ECW vs WWF/E: Dudley Boyz!!

Dudley Boyz in ECW or WWF/E..

  • ECW

  • WWF/E

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F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
'Those DAMN Dudleyz'

You guessed it, next in the series....Dudley Boyz or if your prefer to call them Team 3D...go ahead....

With over 20 tag title reigns in over 4 promotions, they are arguably the 'MOST DECORATED TAG TEAM OF ALL TIME'...

They were in ECW from 1996-1999...
in WWF/E from 1999-2005...

So looking at Feuds, matches, Impact created etc..What would you say...Dudleyz in ECW or WWF/E??

Lets break it down!!

Eachother..., Full Blooded Italians, The Gangstas, The Eliminators, The Gangstinators, Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman, Sabu & RVD, Masato Tanaka, Balls Mahoney, Axl Rotten, Spike Dudley...

The Hardy Boyz, Edge & Christian, Hardcore Holly, Crash Holly, Molly Holly, Eachother..., La Resistance, Rob Conway, Evolution, The Undertaker...

Championships and Accomplishments
8-time ECW World Tag Team Championship

1-time WCW Tag Team Championship
1-time WWE Tag Team Championship
8-time WWF/E World Tag Team Championship

My Opinion
They were a very dominating team in ECW..they won nearly all of their matches...too be honest though, I never watched them whilst in ECW, I have only seen videos, which is kidna like the same thing...In WWE when you hear the Dudleyz names, you immediately think Hardyz and E&C, back in 2000 and all their tables matches, dumpster matches, ladder matches and of course the TLC matches...Im going to go with WWF/E, mostly because of what they did during the years 2000 and 2001...they were really good and although they never really dominated the tag division..theya re one of a very few teams who always stuck together(I think this is because they stink at singles competition..)...For their matches to be interesting to me, they always have to include weapons...they were a success in ECW and no doubt in WWF/E, but i'm going with WWF/E...

So what do you think...Dudley Boyz in in ECW or WWF/E???

This thread is not about them being the best tag team ever...please keep on topic!! Thank-You!!
I think ECW. They are so damn good together. You said they always (well most of the time) use weapons and it's true. Yes they are known for putting others through tables, but that's not all that is the Dudley Boyz. The things is, they are good even if they don't and we have seen that so many times. My belief is that they used the weapons to fit into the whole extreme stage that they where in. They where most successful in ECW IMHO because that's where they were "born". They weren't even the original Dudleys, but they where the most successful. In ECW they did it on their own and were big and thus set up their time and success in all the politics that is the WWF/E. (Yes, TNA too for those that will cry cause TNA is not mentioned. Don't get me wrong I like and watch TNA as well since I am a fan of wrestling as a whole.)
If we're talking based purely on success, bar none the edge goes to the Dudleyz in WWE. But personally, I absolutely loved them in ECW. Buh Buh Ray had that awesome stuttering gimmick that to this day I never get tired of. And D-Von was one pissed off motherfucker. As characters they were a joy to watch, and although there were some occasional moments in WWF for the ECW gimmicks to shine, I would have loved to see it for a little bit longer in WWF, even though Bubba's orgasmic state after putting somebody through a table was incredibly funny as well and I still think it should have carried into Team 3D's current gimmick. Nowadays Team 3D's gimmicks are just not that great because Brother Ray is genuinely one pissed off SOB in ad out of the ring and Devon is still in some way the voice of reason for the tandem. It's just not as entertaining as the were in ECW or WWE.

But yeah like I said, Dudleyz in ECW were my favorite.
ECW... without hesitation, further consideration, or second thought.

It's not because of the quality of the matches or their opposition. It's not necessarily because they displayed a level of violence and intensity that most tag-teams can't even hope for, let alone achieve. It's because, quite frankly, in their prime the Dudley's were the most over heels in ECW... probably in all of wrestling during that time.

To be clear, fans absolutely HATED them. Though this didn't translate as much on TV a lot of the time, the live events I attended nearly erupted into riots when Bubba and Devon were around. At one particular show, two kids were dressed up as the Dudleys and received a TON of heat from the crowd. Upon seeing them, the Dudleys themselves got in their faces and ran them down... these were children no older than 12 or 13 mind you. You can only imagine what they did to the adults. It was all extremely believable and very, very convincing.

On the mic, they knew exactly how to get under the skin of the already rough Philly and New York crowds. That was really their draw. They talked a LOT of garbage and then backed it up by getting bloodied, bruised, and beaten up on nearly every single outing. As a related aside, Taz vs. Bubba Ray Dudley is probably one of the most outright brutal matches I recall seeing during that time period.

When they went to WWE, all of that essentially went away. They were toned down, their moveset trimmed, and their intensity fairly extinguished. They did have success and put on some very good to great matches, but that incredible disdain that the audience had for them in ECW was never even approached, let alone matched in WWE (or TNA thus far for that matter).

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