Looks like a Record Rating is on the way.....

Dude it's just an advertising ploy the name, doesn't really apply to sport-entertainment TNA.

yeah i know its advertising but still you get what i was saying... impact had maybe 40 minutes of wrestling on it this week... which is just horrible especially when they dedicate 10 minutes in the ring to j-wow and the douche bags.
One more very interesting note: The 1.41 doesn't include DVR ratings, which can bump ratings anywhere from 6 to 13 percent. Last week's was reported as a 1.34 but with DVR it would have been a 1.49. So this is more like a 1.65 in terms of real numbers if the DVR numbers are similar.

Great start. Now TNA needs to run with it.

TNA doesn't know how to run with the ball. They had a golden opportunity back when they went live on Mondays and failed horribly! TNA just seems to me to be a cluster fuck of politics and crappy story telling. I'll admit they put on some great matches but if you miss 2 weeks of iMPACT you tune in and become totally lost. I really don't see this "Regime" doing anything and they'll be gone within a matter of months.
Well, let's just hope they can keep it up. As a wrestling fan i want TNA to succeed, like a million people have stated on these forums beforehand competition is good for everybody involved. Rather than shitting all over a wrestling you probably haven't even watched once yet give it a chance and you might enjoy. I know i did, and now TNA is actually entertaining for me once you get past the WWE is the best barrier you will learn to enjoy TNA. Record rating, i hope so but i will truly get behind TNA if they can keep it up.
Im the same way, just like in terms of MMA im a UFC fan first but I like to support Strikeforce because when things are competitive the consumer ALWAYS wins.
If I'm not mistaken, 1.9 million is the third biggest audience in TNA history and it's only the third time iMPACT! has done a 1.4 or higher. TNA has to be quite pleased but, as a lot of people have said, it was expected given that they were coming off their biggest ppv of the year.

However, I wouldn't quite pop the cork on that bubbly just yet because we've seen lots of instances in which TNA briefly increases its audience before they lose interest. The next several weeks can be potentially important when it comes to sheer numbers on whether TNA is sustaining a broader interest in the Immortals storyline.

When you look deeper at the ratings at the quarterly hours then a familiar and a little unsettling pattern emerges. The quarter hours were: Hour 1 -1.53, 1.52, 1.41, 1.42. Hour 2 - 1.43, 1.35, 1.37, 1.23. In terms of overall ratings, hour 1 drew a 1.47 and hour 2 drew a 1.35. The first 30-45 minutes of last night's iMPACT! was the strongest portion of the show and, after it was over, the overall viewership dwindled and fell off in the second half of the show as people were switching the channel to other things. Whenever the audience for a 2 hour show shrinks rather than stablizing or increasing, then it's generally not seen as a good sign.

At any rate, TNA had a good night and the question now is can they keep this new interest up.
While the overall rating is great and shows that people were interested in the big angle after Bound for Glory, quarter hour information is in and TNA might want to be little concerned about it.

The opening quarter hour drew a 1.53 rating. That's up from the 1.16 opening quarter hour last week and the 1.25 two weeks ago.

By the end of the two hour show, they were below the rating for all but the first 15 minutes of last week's show. By the end of the two hour show, they were right back with the same number of viewers they averaged two weeks ago.

It's like the person who diets and exercises for six months to lose 15 pounds, then regains it all in two or three weeks of undisciplined bingeing.

TNA had about an hour to celebrate today - the hour between getting the total audience number of 1.9 million, up from the 1.7 million last week and 1.5 million the week before and when the quarter hour ratings came in.

TNA quarter hours went from 1.53 and 1.52 in the first 30 minutes to a 1.41-1.43 range the next 45 minutes, to a 1.35-1.37 range the next 30 minutes, and then crashed to a 1.23 in the final quarter hour.

Source: http://pwtorch.com/artman2/publish/kellerstake/article_44558.shtml

For those that didn't read the information above, it says how the show started at a very high rating, a 1.53 rating. But as the show went on, the ratings dropped considerably until ending at 1.23 final quarter hour rating.

