Long Term Face Stable


Last Man Standing
This is my first thread so bear with me. Over the years we have been over run with heel groups and stables like NWO, DX, Legacy, Evolution, The Ministry and so on. My question is why have there been so many heel stables that have run so long but we really don't see many face stables. Right now you have TNA Frontline and the only real face stable but they are constantly in fighting. Why can heels come together in wrestling and work toward a common goal without the in fighting, but if it's a face group it takes less then six months for them to start fighting each other. Look at the current Triple H Batista Shane McMahon pairing, it took a week for them to start falling apart when put together as a team. My question is could a face stable come together and make it long term? And if so who would be the best people to bring together for it?
One of the reasons that a face stables don't work, imo, is because the way stables are done doesn't support faces. Stables are about having the numbers game on your side. If HHH, Cena, and Batista made a stable to fight Legacy then maybe that would work b/c neither team has the advantage, atleast in numbers. But if those three teamed up just to face Randy Orton, orton would be getting his ass kicked every week by those three and that isn't really a face thing to do.

I want faces to have the me against them mentality. Sure they can get help every once in awhile, ex Cena and Cryme Tyme vs JBL and Legacy was fine. But what happens when Orton starts losing a match? Legacy comes out and beats up the good guy. The crowd boos and every cheers if the face fights back.

I think that a faces mentality should be I want to beat you fair and square, one on one, where a heel is going to do whatever to get the win. I guess what I'm trying to say is that a heel faction uses numbers and will win anyway they can, while a face uses the crowd and wants no doubt that he is better.
Simply put, face stables are boring. What makes stables interesting is how much you want them to fail. It would be extremely boring to see the faces in power week after week. What makes the MEM v Frontline feud barely enjoyable is that the MEM is a pretty badass stable. I can't think of one good face stable other than DX (HHH, X-Pac, NAO, Chyna) and they were only good because they were feuding with larger heel stables (Nation, Ministry, Corporation)
This is true, I didn't consider at the time that the biggest draw of a stable is the wanting to see them stopped, so in the event that a face stable were to form the only true way for them to get over long term would be for them to turn heel along the way.
I actually would love to see a face stable in the WWE, but I'm not sure if it would work. A large percentage of stables in the WWE have been heel stables. Most of which have been to help the leader cheat to win matches. If a face would have a stable behind them helping them win match after match, fans would think it's cool at first, but after a few weeks, they'll start hating them. Evolution, La Familia, The Legacy... all heel factions. The only stable that I can think of is Dx and they were only faces for a short period of time. Also, when they were faces, they did less helping Triple H and more helping themself.

I think that the only face that could have a believable stable would be John Cena. I liked the group of ''Cryme Tyme Cenation'', but due to Cena's neck injury, the team was cut sohrt. Now that Cryme Tyme was drafted to Smackdown, it doesn't seem that WWE has plans to re-ignite it.
There are two reason heel stables exist. The first is to dominate for months or years before the big babyface comeback happens and the company makes a ton of money off it.

The second is to build talent up to main event level i.e. Batista and Orton by letting them find and grow into their character, giving them good experience on the mic and giving them the rub from the leader.

Babyface stables cannot really provide either of these and they usually only exist temporarily for the babyface comeback against the heel stable.
Agreed. Face stables are awful and not entertaining at all. Nobody wants to see John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, and etc... running around together fighting for what's right and just in the WWE and in the world. That would be so friggin boring. Now granted I think it would work if done right, but that's not saying much. Things done right... usually work... no matter what it is.

I personally can't even remember a face stable in wrestling at all. DX does not count because those were not the creative intentions of DX. You were supposed to hate DX but you just couldn't because they were so damn good at what they did. Actually, the one I can remember that was solely together to fight the "bad guys" was the nWo Wolfpac. But since that obviously stemmed off the idea of the nWo, the biggest heel faction in history, that could be argued.

It's the single solo faces that battle the heel factions to dismantle them or have them turn on each other because of things being done by the faces that frustrate the heel faction members. Anyway... face factions and stables are just a bad idea. It's like having too much of a good thing...or something.
The Union!

I think they managed to get a crowd sign once.

Yeah its always better for single faces to battle heel factions, that way theres more to overcome and you can tease the babyfaces making friends to have tag matches against the heels. People loved seeing Rock and Austin team up when DX were heel in 2000.
Face stables wouldn't work unless it was for a PPV against a strong heel group. Other than that they just don't work. The faces are usually solo and don't need extra help getting things done. Great heel factions will always be the best. The only situations I can think of where some factions worked out well as a face were The Wolfpac and DX but that's only because they each had heel stables to feud with like nWo Hollywood and the Nation of Domination and Corporation.
The only way I see a face stable working out is if they are facing a heel stable. I'll use the more recent DX and Rated RKO as an example. Sure you can say that neither of them were really a stable, and more or less tag teams even thought Lita was with Rated RKO for a time, but the fact of the matter is if the WWE added someone to Rated RKO say... somebody like Jericho (yes I know he wasn't there at the time I'm just sayin as an example) and added someone like say Cena to DX. Then you have a face vs heel stable feud that would work out very well due to the fact that all of those guys have at least a little history with one another, and can perform well together. Heel stables work so well on their own I think largely based on the fact that they are unpredictable. Often times they'll engage in attacks such as Evolution used to do where they come out of nowhere for no particular reason, beat the crap out of someone and leave... Face stables obviously would not be able to do that and keep fan favoritism that long. Even if the face stable were to act like vigilantes and jump the bad guys... Well they would look the same as a heel stable which I don't think WWE really wants to see. Outside of that face stables would probably preform much like the newer version of DX does. Making jokes, having fun, but generally not make much in the way of big impacts on the show.

