Live Discussion: Commercial Free Raw 6/22/09

you would be rebelling pretty harcore Blade, by not nit picking every little stupid fucking thing that effects nothing in the universe, and just enjoying the motherfucking wrestling show

I know, I'm a new evolution of wrestling fan... One that enjoys the show...
the picking of nits.

im going to start taking down a nightly nit picking bitching about asinine shit list tonight goes

1. cena's new gear
2. people getting new theme music
3. SD being on this show for one match
4. the order of the matches

Wait, you forgot about the bitching that went on about Umaga and Kennedy being gone while Hornswoggle and Goldust still get weekly appearances.
Damn. I missed them.

Orton better not lose tonight or he's done.


you know what i could really use right about now?

If cole could tell me wether there was gonna be commercials or not....

It's like he can only remember one fact about the show, and therefore has to repeat it endlessly to look smart "it's the 800th show" "commercial free" "three hour special", great, I get it you tool.
It's like he can only remember one fact about the show, and therefore has to repeat it endlessly to look smart "it's the 800th show" "commercial free" "three hour special", great, I get it you tool.

And some chicken. Which is GRILLED....

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