Lesnar and Jericho altercation


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Sources tell Pro Wrestling Sheet that Jericho was acting as a locker room leader who truly believed Brock had attacked Randy Orton during the main event, and Y2J was looking for answers.

The Sheet was told Chris was repeatedly asking for clarification from everyone in the Gorilla position, but wasn’t getting answers because backstage footage was still being shot by crew members.

Brock, however, heard Jericho say this was “bullsh*t” and loudly told the longtime wrestler that this was none of his business. That set Y2J off and he continued asking questions, causing Lesnar to push him. When that happened, Jericho rushed in and tried getting face-to-face with The Beast.

We’re told Brock kissed him on the forehead at that point … then said, “kiss me back, p*ssy.”

Our sources say Jericho didn’t back down though. He actually stepped up and got in Lesnar’s face, ready to fight. But Brock responded, with his arms behind his back, saying “hit me or kiss me, bitch” … causing everyone in the area to swarm in and break them apart, including Triple H.

Things didn’t calm down though, and Vince McMahon eventually rushed in to usher Brock away, while yelling at Chris to be more professional. Jericho fired back at his boss, saying Lesnar was the unprofessional one who started “shooting” on his co-worker … to which Vince replied, “It’s a work! What’s wrong with you?!” implying the blood job was planned in some way.

Shortly after, the two sides went their separate ways backstage.

One source tells us they believe Jericho had all the right intentions, but many believe he handled things completely wrong due to his role as one of the longest tenured members of the roster.

First off I find this absolutely hilarious. I can't decide whether Jericho is in on it and working us all with Lesnar, Vince and Triple H.

If he isn't then the guy is an idiot. He has been worked and like the rest of the smarks, he is probably furious that he got worked!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Anyone who thinks Lesnar's attack on Orton was legitimate is an idiot. I am surprised Jericho fell for it, but then again not surprised if that 'conflict' was a work. Lesnar would destroy Jericho within a matter of seconds...
If this leads to Lesnar/Jericho then since they are both RAW superstars the next time these guys can go at it would realistically be Hell in a Cell which is a RAW PPV this year or they could save it until Survivor Series
That's just one account in particular. Though the basics are the same. I don't blame Y2J. He's not an idiot. He knows when he sees a work and when he sees a shoot most of the time. The fact that the blood was so bad, no one would answer him, and Brock got physical about it all needlessly escalated the situation. The no blood rule's been around a while, and Jericho's actually been fined for it. So yeah, when no one is answering him and Brock's being a dick, why wouldn't he think something was wrong? Could he have handled the situation better? Yeah. But Brock sure as hell could have too. And props to Y2J for facing Lesnar and not backing down, the balls that would take.
But still after that after this incident it either ends up in Jericho being in the dog house with Vince or they build this into an actual program this time around with Lesnar/Jericho
That's just one account in particular. Though the basics are the same. I don't blame Y2J. He's not an idiot. He knows when he sees a work and when he sees a shoot most of the time. The fact that the blood was so bad, no one would answer him, and Brock got physical about it all needlessly escalated the situation. The no blood rule's been around a while, and Jericho's actually been fined for it. So yeah, when no one is answering him and Brock's being a dick, why wouldn't he think something was wrong? Could he have handled the situation better? Yeah. But Brock sure as hell could have too. And props to Y2J for facing Lesnar and not backing down, the balls that would take.

Jericho needs to mind his own business. Who the hell does he think he is? He should have spoken to Orton before he got into Lesnars face and started throwing acquisitions around.

If Vince says it was a work, it is a work. WWE have exposed Ortons injuries for the last two days. If this was a legitimate attack they would have brushed it under the carpet and suspended Brock. I dont care what anybody says, Brock may be the golden boy but he is not bigger than the company.
I could understand the moment of WTF when Orton's body went limp and blood pooled from his head, But the attacks afterwards should have cemented the "work" in Jericho's mind.

The whole afterward altercation is on Jericho. He is just a peasant in a world of kings. Not sure why he thinks he is entitled to know the ins and outs of anything else.