A face stable is only entertaining if they have a heel stable to fued with. Simple as that.

Heel stables can get by without a face stable to challenge it because they're all about dominating the company, destroying anyone that gets in their way. They're always doing something get ahead, and that keeps them interesting. Plus if the stable gets stong heat, people want to see someone step up and challenge them.

A face stable without a heel stable could be pretty lame. First of all, it'd be weird because faces are usually about winning on their own. A reason for having a stable is so it's members can help each other win matches, which is a heelish thing to do because it's not fair. Besides, what would the stable really do as a group? As faces, I doubt they'd want to take over the company or anything like that. So they'd basically just be a group of singles guys who say their in a group, but they win matches on their own.

Imagine it like the Justice League and, I dunno, some random bad guy group since I can't think of a real one (sorry comic fans). Which is really the more entertaining on their own? Without a bad guy group, the Justice League would just sit around doing nothing. But bad guy groups are always coming up with shit to do. Not to mention that heels are generally more entertaining than faces.
Nature of the beast. Look at the great faces of wrestling in the last 20 years. Hogan, Austin, Rock, Cena, Sting..., even AJ Styles in TNA stood tallest by himself.

The only significant face stables I can think of that succeeded is the Von Erichs and DX. But the Von Erichs reached the height of their popularity when they faced off with a heel faction. DX (as faces) had heel teams/stables to feud with. Even tweeners like the WolfPack had a heel stable to feud with.
Face stables don't work usually...but what about mid-card face stables?
Here is my stable...
Santino Marella
Mr. Kennedy
Kofi Kingston

Yes, a completely unlikely stable, I know. It makes no sense. But check this out...
What if Vickie announces that WWE is making some cut backs, and only those who truly deserve to stay, made the cut. She calls out Santino and Mr. Kennedy, and tells them that they do the least. Santino does nothing but cross dress and crack jokes, and Mr. Kennedy...Kennedy can't seem to stay healthy...ever. She tells them that they are both being watching "very closely." Santino starts to make a joke about Kennedy, but he decks him and tells Vickie "Were you watching THAT."
Later on, Kofi loses a match and Vickie tells him the same thing. The next week it's Santino/Kennedy/and Kofi vs. Big Show and Chavo Guerrero. Kofi and Santino take out Chavo, but Big Show beats down Kennedy. In the end, Santino makes the save, and takes out Show somehow. After the match Kennedy realizes that Santino saved the match for him, and shakes his hand. The talk later and realize they need to stick together if they want to impress management.
This would spawn many many segments where Santino and Kennedy would both get on the mic and try and one up each other and Kofi would sit there and shake his head until they were done. I wouldn't even mind if Santino and Kennedy became Tag Champs for a bit. They would be hilarious trying to constantly one up each other on the mic. Santinooooooo....Marella....Marella...Marella....Marella.

This probably wouldn't really work, but I think it would be funny and a good way to use three guys that aren't really being used effectively.
I would like to see a Face/Heel faction on one brand and have them battle it out until Survivor Series. Then the leaders take it further

Leader: HBK or even (Yuck, hate saying this) John Cena, they could feud with the champ, HHH great choice if he goes heel. If not, Randy Orton would be another great match to see at WM 26.

Tag Team: Kennedy and The Miz, these two talkers would have some good comedy sketches, get the titles from Colon Bros.

Muscle: Festus, he needs a good singles push in the Mid card level, maybe become US champ.

Up and Comer: Would love to see Evan Bourne in this position. Bring back the Cruiserweight Championship for him. He could feud with Chavo, Kofi.

Leader: Matt Hardy

Tag Team: MVP and Kofi Kingston, would like to see these two in a heel stable, would be interesting on how Kofi plays a heel.

Muscle: Ezekiel Jackson, a large guy who needs to show he can handle singles competition.

Up and Comer: Ted DiBiase, he's got the look, talent and mic skills that can help him further with character development.
Posted this one in the "perfect faction" thread jus a second ago, but it fits here as well....

John Cena (Leader/Champ)
Cryme Tyme (Tag champs)
Mr. Kennedy (IC champ)

Cryme Time Cena was already WAY over, til they dropped that angle when cena got hurt, and kennedy in there, the mic work would be EPIC from all 4, they would be WAY WAY over with the crowd, and a Face facton can work, its just different they dont jump people there just there to watch each oters back, and even though its not for us the main purpose is to sell good ol vinnie mac some merchandise...lol! and these 4 would move merch like no other before them!

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