RAW suffers lowest rating in 2 years...Orton as champ to blame?

Randy Orton is a better wrestler then Bill Goldberg so thus he is better then Goldberg all around. Goldberg sucked then and sucks now, Orton's current gimmick is his best since legend killer gimmick few years ago.
Orton was barely on raw he was on the opening segment. He is very over with the crowd he gets huge props. To blame him is ridiculous. Raw ratings have been on a steady decline. Cena vs Barrett was the main event.

Now that monday night football is back the wwe needs to step up its product as a whole or they are going to lose more viewers.
Okay, so I didn't read the entire 6 pages. I know this has been said already, so just replying it I guess.

How can you expect the WWE to have good ratings on the first Monday Night Football of the year? I mean serious. Even I only caught part of RAW, due to watching MNF. It's going to be the same thing if there is a Hockey game on Monday night during the season. I'll watch that over RAW. It has NOTHING to do with Orton at all.
It has nothing to do with Orton being champ. Fans are souring on this idiotic GM storyline, nobodys coming out of nowhere and becoming top contenders, and not to mention the same old script week after week after week. I don't think anything else needs to be explained, WWE has lost all creativity. Not to mention that they allow the inmates to run the asylum.

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