Jericho vs Lesnar is stupid, what would the point be? Oh I guess that no longers matters with all the smarks and morons that now call themselves wrestling fans. Ooo look steroids made him big...let me cheer. Orton v Lesnar was pointless, boring and another crap show match by lesnar.
Jericho needs to mind his own business. Who the hell does he think he is? He should have spoken to Orton before he got into Lesnars face and started throwing acquisitions around.

If Vince says it was a work, it is a work. WWE have exposed Ortons injuries for the last two days. If this was a legitimate attack they would have brushed it under the carpet and suspended Brock. I dont care what anybody says, Brock may be the golden boy but he is not bigger than the company.

He thinks he's the locker room leader. And he isn't wrong. Jericho's the biggest vet in the locker room right now. Asking questions doesn't give Brock an excuse to get physical. That's a dick move, and there's no excuse for it. There IS an excuse for what Jericho did. Being concerned for one of the boys isn't an awful thing. I know it's a work. We all know it's a work. But in the moments after the match, you can see why someone might be in doubt given how bad blood was, no one backstage was able to answer that question other than Vince, and Brock got aggressive really fucking fast.
If reports are to be believed, Jericho didn't say boo to Brock until Lesnar initiated the altercation. Brock came back, heard Jericho say the word "bullshit", and got his panties all bunched up. When Jericho continued to question him, Brock shoved him and Jericho refused to back down.

Jericho's the locker room leader. Much like Taker used to wait in gorilla after an iffy finish or moment back in the day, that's Jericho's job now and he takes it seriously. Had someone just told him it was a work and the planned finish, this never would have happened. Blame goes to everyone including HHH who was apparently there and should have shut this down immediately.
The whole incident aside, this is another prime example of what a piece of garbage Brock Lesnar really is. He has said on multiple occasions that wrestling and it's performers and it's fans mean nothing to him. Anyone with any kind of maturity would have had a conversation and cleared up any confusion about the match. But not Brock. He would the opportunity to be a bully against someone half his size. Let's say for the sake of discussion that Jericho was out of line for what he did. Lesnar calling him a bitch and a pussy was nothing more that bully tactics. Of course Brock would have kicked his ass, and he knew it. Hats off to Jericho for not backing down. I get why Vince took Brock's side. He had no choice. If he doesn't kiss his ass, Brock will just stop showing up. That doesn't make him right.
Why should Randy Orton need anyone to stick up for him? It's not like the guy is Xavier Woods or Heath Slater.

Why does Jericho deserve answers from management? He's not part of booking, creative, writing, HR, or the ring crew that has to clean up the blood.

Who made Jericho the locker room leader? He is a part timer with a reputation for being a whiny hot head. He is also sitting at about the 40th percentile of physically imposing talent.

Then again, why wouldn't management or Brock just tell him what was going on?

Everyone sounds stupid and dickish in this situation. Jericho is just lucky Brock didn't cut him open as well.
Jericho is an idiot. To even get in Brocks face proves it enough. He would have had his ass handed to him.. All over falling for angle...lol
Obviously Jericho never got the memo that wrestling is fake.

He needs to step back and avenge his loss to Fandango at WM, only then he can come face to face with the mega-stars such as Brock.
LOL at all these snarky Clowns in here talking shit about Jericho's credentials and actually seeming to be MAD at him. LMAO. Wow. Monumentally stupid shit in here, guys. I remember when one of the mods told me the level of discourse on this forum was meant to be kept at a high level. LOL. This shit getting to be trash now.

Jericho is the most experienced guy by far, an outspoken leader type, and truly cares about the business. And we've got idiots in here trashing him for that.

Sounds like it could've been cleared up real easily, and sounds like Brock was being an antagonizing bully ******** for no good reason, and things escalated. Whether Brock would've kicked his ass is irrelevant as to who was right or wrong. We already know Jericho isn't afraid of things like that based on him stepping to Goldberg in the past physically, stepping to HHH verbally, etc. He's always stood up for himself regardless. Some of y'all too meek and cowardly to understand that.
I don't think the backstage altercation is a work, it has a mix of insider terms being fired back and forth, and Jericho is a heel, this makes him out to be way too baby face if it ends up being brought up in Kayfabe.

