Lita and Edge splitting

Dannygurl1097 said:
Lita look like a man anyway. Ol ugly heffa! Edge can do better than that, even tho I don't like him either!

Please add something productive to the topic.. That coulda been left out.. If your not gonna add something that'll further the discussion.. Just keep your comments to yourself.. This isnt a warning.. But next it will be.
Well, it was announced on that they will be announcing matches for SS on, not on the seperate brands. I think this could change how Lita goes.

Flames Out
Or, they could have Lita cheat on Edge with Orton. That way they could split up Rated RKO too, maybe even set up an Edge/Orton fued.
Oh shit. That'd be pretty good too!

That match Orton and Edge had at Vengeance a year or two ago was awesome, and I would love to see it again. However, I think they're a great team, too.

I wonder however, if Lita would be opposed to the idea, because it would make her look like an even bigger hoe then she is/ WWE makes her look.
i agree with nahbrah... randy is gonna have a role in this break-up. edge & randy party all night long and leave lita in the dark or edge cheats on lita orrrrr randy talking to edge about lita pretty much doing squat for the 'rated rko' team (except interfering). who knows, really! guess we'll have to stay tuned :)
jsn23 said:
i agree with nahbrah... randy is gonna have a role in this break-up. edge & randy party all night long and leave lita in the dark or edge cheats on lita orrrrr randy talking to edge about lita pretty much doing squat for the 'rated rko' team (except interfering). who knows, really! guess we'll have to stay tuned :)

I really dont see Randy having a part in this break up. Cause I think that it would add too much more to the storyline when they wouldnt have ample time to complete it. I think that if they were going to do that there would have been some signs already. I mean Lita isnt suspiscious, they dont show edge with any other girls. I just dont see it happening
i hate divas. especially when ur at the event, the matches are so boring. i hope (which will never happen) its lita, mickie, and all the divas vs big show, cena, DX, orton, edge, umaga, kane, and taker in a hell in the cell. once again, i hate divas
Seriously, though, who do you think's gonna turn on who? Will Lita turn on Edge or will Edge turn on Lita? And, I do think Orton will play a major role in the upcoming split.
Neither. It doesn't seem like any of them will turn against the other right now. They showed them coming together still, and I think they've been around for too long to just see a random split.

Flames Out
iam not going to say anything better about this one,coz i dont like edge.if they r splitting means,its ok.both are heel.
I am wondering what will become of Edge and Orton though. They won't cooperate forever. With rumors of Lita leaving the WWE, one might think she will either A. betray them both and go out as a face, or B. betray one or the other and have that person end up being a face.

I think it would only make sense for the future. It's bound to happen...Randy and Edge will fight each other alot. They are Egomaniacs and thats too good a fued to pass up IMO....
im actually happy thats going to happen, i think edge can cheat himself through a match and it would be interesting. i absolutely adore Lita, but she doesnt need that, you know what she should do? talk with the hardys, and somehow form team xtreme one more time before she leaves.
I was suspicious this past Monday when Eric Bishoff was gm...i thought in the main event Lita would have something to do with Edge & Orton losing. But, i guess i was wrong. I have a feeling it might happen anytime now. I wouldn't like to them just quietly split...i would love to see Lita screw over Edge and get the fans to love her once again (not that they don't), but to just remind us, she's the awesome Lita we always loved. And then, she would be able to leave as a face. I was thinking something like Lita becoming face and then she defends her title against Mickie...and Edge comes in spears Lita (she suffers a kayfabe injury) and Mickie wins the womens title. I would most like to see that happening. Even though im gonna miss Lita and wouldn't want to see her leave that sounds most realisitic because i doubt WWE will give Lita the great retirement, Trish Stratus story type of thing as a way to leave, which imo is wrong. Well no matter how it goes, i just want to see Lita and Edge soon as possible!
I might be the only person to say this but, I'm going to miss the Lita/Edge pairing on TV a lot. They made such a great heel couple on Raw and it'll be a big change to not see them anymore.

Flames Out
Yeah itll be sad to see lita go, I just hope that the wwe give her the send off she deserves and dont do something stupid like make her join the kiss my ass club then throw her out in a dumpster
It's not just sad that Lita's leaving but I wonder how much of a differenace it'll be to Raw with the split of Edge and Lita. Not a lot of people realize this but, I think Lita and Edge made great heels on Raw together and it'll be sad to see that go too.

Flames Out
Yeah that's true. In any's gonna be sad to see her go, but all im hopeing for is to see her with the sendoff she deserves. But it would be great to see her go as a face...and as the Lita everyone has loved since day 1.
I think that Lita will turn face on Survivor Series and cost Edge and Orton team lost to DX team...
with the hardys reunititing at survivor series in the same match with Edge and Orton, maybe thats when she'll turn on Rated RKO and help team Extreme eliminate Edge, then they should have Matt Hardy get the pin, that would be fukin cool as hell, I could see Orton comeing in and RKOing her afterwerds, nmaybe have that be the first elimination of the match too, just to make it more of a shock
sp79 said:
I think that Lita will turn face on Survivor Series and cost Edge and Orton team lost to DX team...

that very well could happen seeing how edge and orton have bischoff and lita on their side and dx has no one. lita could be the tide turner in the match, and right when it looked like dx was screwed lita will probably step in and screw rated rko.
I would love to see that happen! And it makes was reported her contract expires 12/1...which means the RAW after survior series would be her last appearence, = (, which makes sense, she would screw them over at Survior Series...and then there is some big RAW main event and Lita gets involved and gets "injured" from Randy or Edge. I see that happening. Oh man, i can't wait. Im going to miss her. = (
I'm gonna miss her, too. Lita will always be my favorite diva, no matter what.

BTW, I think Edge is gonna turn on her.
I don't want to see Lita go as a face, suprisingly. I've really liked her as a heel diva, and would rather see her not turn against Edge. But, it'll probably happen like that.

Flames Out
I don't see them doing a retirement match for Lita as she is a heel but I do see them making her turn on Edge and costing him a match or something and then she cuts a promo that says she is sick of Edge and the WWE and that she is leaving. Although that could give Edge a little less heat so they probably won't go down that road. And BTW, surely if Edge and Lita are dating Edge could do better. Yeesh!

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