Let John Cena end the Undertakers streak.

I think that the idea itself isnt bad, but its a bit pointless. If they were to have Taker lose at Mania (which they wont) then it should be a younger guy that would be propelled into ME status, not a established top star in the WWE like John Cena, (though this would generate soooooo much heat).
I like the idea, but its the streak! I dont think the streak should ever be broken. Plus WWE would probably realise how much money in merchandise they would lose then have him cut a cheesy promo the following night on RAW about how he snapped etc and be exactly where he was before mania.

Plus it wont make Cena into anything more than he already is. If you want him to matter outside of the WWE world then he needs to be involved in the celeb thing, like he was with K-Fed, maybe he should have been in trumps corner at Mania 23, saving Cena v Umaga for then. Cena is already a multi-time champ, he is already the biggest star they have.

Takers streak has been made so sacred now that he must face only a select few at Mania because it creates the interest of whether the streak will end or not, like this years mania, but it would be wasted on a guy like HHH or Cena and a younger guy isnt 'worthy' of ending it.

They should do the best thing and keep it intact, Taker probably only has a few manias left in him so he could have HHH, Cena and Sheamus to keep the interest going, then maybe after a couple of years a comeback against a new fully fledged top guy like DiBiase.
Hell naw, Cena is already over enough as it is. The only way i would want him to beat the streak is for him to come out like a massive massive heel, and he doesn't seem to want that.
I would love to see Undertaker fight John Cena at Wrestlemania, but the streak would stay intact. Many, many people would be angry and livid in the streak ended. And with the Cena haters out there, there could be riots. Undertaker's streak is a main attraction to Wrestlemania, if not THE attraction. The streak is currently 18-0. Such a achievement shouldn't be blemished and let the Undertaker retire with the streak intact. WWE could then bill someone to try and replicate it. Have a new WWE star not break the streak, but try to surpass it. An interesting concept, but not likely to happen.
NO steak should not be broken by any one not Cena, not orton, not by any legend, not by a young talent, not by Devil himself. I mean look at the things that's been online against the streak and nothing has been able to get it done, even HBK's career couldn't overcome The Streak.

There are a thousand ways to turn Cena Heel but ont in any case it should be on the expense of the Greatest run in Sport Entertainment.
I'm a firm believer of feeling that the Undertaker's streak does not deserve to be dropped to a guy that has nothing to gain from it.

A guy like Randy Orton, Edge and to a degree, even Shawn Michaels. All of them had opportunities to gain from being the guy who defeats the Undertaker for the very first time at Wrestlemania. John Cena, does not.

Cena is going to go into the Hall of Fame. There is likely little doubt the others will be there as well, but Cena is in a very similar class to that of Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin. He's the top name in the Company right now. He's the guy who is more or less the face of the Company. So to have him win against a guy who hasn't lost at Mania, will add little to his already huge list of accomplishments.

The Undertaker ONLY has this as his last big achievement. His last big moment, that lets him stand out and be viewed as something more than just a gimmick. To have Cena, of all people, defeat him - would only hurt the Undertaker worse than it could ever help Cena by winning. If anything, the Undertaker needs to defeat John Cena at Wrestlemania to help continue to prove the streak is legit and not just against a huge list of random names, with a handful of actual top talent.

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