Brock knows he can do anything he wants, pushing the bloodspot when it wasn't planned (This is still speculation, but WWE is still avoiding blood, and Jerichos gotten "in trouble" when his opponent bleeds on him). Brocks untouchable, shows up 3 times a year to a bigger paycheck than the guys working 300 days a year (And half of them giving themselves injuries with the ludicrous House show count).

And theres a whole new argument to bring into play, Brock's showing Roid Rage. He's always shown it, but "NO WAY HES NEVER DONE STEROIDS" people can shove it now. Working stiff is one thing, legit attacking someones head in the concussion era? That's 1 step from assault.

Jericho checking to make sure Randy Orton's not getting his career ended by a concussion and NASTY bloodspot caused by someone going too far off script. But hey, it's Brock, he's untouchable. Cya at Rumble with 13 suplexes to make the meme crowd chant Suplex City.
And I should add that finish was incredibly irresponsible. Here's a publically traded company that's supposedly out in front on concussions and athlete well being. Blading is banned, chairshots to the head are banned.....but Brock can legitimately bash Orton's(a guy with some history of concussions) head in with an elbow and make him leak blood. So contradictory.
Jericho is an idiot. To even get in Brocks face proves it enough. He would have had his ass handed to him.. All over falling for angle...lol

You realize Jericho is a pretty tough in real life right? I mean sure Brock would have eventually killed Jericho but Jericho isn't a push over either.

That said I understood why Jericho is upset, I mean I was on the side thinking it was a work especially since the bell was rung to end the match by the show's 4 hour mark. But looking at the cut Orton had after the match and it makes you think that part wasn't planned and looked pretty nasty.

I mean think about it you have some guy who doesn't care about Wrestling and is just there to collect a pay check earning millions for 4 to 6 matches a year and one of the matches he's involved win f***s up one of the boys.

Plus if you read the reports things got heated when Brock responded to Jericho and this isn't the first we've heard stories of Brock being a d**k behind the scenes.
What was a work and what wasn't? Who knows, we won't know for sure for a very long time, even though we can hypothesize until the cows come home. Me, I like to think that the finish was a work, including elbows and blood being shed hardway.

What I don't think was planned was Orton getting legit KO'd from the elbow strike/cut - the body does sometimes does strange under duress, and it's not exactly something you can practice beforehand.

That being said, we don't know what part of it that Jericho got upset over - whether it was Lesnar busting Orton open, if it was Lesnar's post-KO "assault" (which may not have been an evident work from Gorilla) or if it was the KO itself. Asking questions at that point in time seems like a decent, humane thing to do for anyone not wielding a keyboard as a weapon.

The fact that no one answered him and that they wanted to still keep it "under wraps" that it was a work sounds to me like Vince was actually working the boys. And that's, indeed, as Jericho put it: bullshit.
If all this is legit and Jericho wasn't aware that it was a work because he couldn't get anybody to answer him, then I applaud him for sticking up for himself and for the boys in the locker room. Would he have gotten mangled up? Sure he would have. Sometimes though, getting your ass kicked over principles is worth it. There's no heat on Jericho, according to the latest reports, and people were calling him a badass, reportedly, for getting in Lesnar's face the way he did. Lesnar's a bully, always has been if various stories about him in OVW and his early days in wrestling are accurate, and if you let someone bully you, they'll keep right on doing it.

Looking at the match, I didn't know it was a work at the time because of how stiff those forearm shots were, how much blood was in the ring and the fact that Orton was just laying there while Lesnar was still piling them on. Jericho is a 25 year veteran that's earned his spot and everything else in wrestling, he's someone that the younger guys in the locker room are supposed to look up to, someone that leads by example, is there to help them sort of deal with some of the stuff going on backstage. Jericho was trying to get answers to a question, said it was "bullshit" when nobody would answer him, Lesnar took it the wrong way and instigated something and Jericho didn't back down.
Another thing from that match.....Orton clearly wasn't giving Brock any help on those supplexes. That did make me wonder if he wasn't happy about being squashed....and if Brock was pissed that Orton was doing that.
There's nothing wrong with Jericho being concerned for his peers' health and safety. That's admirable. Brock/management made the situation worse, not Jericho. If the staff would have just told Chris immediately that it was a work, he likely would have been satisfied. The fact that they were all silent/vague about the whole thing gives the impression that something fishy was up with the match (because if its a work, then what's to hide?), so I can totally see how Jericho would believe the finish was a shoot.

