
Proud LSN mentee
Thank you. You were an awesome mod. I hope I can still be you mentor.

So, we have lost 2 mods in this month. First, Indyjon and now LSN.

This also means that the Hall of Fame, MMA & Boxing, and Newswire are mod free.
Comes with the turf of being a parent I guess. I hope him and his family are living the life.
I like that part though. It proves that you can count on some things.

It's the little things in life.

Just don't appoint any jackass that does it.

And while you're revising staff, kick Dagger out already, won't you? Please? I'll buy you a boulder. I know they're you're favorite.
Why kick him out and why in the world would I need one bought?

Because he's a tool and he's cramping your style.

And because this one will have your name engraved on it, and inside is a golden ticket for a Cleveland Indians world series.
1. Eh not really.

2. Quit teasing me with things that don't exist. You know there aren't boulders with names on them.
1. Eh not really.

2. Quit teasing me with things that don't exist. You know there aren't boulders with names on them.

This is how I envision the exchange of "the boulder" going down between Harthan and KB...


EDIT: I changed the video because it was stupid. This now has nothing to do with boulders. Unless we're talking about the 20-inch pythons, brother!
I did, however, say fuck you to you. My bad.
You did nothing wrong.

KB, think about all the activity generated by the last mod election. How could you possibly resist? Surely you'd love to read all the great reasons I should be mod of the Hall Of Fame section.
Sawyer should replace IndyJon as mod of MMA, and Mustang Sally should replace LSN80 on the Newswire.

And no reason to have another election. Just make Coco spam mod, end of story.
And while you're revising staff, kick Dagger out already, won't you? Please? I'll buy you a boulder. I know they're you're favorite.
Dagger has done a very good job.

And no reason to have another election. Just make Coco spam mod, end of story.

If Coco had had even a moderately decent campaign run, I'd consider it. But he didn't. So I won't.

As far as replacement mods, I don't believe we're actively looking for any in those sections right now, especially since Ty became Video Game mod. So posters can save their links to underused forums.
If Coco had had even a moderately decent campaign run, I'd consider it. But he didn't. So I won't.
I generated activity. Surely a glorified troll such as yourself can see the good in that.

Not that I'm trying to justify you giving me a mod spot. Shove it up your ass. But I'll not stay silent while my campaign is besmirched by the likes of you.

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