Live Discussion: RAW 1/28/2008

Right well on that note now we know Cena will be the defending WWE champion heading into WM who is he going to superman defend it against?
Lolz, Cena wins the belt at NWO only to win again at Mania. How shit is that?

It's shit, but at the same time, it's essentially what they did with Edge.

Edge returns at SS, screws Taker.
Edge wins title at Armageddon
Edge wins at RR

Cena wins RR
Cena wins @ NWO

But would that make...Cena vs. Cena at WM, since he won the RR? Does someone else get his title shot, only to lose? Does Cena fight himself? Lol...
Evening all... Uhh so lemme get this straight... Cena is fighting Orton at NWO now? probably vs HHH at Mania?
It's been too long since I got to hear some dragon diva commentary. Is is just me or does mickie look a little like Molly Holly used to

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