By all accounts, Brock was the one who initiated the confrontation with Jericho. Chris just wanted to know if the finish was planned or not and Brock took it upon himself to get in Chris' face about it. He provoked Chris by touching and taunting him and was basically asking for a fight. Major props to Jericho for not backing down and standing up for himself, and by extension, the locker room.
You know unless you were actually there, there is no way of knowing exactly what was said, how it went down and possible what repercussions will arise. It is second hand information at best and who knows if all the facts are being reported as truth.

I always view reports like this as with speculation. If it was someone who didn't like Lesnar then he would be made to look worse. On the other hand if they didn't like Jericho vice versa.

As it stands though, props to Jericho for standing up for Orton and asking a question or two. If it was a work then say so and relieve everyone's mind. If it was just Lesnar being a dick, then why cover for him. I'm sure we will find out more at a later date when a disgruntled wrestler who was there at the time, goes on a podcast and gives up the details. Until then, good for Jericho, Lesnar can go kick rocks.
I don't think the backstage altercation is a work, it has a mix of insider terms being fired back and forth, and Jericho is a heel, this makes him out to be way too baby face if it ends up being brought up in Kayfabe.

Brock knows he can do anything he wants, pushing the bloodspot when it wasn't planned (This is still speculation, but WWE is still avoiding blood, and Jerichos gotten "in trouble" when his opponent bleeds on him). Brocks untouchable, shows up 3 times a year to a bigger paycheck than the guys working 300 days a year (And half of them giving themselves injuries with the ludicrous House show count).

And theres a whole new argument to bring into play, Brock's showing Roid Rage. He's always shown it, but "NO WAY HES NEVER DONE STEROIDS" people can shove it now. Working stiff is one thing, legit attacking someones head in the concussion era? That's 1 step from assault.

Jericho checking to make sure Randy Orton's not getting his career ended by a concussion and NASTY bloodspot caused by someone going too far off script. But hey, it's Brock, he's untouchable. Cya at Rumble with 13 suplexes to make the meme crowd chant Suplex City.

So I haven't been on this website in a couple years, and I have to say I have enjoyed the product so much more without spoilers and theories and other things, and just watching what they put on screen. But I came back mostly because I heard about Finn Balor (was out of town and wasn't able to watch Summerslam) getting injured, and then this Lesnar business, so I wanted to see what was up.

This quote above me gets it. I can't understand why this isn't universally agreed upon. I mean the worst thing you can say about Jericho in this is maybe he doesn't realize how badly he would (could) get beat. But that being said I think he would take that willingly to show the guys in the back what they need to stand up for. At the end of the day he was watching out for his boys, this one just happened to be Orton, but he's not doing anything Taker wouldn't have done, except he's smaller, so people think they don't have to answer him. And Lesnar was clearly getting off on the fact that no matter what he will have no consequences. The second Vince tells him he's suspended or fined, he'll just say "I won't be back" and that's that.

Lastly, I just want to say to Azane, I love "meme crowd". I don't know if its a term being used because they clearly wouldn't say it on the air and I haven't been part of the IWC (if that's still a term) for a while, but it sums up perfectly the current crowds. Love it.
So many questions I have about this.

1) Was it a work to have it go down specifically as it did or just for "Brock to come across as the mean beast a-hole"... because there are other ways for the latter besides a hard elbow to the head.

2) If the work was specifically for the elbow. How is that ok with anyone that WWE and Orton agree to it knowing everything we know about concussions? Sure, massive amounts of blood was the result but taking a hard elbow to the head could have other outcomes than just blood. To me, this is putting a person at risk where it shouldn't be.

3) As far as Jericho goes, how does he... and really other superstars in the back... not know something like that is happening? Shouldn't someone inform them either a bit prior to it or right after it that it was planned and not just Brock missing on am elbow or going off script to deliberately inflict pain?

4) Maybe Jericho knew and was mad about how the elbow was delivered knowing the other injury issues that could result from it besides just blood as I eluded to above.
Jericho needs to mind his own business. Who the hell does he think he is? He should have spoken to Orton before he got into Lesnars face and started throwing acquisitions around.