This obviously isn't good. It seemed that a considerable amount of people lost interest as the show went on. I think this could be attributed to the severe lack of wrestling. While I did like last night's show, the hour and twenty minutes of talking or whatever was just a bit much. You have to include a couple few minute matches on the show to not overwhelm people with the talking. 6 minutes is not enough.

But aside from the falling quarter hours, TNA should be somewhat happy about the overall viewership they received as it shows that people wanted to see where the "they" angle was headed.

Damn. Someone beat me to it.
the way the ratings went down as the show went on was likely due to the lack of wrestling. but for all those that turned to something else, are they really not going to watch at all next week? I think they will be back next week when TNA will get back to more wrestling.
well any spike in ratings however small is surely welcome.it just shows that no matter how much we shit on tna's they angle it has drawn at least a bit of interest from the fans.i dont expect tna to climb up to wwe's level anytime soon but i do believe that a lot depends on how well this immortal angle is done even if the execution so far has been full of loopholes.

if this angle is well done i think we will see tna compete with wwe in the ratings depaartment by early 2013 especially if wwe does not come up with something unique and shocking
Jersey Shore is the biggest reason for the ratings drop. Some people tuned in to see Jwoww and had to wait until the second hour which by then had switched over to MTV. Then you have regular TNA viewers that tuned out because of "The Shore" itself.

So, TNA got publicity but in terms of actual viewership. It might have not worked to their liking but that's Spike TV for you.

Regardless if it was a promo-heavy show. They had to logically explain and work new storylines for the rest for the year. So, I wouldn't mind taking a ratings decline if it means sticking to the logical plan and doing what makes sense.
Good job TNA. You just gained one tenth of a point in your ratings :icon_smile:

Don't think the "THEY" storyline is gonna generate more ratings in the future though..
Fantastic news, but absolutely expected. They're coming off the biggest PPV of the year in which a highly controversial angle occurred in the closing minutes of the show with little explanation — suffice it to say, folks were interested in understanding why what happened happened at the very least.

I actually expect the next few weeks to show rather high ratings for them as well.

but but but the ending to the PPV sucked, OMG!
Rule no.1 to a successful show, doing the opposite of what the internet fans say
While the overall rating is great and shows that people were interested in the big angle after Bound for Glory, quarter hour information is in and TNA might want to be little concerned about it.

Source: http://pwtorch.com/artman2/publish/kellerstake/article_44558.shtml

For those that didn't read the information above, it says how the show started at a very high rating, a 1.53 rating. But as the show went on, the ratings dropped considerably until ending at 1.23 final quarter hour rating.

This obviously isn't good. It seemed that a considerable amount of people lost interest as the show went on. I think this could be attributed to the severe lack of wrestling. While I did like last night's show, the hour and twenty minutes of talking or whatever was just a bit much. You have to include a couple few minute matches on the show to not overwhelm people with the talking. 6 minutes is not enough.

But aside from the falling quarter hours, TNA should be somewhat happy about the overall viewership they received as it shows that people wanted to see where the "they" angle was headed.

Damn. Someone beat me to it.
hahaha look at the pathetics at PWtorch try to spin things, Is Keller still on WWE's payroll?
I dont have an issue with character development but if in 2 hrs, you cant even provide 30 mins(let alone 15) of in ring product, you shouldnt even be in the wrestling business
I was expecting more. Coming off a huge PPV with a "new direction" should have brought a pop in the ratings. Couple that with a celebrity that 12 million people tune in to watch every week and you would think the rating would be huge. Then you see that it's basically the same as the week before. I'm not so sure I'd be grinning ear to ear about it. If the ratings stay in that area, that's fine and it's certainly better than it's sub 1 ratings a few months ago. However, if people aren't buying this new direction, you could see another week or 2 of ratings in the 1.4-1.5 range and then a gradual decline. It's dangerous territory right now and it will be interesting to see where things go. As far as this week, I think TNA officials were hoping for more. It could be taken as not so good a sign.
Up .1. TNA has their big moment, their big blowoff, their big reveal, and they go up .1. What is their excuse this time? Was there some new special on the history of boxtops? Is there some preemption in Wyoming that's holding them back? What reason can they possibly give us to cover up the simple fact that not many people care about them? What are they going to throw on Impact next to try to pop the ratings?

