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John Cena back to SD would be great! Cena was terrific on SD he never should have left in the first place. Ever since he went to Raw he has been boring and stale. And SD needs new maineventers in the title scene and a Cena/Edge feud would be awesome their last one was and also a Cena/Batista feud would be awesome too aswell.
LAWLZ, there are so many things wrong with this scenario and it's so fucking ridiculous.

As Slim said, you are going to take the biggest proven draw in the company, and take him from your "A" Show when the ratings are at the lowest point in ten years??? I've heard of some stupid shit scenarios before, but this maybe by far the worst case scenario the WWE has ever done.

This reeks of Triple H and Shawn Michaels not wanting to move to Smackdown because they feel it is the inferior show, blah blah blah. It's crap is what I say. Triple H and Michaels need to get their asses off of Raw and move it on over to Smackdown, bring all of the young good talent, and put it on Raw. You make this multi generational stable, you essentially make Raw a 35 and under brand and put the Proven Draw John Cena as the center piece.

Honestly, I would love to see Cena move to Smackdown. It would give me no reason to watch Raw whatsoever, let alone even follow it. Three dead air guys in Michaels, Triple H , and Batista can pretend they are still in their primes and fight over the belt, put the young good wrestlers on Smackdown then.
I agree, there is no ratings reason to move him across to SD, unless you send one of Smackdown's big draws across to Raw in the same deal. Let's face it, Rey Mysterio has feuded with everyone on Smackdown and could do with the new feuds a move to Raw would bring, feuds with the likes of HBK, Y2J and Jeff Hardy would be instant, spot filled ratings for Raw and balance out the merchandise void left by Cena's move. That's the only way I could see it working
im really hoping that cena goes smackdown and become a heel maybe matt is in the ring talking and cena comes out kicks a heel free-style on him and see the dr. of thuganomics reborn. maybe even build a stable called chain gang and him pick up M.V.P. 1st in helping his fued with matt or something, but seriously cena needs a heel turn they seem to be turning alota ppl face but no heel turns the only recent would be palumbo and y2j turning heel, and turning face would be what kennedy, melina, murdock, finlay/hornswaggle, D. H. Smith (for now until night of champ), bigshow (originaly came bak heel but in turn became face), and triple h never turning back heel, so i think they need some heel turns and cena in my opinion needs it the most
This reeks of Triple H and Shawn Michaels not wanting to move to Smackdown because they feel it is the inferior show, blah blah blah. It's crap is what I say. Triple H and Michaels need to get their asses off of Raw and move it on over to Smackdown, bring all of the young good talent, and put it on Raw. You make this multi generational stable, you essentially make Raw a 35 and under brand and put the Proven Draw John Cena as the center piece.

I think that the irony of this is that if Cena moves, he'll pring a good portion of the Raw fan base with him. Thus making Smackdown more viewed. There's nobody on Smackdown that really has that appeal. Batista doesn't have the catchphrases, Edge is heel, and Undertaker is quiet, old, and probably has a bigger fan base among older fans. Cena on the other hand has predominantly child fans, and Smackdown is a more child friendly show in general.

I can't see him moving though. Yeah he has been on Raw for threee years. But I don't see him as being stale. I still feel that there are planty of other feuds that could take place. Depending on the draft, there are feuds that can be had with Jeff hardy, Kennedy, MVP, Henry, Taker and others. Cena won't be moved. Others will be moved for him.
this would be one of the best decissions the wwe has ever made` cena and raw are stale now so give him a new enviorment(well its old but still new oh whatever) this would give smackdown better ratings and give others a chance at the wwe title
i think this move is good it could get the edge cena rivarly to go on before taker comes back or john cena could feud with younger guys to give some fresh matches... either way sd ratings are gonna go up which is good for every one
Cena moving to smackdown could deff. be good...but it could also be terrible.
Good for raw it will open up the main event picture there as long as they dont send batista over there then he'll become the new cena. Bad and good for SD, good because it gives people new matches and could revive the edge/cena feud...which was the biggest feud on raw in quite a while. Bad because for stars like Matt hardy, MVP, and finaly it'll push them outta the world title picture. But i could deff. see it happening but in case you havent noticed SD just got rid of Taker for bit so hey BAM he ends up on Raw.
As much as I would love to see cena on smackdown I can't help but think can you see him holding the world heavyweight championship. Isn't that why they drafted him to Raw as champion so they could have him as the WWE anf Batista as world heavyweight. So what does this mean. Will Triple H be drafted also?
This news is good and bad. It's great for Cena and great for raw. The reason it is good for cena is he can get his belt back and wont get booed as much becouse he will have a better gimmick. it's great for Raw becouse it's one less person in the ME status there is way to much at the moment. It also gives smackdown a ME'er that is all ready way over and can play a good face or heel.
It is bad for edge though. if cena is to move to smackdown he will get the top place, leaving edge to job yet again to cena. I personnaly do not like the fact Cena is moving to smackdown for that reason and also, knowing WWE he wont get changed at all so it will be the same crap cena, different show.
While I stated, and still agree, that this is a bad move by the WWE to move their top guy to the "B" show, there is one scenario I think we are missing.

