other wrestlers that could actually work. all Nash really contributed to WCW was the Fingerpoke of doom
That's doing a serious dis-credit to Nash. Hall coming in was big but, like him or not, Nash was a WWF main eventer, him coming in to take over WCW was HUGE. Admittedly Hogan was bigger, but Nash was more vital to the Monday Night Wars then Flair was for sure. As for Sting and Goldberg, you could argue they wouldn't have got to the point they were at if it wasn't for the nWo, which Nash started. Also give props for Nash helping DDP get to the main event level.
Now RVD for all his stupid statements on his blog, unless it's all a work I thought they were VERY unprofessional. despite the fact that I used to mark the fuck out watching him go 45 minutes plus with Jerry Lynn, or many of his other memorable matches and feuds. but he will always be 10 times the performer Nash was.
I think most people are better then Nash was/is. Agree though, those matches against Lynn were f'n great!
QUOTE=Maestro48239;2431941]in closing, I think a lot of people are forgetting what we are wrestling fans isnt about how much money some of these guys made, its about the quality of the work in the ring. the classic feuds, and the promos.
the only thing that nash was ever better the RVD at was Promos, it sure as hell wasnt his wrestling skills. oh that and the fact he knew how to work backstage politics and kiss the right asses to get his money[/QUOTE]
I'd disagree with this too. Talent is a bonus but, let's be honest, most people became wrestling fans when guys like Hogan, Andre and Warrior were on top and in-ring talent was bottom of their list. It's the drama and promo's that get people into the arenas and, in that area. Look at some of the biggest feuds of all time. Hogan vs Andre, nWo Vs WCW, Austin Vs McMahon, Hogan Vs Warrior. The storylines behind these matches have drawn the crowds but, in general, the action hasn't matched up to it.
As for RVD, Madden is spot on about him. RVD has always been a mark for himself and his abilities far beyond the level he actually is at. Nash has been just as much, if not more, of an asshole towards talent then RVD but at least he was smart enough to do it on the sly, not right out there in public for the world to see.