People went to the ECW arena just to see the Dudley Boyz get their asses kicked. That is a cold hard fact. People hated the parade of Dudleyz coming to teh ring and Bubba telling a mom that she taught her daughter how to suck dick. That is heel heat to the extreme, and people wanted them to get their asses handed to them week in and week out. Now, are they the greatest tag team ever, nah. But for someone to think that they aren't top 10, even top 5, then they are smoking some crazy stuff. They might not be the best, but people are seriously under rating their ability and story telling.
One thing that isn't deniable, the Dudleys are the most decorated tag team in North American Wrestling history, like it or not. And when TNA turns the belts into the TNA titles, that will be 5 franchise titles that they have held.
I put the Dudleys in my top 10, but people went to ECW for the whole event. The Dudleys weren't the only draw. Road Warriors on the other hand were a draw. Sure people wanted to see the Dudleys get beat, but ECW was so different that people went to see the whole promotion. You are forgetting that ECW had Raven, Sandman, Dreamer, Sabu, Taz, RVD, Douglas, and cat fights. The Dudleys did not draw anything.
And you can't say the Dudleys drew in WWE. The WWE had Austin, Rock, Jericho, Benoit, Taker, Kane, Angle, etc. etc. etc. The Dudleys were not the big draw. Sure people wanted to see tables but that is not why they went. They went for the whole show.
The Road Warriors were a spectacle. They were like no one else in wrestling history. The times have really changed in wrestling. It was still "real" back then. People were in awe at seeing guys like the Road Warriors.
The Dudleys made more money because of the era of wrestling they are in. Merchandising now is bigger than ever. Back in the days wrestlers were selling there own merchandise to make a few extra bucks. Now wrestling is huge corporation. You have video games, magazines, tv, internet, ppvs, toys, clothes, pictures, posters, belts, whatever else you can find on wwe shopzone or any wrestling website.
The money issue is a terrible arguement on why the Dudley's are bigger and better than the Road Warriors. There is no comparison, but the Road Warriors were a draw and they were a better team.
And the Dudleys wrestling in the era of where tag teams came and went is exactly why they are even considered a great tag team. Teams would split up because there was more glory for singles wrestlers in the 90's. In the 80's tag teams were actually draws. There was glory and honor. The Dudleys were just smart and stuck together. It was the right place at the right time situation.