As much as I want to see Shawn Michaels vs. the Undertaker in Houston Texas at Wrestlemania 25, I'm willing to say that this move, if it indeed happens, all but seals up the Smackdown main event for Wrestlemania.

If Cena moves, he'll win the title from Edge before too long, and the Undertaker will be facing him at more then likely, his last Wrestlemania. The atmosphere a match like that would create would be unmatched. Imagine, a good main event to a Wrestlemania in Houston as opposed to an over hyped and over rated main event :::Cough, wrestlemania 17:::
I see a lot of these posters saying how Cena will automatically win the WHC from Edge as soon as he gets there. From what I am understanding, that is not the case at all. Edge is one of the best things going in the WWE right now as the "Kingpin champion" of Smackdown! Taking the belt off him and giving it back to no talent Cena is a step in the wrong direction. Edge is way over with the fans, even more so when he has the belt. Having the belt back on John Cena will be seen as the same old garbage by the real wrestling fans and they will tune out.

If the do revisit the Edge/Cena feud, I think you will see Edge come out ahead this time. It is way too early in Cena's career to make him a 4 time world champion, no matter how much little kids love him. Edge has worked his ass off for 10 years and is now getting his time at the top. Besides which, Vince and the creative team love the guy. He has gotten more out of this character than I think even they thought they would.

A John Cena/MVP feud makes so much more sense to me. It will finally give MVP a main event level rivalry and should be entertaining for the fans with both individuals mic skills. As well, you could also turn Batista heel and go up against Cena in a jealousy angle.
I think it would be a good move coz SD! needs more stars when u think bout it Edge/Taker, Edge/Batista and Batista/Taker is getting too old and bringing in Cena would be a good time for taker/cena or cena/edge i think take out batista frm main event for a couple months.
I think cena could be going to smackdown. One reason why this maybe true is that I ,recently, saw a promo for the RAW survivor series UK tour. However, cena wasn't mentioned as appearing on RAW for that tour. So maybe, they are thinking of drafting him to smackdown or maybe it's just that cena will be taking time off to shoot his next movie.
Hey, I'm all up for the idea as there isn't any decent feuds on smackdown since the undertaker was 'fired'. Until he returns, smackdown needs someone who can bring some interest to the brand and cena maybe the right choice. Rey mysterio being drafted to RAW could also influence the need for cena to go to smackdown.
Finally, there isn't really any need for cena on RAW at the moment so smackdown is a definite yes for me. Also, I was quite surprised, to not see shawn michael's name advertised for the RAW survivor series tour. Maybe he could be going to smackdown too.
- It definitely looks like John Cena is heading over to SmackDown during this Monday's live draft show.

One reader works at a metal etching factory based our of Ohio. He said WWE belt maker Joe Marshall brought in what appeared to be a copy of SmackDown's World Heavyweight Championship belt 'main plate' earlier in the week. Later, one of his co-workers informed him that the job would be a little tricky, as the wrestlers on the sides, and the crown/globe were cut out on seperate pieces, with the intent of having spinning capabilities.

Going by that, it looks like the World Heavyweight Championship is going to become a spinner belt, which would indicate that John Cena is jumping to SmackDown. Vince McMahon and WWE have been promising some major changes to the WWE roster with this Draft and Cena could fall into that "major shake-up" category.

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