Live Discussion: RAW 3/31/2008

I won't.

I'll be here pointing out the fact that he cried Saturday night and last night. Don't you think after knowing for 5 months when his last match was going to be, and then have two nights to celebrate it, he'd be cried out.

I hope so.

Ok i mean Slyfox thanks for ruining wrestling and this moment for all of us who actually care and have a passion for this business and what Ric Flair Meant to it.

Oh and by the way Sly......That Was A Shoot.
Ok i mean Slyfox thanks for ruining wrestling and this moment for all of us who actually care and have a passion for this business and what Ric Flair Meant to it.

Oh and by the way Sly......That Was A Shoot.
Stop before sly eats you alive.
I know wrestling isnt real. why do you watch it???? if all you do is rag on it. Its your prerogative to bash it all you want but why continue to watch it if you hate all the guys in it? is it because Hogan isnt here to squash everyone he comes into contact with. is it because Warrior isnt here to give an Epic promo about the moon colliding with the stars so he can have a colonoscopy? I watch wrestling so i can release myself from reality and i have a great respect for every single person to ever lace up a pair of boots including hogan and warrior because they were there doing it to entertain>
I know wrestling isnt real. why do you watch it???? if all you do is rag on it. Its your prerogative to bash it all you want but why continue to watch it if you hate all the guys in it? is it because Hogan isnt here to squash everyone he comes into contact with. is it because Warrior isnt here to give an Epic promo about the moon colliding with the stars so he can have a colonoscopy?

I watch wrestling so i can release myself from reality and i have a great respect for every single person to ever lace up a pair of boots including hogan and warrior because they were there doing it to entertain>
So I'm guessing you were shedding tears when Bastion Booger announced his retirement?
i wasnt shedding tears because Bastion Booger announced his retirement but i respected what he did even if it wasnt that much.

But Flair is different he went out night after night the last seven years and stil lhad good matches and some better than most of the guys on the roster.

Even at his age Flair consistently put on better matches now than Hogan ever had.


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