This was it for TNA. They built up to this for over six months and fired everything they had at BFG. All they got out of this is a .1 increase in ratings. Oh and they got the third highest audience ever. This is the angle that is going to dominate their shows for at least the next three months and the big explanation pops their ratings .1 with ZERO competition. There was no baseball, no basketball, no football, no big TV debut, nothing. TNA was all that was on last night and they go up .1.

So what's the excuse this time for why they're not going up? Wait some more? Give them more time? Wait for the angle to develop some more? What? Who has to debut here to make these ratings really move? People watched the opening, they got the explanation they were looking for, and they changed the channel.

This is the status quo for TNA: they claim that something huge is coming, something happens, people watch for about two weeks and then they get bored and TNA changes everything again. Sometime soon people are going to stop watching because they're going to get tired of investing themselves in a company that is going to be interesting for two or three weeks at a time. This is it for the next few months. It's going to be Hogan and Bischoff and THEY running around owning everyone until some savior rises up and saves the day, and then we're right back where we started with no rise in the ratings of note.

So go ahead and tell me. How much more time do I need to give this angle before it gets going? I believe on average I get a response of "just be patient" or "wait until next week". It's always next time for TNA. How much longer do they need this time?
Up .1. TNA has their big moment, their big blowoff, their big reveal, and they go up .1. What is their excuse this time? Was there some new special on the history of boxtops? Is there some preemption in Wyoming that's holding them back? What reason can they possibly give us to cover up the simple fact that not many people care about them? What are they going to throw on Impact next to try to pop the ratings?

This was it for TNA. They built up to this for over six months and fired everything they had at BFG. All they got out of this is a .1 increase in ratings. Oh and they got the third highest audience ever. This is the angle that is going to dominate their shows for at least the next three months and the big explanation pops their ratings .1 with ZERO competition. There was no baseball, no basketball, no football, no big TV debut, nothing. TNA was all that was on last night and they go up .1.

So what's the excuse this time for why they're not going up? Wait some more? Give them more time? Wait for the angle to develop some more? What? Who has to debut here to make these ratings really move? People watched the opening, they got the explanation they were looking for, and they changed the channel.

This is the status quo for TNA: they claim that something huge is coming, something happens, people watch for about two weeks and then they get bored and TNA changes everything again. Sometime soon people are going to stop watching because they're going to get tired of investing themselves in a company that is going to be interesting for two or three weeks at a time. This is it for the next few months. It's going to be Hogan and Bischoff and THEY running around owning everyone until some savior rises up and saves the day, and then we're right back where we started with no rise in the ratings of note.

So go ahead and tell me. How much more time do I need to give this angle before it gets going? I believe on average I get a response of "just be patient" or "wait until next week". It's always next time for TNA. How much longer do they need this time?

wasnt it you who said that this immortal angle was full of loopholes.well that is what i guess a lot of other viewers may have guessed as well.but once again this is far from over.ok tna did the mistake they do every time.that of promoting this ppv as "the biggest thing ever".i, however, feel that their biggest moment is yet to come.for that they need to tighten up and show immortal as one of the most dominant stables in the history of wrestling.and when someone takes down immortal that will be the biggest moment in tna history

so basically im asking you to be patient and give tna some slack and not flip the lid everytime tna makes a mistake.yeah bischoff and hogan have failed once but im hopeful that they will learn from their mistakes.but i guess you dont watch much of tna either way so why the fuck did i type all this???
wasnt it you who said that this immortal angle was full of loopholes.well that is what i guess a lot of other viewers may have guessed as well.but once again this is far from over.ok tna did the mistake they do every time.that of promoting this ppv as "the biggest thing ever".i, however, feel that their biggest moment is yet to come.for that they need to tighten up and show immortal as one of the most dominant stables in the history of wrestling.and when someone takes down immortal that will be the biggest moment in tna history

so basically im asking you to be patient and give tna some slack and not flip the lid everytime tna makes a mistake.yeah bischoff and hogan have failed once but im hopeful that they will learn from their mistakes.but i guess you dont watch much of tna either way so why the fuck did i type all this???