If Vince says it was a work, it is a work. WWE have exposed Ortons injuries for the last two days. If this was a legitimate attack they would have brushed it under the carpet and suspended Brock. I dont care what anybody says, Brock may be the golden boy but he is not bigger than the company.


"Brock is not bigger than the company". Of course,he f...ing is.

If he wasn't, he wouldn't treat the WWE with such contempt again and again.

The fact is, Vince is Brock's bitch. Vince so wants Brock in WWE, and not in UFC, that he pays him more than anyone else, for wokring less dates. Many of the roster work 300 days a year, have to travel constantly and get paid less, and sometimes held down, while Brock cruises in, dominates everyone, puts no-one over, is given everything (including ending the streak) and yet he doesn't show WWE any appreciation, and acts above it all.

I think Brock Lesnar is a piece of shit. He got in a fight in his first stint, in the "Plane Flight From Hell" when he got in a fight with Mr Perfect. Hennig got fired, while Brock got nothing, despite the fact that both were equally to blame.

Brock got every achievement first time around, and then left, giving WWE little notice, failed at NFL, then became a UFC fighter, and then when he gets his ass handed to him in that, he struts back in, and demands a contract sided totally his way, and Vince is so shooting his load in excitement that he bends over to him. I'm surprised that Vince didn't stand over a toilet, so that Brock could flush his head down it as well.

Brock is known to be careless and clumsy with the talent. He almost hit Miz with a chair, broke Jamie Noble's arm, and then laughs about it. The real reason "Stone Cold" didn't do that match on Raw wasn't just it wasn't on PPV, but because Austin feared that Brock would injure him and hurt his neck again. No need to be paralysed because some oaf doesn't care if he injures his opponent for real.

I think Vince should stand up to Brock, and if Brock and Heyman walk, tell them "Good riddance". Never give Brock another cent, no HoF, no Legends contract. He no longer exists, according to WWE.

Hopefully, Brock gets four years from WADA for failing his drug test for UFC, so he can't do UFC, and then Vince tells Brock "work every Raw, house shows, appearances and every RAW PPV, or he can leave". Brock either accepts, or has nowhere to go, and hopefully eventually goes bankrupt, loses his farm, Sable walks out on him, and he and Heyman fall out. Then Brock might wake up and realize that this world does not revolve around him, and that to get things, he has to give and then give back.

If he failed a drug test in UFC, then maybe he is violating Wellness in WWE as well. But I bet Vince turns a blind eye. Yet even Roman Reigns gets suspended, yet I bet Brock never would.

Jericho doesn't need Vince or WWE. If he chose, he could tour with Fozzie, host a TV show, do radio or the numerous other mainstream jobs he has done outside of WWE. But at least Jericho gives back when he is in the company, (numerous doing jobs for new talent, being a company man, taking thumbtacks in the back in the Asylum Match). Can't see Brock doing any of that.

I am thinking of even buying WWE2K17 on digital download, so I don't have to see the cover with Brock's ugly, ape-like face.

I have had storylines in the video games, where Brock loses Last-Man-Standing Matches, and even yells "I Quit" with his little girl voice in "I Quit" Matches.

Many of the IWC love Brock, because he stands up to Vince, and Brock is as indifferent to WWE as many of the IWC are.

WWE needs both Jericho and Brock more than either of them need WWE. But the difference is, Jericho doesn't take advantage of that fact, and often comes back. He doesn't forget his "first love", whereas Brock only loves money and himself. Brock Lesnar can go to hell as far as I care.
First off I find this absolutely hilarious. I can't decide whether Jericho is in on it and working us all with Lesnar, Vince and Triple H.

If he isn't then the guy is an idiot. He has been worked and like the rest of the smarks, he is probably furious that he got worked!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Anyone who thinks Lesnar's attack on Orton was legitimate is an idiot. I am surprised Jericho fell for it, but then again not surprised if that 'conflict' was a work. Lesnar would destroy Jericho within a matter of seconds...

To be honest, you're a mark if you think Jericho is a mark.

Why was Brock so defensive and getting physical with him when Jericho felt like he just got done getting too physical with Orton? Brock is lazy and the locker room is fed up with him getting his back scratched and going out there and putting on a 1 star match that was 15 years in the making.

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