TNA has had time. They have hired every single person you can think of to come in and make this work. For the last 9 months it's been Hogan and Bischoff and this is their big result: .1 up. That's it. Tell me, what is the big part of this angle? We've had the big reveal. What's going to make people watch? RVD vs. Hardy? Been done. Angle vs. Hardy? Hey we've done that too. What are they going to pull out next? They've had their time, they've had their chances, the place isn't coming close to cracking through the ceiling. We've been told to be patient for how many years now? How patient are we supposed to be?
TNA has had time. They have hired every single person you can think of to come in and make this work. For the last 9 months it's been Hogan and Bischoff and this is their big result: .1 up. That's it. Tell me, what is the big part of this angle?

the big part of this angle is going to be the culmination.and for that tna needs just a bit more time.for now immortal has to dominate tna like no one has before.i think this i one of those angles that should be judged by how it ends rather than the beginning.you gotta remember no one took nwo out.that was one of wcw's biggest mistakes.its a chaance for hogaan and bischoff to rectify that mistake in tna.

hiring guys was never gonna be a solution.its what you do with those guys that matters.

also just saying we havent seen hardy vs dinero much have we???;)
the big explanation pops their ratings .1 with ZERO competition. There was no baseball, no basketball, no football, no big TV debut, nothing. TNA was all that was on last night and they go up .1.

You my friend did not do your homework about what was on the same time tna wrestling was on. If you actually stopped for one sec and stopped trying to quote everyone else you would have realized there was 2 college football games on last night during it. Kansas State at Kansas was playing. Along with South Florida at West Virginia. Also there was a preseason NBA game going on as well Phoenix Suns vs Utah Jazz. So TNA had some competition no matter what lies you may spread. Why don't the people who hate TNA wrestling so much stop watching it, because its people like you who are giving it a bad name and stopping others who are interested in watching it but keep hearing its garbage from viewers like you. TNA doesn't care you hate their show. They would love it if you would just stop watching it period. Go watch your WWE pg water down program. I mean at least there you get to see this midget biting people and beating people twice his size and winning titles.
the big part of this angle is going to be the culmination.and for that tna needs just a bit more time.for now immortal has to dominate tna like no one has before.i think this i one of those angles that should be judged by how it ends rather than the beginning.you gotta remember no one took nwo out.that was one of wcw's biggest mistakes.its a chaance for hogaan and bischoff to rectify that mistake in tna.

hiring guys was never gonna be a solution.its what you do with those guys that matters.

also just saying we havent seen hardy vs dinero much have we???;)

The culmination has already happened, as in either the reveal or the explanation. Believe what you want to believe, but the peak has already happened. So we're supposed to ignore Hogan and Bischoff doing the same things over and over again because....why? Oh because they say we should right?

And WOW! Hardy vs. Dinero????? HOLY SHIT! What a match! A guy that is a a career midcarder that we're told to love now vs. a guy that can't be a big deal without WWE's machine behind him. Yeah that sounds great.

If you actually stopped for one sec and stopped trying to quote everyone else you would have realized there was 2 college football games on last night during it. Kansas State at Kansas was playing. Along with South Florida at West Virginia.

Oh yeah I can see the ratings draws here. Give me a break. If TNA can't beat this, they need to get out of the wrestling business.

Also there was a preseason NBA game going on as well Phoenix Suns vs Utah Jazz.

OH NO! NOT THE JAZZ! If you're going to use preseason basketball as an excuse, you're going to need some more effort. I mean come on. Two teams no one cares about in a preseason game is now the excuse for things going badly for what should have been one of the biggest shows ever? Really?

So TNA had some competition no matter what lies you may spread

Lies? Please. TNA should have had nothing to be worried about last night, but if you want to say two football games that mean nothing and a preseason game are competition so be it. I'll be over here in reality where I know no one cares about those things.

Why don't the people who hate TNA wrestling so much stop watching it

This right here is the ultimate copout. "If you don't like it then get out!" In other words, you're not going to try to defend your product of choice but rather just write me off by saying I don't get it and that's all there is to it. Weak.

because its people like you who are giving it a bad name and stopping others who are interested in watching it

How exactly am I stopping people from watching it? That would imply that what I say means something. If what I say means something, then it would imply that I know what I'm talking about. I say TNA isn't growing very well, but since I don't agree with you, people shouldn't listen to what I have to say. Right.

but keep hearing its garbage from viewers like you

You mean the me that hasn't missed an episode in months and the me that people seem interested in my opinions? Yeah I can see how saying the ratings aren't going up is garbage.

They would love it if you would just stop watching it period.

HOLY SHIT YOU'RE A PSYCHIC! Obviously you know how stupid I think you sound at the moment and how much I'm enjoying reading your nonsense.

Go watch your WWE pg water down program

Haven't missed an episode in years.

mean at least there you get to see this midget biting people

Unlike in TNA where the midget made out with Lacey and where people win titles by opening the right boxes and where there's a guy with stickers on his nipples and where we have 6 seconds of wrestling in 80 minutes of TV time and where ninjas kidnap a Samoan and where guys are branded by objects called Bob. Great stuff there indeed.

and winning titles.

He won one title. I'm glad I caught that so I can spread the truth because, and to quote you:

no matter what lies you may spread

people can know the truth!
I dont have an issue with character development but if in 2 hrs, you cant even provide 30 mins(let alone 15) of in ring product, you shouldnt even be in the wrestling business

Then I guess the WWE should pack up shop, they do it on almost a weekly basis, including a few shows under 20 mins

gee he made a truthful negative comment towards TNA and you assume he works for WWE.lol
He used to be on WWE's payroll genius!
And WOW! Hardy vs. Dinero????? HOLY SHIT! What a match! A guy that is a a career midcarder that we're told to love now vs. a guy that can't be a big deal without WWE's machine behind him. Yeah that sounds great.

how is dinero a career midcarder???just because he was a midcarder in wwe??? i believe he is one of the guys tna have in mind for a push.yeah he needs to improve and add a bit more seriousness to his character but he kinda has a few tools that surely a lot of people dont.one he is athletic and though not a good wrestler as yet he can surely improve as he goes along.his athleticism is surely a good thing going for him

surely he can talk on the mic.he may quite well be in the top 5 in tna right now.needs improvement here as well but he is confident and sometimes cracks good jokes too

the most important thing is he needs to add seriousness to his character.thats how most people get over

i just cant understand how guys can talk of miz as a future main eventer and caall dinero a midcarder for life
how is dinero a career midcarder???just because he was a midcarder in wwe??? i believe he is one of the guys tna have in mind for a push.yeah he needs to improve and add a bit more seriousness to his character but he kinda has a few tools that surely a lot of people dont.one he is athletic and though not a good wrestler as yet he can surely improve as he goes along.his athleticism is surely a good thing going for him

surely he can talk on the mic.he may quite well be in the top 5 in tna right now.needs improvement here as well but he is confident and sometimes cracks good jokes too

the most important thing is he needs to add seriousness to his character.thats how most people get over

i just cant understand how guys can talk of miz as a future main eventer and caall dinero a midcarder for life

Gee I don't know. Maybe because he was in the midcard for his whole career until he had one PPV main event?

i believe he is one of the guys tna have in mind for a push.yeah he needs to improve and add a bit more seriousness to his character but he kinda has a few tools that surely a lot of people dont.one he is athletic and though not a good wrestler as yet he can surely improve as he goes along.his athleticism is surely a good thing going for him

So in other words he's Shelton Benjamin but the TNA version? Got it.

surely he can talk on the mic.he may quite well be in the top 5 in tna right now.needs improvement here as well but he is confident and sometimes cracks good jokes too


All better than Dinero. He's not in the top 5 or really even close to it.

the most important thing is he needs to add seriousness to his character.thats how most people get over

Yeah Rock and Hogan were both ULTRA SERIOUS when they got over.

i just cant understand how guys can talk of miz as a future main eventer and caall dinero a midcarder for life

You mean the Miz that has slowly risen up the card to the point where he has awesome heat on him and is getting better and better in the ring while getting bigger and bigger wins? Yeah I don't see how he's getting close to the main event either.

Again, maybe because he's been in the midcard all his life?

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